(2008/11) November 2008

Thanks for the support. The MS and tiredness will get worse. Hopefully by 2nd trimester everything will get better.

Mummies To Be,
Do u all think this is the worst stage. One have all the horrid symptoms of pregnancy but do not look pregnant. And bcos pantang n pregnancy not stable, most people around us will not know we r pregnant n treat us the same. This is especially so when on public transport. Many a times, i need to take a train from one end to another, and often i need to stand thru out the whole trip in the morning. Many a times i just feel i am going to collapse and die soon.

yah.. now to pray to see sac n hear heart beat. After which wil be all the different blood tests for Down's syndrome baby. i find them all so stressful. thinking what i will do if the results come out not good.

Just ignore your HB comments, maybe he feels stressed, and not knowingly offended you. I know sometimes people are just so insensitive.


Is fresh milk ok too..? I really hate powder milk.

Does anyone know which MOTHERHOOD magazine is the best? ie: contents, usefulness..?
hi mrs yap & joy07,
thanks for the info.

dr fong yang was my gf's gynae, she told me that he prefer to deliver at mt a. but i prefer to be at tmc...as i had my girl delivered at tmc in apr06. think i will see dr woo bit hwa at thomson women clinic tiong baharu branch. if not, then will be going back to my previous gynae at paragon.

hi bladers,
fresh milk is ok.. i used to drink marigold fresh milk as formula milk is too strong for me. as for myself, i prefer mother & baby mag. used to read this mag during my 1st pregnancy.
Hi mich

Can i check ur gynae is Dr Christopher Chong(previously from KKH?) How is he? gd? is the consultation time long? How much is his charges? Thks.. i m also considering him as gynae..

Hi all

i m in my 6th wks, have not visit gynae yet.. this is my #2..

Any gynae for recommendation? thks in advance
I have also start to drink anmum, sometime change to fresh milk if i got tried of the taste of powder milk.

Any 1 taking any extra vit? Like nerogain or multi-vit or cal? Wonder should I start to take beside folic acid?

I have also started to apply stretch mark cream from mothercare coz I think my tummy is expanding fast even thou I m only 5wks plus.

Any 1 else interested in prenatal yoga? Mayb we can go together?
I have heard abt Dr Christopher Chong, feedback from other mothers quite good. But now he in private practice, so i am not sure abt his charges.
I only planned to see my gynae next month (unless my spotting becomes worse) Bcos at this stage, really cannot see anything.

Now calcium, iron and neurogain not so important. Most importantly must take folic acid. Just get from any pharmacies, very cheap, 100 tablets only a few dollars. Just imagine now baby only a ball of cells. Take too much supplements also go to mummy. Folic acid for 1st trimester, subsequently from 2nd trimester, can stop folic acid and take those other supplements like Neurogain and calcium. By then baby developing, at least all the good stuff can pass to baby.

Wa.. all so on abt pre natal yoga... I no time for that. Everyday so busy with the 2 kids. Now trying to wean the 2nd one off breastfeeding. so difficult.

Thanks for your concern too.

I'm also not sure which magazine good. Maybe u wan to read some of these magazines at Popular first to check the contents. What i don like abt these magazines are that they cover all the topics. So every time got something not so relevant. Like sometimes they talk abt handling children;s temper or schooling. Aiyoh.. so far away, by the time reach the stage, the information also not so relevant liao.

wa.. dunno wat;s with me today. Keep having this cramping feeling. Like need to go toilet to clear. Hopefully it will go away soon.
Ya.. and my taste buds numb already. Everything i must add more salt or sugar. Otherwise everything like very bland.
Also have this very bad habit. Always feel so hungry. Then eat so fast, next moment feel like puking. Tsk, tsk. So disgusted with myself.
Babbit, dont bother about their comment, they are jealous. I so envy you have 2 coming 3 kids.

I always have difficulties in pregnancy. 1st miscarriage, 2nd complication.

yesterday tummy start to cramp & spotting become heavy. Walk in to KKH 24 hrs. After scanning cannot find sac...doc ask me how sure i am that i am pregnant? then order blood test scare sac not in womb..come back on wed to see report. Wait 3hrs, spend $200...n dont noe wat is happening...stress

I have tender breast, funny taste bud & nauses in the morning while taking train.
Hi Babbit,

I agreed that there are many upcoming things to worry like what you said. Me too. However, worries is never ending. Let learn to be positive and bb will be positive too. We need to be calm.

Phil 4:6-7
Don't worry about anything: instead, pray about everything. Tell God what you need, and thank him for all he has done. If you do this, you will experience God's peace, which is far more wonderful than the human mind can understand. His peace will guard your hearts and minds as you live in Christ Jesus.

Hi Bladers,
Powder milk especially those for pregnant woman, there contains folic acid,Gangliosides and Sialic Acid. However, fresh milk is fine. But only calcium as focus.

I heard from Doc that can also be replaced with calcium supplement if really do not like the taste of milk. But is good to drink from original source.

Hi Cutie mum,
I personally experience Dr Chong professionalism past 2 weeks. He responsed to after office hour call for emergency and also to emails of queries within 1 day. He is encouraging that is the most impt factor for us.

Dr Chong's charge: S$85 for 1st consultation. S$55 for subsequent consultant.

Another experience is that I found vaginal scan by Dr Chong more accurate than ultrasound scan by Dr Tan. My First gynae that I went is Dr Adrain Tan at TMC. My experience is not too good. He did a ultrasound scan for me and shown 1.8cm size of sag at 4 wks. That is impossible. One of his nurse also not very encouraging. I had mine BETA HCG blood test to check on bb growth becos i have spotting. What she told me. "1st test is to check and confirm you are pregnant. 2nd blood test (which is 2 days later) is to see whether your bb can make it" Sob, this hurt my heart.

At Dr Chong, he used vaginal scan at my 5wk as he said if HCG is above 2000 mg then can measure via vaginal scan. BB measure 0.75 cm.

You can see a great difference from 1.8cm to 0.75cm.

Dr Chong also told me that once bb reach about 2.5cm, we can hear the bb heartbeat. :>

Today is 6th week, is really an experience for past 2 weeks. Up and down emotionally. I had dream too. (Bad)

But that why, we need to be calm and listen to soothing music and sing song for bb and talk to bb. This will help us during these 1st trimester.

All mummies, no worries. We as mother to be, we can do it. Let be positive. Cheers!
Dear Vincy,

I strongly understand how you feel.

Would you want to see Dr Chong for 2nd opinion after Wednesday result? Waiting time is less than 30mins for morning slot. Remember, never give up!

Which week you are in now?

His consultation for 1st time, he may do the following if needed.

1st consultation: $85
Vaginal Scan: $60
Medication: Depend on requirement.

Gleneagle Hospital, Annexe Block #02-35. Tel: 6474 3031
He also have Tues night clinic at: Blk 501, Bishan Street 11, #01-362. From 6-9pm.

yest i went kk they also say that, worst no sac, then blood test again tomm to see if the baby can make it. I feel so sad..like so negative. Should i go back or look for other gynae?
hi Jjmom2008,
i am interested in prenatal yoga...
mayb u can find more in details..like the charges & etc... hee hee
if u are not comfortable with KK's dr, i will also recommend u to see other drs. Honestly i also did not have very good experience the last time i went to their 24 hr clinic. Hb almost almost wan to lodge a complaint. And the nurses are not very sensitive. Give me the.. "how sure u are pregnant look?" Then make me go thru the whole urine test and all again b4 the dr is willing to see me.
The experience was so much better when i went back to my own gynae. Super reassuring and less rough. Some how i just feel the drs at 24h clinic cannot make it. Imagine while checking me, the dr ask why i dun wan to go NUH??!!!! Dun i know that so and so famous gynae... I'm like, do u have problems or not.
ANyway, in the end, the dr also never do anything n tell me to wait until appt with my previous gynae. Once my gynae saw me 2 days later, i was immediately put on hormone tablets n injections. Instruct me to come back for more injections if the spotting becomes worse. At least my gyane asked me more relevant questions like, "how bad is your your spotting?", "how often do u need to change pad", "what is color of the spotting". All these questions was never asked when i was at 24h clinic.

Your blood reading for 2nd test should be double when compare to the first reading. And you may call to make appointment to seek for 2nd opinion on wed or thurs. First is to know what cause the spotting and bleeding. For immediate attention if bleed, Most gynae will give injection (An Tai). And you may try vaginal scan if the HCG above 2000 mg.

For me, after my 2nd opinion at Dr Chong, through vaginal scan then I know that the cramp and spotting could be caused by fungal infection.

Tell Claudia (nurse of Dr Chong) that your background and will like to have early slot. He may see you immediately (same day)or the every next day. But I think Claudia is on leave this week. You may try.

I would advise to seek a 2nd opinion..

Don wori. We all gonna be positive and you have our support..Jia You
Thanks for your encouragement. Since already pay for the blood test...tomm shall me my last visit to the Walk in clinic to c the result, i really have nightmare going there, if i know so x, should have walk in to private gynae. haiz

Ya the doc also ask me, how sure u are pregnant? we cant see your sac..., i was very sactistic, i told him, unless the kit fail me lo. Then he say trust that what i say is true.

True they dont give treatment immediately, ask me wait till wed confirm preggie then take action. I have to request for hormone pill myself.
Hi mich

thks for reply to me.. so we r actually quite close .. me also going to 6th wk..

the 1st consultation charge of $85 include scanning? so what medication d he give u? Can share ur total consultation charge per visit? D he brief u on the delivery fee n hospital charges? Actually both me n my hubby are very interested to go to him as we found him very friendly when we are at kkh for my 1st bb.. (though he is not my gynae) however, i read from some thread here that his charges are exp, so now still comtemplating whether to go to him.. worried of huge bills.. Thank u very much
Vincy! Everything will be fine. Is normal that cant find sac as is still young pregnancy. Tomrw, there will be good news. :>
Hi Cutie,

1st consultation do not include scan. $85. Subsequent is $55. Vaginal scan is $60. Medicine Utrogestan100 is $30.

I have compared with other private gynae. If compare with Dr Adrain Tan. He is $78 then sub is $48. So Dr Chong is a bit more but is worth it. Great difference in terms of waiting time, personal attention, time spent per consultation - not rush.

Dr Chris Chong did not mention abt the delivery fee and hosp charge yet as i have not reached that stage. However, I plan to give birth in Mt Alvernia and he can do it at Mt Alvernia, TMC and Gleneagle. I heard he may go kk too.

I heard from my friend that now giving birth in Mt Alvernia not so ex. She stayed in 2 bedded and natural birth. After medisave deduction, only need to pay $400 cash top up. And Mt Alvernia just renovated too.

You may read from the following thread.

Hi Mich,

I'm seeing doctor Yvonne Chan at TMC. I saw her for my fibroid issue and shortly i got pregnant so currently seeing her. She is a very patient and nice lady. Very assuring. My sis sees her for her 2 pregnancies. My sis recommended lot of her friends to her and they were pleased to engage her services. She has good experience.Thus you may want to try Dr Chan.
Hi Su Mei,

I also experience backaches too. I read books and reference from friends & gynae, this is normal.

Hi Babyzel,
:> Appreciate your recommendation. Will stick to Dr Chong as till date, I am comfortable with him apart from his fee.
hi springgal & vincy,
i had went to c Dr Adrain yesterday. Find him quite friendly, but he talk so fast that i dont know what he say... keke... And straight away he ask me sign package already...

Vincy, i stay at Jurong, but my parents stay at yew tee... by the way , check with you wat is spotting huh? Sorry, first time , not too sure.....
Hi Mich,

thks so much for telling me.. actually i called his clinic and who knows he pick up the call and talk to me.. a nice gynae..

Hi shir shir

Can i check the gynae u visit is Dr Adrian Woodworth? How u find him? waiting time long? how is his charges like? thank u..
shir shir,
yah. dr adrian talk very fast right... you really have to concentrate in order to listen (hee..)how many weeks are you now? did her do a V scan or tummy scan for you?

hi cutiemum
i usually go in the weekday morning.. less people, waited around 15-20mins for my turn the first time. im not sure on weekend..
Hi cutiemum,
its Dr adrain woodworth ,i find him okie, but the way he talk is so fast, have to ask him slow down. i also go in the weekday morning, just wait around 10-15mins. i think he be there only mon & thurs.

Hi spring,
i now in 6 weeks plus, he had let me c the baby heartbeat already. And im doing tummy scan.
Hi Shir Shir,

What the size of your bb now? Manage to hear heartbeat in 6+ weeks? Wow that great.

I am not so good. Sob, however I will learn to be positive. Went to see gynae and bb is not growing to his expectation size. from 0.75cm to 0.84cm. Is this normal?

I have to do hormone blood test next week if still not doing well. I really hope bb is fine. I really do not want to lost this bb. Sob Sob. I wanted to cry. but is bad for bb..so I need to be positive.
Hi mich,
yes it is very impt to stay positive..
me too, i scanned twice last week but cant see anything... hope next monday can see the sac..

now i am in week 5... i kept thinking negatively.. but luckily my hubby keep asking me not to think abt it..
i feel that time is moving very slowly hahaa keep waiting for the day to see doc and scan.. ;p
hi shir shir

thks u very much.. u mean u can c the heartbeat in 6wk plus? i m wondering when i shld go to gynae.. me shld be in 5wk going to 6wks..

You can start to book appt with gynae. i'm sure he will start to advise u on ur pregnancy.

I will be going for another scan when i'll be 7 weeks next thurs. At 5 weeks, i can already see the sac. Small black dot. Can't wait to see the latest development.
Mich, 0.75 to 0.84 is growing mah, i rem my last pregnancy at week 6 only 0.7 leh. Stay positive k.

Back from KKH, spend half day there paid another $100 for them to tell me that i am pregnant. come back next week...!

Shir shir..wow heartbeat at wk6 is fast. muz be so excited.
hi mich, 0.75 to 0.84 is okie leh, i think mine 0.55cm only.... oops, but Dr adrain didnt mention anything to me leh.
i also surprise that so fast can c heartbeat. Too bad Dr adrian doesnt let me hear baby heartbeat. so sad
Thank you Liv and vincy, I will stay positive. As the growth is only 0.1cm in a week is not a good sign according to gynae.

Hi vincy,
I had mine blood test at $52 (exclude 7% GST) at TMC. I did the first test on wed and result call me via phone on thurs. 2nd test on sat morning at 11am and result in the afternoon abt 2pm.

Total also abt the same: $52 X 2 (exclude 7% GST)

any reason why have to wait till next week? Did you ask KKH?
Mich, cause still cannot see the sac, so make appointment next week to check again. But i will be going to my own gynae next week.

today bill of $100 included consultation ,2nd blood test, n V scan.

1st bill is $160 include consultation, v scan , blood test & medication.

So private still more x right? consider the type of treatment i have.
hi Shir,

hmm, but why gynae sound to me tat my bb growth is not to his expectation maybe I got injection + hormone pill. And he said need at least 2.5cm then can hear heartbeat. And looking at the speed, 0.1cm per week. And he did said, must hear heartbeat by 8th weeks the max. Tat why i am concerned.

Have your gynae mention to you all before?
Stay calm, stay positive. I know it is easy to say but i just wan to share this, whether a fetus survive is all part of nature. At this point when the fetus is all protected in mummys' womb with goo supply of water, oxygen and food. It should thrive and grow. However, if it cannot survive now, chances are even if science helps you to keep the baby till birth. He/she will have a tough life later when the baby needs to depend on him or herself to drink and breathe and grow.

It sounds very cruel to tell u all these. But really, i have knows of several mummies who need to cope with illnesses of their babies and see how they suffer. These mummies start blaming themselves why they bring this child to this world to suffer.

The genres of it all, let nature decide the path of our unborn child. If it is meant to be, then it will be. Unduly worry will only make one unhappy and make everyone around us worry for us.
As all mothers to be here in this forum, no matter what.. we will be here and support you.

Just to share another point of view. Most of u would have known that i have oredi 2 kids and this is the 3rd one on the way. My health has always been not the most optimum and have been underweight. Even after delivering 2 kids, many mummies envy my slim weight of 46kg which is officially still underweight for my height. My menses didn't resume after 1.5 yr after i deliver my 2nd one. And my gyane wanted me to stop breastfeeding and put on weight. She was already not very happy that i conceive my 2nd kids so soon. Bcos my gynae feels that it didn;t allow my body time to recover.
So for this pregnancy, hb was very firm. He says that he will make the decision to abort this baby if my gynae says that it is not good for my body. Sounds extreme right? But he reason, the kids need a mother. He needs me. He will not allow anything to happen that will affect my health.

I agree with you. The mother's health is most important as your children and future child will depend strongly on you. I believe it's not easy for you to reach the decision of having to abort under certain circumstances but you have displayed courage in thinking through the most ideal decision in your worst case scenario. Focus on building up your health and i still pray hard that ou are able to keep this baby. All the best to you.

By the way, my morning sickness is getting worse. Just threw up my breakfast. I've been feeling sick and has not been to work for the past few days. Anybody undergoing the same situation?
Babbit I am also super underweight 42kg & 1.7cm tall. That why my pregnancy is never easy. I had an miscarriage @ 12weeks due to my hormone level not enough to substain my pregnancy . My baby could be save if hormone jab is administator, during that time i was so sad that i question my gynae, she told me half her file here had miscarriage before, just try again, is very normal.

2nd pregnancy I had heavy bleeding, the MO at A&E say that is normal give me hormone pills & advise me to go home & rest. But I insist to ward in and manage to see my previous gynae ,this time round she is very careful with me & insist on hormone pill , jabbing through the 1st trimester & complete bedrest. I had a healthy baby.

When i go clinic for jab, the nurse ask me how many miscarriage I have? I tell them 1, they say oh only 1 time har. I really feel like hammer them. No compassion at all.

To me beside believing what Yours Shall be Yours. we shall also be well equip with knowledge to protect our baby. If not nobody will help you.

This book is good " What to expect when you are expecting". It really help me alot.
Gosh... u are way underweight. Were u make to put on more weight by your gynae??? My gynae always have this big issue about me and my weight.
GUess there's some truth about what one needs to know in order to help oneself. That's why i keep stressing on the need to be positive (even though i find it hard when i feel like i'm going to puke my guts out)

How come how these healthcare staff are like so unfeeling. No doubt i believe in letting nature decide the path of the baby.. but i'm not saying that we can take miscarriage like another flu.. what is this???!!!

BTW, how old is your 1st child???

Yes, the MS is starting to get worse now. I can see stars every now n then and if i do not eat regular meals, wa.. this whole MS thing is worse. Strangely, for this whole pregnancy, i no longer feel hungry. If it is not for the MS, i think i can go on not eating n dun feel anything.
vincy, if i were u when the nurse say oh only 1 time har, i will confirm ask her back 'oh how many time do you want me to have..'
irritating sia.. how come got this kind of nurse exist... ~faint~
