(2008/11) November 2008

Mildy..to me u also everything also have leh..wahaha..., vera also bo class... Last time Venice started enrichment at 9mth.

Kash..the car look so fun hor...I oways aiming..but now ji ren li sia...cannot buy too many stuff ler.

Just order BIG BLOCK ..now thinking hard of excuses how to convince my mum for the space..keekee

Lilian..no leh, she very active, very diff from jie jie

Alibaba..ya loh that wat i tink, hopefully Vera dont complaint y she no big party when she older..keekee
bo $$ & space so cant get both. hehe.. wait for BB to down price lor! maybe will consider.

i oso ji ren li xia.. but ev time i buy tings home.. mil will niam abit.. then try clear other stuffs away

i will get den u bring lucas come my house play the car at void deck.
Got 3 princesses means more $$$ spend lor. This weekend bringing them to shop for Princess party & x'mas clothes. Told my hub to stand by at least $150 for each liaoz. hahahahaha....

Dun envy hor... I sssooo wanted a boy. But after 3 tries still get gal. hahahaah *lolz* Give-up lohz. But i must admit that gals are really sweet and super sticky. They also so smart to 'act cute' wz hubby till his legs goes soft.

At least you bother to cook for #1. For me.. all 3 of gals grew up on cereal and jar foods. hahahaha... I'm a super lazy mommy... always looking for short cuts.

Wah seh!! Good price for both leh! 1-year back got some BP similar to that. Buy the car and get the motorbike at 50% discount or something like that. But my house no space leh... already the play yard + jumperoo + walker + toys, toys, toys take up ssoo much space.
Tomo: We are celebrating Brandon's birthday tomo.. very excited.. later going to bring him go buy some extra things for tomo.. so happy..

Jes: cruise? wow.. actually I found it quite boring for bb. as their playroom, they don allow adult to go in at all. so i cant bear to leave brandon alone with them even they promise to take reali good care of him. The children swimming pool seems fun though.But i feel the price for going to cruise, I rather take the money and bring bb to Hongkong disneyland. just my thoughts. Be sure to bring lots of toys. I brought mine that time to cruise to Redang.
Why the other shop assist in PG can't help you with the order so that you can save 1 trip? I know PG can order through phone and email but I very ks. I must go down and make sure they take in my order cos I super scare they miss out my order ----image a bday party w/o a bday cake then how???

Hee, like the rest, I also think you own everything for the kiddos. You can consider opening a play group liao since you have most of the toys then you can charge on per hourly basis for depreciation value. Wahaha.

You missing some "ME" time liao.

You have got a good bargain for the car & the motor bike. I got the bike at $120 (red colour)
Lynn/vincy, actually i've been to cruise before i oso find it quite boring, but cos HB and MIL never go before so they wanna try lor so we might as well bring bb along see how's her reaction to her 1st trip.

agree, cruise nowadays quite ex, really can pay for a trip to HK.

lynn, my gal only likes to play with paper & plastic, i jus need to bring enough paper for her to tear! haha
Yeah.. got chop from ah lao liao.. he gave a v funny comment... "mini cooper or sport car only strictly NO TUA PAO CIA" lolz

Can help me find the supplier details before i order from BP .

I onli invite relatives from both sides. So abt 60-70 guests. 3kg shld be more than enough rite?

Wah, u got a gd offer for the car & motorbike.
Feel like getting one. but hope tat its not too boyish for my gal to play. Hehe... sometimes I also feel like sitting in. Haha...
ah jes, no la.. i recall some of u want mah..

i wanna go vacation too !!!!

snnowy, i also very scared PG screw up my cake order. Esp i opt for delivery.. scared nobody come to deliver on that day
Tk u lilian, tink not buying for now cos seldom go swim leh, y'day jus bot a new pc of swimsuit somemore, i siao wan... i oso scare PG dun deliver so i si si wan to go collect myself so i can check on the spot. really chao kia si rite? kekeke

snnowy, good idea... i shall endeavour to smuggle home a rim of A4 paper from the offc 1 of these days...ssshhhhh

Wah more gd stuff to buy! make me to tempted! may be get this for Z's Christmas present. hehehe..

Happy belated birthday to you Vera!

AND... HAPPY BIRTHDAY to Darwin! Our thread's original fussypot pants! Maggie, u did well, aft going through so much! Darwin is now a toddler!

Peanut, yups i got it. Jo will talk to u abt catering soon.

Re: birthday bash
Ok guys we have settled almost everything!

However, because Singtel recreation club is HUGE, we might not have enough deco. or rather we prefer not to spend so much on deco. aft all, deco use liao have to throw. kinda wasted to spend so much money on it.

Hence can we ask if any mummies want to donate ur deco to us aft ur kiddo's parties? We need banners that are MICKEY/MINNIE Mouse theme or plain banners without any characters. If you are willing to donate ur banners, pls let me or Moomummy know. we will arrange to get it from u some way or another.

Thank u!

pai seh... i cant find...will ask hb to find tonite hor..when is the BP closing? hiaz...coz we shifted house in august...alot of things like misplaced


ur gal riding on the motorbike liao? i havent let my gal tried it yet...


Happy Belated Birthday to VERA! You all have a great time this weekend! I saw your blog! Ur MIL place is huge leh!! how come u move to her place?


ur #1 also on jar food? ever consider asking ur maid to cook? If I have a maid, I will sure ask the maid to cook all the meals for both my kids..heheehee...too bad i dun have a maid...
it's ok if dont have.. the bp shld be closed next week 29 oct.

u buying for Z's xmas? which model? hehe..
<font color="ff0000">Happy belated BD to Feilica &amp; Vera...</font>

ur motor car is cool! we saw 1 PINK motor car at my hse playground, few days ago. My elder gal is so excited lor... keep asking her Papa to buy her 1. heehee...
btw, how much u paid for the motor car &amp; motorbike?
i think alibaba got 1. feel like getting 1 too. kekeke... my girls love their fisherprice piano. so i think they will like this one too.

but no more BP for it already right?

Sorry to intrude. I am a sept08 mum and I just finished celebrating my son's birthday party. His birthday theme is Winnie the pooh. I am selling party decor such as number 1 winnie helium balloon (deflated)plus 2 helium balloons, pooh &amp; friends table cloth, lotsa pooh wall decor, winnie the pooh cups etc. I am selling it as a bundle at $30. PM me or text me 9382 5553 for more details. Thanks!
jeannie and rainbow: i oso order 3kg cake issit v big? Bengawan guide says 3 kg for 40 people only sial...waw lau want us to order more only, but nvm la, can cut bigger slices.

Vincy: I like ur cake...i wanted to order swensens too, but HB says bengawan so my gal can eat..nice cake

kash: I like the sports car, So cute...does ur gal like to ride in it? BMW also sells it? I see them selling some kids cars when i visted showroom last time.
Cruise: Ya actually cruises darn ex man, I regular on board star cruises. always pay abt $1.3-1.5k per pax for balcony class..only goood thing is food a plenty eat till u drop ...have a dinner at fine dining restaurant after tat head to buffet corner and eat and eat after tat still got tea time and supper the eating never ends, and u're like eating every 2-3 hrs ur food havent even digest yet...shiok.

Recreational part can be bit boring bcos pool a ta too tiny. Not many play areas for children..

But u can hop on land and go like Phuket/ Msia etc for a few hrs and then return back to ship. I sit the transfer boat before, reach Phuket PUKE like siao man bcos so choppy...

Vincy: Ya go HK actually not very ex, go on off peak hotels cheaper...I go HK last year I think spent only $3k or so for 2 pax, for hotel, food. If u wanna know where to go buy cheap baby stuff and adult stuff can ask me...i can share some locationz...
i think hor..must think of the opp gender bb u want...cos like me n my hubby wanted a girl then come out boy...i got friends also like that le..
If not just dun think abt the bb gender..lol
Yr girls still kw hw to act cute ar...so adorable. Next time when they grown up n married...wah yr pocket will be very full lo..lol~

3kg cake for 60-70ppl shd be fine...My guests haven't cmf...one of my relative will get a jelly cake for my boy also...dun kw they can finish eating or not.

Bengawan cakes r nice too

3kg cake is really big for abt 40ppl...Must think of they aredi eaten quite full on the food n some adults dun eat cakes...If really can't finish the cake just ask ard who want to packet hm lo...haaa
Lilian/ Jes,
Thanks for your replied.
May I know how do u communicate with PG for your cake design ? Via email the pic or communicate verbally for what we want?
my guests list got include abt 10 kids.
but worry tat they cant finish the cake after catering &amp; bbq dinner. jelly cake is nice! especially kids like jelly very much. maybe they finish the jelly cake 1st. :p if u scare tat they cannot finish, then u order 2kg will do.

i juz check out bengawan cakes. their designs also very nice. the bengawan sales told me tat i shld order 5kg for 60 guests! so big! how to finish?!
Bear> thanks! it's been a long year indeed! :p my hubby &amp; I were talking about the whole delivery process. finally it's been a year! i miss all my holidays!

i think i can donate my banner, it's quite plain. will email to moomummy.
Jes/vincy: yeah at least disneyland HK can walk not like cruise stuck on the ship.. to me cruise is for pp who like to gamble..

soho: for the eat till u full, i also a regular cruiser as my mom is a member.. go up is deduct points.. only need to pay for seaport tax. the eat till u full i think no more le.. cause u need to swap ur card to dine the place. that time we thought of eating one place then go up and have coffee, the lady now say only can dine at one place per meal.. so i think hongkong more worth it. but the good thing about cruise is, no need to hear our wailing bb on plane or on the way to hotel. cruise is like reach there on the spot can start the fun. no hassle.. but yeah, i think very ex. but incredible experience for first timer.
lynn: I thot can eat fine dining restaurant after tat go buffet area? bcos buffet area no need swap card rite? Unless now must..?
jeanne: i just had my bengawan cake today, no need 5 kg, i had 3 kg and it was massively huge! few ppl took big chunks home somemore, 3kg more than enuff! Delivery was prompt, cake was superb soft and not so sweet...i chose chocolate cake..
Hihi...Mummies..I am back. 1st time experience not too bad eat till drop, I spend most of the time taking care of the 2 kid on board...my mum &amp; hb happy everyday stuck at gamble den till 2 3 am , heng heng won back half the tour fee keekee, true nothing much for kids n pool is so small. Is a heaven for people who like gambling. The whole ship I count less the 20kids...I wonder y.

Soho..1.3k for balcony class? faintz..y wan to pay that much for cruise? I pay $300 per pax inclusive of taxes, 6person $1.8k....already feel not very worth it.

Lynn..the buffet at 12floor do not need to swap card leh. After dinner we go there for 2nd round kopi.
<font color="ff0000">Happy Birthday Euan, enjoy yr great day</font>

Kash..My Hb new job need to be out of town very frequently. So moving together easier to take care of the kiddo. Vera also prefer my mum place.
vincy: ya glad u enjoyed urself, eat till drop! LOL...
Ya i always pay abt $1.3k per pax..quite a crazy price to pay...nowadays got maid and baby must budget a bit...maybe HK disneyland next round..and next time Taiwan which I really wanna go...
hello mummies!

Suddenly after being away from the forum, i feel like duno wat to tok....hehe...so terrible. Ive been wanting to go on a holiday for a loong loong time...hopefully end of next year..even if nearby (msia) oso will do. hehe...but no cruise for me..cos i noe i will just sit and eat and eat and become fatter...wahaha...

disneyland hk
i wish to go there too!!! okielah, for my daughter...her mummy oso want to go..haha...i heard two stories already that their belongings kena stolen. so better b careful when u go there.

Happy Birthday to Euan!

bb's bdae
Can't wait for my bb's turn..then no more bb already, become toddler. How time flies! Bb is becoming more and more active..refuses to learn how to stand by herself and walk. She's more happy crawling ard the house and climbing around...jialat. Sometimes i will raise my voice, she will stop and then look at me, smile then continue to do wat she's doing. i made for her Salmon macroni cream pasta today and she didn't like it. So much for my effort. I taste nice leh...hehe..but no salt involve as usual. she will open her mouth then cringe while chewing her food..wah, damn sad lor....sobs...
vincy: Hmmmm.reminds me of the food at cruise damn shiok rite...esp the jap restaurant and european restaurant..and the buffet spread...yum...

I also not gambler one..go casino lose $50 oredi heart pain walk away. LOL
Hi mummies,

One party down!! So tired...

Baby literally running on 'spare battery' the whole day. Didnt take any naps, dong4 all the way till 7.30pm before he finally concussed and fell asleep. :x

But anyway it was great fun
The food, cake and guests all had fun hee.
Anyway here is a pix of the bday cake! Very satisfied hee..when the cake was brought out, received alot of woos and ahs from the guests/kids. =D And luckily it tasted nice too! Not too sweet, moist and very chocolaty!
