(2008/11) November 2008

the only cravings i have is ice cream .... i wan ice cream. but hor today i feel like eating CNY cookies too. wakakak... how?
<font color="ff0066"> Enne</font>,
Me hv not check yet... cos I dun have IB. So need to go to ATM and print out on my passbook. heheheh... will update you asap yah. Thks.

<font color="ff0066"> Mosh</font>,
hahahahah... I had craving for Pizza mah... so ordered home delivery from Canadian Pizza lor.
Now I'm craving for oreo MacFlurry. hahahahahah...
<font color="ff0066"> Bear</font>,
ooohhhh.... Super rich choc fudge cake... + Oreo Mcflurry.... Aiyohz... drooling big time.
hey mummies,
just now i feel like suddenly fluid coming out from down there. made my undies quite wet..but i dunno is it pee, or just discharge leh...just put on a liner..
er...i dunno leh.. just checked and my liner got abit pink pink one..but now i dunno when i go bathroom its pee, discharge (but its runny) or my water bag..hmm..

if its waterbag leaking, should i prepare to go hospital already???
er...i really a bit lost now. but trying to stay calm and observe for a while before calling hubby.. oh no, getting nervous...
cookieoreo-nothing for u.. don't need to think.. haha!!

haru,mosh-sometimes I also got some leakage ler.. but how to know its waterbag leaking?? or maybe its just discharge?
Haru - I tink it's your water bag... cos the fluid is pink pink. Quick call you hub home and go to hospital liaoz....
Haru, yes.. call your hubby home. Go get a bath, wash hair. Good Luck. Dun panick.
Remember to smile nice nice and take pretty photo like Joyce's ok
Haru, time to go.. i didn't see that u said the liner was pink.. go take a shower, eat something and drink ur essence of chicken!

Rem to sms us hor!!! my last 3 digit of my hp is 109!
<font color="ff0066"> Mosh</font>,
Waterbag leakage is watery and the fluid is either clear or pinkish. There is also either a slight sweet odour or usually... no odour at all.
Discharge is diff cos the consistency is more sticky and thick. Whilst for show... it's a thick discharge with pink streaks or a red thick discharge that looks like a blob.
This is so exciting leh.... first time got mommy annouce her water break whilst still online chatting... heheheheeh....
er...just called hubby, actually ask him to standby only, but he says his feet sweating already so he on e way home now. abit of sensation to poo now...
<font color="ff0066"> Mosh</font>,
My gynae advise me that once water bag... dun need to wait for contractions. Immediately report to labour ward liaoz. Cos BB needs to be out within 24-hours.
mummies, i think i gg to bath now. just went to bathroom and there is pinkish on liner...and gettin a lil crampy..
Haru, no u shdn't wait.. u cannot predict when the contractions will come in.. also there might be a risk of infection.. so go in.. some more now hitting peak hr liao so traffic will be slow.
Ya, better go. Bear is right, heavy traffic might delay oso.
Some women dun feel strong contractions initially, like me, 4cm dilated but no contractions.
<font color="ff0066"> cookieoreo</font>,
Sure. For outside smileys.... you download them as pics first. Then when you wanna upload here, follow these steps:
(1) 'click' on the <font color="aa00aa">'upload attachment'</font> below the message box.
(2) a separate window will open.
(3) 'click' on <font color="aa00aa">'browse'</font>, select your pic
(4) finally 'click' on <font color="aa00aa">'Upload'</font>.

That's it!! QED - Quite Easily Done! hehehehe...

Hi Mummies

Congratulations to those who have popped.

Mildy, Bear, Enne, Dymples, Mosh, Haru, Sunshinekid, blessedmum> Jia you! Have not forgotten abt u guys. I read the postings almost every day but always kena interrupted when its time to reply or post. Waiting for your good news

Breastfeeding> This is day 6. I am 100% expressing and supply has increased to 100ml every 3hr. If i latch Jaydon, he will drink for 20mins then fall asleep for 10mins then cry for milk again, so leh chieh, then sometimes when i feel engorged and the milk is already dripping out and he is still sleeping. So for convenience sake, i just expressed every 3 hrs and make sure that i massage till the breasts are soft to confirm empty. Anyway, Jaydon still needs to be supplement bc he is drinking 90ml per feed.

Auggybear> Read archive on 8 or 9 Nov for my birth story n pic of Jaydon, post already. I am also very tired, but cannot sleep soundly at nite bc of the wound and the cramp from the womb.

Peanut, fifi> The milk lumps at the armpit will hurt first and i noe i am ready to pump liao. I tried to massage very hard and they will soften a bit but won't go away.

Carol> My hb say ur Jadon and my Jaydon look alike, keke. Wah u solid leh, can use hand to express, that means ur flow quite good. How long does it take to express each time?
