(2008/11) November 2008

Ladies..tell your hor i feel really bad today, this morning I snatch seat with another preggie women. Then the guy beside me stare at me & let her sit...haiz..I always got very bad MS in morning train journey so no choice..how i wish my tummy show faster..then i can have the honour to seat..heehee

Oh I have this indonesia massage lady contact, only $35 per sesson, min 5 session.. can see immediate effect after 5days...

vincy> soon ur tummy will show. hope ur MS is over soon

for the indonesia massage lady 's per session is how long?? some oso do massage for bb as well.
u tried before?
Hi Vincy,
Can give me the contact of the Indonesia lady too?

I also experience the same thing as you, cannot stand in the train for too long, will surely feel sick. Thus, will wait for empty train in Yishun station. 1st trimester is the toughest for most mummies yet tummy not shown, so people never give up seats for us.

At least u feel sleepy only, I feel like throwing up again (which I did not not long ago).
Hi guys, i still haven't eaten but feeling very tired.. feel like slping..

Wah talking abt massage lady liao ah... a bit early right? I m trying my best not to get anything yet. dun wanna jinx it.

Happy, orh i will try not to think abt it. heh.

Alibaba, ya my fren grew 2cm taller aft puberty. but u really need to be disciplined when skipping lor.
anyway genes play an impt part.

Vincy, how's ur spotting? better? poor u. hope u are feeling better now.
hey vincy,
dun feel bad ok? u were not feeling well urself and you really needed to sit down too. no condemnation ok?

hey hui,
i had veg bee hoon for lunch! hahah, aft reading ur post felt like havin it too. it was nice esp w gravy so the bee hoon wet wet and with chilli.i managed to finish e whole plate.=P
We have the same gynae, the one in Clifford centre, Raffles place? Dr Ang has not confirmed my EDD yet ... haiz Are you into week 7 or 8?
Seat @ Train, really hope tummy will show soon..hahaha, my last preggie only 5-6 mth then people give me seat.

Hi Bear Just started work yesterday and got brown discharge again. Dont know should I raise concern anot, cannot keep running to KKH also...,but today so far so good leh.

Massage should be 1 to 1.5hr ,the lady I never use before. My friend reccomended me, she slim down immediately after the 5 days massage...so after 1st trimester I will give her a call then update your k...aiyo now still so early talking about massage liao.
vincy, keep us updated then. hahaz~ gan jiong ma XD now i think is ppl will be thinking i'm just fat wit tummy or am i preggy.. i also nv give up seat to children or elder ppl =/ but really not well le.. haizz..
can i have the number? dun feel bad lah..we also bo bian wan..did ur gynae chk on the reason fo discharge..sometimes is infection at the cervical leh..

u cannot rec PM leh.. u nd to change ur profile and click to accept PM.

seem like the mdm sadiah i PM u is popular..
Vincy, nvmind abt the mrt seat, as long as u know u have a gd reason for taking the seat. Don't mind how others view your action

After I know of my pregnancy, I have not been giving up my mrt seats too. & even thou my tummy is not obvious to others yet, I know I need the seat more than even those pregnant ladies who r in their 2nd trimester loh...
Hello lala,

U also active in july06 thread right? Yes, same gynae but I'm seeing her at her clinic in Glen. I'm week 8.

Is Doc Ang your gynea for your #1? How you find her? I'm only seeing her for #2. And, so you confirm that you will deliver in Mt A. Can share your reason.
val: yeah 1 day before you. I have been on hormone pills and jabs since they spotted a retroplacenta blood but I do not experience spotting
Just my view. maybe want to change table of older kid into mum's age cos not everyone here is 2nd timer. Whereas we can include a list for bb gender at later stage.

It just mine suggestion for consideration only.
just had 2 cookies filled with cream.very sweet and actually quite nice. have not had a sweet tooth since preggie.been craving only for savoury and salty food..

now i super miss e chee cheong fun with fillings from chinatown...
i tink after we know gender i will add in the bb gender and mayb take out the older bb col.. but not goin to put mummy age bah.. coz not everyone like to disclose their age..

any comment? take out the older bb col and change to gender?
speaking of age.. just wondering, anyone born in 1982, dog? that will be same as me.

and anyone staying in central-north? can meet up? me staying in toapayoh

hui, i do have mdm sadiah's contact already if that's what u wanna intro to me =P got it from the forum sometime ago..

pkum, i'm also a doggie 1982 =") but staying at jurong la... far away!
hi ladies,

i juz came back from a half root canal treatment.... now can feel the pain already....the dentist did not give me pain killers coz i preg.... ask me to take panadol... but i wonder how effective is panadol.
Hi Amy,
Yep, also active in Jul06 thread. I checked with doctor, she said she delivers in Gleneagles & Mt Alvernia. I didn't use her for my 1st baby.
hui, root canal is done by dentist so.....

lovedogs, panadol is a kind of pain killer also. Think better check with your gynae if its safe to consume.
lovebug, icic I am also on the hormone pills still. Suppose to complete.
Are you experiencing MS? I thought it should be better now that we are almost into 12 weeks? but last night I was throwing up and cant sleep. The feeling is just so bad..... feel so bloated and so much gas.
haru, really good for you can eat better eat men but take it slow. I sometimes can sometimes cant.
hmm maybe I should consider using the cream soon too...

Bear, obimin, what that for? Anyway I every morning also stress when i see all the vits I have to eat. I will eat the iron first so the smell is not so strong. guess there is no choice but have to bear with it.... let pray our MS will be over in no time. I am into my 12 weeks but still puking. feeling so depress.
hi hui,
oh dear, hope u are feelin better tis morning.

i had beef noodles last nite for dinner. it seems now once i know what i want to eat i must have it. thinkin if i should go find my chinatown chee cheong fun tonite aft work...

hey Val,
i think aft 13 weeks, should be much better and energy level should be better too. maybe also mention to ur gynae bout ur MS?

I am not sure mine might go into the 20th week? who knows?? let the doc decide.
YES Experiencing the stupid MS!!!!!!!!!!!!! still puking my lungs out yesterday was the worst 3 times in a row and i cant sleep too
feeling bloated with so much air inside toss and turn like no body business ... ...

making me cranky
good mornin,

hmm yah right quite a few doggie here. *wave*

dont be depress lah. me wk11 also like u. hope our ms will get better.

if u can tahan, dont take panadol too.. a bit harsh on u.. have to tolerate all these.

massage lady>>
i m gog to engage a chinese lady. not malay lady as i m afriad that she will not like to work in my house as i have a doggie. just got a contact frm my friend and not sure how much the chinese lady is charging. if interested PM me for number.
Quite common that MS may last till 16 weeks. Hang in there, you will be fine soon. For myself, MS for 1st pregnancy lasted till 7 months!! Hope this one will not be as bad. Me merlion again just now ... so sianz. Seems like I have to merlion at least once a day ...
Gd morning ladies,

I m bleeding again!!! yesterday aftn i felt really uncomfy. cannot describe the feeling, went to the loo to check and saw blood on my liner. called the clinic and the nurse told me to wait till today to see doc. went home to rest. Just got back from gynae and there is a patch of haemorrhage abv the sac! very annoying leh, i already cut down on walking still kena. damn sian. so this time on one wk's mc... still kena scolded by my gynae for being kan cheong. I purposedly asked him when do i need to call him and he said when i bled. so when i got bleeding i call him he say i kan cheong. A bit pissed off. he cannot explain why i have haemorrhages in my uterus, just keep telling me i over anxious. of cos anxious lah.. if i super confident then i can be a gynae liao. grrrr...

Vincy, did u call ur gynae abt spotting?

Haru, u very cute.. everytime talking abt food! heehee now i also feel like eating chee cheong fan. yesterday night could swallow my dinner down.. now gastric also pain.

JJmom, ya i also looking for CL...

Poor gals, u guys all merlion-ing.. pls keep hydrated ok?
Bear> take gd care of urself oh.. walking too much will cause bleeding de meh? better ask gynae for the root reason. else forever lidat oso not right leh...

today my MS stronger... alot of saliva.. irritating..
Alibaba and Lilian, thanks for ur concern. I asked him why i keep having haemorrhaging in my uterus he said he dunno.. then say i over anxious. come on lah, if a doc doesn't know why, shdn't i be worried? still tell me dun be over anxious.

The more i think the more annoyed i m.
bear, have ample of rest k..

seems like i merlion more when i drinkk more water =/ always feeling bloated too.. kind of tired of e whole merlion-ing le.. haiz.. we just have to jia you!
Bear> if ure still worry, shld u seek 2nd opinion? believe if contd lidat , ur MC surely used up & it's only 1st trimester.. later of the day u gonna start using ur hospitalisation leave?

i know of some frens do spot during their pregnancy, the gynae oso tink it's like notin. it seems like the norm lor.
Alibaba, so far i only used abt 10 days worth of MC. anyway that's the least of my worries cos even on MC i m still working from home, so can neg with my boss a bit.

I m just frustrated lor. i know my body is quite weak so already i m preempting myself from doing a lot of stuff. but if a gynae says everything can do, then wat am i supposed to say? i follow his advice still bleed leh! If i try not to do too much, i kena suan by him for being OVER ANXIOUS.

Sorry but u can see i m pissed with the OVER ANXIOUS part.

poor thing... u take care ok... i can understand ur frustration too if gynae treated me like that. but ignore ur gynae...now most impt is u have enuff bed rest.


u too, try to rest more. hope ur bleeding will go away.


root canal is to remove the nerve of your tooth.
lots of drilling and they remove the whole nerve. For me, it was not a complete procedure as dentist said there is actually a crack on my molar so best is to remove via operation. But i have to get green light from gynae. I had an X-ray on my mouth yday and injection.... i was told xray is on my top...will not hit tummy.... gynae said ok...so went to do it.


thanks... i have panadol prescribed by my gynae... so will take that. now juz a little sore and i am working from home. SO far has not taken the panadol...
Afternoon ladies,

Check with u gals, can we take (pi2 pa2 gao1) (for curing sore throat) while we are preggy now? Any ideas?

bear, just ignore ur gynae.. u have e rights to feel anxious ah.. of course will be what.. if me ah.. hubby sure book me an appt immed on e same day ah.. so dun be unhappie le.. rest well~
