(2008/11) November 2008

peanut and jewels,
She still do her job and will reply us well when we talk to her ... juz look quite moody .. not so cheerful and talkative.

I will monitor CCTV and if she juz do nothing again, I will act act and question her what she has been doing lately when Lucas is sleeping. After few experiences, I learnt to curb my temper abit, for this maid, we caught her sleeping when Lucas was sleeping and she admit to it cos she never ans phone calls .. and I jus tell her "Dun try sleep again or I will scream at u". At least I give her warning first right?

U really had noodles again last nite ah ... fantastic!

Yah. I also find no point screaming at them. Only make myself frustrated and get high blood pressure not worth it lor.

If you catch her doing nothing again, tell her to write down what she has done from morning till evening. IMO, If the maid is those hardworking type and finish her work, I dun mind her resting cos they are humans too. But I dun like it when the maid starts to laze and never do her chores properly.

Since you noticed she is moody, maybe can sit down and talk about this? Whenever my maid is moody or I 'catch' her not bahaving normal, I will sit down and 'chat' with her. Like all employees sometimes they also need a pep talk. Other times she got problem and just want a listening ear. But always remember never to lend money or give salary advance yah. I always listen to her 'sob' story with a pinch of salt. But end of talk, she will feel better and perform better the next day.
While waiting for my lunch ...

Juz now called home to talk to my boy and forgot to talk to her. So called back again juz told her "Lucas sleeping u stay inside wipe my tables loh ... u dun sleep ah, else I box u" and she laughed.

I can accept they sit down and rest but cant accept if they really take naps ... as she is patting Lucas to sleep, I believe she sit there simply patting him also consider short rest. Whenever I get home, I do see she moving ard doing things lah ...

I told my hb if she looks like having black face, maybe talk to her if there is anything wrong. Dun simply give no warnings and scold her over his smelly clothes. Its not her fault .. she doesnt know she gotta soak the nite before then wash the next morning unless u give her instructions.
enne: yum! their fried pork so nice....yummy...shilinthe mee sua like quite nice...ate once but cannot really recall how it tastes, any in the North?
soho, J8 has!
Too bad, t one in Tampines close shop
Heard tat their franchise fee is alot
yah... instant noodle supper again.. horrible hor.. I really scared i'll look like a pig sooner or later lei.. Just came back from a super heavy lunch and brot another skirt on way back.. spent $$ again -_-" And e skirt is tight one lor at the waist... haiz...
Tats good... use 'humour' to scold them. I find that tactic works well too. Like the chinese always say:" xiao li chang dao".

Wah... buy baju again yah...
Your area there hor... very tempting one. So many shops to kai-kai. I like quite a few of the brands there.
Suppose the tight skirts you bought lately should remind you to keep fit, not keep fat! Haha.

I dun wanna make it too fierce to her or too lenient.
You so cleber.

Think I'm not much better than you. Yesterday lunch wanton noodle + curry pok .. today yeemian soup + jollibean pancake .. thanks to my colleague ... haha .. hope she dun buy anymore extra for mi next time cos I always makan in the office and sit there, dun need to walk ard. I will grow fat at this rate.
Wah... luckily no one injured leh. But if the air-con pai liaoz then no one will wanna sit inside wor. Will be damn hot like sauna siah.

Yah... me changed nick. Long story lah... heheheheh
minky, not fair not fair !!!
when nut and jo eat, u say is 'fu'
when i eat, u say is pregnant! Why so bias?

Last time is the merlion kena strike. Now is the wheel. Aiyo.... so dangerous neh...
u forget liao.. i hav an orr gi on my mouth lei.. tsk tsk tsk.. tts y i hate it so much i also can't get rid of it.. wait no food to eat liao lagi cham..

haha.. u so sensitive la.. cos i already say in advance me no pregnant before going on abt my diet ma..
Lian, don't get angry la... cause i knw u planning mah so if u eat i tot gt good news to share mah...

Enne, when u want to have a playgroup? should we do it before Alicia pop?
alibaba left days for such gathering liao.. haa..

nut u seems to be eating more than me leh.. hahaha.. although sometimes i woke up in the middle of the night & feel hungry but i still stop myself from eating.. #1 i lazy #2 i scare of fat.. haha.. & i am fatter this round... so worried... u eat more now, later can jian fei together with me liao.. wahhaha..
Ali, which day are u free since u left days....
n you are the same as me haha... i lazy to wake up to eat cause too tired.

I jus called up Julia Gabriel and signed a trial class for nex Tue evening liao.. heard their playclub v fun.. but $50.... -_-"
minky, i prefer saturday afternoon. aiya. ur can go gather without me.. haha..

toking about food.. i almost forgotten the sesame peanut ball is still in my bag.. dig it out to eat now...
yah i tink i reeeeeeally need to control lei.. or else wil get disastrous man.. e skirts i bot all so tight at the waist but i stil buy.. ahaha...
julia gabriel is at tanglin mall right? my fren tod is there too... $50 for trial den their class how much? sure exp...
its at Forum.. i dunoe e term fee.. doubt i wan to sign la so exp.. jus finding programs for her nex week..

Had v v v weird dream last nite.. u know when u feel v urgent while sleeping, you'll dream tt u go toilet to release rite.. It was a recurring dream!! many times!! In e dream i was so fed up why jus release but stil feel so urgent.. and guess wat i was releasing on a Potty!!! 走火入魔 lei!!!
Wah... JG yah. Heard their classes are really good too. Their fees also really good lor. *lolz*

Wah... you really sharp lor. From my postings you can figure out who I am. Plus you still remember I got 3 babes. heheheheh... Me till now stillcannot remember who got how many except for the few I talk to more. heheheheh
yah its those messy class whereby u'll get paints all over ur body.. e ang mo style.. i tink of washing my gal aft tt also a bit sianz.. but jus block e slot 1st lor.. if dun feel like going liao can jus cancel
I guess you had too heavy supper .. thats why got weird dreams ... I dun dream of going toilet when I'm really urgent leh.
minky-when is ali due? i really 'outdated' liao lerrr.. erm and also when R U due too?

3gems-haha.. yeah some i also quite blur blur. lucky guess la.. heee..

peanuts-is nini attending sch now?
morning mummies. i'm having a cold today. it started w kai. spread to luke then now me & the other 2. haiz. busy yesterday & this morning. i'll go c doc this afternoon.

enne! long time no c. how's the 2 L's? will u b sending them to school next yr?
Hi Enne,
Very very very long never see you le.... Miss you! Just check with the doc on the next appointment lor. My gal also like "never grow" but I stopped worrying about weight coz PD say its ok. But I worry when she dun eat instead. Sometimes she is happy to eat... sometimes... nightmare!

Eh you so good... help me think of name for my #2 also leh.

Is she tired that's why she sleep? I allow my maid to nap when my gal nap coz my gal usually wants someone to accompany her then she will sleep. By the time she fall asleep, the accompaning person will be so tired and also falling asleep too. So since I find that when its me, I buay tarhan, I cannot expect her to be wide awake too... so nap abit is ok. But usually she nap abit, then will wake up and do work le. My other reason is coz nowadays at night, she make it a point to help me massage my legs so that I dun get cramps, etc. This is after my gal sleep usually eats into her rest time so in return, nap abit ok lah.

I agree with 3Jems, try to talk to her to see if she has any problems. She may be feeling abit homesick so abit lost. Or something may be happening at home so affecting her mood. Dun need to "solve" her problem but the act of listening to her patiently makes her feel cared for and will improve her performance.

Re: Nursery
I booked a place for Alyssa in a Kindergarten le. Pre-Nursery class to start next year. Before I pay the money, what are the things I shld look out for to confirm that the place is ok huh? I went there for a visit, find the environment ok. The timetable also ok. Each class, max is about 16-18, with 1 teacher + 1 assistant. My cousins are there now and I think going to the school has helped them.

Your bibs still with me wor. You want me to send to you mah?

MINKY-thanks for informing, haha.. any chance meimei same bday as korkor?

olwen-my #1 is already attending playgroup since last year end.. and now recently enrol him in ICR.. *kiasu* har.. haha.. coz next year he be in PAP nursery.. I 'worried' PAP don't teach as much as CC.. so think need to have enrichment class..
#2.. haven't ler.. but he seems to be picking up a lot frm his korkor.. no wonder pple say #2 learn faster.. hehe.

wah take care ah.. ur hse quite 'crowded' esp with the 3 cuties, think viruses spread easily. hughugz.

Fifi-aiya.. when u due also?? I really outdated.. haha..

u wan start with A also?

I used to send both J1 and J2 for ICR. Did not work for them at all. In end, needed to spend more $$$ for those specailised phonics classes. Both of them attended the phonics class at KRTC and can read after about 1-month wor. The program is called - Read in a Week. Tat course is more helpful then the stupid ICR. Somemore ICR is sssoo expensive. My girls attended for nearly 1-year still cannot read. *faintz*
Lilian-I Can read

3Jems-KRTC? u got the webby or wad? sengkang got anot? location is one thing I take into consideration when I search for weekend enrichment classes wor.. but u r rite. its really EX!~!!!! can't imagine if i also send didi next time.. wah double.. haha..
3Jems-I just goggled. kent ridge ah.. which branch u went. how old was ur gals when u send them?? the phonics class so good ah?
Nini is not.. only attending those weekly 1hr lesson for fun.. U've not been in here for so long.. My gal is still having serious separation anxiety.. i'm still not prepared to put her in playgroup lor..
ICR = I Can Read program.

The webby for KRTC:
Webby on the program - Read in a week:

Yah... like me lor. Now all the enrichment classes costs are doubled. Super ex and siong on my pockets. I always joke with my hub that I'm working for free cos all my salary is for pymts for maid lah, enrichment lah, childcare lah. End of day, nothing left for me liaoz. *sob-sob*
My girls attended the KRTC at CCK area. J1 only started about march'09. Send her for the intensive school holiday program. For J2, she just started this June holidays. Also took the intensive program. Both continued with the weekly lessons after the intensive school holiday program. I could see gret improvement after the 1st month. Now Janelle can read those simply story books liaoz. Really good program. And most important the fees are really reasonable compared to ICR.
3Gems-ohh.. thanks thanks.. so must be 4 years old la rite? I see the webby shows frm 4 onwards.. my boy now not yet 3 ler.. maybe I go check out consider for next year. I can only consider weekend classes coz I'm working, and MIL has her hands full with both boys.
ah nuts, my girl oso still serious sep anxiety leh...
Cannot stranger carry or touch her. Go into lift with strangers she will hide her face one side
Oic... like tat no need to send your boy for ICR as yet. At 3-yrs plus I find still abit young for phonics cos I find they canot grasps the concept leh. Yes, read in a week is more for 4-yrs and above. Maybe you can consider sending L! for Berries (Chinese) or Abacus instead?
3Jems-he is attending ICR currently, just passed 3 lessons.. *hopefully not wasting $$* haha.
But thanks for ur recommendation, I will consider that maybe mid or end next year

Abacus can meh? too small anot?

Berries also ex hor.. haiz. can't afford to send for english and chinese.. $$$$!!!! hahaa..

peanut-sorry just saw ur postin above..ohh.. me also not planning to send #2 to PG yet.. ok la. weekly class also good, which class nini attending?

I think quite true #2 will be faster than #1 coz got elder sibling to learn from and picks up things faster.. now my #2 can say 1-10.. i say 1. he say 2..then we cont till 10. haha... he know some alphabets and the sounds.. can 'sorta' sing some songs too. I think my #1 tat time not so fast..
