(2008/11) November 2008

tt time my dept also received an exp hamper from customer.. Due to company policy we donated to Old Folks in the end.. Wah i see liao a bit heartpain.. sharksfin, abalone, scallop and esp e packet of birdnest (those uncooked ones).. Becos i seriously doubt the staffs will cook all these for the old folks cos cook liao also not enuf to distribute to so many of them wat.. So i suspect the staffs will bring home themselves or eat among themselves.. tink liao angryz

That's not my own house. Dunnoe why PIL never thought of this safety aspect when renovating the hse many yrs ago.
ah Jo, ask your hubby to install bah... if u intend to stay there for long, its better.

nut, next time, the hamper send to my home can liao.
My new house also need window grills le.. at least for my gal's room.. living room balcony mus admit put grill really pai kua.. But at least there is a planter along it so mayb dun put also ok..
kiki kuku, do u think the father should be jailed for causing death to the bb. Assuming he didn't know about the shaken bb syndrome?

Being a parent so difficult, even can b punished by govt for causing death/injury to our own kids.
Re. e report..
e bb so kelian... but e daddy also kelian la.. he's jus trying to sooth the crying bb without knowing there's such ting as shaken bb syndrome.. i;m sure he's feeling v terrible..
Remind me when nini was younger and her episides of milk refusal.. my MIL tends to rock e rocker until quite hard to make her drink.. Did tell her a few times cannot rock so hard then she can stil say not hard wat she rock softly -_-.. But i tink its a natural reaction.. when a bb is crying and fussing and we're trying to sooth her, the rocking will be harder than usual..
yes i agree.. BB's crying can b very frustrating one. There was once i rocked K hard for 2-3sec nia ... n i felt so guilty after tat.
I wld discourage the use or even selling of 'yao lan' as it has caused several baby accidents, be it minor or major.
wah, thread is really something wrong these few weeks.

aly_nat, 3jems: i also prepare presents for kai's teachers every year but only those who teach him. this year i bot hand sanitisers for them, easier for them to clean hands in the class

ali: happened to my maid b4. her mum died & she had to go back but it was around the time tt she was supposed to go back for home leave anyway. agency is bluffing u. no need 2 weeks. 2 days enough already.
Good morning evone..

Thanks 3jems for the advise.

settled liao. Camille asked to sign some forms & my fren's maid is going back for a week... i guess air tix also absorbed by my fren..
Good morning mommies...
Haiyohz... the whole SMH forum recently going bonkers.

Lilian, Peanut,
Actually I find it cheaper to send hamper. Of cos no need to send a hamper that is very expensive lah. Got lots of price range from $80 onwards. Somemore the CC got more then 12 teachers, excld Principal. So it's more cost effective to send a big hamper. Looks more presentable too and has more visual impact.

Teachers' Day gifts,
I've been practising this ever since my own schooling days. Sad to say... can see that the teachers do treat those who give prezzies better. Does not matter whether the gift is expensive or not.. useful or not. End of day, the teachers just want to feel appreciated. Since it's only 1x a year, I can definately make the 'extra' effort for my children's sake.

hahahah... hand sanitiser is a good idea. I din tink about that. Maybe can get those for the male teachers. Since I'm already preparing the rose pen for the females.
jia ba buey? what u mummies had for lunch?

I had delicious lunch @ Sushi Tei! Finally had some salmon sashimi for the 1st time after I pregnant! *yummy yummy*

all ready for ur delivery oredi? got drink coconut water boh?
had pizza for lunch... very t full

kiki, have i asked u b4? Who clean up bbQ if he pang sai in CC? Do u have to pack his diapers in his bag everyday, or left a lot at the CC?
What's in his sch bag?
jia ba liao

i'm not ready... haven pack anytin.. bb clothes also have sort out yet... haa...

recently only transfer T to slp on mattress.. still same room with us..
ah lian
walao juz finish lunch only ask me pangsai stuff..
ok, msn u now

haha, #2 more lao jiao le is it? My babyroom also very messy with Q and #2 clothes... yeah wanna buy a mattress for Q too.. so didi come out also sleep with u all?
i duno leh.. i tink hor.. i maybe wan maid to take care of #2 cos bb cot is in the other room. haa... i may resume to pumping midnight than latching on.. shall see how it goes bah.. i find latch on si bei tired.. whole night machian no need slp cos must keep latch on...
yup, I also scared #2 will disturb #1 if sleep in the same room leh, so one of them must go.. :p
latching pumping latching pumping.. yeah here we go again.. yup pumping can control the time better.. but thought for initial period latchon better?
aiyo, u tried and tested liao let us know again.. hee hee
i tink the most bb slp with me for 1st 1-2week to stimulate Supply.. i am a bad mummy.. i wan slp... give btl feed can gage how much he drink..

duno how's mummy2nia.. mus ask her la..
hi mummies... ;p

kiki, actually i also pump all the way.. from day 5.. coz i want to gauge how much bb drink like wat ali said.. and pumping can also stimulate the supply as long as u stick to ur timing and also midnight pumping.. i find latching very tiring too ;p
Survey Time
Do you personally, honestly, frankly, feel that breastmilk is good for your baby. If you have BF, you feel it has made your child more healthy/smarter. And if you did not BF, you feel your child would have do better if she/he is breastfeeded.
Forget about all the reports... lets hear what you mommies says...
Liv, Alibaba, Kiki,
Actually I'm opposite from u gals. I prefer to latch on. Especially at night cos baby will ownself latch on for feeds whilst I continue to sleep. heheheh... Then when going out, no need hassle fo bringing out a huge bag.

I have seen some difference BM has based on my 3 girls. #1 and #2 was only fed for about 4-6 months. I find their immune system not so strong. In addition, I feel they also not so quick in their thinking. This is in comparison between them and #3 who was BF for 10+ months.
u back liao ah.. how's trip? #2 coming along? hahaha..

me light slper leh.. little bit oso wake up one.. v cham if bb whine whole night = i no slp liao.. haa.. imagine if i dont latch well.. & i look after bb plus must pump midnight & #1 slping together.. wah lao..duno how to cope leh...

i feel BM indeed gd for bb.. i tink T i pretty healthy in the whole.. other than he is fussy in eating.. so far v seldom got sick... cough badly once when he younger.. but as for cleverness? i not sure but i tink it's individual. i tink nowadays kids are v clever..
To your qn, i personally think to certain extent, BM is really good for baby, but i dun think it determines how healthy/smart the baby will turn out to be.

to be honest, i'm one bad mum who only BF for barely a mth - was frustrated so i gave up... i wont comment abt whether smart anot, but my gal's health has been pretty good since birth (touch alot of wood!!), and somehow i feel good health can be due to genetic too.

jus my personal thought.
Ali, hehehe.. good qn to Liv! #2 on the way?

Thks 3Jems, Ali & Jes for doing t survey.

Jes, i oso feel genetic plays a part.
3Jems, yours is a gd comparison cos u got 3 kids, n u can see the effect.

Any mommies opt for 'Uncertain', 'Disagree' ??
Wah... like tat sure berry shiong leh. Can understand... I always salute those mommies who can BF and work full time. Definately takes lots of committment and hard work for all the pumping and latching.
my experience similar to 3Jems. My #1 was breastfed for 5 months while #2 was bf for 12 mnonths, I can see differences in their health. Smart or not I dunno

Agree with Jes that genetics play a part. So if mummy is blessed with strong antibodies and enjoys bfing, then why not pass on the blessings. Important thing is, mummy must enjoy the process.

ali, kiki,
you be surprised that your tod will sleep through all of bb's wails and cries, and not stir at all. So don't be too stress about bb waking your #1. But different story with the adults lah.

Wonder how is Darlest..........
Evening mummies.

I was on 3 days HL coz of contractions so never really come online. Spend my 3 days eng eng watching TV and sleeping. So shiok hor. But tmr go back office battleground le coz tmr morning got 1 jialat jialat meeting.

Learn to BF lying down. It makes a lot of difference. You can continue sleeping whilst baby is feeding… then really almost no need to get out of bed.

I feel that it helps. You know my health is rather poor but in comparison, I find Alyssa very healthy. I attribute it to the breastmilk coz Alyssa is not a fantastic eater. Hence, I also intend to BF #2 for as long as possible, preferably longer than Alyssa. I stopped for Alyssa coz I was puking and had spotting during 1st trimester. Puke everything I eat, how to provide nutrients for 2 of them. If I still have the same supply as last time, I will let Alyssa drink the BM too.

I feel that 1 factor that helped me to full BF and still work full time is support. I wanted to give up many times but with HB & LC support, I manage to pull through. When I get the jialat blisters, no matter how tired/busy he is, HB will accompany me to 24 hrs clinic or to see LC, even if its middle of the night.
ali, ya i am back.. haha #2 ah.. want also cannot le coz my menses just ended before the trip so is consider 'safe' period hahaha ;p
Fifi u ok liao? Due when huh?
Ur hub so gd leh, u married t right man! Mine didnt help me on BF cos he is as clueless as me. Hee
Hub nw still doing OT .. :-(
BF: BF is good for immune system and i think is smarter.. but the downside i personally think is .. sacrifice the sleeping time.. cause is only u to feed.. haha.. and i also feel the downside is BF bb tend to not use pacifier.. not say pacifier is good thing.. but i know a friend whose bb treat her as a pacifier.. need to suckle the breast b4 bb bedtime.. till now her bb is almost 2.. bb still need it. and u know abt terrible 2.if she did not suckle, she will whine and scream until my friend no choice have to give in.
i definately agreed on the bonding with the bb. but unfortunately.. (feeling gulity), bb tend to be more closer to mom, and hence, would refused others (including daddy) to bond.. in other words is called "sticky glue".. but i don deny that the immune system and IQ is higher though.
ah lian: i want to do ur survey!

ok, my experience. kai 90% breastfed. on average 1 bottle of formula milk a day thru out the 9 mths i was bf him.

mind u, maternity leave in those days was only 2 mths! i had to pump in the handicapped loo. using avent manual cos no electricity.

G & L: 50% bf for 15 mths. R: average 75% bf for 15 mths.

Results: Kai is a bright healthy boy. seldom falls sick. only exception was when he first started pre-school at age 2.5 yrs. intelligence wise, i think really more to do w genetics ba. my husband is a v bright quick witted guy. me - i'm just good @ studying. unfortunately kai is NOT good 2 studying.

R: v healthy, tough little chick. think she has fallen sick maybe once in the 20 mths. she's not dumb but i guess she's a late talker like her dad.

G & L: same as their kor kor. also started speaking around the same time. they can recognise lots of objects from books, say lots of funny words like "bubble" for butterfly. L can do some crude writing, kind of strange. health wise also abt the same as kor kor.

i think it does not make THAT much difference health wise as long as the child is well taken care of. my big niece only was bf 2 mths & she just as healthy as kai. younger one was bf longer but she falls sick more often than my kids. there's other ways to build up a child's health. i find my kids benefit from the fact tt they hardly go out except to the swimming pool, playground & park. kai also went to the chinese physician to take tonics & birds nest since he was 3.

but my mum thinks my kids r smarter than me cos i bf them

the most impt thing tt influenced me & i will influence my daughter to bf as well is the bond between mum & baby. kai & R r like glued to me cos i latched them for so long. the other 2 ... well...

aiya, i'm so long winded.
I think i saw Gain IQ promo @ Guardian pharmacy
Peeked at someone's TODAY paper, but she didnt let me peek long enough to get t details!

Anyone know?
back from leave.. finally bot quite a # of stuffs for myself.. Total damage $400!!! jus calculated and was shocked!! -_-"

in e end i went back to Far East again and managed to get a dress.. tink i cannot shop for at least 1-2mths liao.. And hor e white tube cannot really go with the top lei.. my $12..... u wan not i sell u cheap cheap.. wahahaa...
U keep the white tube first ... you may need it to match with some other clothings one day.
U cant get a dress u 'bu si xin' ah? haha. I havent found mine.

Realise my boy very hao lian ... issit bcos I'm a Teochew? Recently whenever I buy him some new stuffs, he will wanna bring show hb or anyone at home.
lolz. shop til so shiok hor...damage so much! inclusive ur hair do izzit? wait til i slim down den we go shopping together... wah lao. now so fat.. see nice clothes cannot try.. damn sianz

me si bei slpy today.... last night 11+pm hb sms ask me to fetch him.. i went & kanna stuck til reached home 3am.. wah lao... he asked me to join them sit together with his colleague & some of their customer they all drinking.. listen to them talk cock.. bleh...
morning mummies! my turn to on leave today for my gynae checkup!

ask u dun buy so many liao still burnt a $400 hole ah? hee hee

haha ur post so funny, teochewlang haolian one meh? ya a bit hor.. my boy also abit haolian :p

wanna take ur survey leh but iphone very difficult to type... tomorrow then post...
morning mummies! my turn to on leave today for my gynae checkup!

ask u dun buy so many liao still burnt a $400 hole ah? hee hee

haha ur post so funny, teochewlang haolian one meh? ya a bit hor.. my boy also abit haolian :p

wanna take ur survey leh but iphone very difficult to type... tomorrow then post...
umm.. cos i dun feel comfy in tt tube lei and i doubt i'll wear it la... so if u dun mind having it i can sell u cheaper..
Then for the dress i remm i missed out 1 shop that sells lots of dresses so i went back lor..

For showoff my gal also la.. When she sings and dance she'll call out for daddy and nainai to look at her one..

no lei... actually mu hairdo v cheap.. dye + treatment total $75 nia.. its e clothings la..
How come u today not need work meh? if need to work ur hubby stil ask u stay up till sooo late?? somemore u pregnant lei he not worried u tired ah.. aiyorz

i seldom shop until like tt one lei.. dunoe wat happened yest.. Actually exclude hairdo and meals, i spent total $280 la.. not $400.. but stil a lot to me liao
