(2008/11) November 2008

I have one BRAND NEW Combi Stroller to sell coz my husband bought one already & my client give me another one brand new exactly the same one! *headache*! Hubby did alot of research before getting this so this is one of the best & reasonable priced one.

The model is TJC-300/Well Comfort/Blue color.. Usual sale price $405.55 at Isetan but we bought for $365 only.
BRAND NEW IN BOX, NEVER OPEN BEFORE. Bought on 15th May 2008.


PM me

ladies, thanks for all your concern and encouragement.. I know being a thalaseamia carrier is not a big deal, but then dont know Y very emotional, cant help it... probably its the hormones..maybe shld eat some chocolates.
mosh: Stay strong. Yes eat some chocz.. but not too much coz choz can trigger off migraine.

stroller: Just wondering how much do you all set aside for strollers and car seats? Any 2nd time mum's can give some advice on what to look out for when selecting these?
i can feel the kicks when i put my hands on the tummy now =)

yeap eat some chocs but not too much k..

Husband finally back:
Din sleep well last nite.. hubby came back past midnite and unpacked all the stuffs and showed me the bb stuffs and coach wallet he bought for me =).. then middle of the nite kept waking up, go living room switch on lights, came back sleep again, go back living room switched on lights again.. to & fro so many times.. tink its becos of his jet lag, made me cant sleep as well.. on top of that my bb's kicking now & then.. I'm now like a zombie.. wonder how to survive later after lunch. @_@
baby names: hubby and i have thought of several names,but yet to decide coz we are particular on the meaning of the name.=>
Mosh, Yen, weird leh.. i dunno if its wind or not cos i dun notice myself letting out more air. heehee..

Mosh, don't think of it like that. Who wants to be carrying such genes? not ur fault ok? I would be emotional too, esp since a bb's life/lifestyle choices would be at stake. But we are here to cheer u up ya?

Re: bb names
Are u guys pantang abt sharing bb names? i hear from some ppl best not to give the names away!! :p

Peanut, yay! ur hb finally back. u not the only one lor... yesterday night my hb cannot slp so he snuck out of the house and went back to his office to work. I woke up at 3.45am to find him gone.. got a fright and went downstairs to look for him.. hurt my knee while rushing down the stairs. so annoyed with him. then he came back abt 5am and made a lot of noise!!! now i panda eyes!
Su Mei, hope yr backache getting betta.. most mummies will leave maid with mum in the day. It's most assuring with an adult other than a maid.

Fifi, lucky that your mum's previous maid is able to help and giving you assurance since she has worked with you before. My sis's previous maid was good in cleaning, cooking except STEALING! Now very difficult to get a good maid..

Bladers, r you gonna be a housewife?

Haru, initially I have craving for wanton mee also. Maybe it's the ketchup in the sauce? I have a high possibilty of bb gal too until next detailed scan confirmation . Does that means those who crave for wanton noodle has a high probability of having a gal?
haru, mosh,
i'm sure it'll be ur turn soon to feel the strong kicks, be patient =) Sometimes i like to disturb her, when she not moving i'll purposely shake my tummy and true enuf, sometimes she'll wake up wahhaaa... she mus be v pissed off with me.
ur hubby super onz leh. my hubby only does that to watch football or basketball.hahahah..

hahah,you have an interesting theory!! gosh, just e mention of wanton mee makes me crave for it..hehehe..

u are so cheeky!! u actually try to wake ur lil darling up?? hahahah...i always touch my belly nowadays, wonder if baby can feel it..
my hubby oso do the same thing. He will purposely wake my baby up in the morning even though I tell him that baby is probably still sleeping.
half way in the meeting.. sneak into the forum!
bb will kick me hard if i turn n twist my body till he/she feel squeezy then will kick me reali hard!
My appetite oso up & down.These few days nt eating much.Eat abit then full liao.But when it comes to eating junk food,i can eat alot :p
I finished up a big pack of chips all by myself!

wow.. your hb v onz.Like haru,my hb will onli wake up to watch football or play game.

Hav tout a few names but yet to decide.Chinese name will onli decide when bb is out.Need to find master and choose name.

Stay positive! Dun worry too much.You need stay postive. Happy mum = Happy Baby!
Mosh, don't worry too much, stay happy

Prenatal Yoga :
Any1 joining soon? Any place to recommend? Think I really need to go for it.
yah agree, food that i like i can stil eat quite well.. jus had Subway BMT after much considerations.. me a bad mommy took cold cuts despite doc asking to avoid..
my gynae say try not to take cold cuts namely hams, turkey etc and tuna without heating them 1st.. so normally when i hav them at home will get it toasted.
peanut, oh no.. so even if i ask e person to toast my sandwhich awhile also not counted ah? i better cut down liao.. haiz~ but that's abt e only thing i feel gd eating
Hi ladies! Had a very unsatisfying lunch.. i want meat now.. craving so badly for it.

Peanut, Haru, Happy, my hb has this habit lor.. when he was in Pri sch he will come straight home to finish ALL his homework liao then will eat his lunch. he is those very focus type.. if got unfinish biz he cannot rest well.. sigh.. last night he couldn't slp and had quite a lot of work to do so he went back to do lor.

JJmom, i prob will try this one if my gynae says ok. http://www.motherandchild.com.sg/yoga/yoga_main.htm

Jenn, i think s'pore food standard quite ok.. so don't worry too much.. u ate so many Subway sandwiches still ok right?
yah i also ask subway to toast it. I don't tink its enough but i stil eat it anyway.. Bear is right, spore food std shd be ok.. my gynae is only playing safe say try not to in case really got bacteria inside.
As usual: eat in moderation.
U noti, disturb ur bb. My hubby did that too. Put his hand on my tummy and press lightly, then I can feel baby moving.

When I lift my leg up or cross legs, he will be disturbed and moved esp if he's in my left/right side, above my thigh area. Maybe bb feel restricted or uncomfortable.

The prenatal yoga is the same as the 1 by TMC? That's the prenatal class? I think I will join the TMC 1.
i dun press lightly.. i shake my tummy quite vigorously while saying 'hey bb wake up wake up' wahhaaa... i'll be more gentle from now on.
dun feel bad, i have a weakness for cold cuts too. i love ham, bacon...have eaten it several times already.
u shake her! :D Haha...I say gd morning and gd nite to bb daily together with hubby. Next mth, she will disturb u with more kicks and somersaults. Try not to eat ham, hot dogs, bacon etc, is not very good for baby.
Hi Yen,
that's sooo sweet..=> my hubby like to put his mouth directly on my belly to sing and talk to baby too. normally i do e greeting to baby when i wake up to go to the bathroom in the morning, hahah..

i am still tryin to imagine how you shake ur tummy to wake ur baby up. must be so cute..i am tempted to try but scared i get to violet,hahah...
Yen, haru
wah u al so sweet to bb leh.. i haven say morning/nite nite to my bb before.. k will start from now on.. =)

u know like osim uzap lor.. vibrate my tummy with hands haaa.. but of cos not as fast lah or else bb giddy inside
haha, i admit it felt a lil funny doing it at first coz i dunno if baby can hear me..hahah..but i like to talk to baby also whenever i am driving.
peanut, haru,
I talk to baby whenever I can. Of cos when I was alone or with hubby. Otherwise, ppl may think I siao. Talk in the toilet cubicle, tell bb wat's for lunch today.

I've been listening to classical music around 1 hr during wkends and baby music in the car. I read from internet, we can also start reading to baby and telling stories.
oh no, I just bought some ham leh.. luckily only bought 150gm cos I dont noe I like to eat or not..

I like to say gd morn to bb and my hubby will shake my tummy and say wake up wake up.. hee..
so nice.. i've not done much for her.. =(
bought some cds but found out my cd player spoil liao so cant even let her listen to some soothing music.. v sad.

mayb shd go find another cheap one or ask my hubby to fix it since he's back

welcome back.
Anyway doubt e bb understand what u meant.. so he/she may tot u're toking to him/her.. jus make sure u dun scold ur son too much tsk tsk..
hi mosh,
yup, try to take it pan fried maybe? i LOVE grilled ham and cheese sandwich,yum...even when i buy buns from bakery i still like to buy those with ham or bacon.heheh..
Which alot are you looking at if you enrolling for pre-natal class @ Mother & Child? I'm looking at the Sunday slot as my girl is having lesson @ KINDERMUSIK in the morning
i everyday scold my son wan leh.. coz he every naughty so i everyday will confirm say one sentence : "beat beat huh!" keke :D but when i ask him where bb? sayang bb.. he will come sayang my tummy :p

Thanks for checking for us and also providing the link.


Your family's so sweet...buy from overseas somemore, nice


I love Subway too....esp the hams & dressing...hiyoh, so nice...


I think that makes sense wait till 8 mth no one give then all buy me own.


Lucky you, have such a nice aunt.


Thanks for the link!!


Going to be SAHM for a while, my HB and I feel bonding is impt. esp baby is born.

For baby names, I havent thot of it, suddenly like lost inspiration on names..LOL..the names I like my HB don't like the name I dont like he likes..

Hi MTBs,

Sorry to intrude!
I have a supreme range snuggle nest (used, in very good condition) to let go at $50. It is good for baby with reflux and for parents who want to sleep together with bb and for travelling. If interested, pls PM me for more details and pic.
hi mummies..
sorry for being MIA yest..somehow no in mood to post..my family's chihuahua dog, Mickey was put to sleep yesterday morning..he was kinda having some illness whc required intensive expensive vaccinations (vet also cant promised if aft those vaccinations, will he get well anot) whc we cant afford in long term also..then wasnt eating well & lose more appetite lately till my mum also got to "pump" the food in his mouth to feed him..he was having cramps in the middle of the night & vomitted..then my sis took him to the vet on yest morn..vet suggested we put him to sleep..i know my sis really loved this dog alot..he has been a obedient dog all along..so she was really v upset when told by vet on this ultimate decision..she even told vet that she want to witness the whole process..it was pretty fast (sad to say) bcoz Mickey's heart was very weak..he's gone in less then 5sec aft the jab..in a way also gd for him..at least he dun hv to suffer anymore..just that in the morn we knew the dog was at home then by the time i m back home..the dog is no longer ard anymore..sigh..really bad Fri 13th...

here's a pic of Mickey: -
wtan, I m so sorry to hear that, I can totally understand how sad it must be for u & your family. Coz we also juz put our family dog to sleep when I was still in my 1st trimester.

Our dog 'brownie' was also vy sick. He had heart cancer & the vet also cannot promised he can put thru the operation coz he was quite old already. The vet also suggested to put her to sleep & it was a vy vy painful decision for us.

My DH took it vy badly but he also wanna go thru the last journey with 'brownie' & told me she was vy obedient even till her last moment coz the vet actually warned us that some dogs may not take the drug well & turn violent but she din. She juz went vy peacefully.

I m still crying vy badly as I m typing this even thou brownie had gone to doggie heaven for abt 2 months now...

Take care wtan *hugz*
I heard of this 'mother&child' but tanglin mall is really too inconvenient for me. Think I might try the 1 near Outram MRT - www.whatever.com.sg
There's anther 1, in Novena square 2, may consider too.

I m nt sure abt TMC prenatal yoga wor...anyway TMC also vy inconvenient for me.
wtan and jjmom, I understand the sadness you feel. When I was very young, my family used to have a dog for 7-8yrs before putting to sleep . Now when I think of him I will still feel sad.

Dogs are really man's best frenz. But dont think too much okie.. have to take care and dont let it affect your pregnancy...

hi jjmom..
as i m typing i think i can understand hw u feel exactly..just cant control my tears too..no doubt Mickey was closer to my sis aft my son is born coz she has went thru lotsa more with him..i guess we didnt regret letting Mickey joined in our wedding photoshoot now as there's memory of him..i m sure it's not easy decision but for the sake of the dogs, both vet has provided a better way for them to be relieved of the pain they are suffering..hope both Brownie & Mickey will get a chance to live again fullest..i told my sis if she & Mickey are fated to meet..they will somehw meet one day..sorry to have made u cry too...thks for sharing abt Brownie... **hugs too**
