(2008/10) Oct 2008

hi mummnies!!

re: bb bjorn,
Enya, we also bot the synergy.. my boy likes front facing carry!! but i have not tried the carrier yet, simply cos' whenever i carry my boy, he'll wanna latch me.. faint!

wow.. saw marcus video.. he looks so cute and happy in the tub!! im tempted to get 1 too!! kekeke...

yeah. like what trace said.. we both did rebonding and contine to bf our babies.. actually, i did it when ribenali assured me that its ok!! and my logic is if im happy, then my bb is happy!

wahhh... u n ur hubby really wan #3 ahhh.. pei fu pei fu!!

not sure my bb dun like frozen BM or gotten use to drinking FM. Just now while feeding her BM, she keep struggling. In the end, give FM halfway.
I thaw the frozen milk using running tap water, and leave it to thaw to liquid form. Then put to fridge again. Thaw over warm water when wanting to drink. Is it correct?
Wonder if frozen milk is spoilt.. Advise needed.
<font color="aa00aa">everafter
Mine is about 1200-1300ml daily. There was once when I almost hit 1400ml. I'm forcing myself to keep pumping lor. Bo bian!

Thanks. Will go do mine on this sat. So happy!

everafter, forest, jellypurin
Only plan nia and may not happen cos by then maybe no strength to look after another kid le. </font>
lili - u r suppose to thaw in the fridge wor. the way u do it will coz the milk to have bacteria.

i used to do the same as you during my 1st kid. until i was corrected by nurses &amp; friends.
Opps! icylemon, i thaw the same way as lili leh..mine in milkbag. After turned into liquid form, i put back to fridge. Ok or not? Bryan drank one feed jus now already
wow...u pumped so many times! you must have enough even for your son.

i'm cutting down to 4 times now...preparing for the time when i go back to work.

now i still can afford 1 feed of EBM for my son.
update on SKer and PGer gathering.
Only Jollyhoppy and Jill came.
Keke... both baby ashton and baby zoe tried the tub. will update with pic soon.
<font color="aa00aa">Mspiggy
Yup. I give ebm to my son too. I scared ebm not sweet enough for him and he wont like it, so for every 200ml of milk he drinks, I would give 60ml of fm and 140ml of ebm for him. </font>
to even plan is a courage.. i told my hub i feel like closing shop after #1!! :p

wow.. ur ss is considered v v good.. pei fu! do enjoy ur rebonding this sat!! hehe..

only 2 mummies ah.. ok lah.. the last time our gathering, also 4 mummies only.. :p

i cant wait to see the pics of bb ashton and zoe in ur tub.. keke..
Your instruction on how to thaw frozen milk is so useful. I din know can run the frozen milk under tap water then re-fridge again. I have been storing the exact amount in milk bag, so you can imagine how much milk bag I have used up. I even have 20ml in one of the milk bag.
I've caught the flu bug, is it ok to latch my boy still?

How's the gathering? Its a pity I can't make it due to flu...seeing babies of the same stage together will be a joy...

Don't worry, can be done. You can handle alone. I'm also taking care of baby alone, doing housework etc etc. And pumping milk 7 times a day too. It's just that you will be super tired. But sort of used to it lor.

I'm getting a maid soon, whom I will train first, then she will stay with my mum when she takes care of baby when I return to work. But the maid will not be doing baby-related work though, she will do housework, washing baby stuff etc. while my mum concentrate on taking care of baby.

Oh can hire direct from Phillippines??? That's new to me. Maid from where better? Philli? Indo? Maynmar? hmmmmmmmmmmmmmmm........

Maybe I won't fetch CH to and fro my Mum's place on a daily basis next time... since got maid to help my mum... maybe only fetch back on weekends? But feel bad to be weekend mum lah... but really tiring to go sengkang-toa payoh-changi in the morning and changi-toa payoh-sengkang in the evening every day........ duhhh...
Hi, I am just wondering how you can have so much breastmilk. Any secret to share? My baby, Neil, is just 1.5 months old, I could pump until 800ml for the first few weeks but since I stopped because I got flu now I only can have 200ml a day...
try hard to get it back, but seems hard...help...
mint: we went for the shot on 5th &amp; got the pics on the 9th..the max wait should be a week

xinying: thanks for having us..realli veri fun !!
mousebb, whitepaper- Hey mummies, wonder how u can manage to find time to express milk...somemore 7 times daily... ;) my girl nowadays always wan to be carry to sleep...once put her down to cot etc, no sooner she will wake up &amp; wail again!! *faint* Like tat, I really whole day dun need do anything le not to mention pump milk!! Haiz... ;(
Nowadays ss oso decreases le.. Sian!
xinying, pai seh.. my gal cranky.. throw up her milk twice n refuse to sleep..
nap only 30mins till i bo bian gotta carry her in my arms for 2hrs..
i try to clean my tiny hse up then inivte u mummies over but i got nothing at hm jus got mattress for bbs to lay on n play on if u all don mind

last time i also like you, give in to CH's demands. Now I just let him cry if I know he's throwing tantrums and is well-fed already, nappy changed already etc. Usually I will feed and change him, then put him in his rocker/ play gym and I began to pump. Sometimes he guai guai entertain himself, sometimes he will cry for attention.

Will play with him after pumping, then coax him to sleep after he's awake for an hour. Then go wash and sterilise the bottles/ pump parts and do some housework/ eat.

Then 2 hours later, the cycle repeats
Hi PGrs and Skers,
Xinying, thanks so much for taking the effort to invite us so sorry i could not make it as my baby seems to be going thru a growth spurt suddenly wants to drink more. I increased her feed from 120ml to 150 ml per feed and yet she was still not satisfied and wouldn't nap.... Maybe next time? Do post the pics of the swimming babies!
whitepaper- Icic...I oso let her cry sometimes but she really wail and cries out v.loud lor!! Sometimes cried until cough like tat!! Then see liao no choice heart-pain dun dare to let her cried so long lor! Wait neighbours heard as if I abused her like tat!! *faint*
Btw how long is ur each pumping session?
Each session, the ss will be a lot? ;)
<font color="aa00aa">tuti
There are other mummies here whose ss is more than mine. I pump a few times a day to stimulate the ss.

Sometimes when I was pumping and when my kids cried, I just let them cry and concentrate on my pumping. Initially it was very stressful but as time goes by, I start to get used to their cries le. </font>

let's go out. are u free tm? let me know, i want to practice bringing her out already. staying at home and stuffing myself sick with horlicks is driving me nuts.

let's do something rebellious and worthy of public disdain.

like bring our babies to catch a show.. kekeke
drugstore spree
maybe you can email me the url of the items you want and i see how much is total amount.
think the mambo fellow in the sgmambo website and the site address u gave is the same person. :)

i got same prob. usually put bb on 1 arm to latch, the other hand to pump. tiring job.

we live nearby..maybe can arrange to hv cup of kopi somewhere...maybe sembawang..in middle btw yishun and admiralty.
juz need to make sure if sun plaza got breastfeeding/diaper room...otherwise, hv to meet at causeway point.
was feeling emo.. decided to get myself out of the house with baby in tow from this week onwards. need to get used to bringing her out if not my mom say she stay at home and become sam pa lui (village daughter), my brain also turning to mush already.

any other mommies keen for visitors or want to hang out somewhere..?

i mean i'ld probably freak out the first few times she throws a tanty in public but hey, if i could just ignore the dirty looks from the general public and thicken my skin and find the nearest nursing room/changing room/toilet, then i think it'ld just take practice eh?

xinying ah, besides packing our tits, did u pack fm just in case?
great idea! sun plaza i doubt there's a nursing room.. let me master the sling/pouch/bb bjorn carrier and im good to go!! kekek.. :p

how to do direct hire from philippines ah?? :p

i think the travelling sure gonna konk both u and ur hub out.. i will also most likely become a wkend mummy.. really sad at the thot of it... but no choice.. cant be a sahm.. n dont think i can find a plc to mv to in the east yet.. sigh..

gg out is good.. we've been bringing our boy out almost everyday.. until he seems to find it hard to stay home today.. my lil rascal didnt nap the whole afternoon and only slept just now at 11pm+... gee!! i was so worried, cos how can a 6wk old not sleep!!!!!!

but what i also need to master is to bring him out on my OWN.. cos' so far, my hub is always with me.. so, i could depend on him to help...

NICE SHOTS!!! wow.. looks like i missed the great opportunity for the shots... !!
stop pump before work
Trying to stop pump before going back to work, but seems keep engorged. And most engorged is my right breast. Seeing milk flowing , feel dun wish to give up. Vy tempted not to give up bfeeding lei.

Ameda pump, shield, handfree strap, fridge to go
Anyone interested to buy? I am selling low.
I pump for 15 mins each time, 7 times a day (in fact, sometimes 8 times a day). SS not alot, around 190ml each time. So I let baby cry for 15mins lor. I'm an evil mum, when CH throws tantrums, I just let him cry it all out... then he will fall asleep. So far the longest time we have let him cry is nearly 1 hour!

yah lor, sad to be weekend mum too... but no choice... I still need to travel to deliver BM, but maybe only once a day and not twice a day...
Ha ha. Catch show with baby? That's daring!

I'm all for a west side meeting!

I brought baby out myself yesterday myself. Quite a nightmare. She cried in the car, cried in the restaurant, all because she is now used to suck my nipples to sleep. Like that how ah. And also quite tiring hee. Carry her with the bjorn and at the same time, carry my bag. Walked for about 3 hours and even managed to buy a top from zara, but without trying. Hee. I want to try suntec and orchard next.
Good morning all....
Pildough, remember reading an article catering for mums and babies, think the movie screenings are in the afternoons and these sessions are baby and child friendly but can't recall which cinema group offering it tho. However I suspect our kiddos might be afraid of the loud sounds in the theatre. But I agree we should try to go out, being stuck at home is not very healthy! Let me train my dogs to bark less (using the anti bark collar now) and I will gladly open house and have a play session for our babies. Or we can ask Xinying if we can go over for a pool party!!! hahaha....
<font color="aa00aa">busy bee
We ever used a anti-bark collar on one of my dogs when he was a young puppy. Guess what? He damaged his collar which cost about $180!!! </font>
mint: your bb is soo adorable !! very nice pics =)

pildough: ya..sling bb out..it's fun..once you get the hang of it..u will be addicted..me brought bb to taka tues..jus check out where r e nursing room 1st =)

any mummies having their MIL to come over &amp; stay w them to take care of bb?? i have never stayed w MIL b4..so afraid..that having 2nd tots now..mmm
Good morning

my bb will also have boxing session with me when i tried to feed him now, he is 2mths+. I try to walk ard the room and wait for him to stop crying then sit down, but sometime this won't work ....so frustrating..sighz. anyone has a solution? could it be the teat flow too slow or too hard (cos i suspect his gum is painful tat y he suck a bit of the milk then cry).

currently i m using avent teat 1. have tried teat 2 but same thing happens and sometimes he will vomit after the feed so i stop liao. going to buy nuk teat to try cos my friend say they are softer.
Mint, the pics are nice
Your girl don't look like boy lah.

little doggie, my hb also suspect if its bcos the milk flow is slow, but i've NUK middle hole teat already leh..nowadays unless he's super hungry, otherwise it takes so long to feed him with his constant boxing!! -_-"
Whitepaper, Mousebb, i wished i can b heartless abit lor..but anyway situation dont allow at all. Cos i've a hawk watching me at hm CONSTANTLY!! Feel so irritated

morning mummies

for once my son sleeps so soundly in the morning (so that i can come in) if not he usually wakes up ard 8.. he miss his feed liao but i still thinking to pump mah..coz scare later he wake up wan to latch on (he prefer latch than bottle).

sighzzz my ss oso getting lesser each day liao but i eat fenugreek liao leh.. yyyyyy???? from 100-150ml to now onli 80-100ml... help!!!!

mint, ur bb veri cute leh esp in the santa clothes. where u buy one?

little doggie, my son oso dun like avent teat and i change him to dr brown and so far so gd
but i do hv alot of brand new avent bottles and teats which i thinking to sell off. any mummies wan? i can sell low.

next wed, 17 dec i can arrange a meeting at my hse? any1 interested? me staying 5min walk from buangkok mrt
