(2008/10) Oct 2008

<font color="aa00aa">Phtanus
Din know gynae can also prescribe medicine to boost milk supply! Think I must also go try the method which TMC parentcraft suggested and if not much different, then I go ask my gynae to prescribe medicine for me. I also drink horlicks and take 3 capsules of fenugreeks but doesnt seems any difference in the milk supply leh.</font>
Hi ladies,
Looking for a caterer for baby's baptism in Feb next year. So KS hor. Any recommendations?

I'm taking fenugreek now. Works for me. But I'm also taking horlicks as well.

Skylar looks adorable.

All the mummies meeting up in small groups... How about mummies living in the west side?
<font color="aa00aa">Mint
Rasel Food fusion is quite good. Used this caterer a few times le. Their laksa is GOOD!!! </font>
Can give me feedback on these caterers?
1. Four Seasons
2. Eatzi
3. CJS
4. Lavish Dine
5. Rasel
6. Mum's kitchen
7. YLS
8. eatz catering

Or any others that you think is good but I missed out. Thanks.
Hi mummies,

pacifier seems to get my boy pacified, even when his feeding time is over. So the thing is I dont know whether he is hungry or wants pacifier. Also, I am feeding him (2.5kg at birth) 110ml of FM since he turned full month, but my friend's baby (3.2kg at birth) is feeding the same at 4 months, is that normal?
Hi mummies,

For those eating fenugreek pills, how many capsules did u all took daily?
I took 2 pills daily and it seems not much diff leh....
Know max can take up to 6 pills per day, but I worry bout constipation leh... ;p
<font color="ff0000">Thanks littlebluey, mousebb, xinying, and mint. Skylar was 5.8kg, 65cm when we went for her 6 in 1 last week. The rocker that she's sitting in the pic is gonna be too small for her in another month i think, should bought something longer.....

Her hair &amp; skin tone colouring takes after her father, eyes is hazel colour i think (it keeps changing). She is only waking up once during the night to drink milk and will go back to sleep once she is done. The only bad thing is she doesn't sleep during the day, very tiring cos whole day can't rest. Got to take turns with the maid to entertain her. Btw has any of the babies here drinking 160ml yet? Skylar is drinking 160ml every 4 hours now. Very siong when it comes to milk powder!!!

<font color="ff0000">nickypower, yeah she is very chubby..... damn heavy to carry her now. Need to take turns with the maid carrying her during the day. She doesn't want to be carry like little baby, wants to be propped up on our shoulder to see things. Damn talkative too, love ppl talking to her.

mint, four seasons food is quite nice but service wise if u have the time n patience is gd..
my sis catered ard 100pax for my niece 1st bday n only 1 driver who is also the only one doing the set up..
took damm long to set lor.. think ard 1-1hr+
hi Mint,
i catered from Lavish Dine for my baby's full month. i personally thought the food was quite good. But 2 of my aunties commented that the prawn dish not fresh - not spoilt but the prawns were soft not springy fresh. I didnt hv any of the prawns so cannot say..my husband didnt notice. maybe dont order prawns if you cater from them.
<font color="ff6000">xinying and gioanna

sure join us in the east! if fridays are better for gioanna, then how abt next Fri?


ok to change our original Wed date to Fri?

East meeting mummies,

ok to meet at Simei Eastpoint?</font>
xinying, sorry tml cannot meet liao.. hb jus reminded me tat i have a delivery coming tml..
if they come morning then i can come over.. i sms u if i coming over *pai se*

I dun like YLS...got them for my boy's full mth celebration...the food not nice.


I wanted to sell the Enfalac AR FM under the WTS section. But how come I cannot post a new thread huh? Is it because I need some special access then can post?.Argh!! This FM is driving me nuts..!! I am STILL nagging at my husband for getting the wrong FM!!


this week I am in woodlands, otherwise would be able to join u all..

tried going to mothercare to look at the breastpumps. realise they do not carry Ameda breastpump. Any idea where can we get this brand? Do Takashimaya carry this brand?


Gio, ur baby looks real gorgeous!
so cute, she luvs to talk to pple
my boy only seems to scream. how i wish he can coo to me at times instead of screaming.

gynae can prescribe med to increase milk ss? sigh, i just went for my last check up at my gynae, forgot to ask him for medication to help boost bm ss
<font color="green">ruffles,
mine is now 1mo+4days (time seems to fly so fast). supposed to be a november mummy but baby decided to come early. gave birth at 37wks. she still can't fully turn herself and she always try to turn to the right. when she sleeps always faces the right also. keep trying to turn her head cause afraid later one side will be flatter than the other. hehe..

yup. it's a lot cheaper if you buy in US. the parts can buy here. but really ex. will let you know soon if PIS really good.

yup. he won't tell you about the package unless you ask.

wow! skylar is sooo cute!!
Sker and PGer,
Prefer weekdays or weekend? Must do it soon. I going back to work on 19th. Thereafter only can meet up on weekends liao. Sigh... dreading the idea of having to go back to work.
Hi mummies,

I am also an Oct mummy. Have been a silent reader all these while. Need help from mummies here.

After delivery, my uterus has shrunk quite a fair bit. But the flab stays on. How did you mummies lose the flab? Any idea where to get those binders or something to wear to help lose the flab. Please advise.
<font color="green">kylie,
i got my binder at hospital. quite ex. i think it was $80. but i find it quite good. it's not too hot to wear. the only thing is i'm too lazy to wear it so still have big tummy. hehe..
hi mummies, went x'mas shopping w bb yest..luckily he was cooperative &amp; i managed to tick off quite abit off the shopping list =)

Gio : bb skylar is really an angel !

ruffles &amp; joanne: this is a special x'mas promo by studio loft. here's the details. the next date is 9th dec. ($25 for 1 setting, get to keep 2 edited shots; free use of up to 2 x'mas props; no appt needed)

another of my personal fav is http://www.seanlau.com/Home/Index.html
(very anne gedds style)

xinying : i'm avail for the whole of the week of 15th for the SK gathering =) next week, fri/sat is fine =)
i oso wanna join in the east gathering (then after that go over to my mum's place)..hee,hopefully can mit up, else gg back to work in Jan, abit difficult liaoz.
gd morning mummies,

i m oso a mum to a 7weeks son, hve another elder son at 2.5 years. m oso interested in the eastpoint gathering so tat i can gather more info on the kids. can i join??

You are gg back to work so soon!!! time flies!!! marcus gonna miss you!

The whole of next week I can't make it... coz my hubby on leave most of the days for our christmas shopping... it will be a busy week!!!

You ladies please go ahead. hopefully we'll have a BIG gathering soon for all mommies here. Maybe nearer CNY wen our babies are bigger???

sure! wow our gathering is increasing. PM me yr hp number? thanks!

mummies for east gathering on fri 12 Dec say around 3pm
1. dimpletot
2. gina
3. xinying (?)
4. pildough (?)
5. essanna (?)

Pls add yr names on...
whitepaper - ya let's have a big gathering in Jan when our bbs are bigger. My hb dun want me to bring bb out anywhere esp now is flu season and lotsa crowds at shopping malls etc
hi phtanus,

I am taking medication for milk ss - it is called motilium. can ask gynae or PD to give u. with it my ss is up though still much lesser than the ladies here.
hi mummies

For mummies going back to work and stop bfeeding, when did u stop?
Am going back to work in jan, supply kind of low cos pump not 3hrly but 6hrly. Still have enfamum milk powder, fishoil, calcium pill.
<font color="green">wow.. last night my baby tire me out. woke up at 1130pm to eat... stayed up and ate till 3am. then woke up again at 6am to eat, then at 9am.. hopefully today will be better and she will sleep more. </font>

looks like i gotta try much harder in order to get the sling to work!!

wish i cld join too... but i stay in the north.. got 1 car only leh.. hahha.. and hub is driving that..

bb bjorn:
feel like buying this too.. some1 mentioned a sale somewhere?? :p

wahhhh... skylar is sooo pretty!! she has really grown.. looks so different frm her newborn pics ya!!
