(2008/10) Oct 2008

Hi mousebb,

haha...i asked the same question to Dr Adrian also (think 3 weeks ago) ba...he said "as long as bb is heathly....10-20kg no problem".

so far...i put on 6-7kgs & i m in 25 week...try not to exceed 15kg....

I think I about same as you, haven't prepared the baby room yet. But speaking abt storage, I happen to buy 2 chests of drawers from ikea. Haha greedy, pple buy one, I buy 2.

And I super pantang, I told my hubby to wait til I not around then he do the assembly. So purebliss, I think you should play safe. The loud noises and the chemical smell not good too.

Welcome Rebecca
<font color="aa00aa">Jess
hahaha! Dr Adrian must be thinking how come his patients all so vain huh!!!</font>
<font color="0000ff">Vanilla,

Heard that if you try massaging upwards while applying stretchmark cream, it might help the placenta to move up...dunno how true but to a certain it helps

Did u get the white drawers from Ikea I think those are retailing at $89 rite?


Your lunch seems nice, I had prawn noodles and shared a plate of fruits with DH


Bringing up a child is a knowledge! That's why they always said it's never easy!! Thanks for sharing the info, hope your boy feels better soon...


Hv some rest, gd to know that bb is doing well!


Wat breed is your dog?

RibenaLi, sometime I also apply pure jojoba oil
Thanks for the tips

Think the nipple cream should help too. But I haven start on my medela nipple cream yet.
<font color="0000ff">JJmom,

I only have it once in a blue moon, it's not gd to eat too much of it, really at a lost as to what to have for lunch? So many pple everywhere and the weather is horrid leh!! ;p

Now it seems like dark clouds are hovering in the sky alrd but the sun still bright, strange weather!!

<font color="0000ff">Milk Bags Order:

Elch - 4 boxes
JJmom - 4 boxes
Ribena - 6 boxes

For interested mummies, pls PM me or add your name to the list
Massaging upwards help in moving the placenta up? I'll do it religiously then...as I've low placenta too...Dr says it's near the opening so I guess must be pretty low...

I was quite upset when I 1st know abt low placenta but on 2nd thought, as long as baby's healthy, I dun mind going thru C-sect...
everafter- Hey babe, u can consider getting baby bedding set from Aussino!! The bedding/comforter set are for standard cot size one... bout 132cm by 71cm. I orie bot 2 comforter sets from Aussino!! Reasonably priced oso!! Bot 2 sets @ $69.90 and $63.90 respectively! ;D

thebusybee- Thxs for informing me on the Babymall spree...;)

Welcome Rebecca!! ;)

Btw, seems that many MTBs have doggies at home yah!! ;) I oso have one...mine is a JRT.... but hubby and my parents suggested that he goes back to my parents place aft I gave birth cos they worry bb's immune system is low etc and I will have little/no time for him... Sigh... cos my dog quite sticky towards me one and oso seems easily jealous one lor... ;| I sure misses him when the time comes...Haiz..
<font color="0000ff">Elch,

I oso have low lying placenta, these past few wks, when I apply the tonic oil have been applying it upwards. Will see what my gynae say for tis coming Sat checkup

Hi Nickypower,
Your welcome, did u also check out the bedding sets on babymall. Quite nice, but might be a but bulky for shipping.

Btw, I watched on the chat show Rachel Ray show that growing up with a dog actually builds up one's immune system as the child will be exposed. Being in a squeeky clean environment might be counter productive.
Thanks for sharing about your dog and gal. I really hope my dogs can have a loving relationship like that with my baby too.
you did sugar tolerance test just, so how's the result? think, i shall be doing that for coming checkup (2 wks time).
RibenaLi, haha..i don't think Prawnie will run away lah..jus trying to recall did i miss out any updates on the cream.

mousebb, i guess now its the time that most mummies start putting more weight, Dr Adrian muz b answering this Q everyday! haha...
Any of u mummies have stretchmarks already? I got lots of ugly stretchmarks since 2wks back...too early ain't it? Can't imagine how my tummy will looks like a few mths dwn the rd...
Is it a must to do sugar intolerance test? Nv hear Dr.Adrian mention leh...what is it for? To test for gestational diabetic?
hello mummies,
so sleepy after lunch leh...
i had yong tau foo dry with noodles.. and apple/orange juice.. kekeke..

the weather is really horrible!! was in a big sweat when i got back.. but now, dark clouds hovering the sky le...

huh.. so ur son isnt teething ahhh.. guess we were all wrong.. its really not easy to take care of a kid.. we really have alot to learn!!!

why u stay away leh?? too much cholestrol? :p btw, tomorrow is ur prenatal yoga trial with RibenaLi?? pls keep me updated on how the session went!!

good that u feel so much better at ur parents plc.. and ur brothers r also looking fwd to the arrival of ur baby!!! take good care!!
Littlebluey, y cannot eat too much prawn noodle lei?

Busybee, talking abt bb being squeeky clean. M still thinking what body foam to use for bb. Not sure should I be too particular abt it boh or juz gd old johnson bb will do.
Was contemplating like u when I was stocking up on baby supplies. Decided to go with Johnson &amp; Johnson Top to toe wash and only use the 'special' type if baby is sensitive to it.
hi mummies,

hw's lunchie?

i had soya chicken rice n a big cup of soya bean milk! so full!!!

recently my legs r getting very weak..like anytime can break..esp aft climbing up to my ofc.. 4 levels!!!!
Forest, I stay away from prawn noodle soup coz I can't stand the smell from the soup leh. Dunno y...used to love it but I can still eat the prawn wor, funny hor?

Forest, no I din sign up for the prenatal yoga trial coz I heard whatever is relocating soon. So I thou better to confirm if it's true 1st anot.

RebinaLi, update us on your prenatal yoga trial ok?
<font color="0000ff">Elch,

Mine is with lots of green veins running all over the body -_-""

I thot only if the gynae suspect that bb is too big so mummies muz undergo it, just like wat I did lor...diaoz..


I oso got mine frm Aussino, gd quality and great price for it!


Same here lor..was sweating like mad juz now when I headed out for lunch sianz...now dark clouds le with thunder leow..


For once, u know the stock they used to cook prawn mee is using mainly the prawns' head...u know that's the most sinful part of the prawn wor ke ke high cholestrol level wor...

I was thinking of Sebamed then my DH said why cannot use Johnson and Johnson neh? hahahaha ;p

<font color="#800080"> hi elch,
actually i got the same prob as u since my 1st pregnancy..
there's nth much i can do..
nw my tummy look like a sg MRT track map..
so so so ugly!!!!</font>
<font color="0000ff">Milk Bags Order:

Elch - 4 boxes
JJmom - 4 boxes
Ribena - 6 boxes
Nanshee - 4 boxes

For interested mummies, pls PM me or add your name to the list
<font color="aa00aa">Trace
Yummy!!! Dont dare to eat chicken rice liao cos doc said not healthy and hor I have already eaten quite a bit during the 1st &amp; 2nd trimesters!</font>
<font color="aa00aa">JJmom
re: body foam
I'm using pureen head to toe for my boy and will be using the same for my gal too.</font>
I'm now waiting for the nurse to call. Prob they will call in the evening to let me know the results.

Yah, the nurse was telling me that the test is for that purpose. So, got to pray hard that the result is normal. if not, I'm gg to miss my ice-creams and cakes..

Sure, the yoga is tmr evening. So excited.
<font color="0000ff">Everafter,

Me so far so gd, only got alot of green veins mapping all over, my sis said cld be due to the fact that I'm fat so skin got more elasticity muhahahaha lolx ;p


busybee, yah loh, I worry if too particular then bb may not have natural resistance. But on the other hand, worry abt developing sensitive skin if we use normal body foam. Sigh...parenthood, ma fen.
Littlebluey- Heeee yalor my JRT v.cuddly, fluffy and bit fat oso!! *LOL* Sometimes even got pple asked me if mine is a "giant" breed?! *Faint*
Think he's like an "Ang Mo" dog cos he's from Australia lor... ever since he neutered liao, slightly become bak bak!! =)

thebusybee- Heee yalor the bedding set from Babymall quite nice..but shipping sure heavy on the pocket one lor!! ;p
Sigh but worry my dog wun adjust well to baby...he quite possessive of me oso... *LOL*
hi mousebb

Ya lor..when i asked him abt my weight, he answered jokingly: 'Aiyah ok la, dun worie la. So if u think u fat how? Diet meh? Cant rite? Dun eat meh? Cant rite?' Then asked mi avoid milk totally if reali so concern, jus take the prenatal vitamins he prescribed will do.

Hi elchwong

Ya agree, watever it is, just wan bb to come out safely and healthy.

Oh Dr Adrian oso nv say take sugar intolerance test. I just did my urine test during every visit. Since he nv comment anything on my sugar level or health, i guessed shd be ok la hor...
Littlebluey, rebecca, everafter,

I got stretchmarks (reddish 'cracked' lines on skin surface) on my lower abdomen and green veins all over my breasts and tummy too...double impact! Hah...

I guess never do means mum n baby r of average weight...not a bad thing!
Littlebluey, me too. Green vein all over my body, arms &amp; legs too. Was telling my DH &amp; sis tat I m turning into the Incredible Hulk liao...hahaha
<font color="0000ff">Nickypower,

I oso tink your dog very "bak bak" leh hahahaha ;p..for a JRT consider quite "Big" ke ke ;p

I know surely "bu she de" to part with your dog but I heard JRT shed quite a fair bit rite?? So maybe your parents afraid your bb might develop allergies to it, maybe when your bb gal is older then bring him home?


Your dog is so cute, that's the max size? where did u get it from? I like small dogs that doesnt shed hahaha.."ma fan" me!!

Oso look chubby hor ^_^

<font color="0000ff">JJmon,

Wat a description!! Shang nao jing, Incredible Hulk!! Only my tummy area appear those unsightly veins leh...


No worries, am sure it will disappear after the delivery!!

Think I more bak than u lar lolx ;p

Icylemon, I can't stand the prawn soup smell, dunno y?

Your dog is so cute
hug pillow somemore. Mine will rest his head on pillow like us


<font color="aa00aa">Rachel Mum
You dog is so cuteeee!!! I like dogs also and have 3 miniature bull terriers a home. But eversince I have my boy, I dont have much time for them liao ~so guilty~!</font>
