(2008/10) Oct 2008

my bb is exactly 24 weeks yday... hehehe...

Littlebluey, Diane,
my bb boy also been moving alot.. hahaha.. doing somersaults or giving me a kick!! hahaha.. but its cute eh.. hehehee...

<font color="0000ff">Diane,

Sama sama, before my DH wakes me up for work, my boy would alrd be kicking me asking me to wake up, takes after his Daddy *faint* lolx ;p

<font color="0000ff">Forest,

I told my DH that bb alrd learn how to swim inside le..

Sometimes really wonder wat they are doing inside? hahahaha

same for us!! me and DH had the conversation... what is our boy doing inside ah?? swimming, learning scissors kick, somersault?? hahaaha...
<font color="0000ff">Forest!

Really!! Then whenever my Dh makes my angry or refused to let me eat certain things, I will complain to bb saying "Bb, your Daddy bully me"! muhahahaha...then my Dh will say "Bb, dun listen to your Mummy, it's the other way round" lolx


HAHAHAHAHA.... so funny!!!
for me, sometimes when bb is over active... my DH will talk to bb... n say... "Bb.. dont bully Mummy ok?".. kekeke...
Oops hello everybody..

sorry for not posting..was busy at wk, so was mostly reading the posts.

my bb has also been kicking a lot. my whole stomach will move and the first time when it moved while i was reading in bed, i thot there was an earthquake. HAha. =P

I bought a lot of stuff from bbmall online! (thks busybee
) spent S$60+. oops. so much for curbing myself..but we-ell..cldnt resist the cute towels, swimsuit (for 12 mths old!! hv to keep for some time huh), crib sheets etc. sigh. finally tallied expenses last night..quite shocking. =7

that said, i'll still look out for the mother and baby mag on my way hm later. (thanks diane!) haha. wonder if they were offering a better deal during the motherhood exhibition tho. heh.
<font color="aa00aa">Mummies
My boy still not drinking his milk leh! Heard some pple said it could be teething problem
. If this situation continues, may have to bring him go see doc liao.
<font color="aa00aa">re: Mother &amp; Baby Magazine
Bought mine at a petrol kisok on last Sunday. Comes with a bag and a teether. </font>
<font color="0000ff">Mousebb,

Is he very cranky these days, keeps salivating and loves biting on things? U can check if his gums are red and swollen.. if so, shd be signs of teething...</font>
<font color="aa00aa">Littlebluey
Yup, he has all the signs which you mentioned. He drinks very little water also. Afraid his body will get dehydrated soon.</font>
def v v quiet ahh.... so not used to it..

wahhh... u make me so gian to surf babymall online.. i will prob do it tonight if i can... heheh...

oh no... how abt flavoured water or juices? is he rejecting these too??
Yah, talking abt milkbags. I also kinda regret not getting more from Littlebluey's spree. Alamah...my sis again lah, told me she has leftover. Then later tell me, she only has like abt 100 bags, said I can get more but Littlebluey's spree long over liao loh. How much do we need huh?

Littlebluey, If u r gng 2 open another BP for milk bags, pls let me know ok?
diane, littlebluey
ur babies is so active.. my girl is so queit de, only can feel her moving a while on morning &amp; evening.. less than an hour per day bah...
<font color="0000ff">Mousebb,

Maybe like wat Forest suggested, maybe u can try juices or flavoured drinks, else try to coax him to drink more often, most likely he's definitely teething, gums swollen so very painful for the poor little boy...maybe u can give him the teether or some biscuits to bite on...


Oso not used to the thread so quiet leh... hmmmm bt no choice think most of the mummies are really bz with work leh...


Got another mummy did ask before if I'm organising another one, if anyone is interested and can consolidate suffice order to get it at the same price then will order

Ok will check it out here then see how the response ok


Think my bb oso got his mood leh, ytd I dun really feel alot of movements from him then at night I've to try to disturb him to ensure he's ok, see lar worry worry worry!! hmmmm....

Most prob, your bb gal is moving juz tht we are too bz sometimes, never really notice unless it's big movements...

<font color="0000ff">Bbgoh,

Some say the bb's action will more or less determined the way they behave when they are born...

Dunno how true thou :p
curioxette, littlebluey, forest

ya its an amazing feeling when bb kicks right??heehee sometimes i will really get a shock because the kick was too hard or i will scream ouch! better than if he doesn't kick..i will be worried if he dun kick...


ur gal is at how many weeks now? dun worry, the kicks will get more frequent and harder as the days goes by...heehee
Mousebb, can try giving him some barley water? My mom give to my bb niece when she is teething &amp; I remember my mom also rub some powder onto her gums. But I dunno what kinda powder is that, if u need, I can call to ask her.
true lor... cos' if im very busy, also wont have time to check back here... :p

like littlebluey, i also heard that bb's action will be how he/she is like when born.. hmmmm.....
<font color="0000ff">Hi Mummies,

If you are keen to order again, let me know

Am consolidating orders now..

If interested, pls PM me...Thanks

Intro on Blue Egg Breastmilk Storage Bags:

They are pre-sterilised and meant to ease the transport and storage of your precious breastmilk. These milk bags are designed with zip lock feature and enable easy sealing. It does not require wire-ties, additional clips or rubberbands. The self standing feature also make it easier for you to store in your freezer upright and helps save the storage space. You can also indicate your name and date/time on the milk bag that you have expressed before you store in the freezer. This breastmilk storage bags can also be an ideal gift for new mothers to encourage breastfeeding!! Try it out today


Freezer Safe
Easy Sealing
Leak Proof
Capacity storage up to 250ml (8oz)
Broad base to enable self-standing
Double Layered
FDA approved material used (100% safe)

Will advise payment mode once orders are confirmed.

You can either opt for postage or self collect at designated meetup points

<font color="0000ff">Diane,

We really got endless worries until the little one is born, can't help but worry sometimes ;p


Can give barley water w/o sugar to him, shd help to soothe the gums...


I standby about 200 bags for myself actually very hard to determine how much u really need? My fren from the birth of her bb (about 3 wks) she alrd managed to store 40 bags of BM!!

tml ll be on week 25 le..

littlebluey &amp; forest,
yah thk so, i just too busy to walk ard most of the time so very hard to feel it bah..
maybe she is very gentle girl oso

or bcoz of my tummy very big so ll hard to feel her kick. evrone say my tummy is very big like got twin le haha

this thread is moving too fast lah, sometimes i really cant catch up loh

I'm interested! I so regret not getting the other time round! Hw much is it per box and how many per box? Any advise as to hw many to get?
<font color="0000ff">Bbgoh,

Your baby will definitely be a lovely sweet gal!

Actually, these few days we alrd slow down pretty considerably le wor...hahahaha..;p


It's $6.50 per box and 1 box contain 25 pcs


Sure, u let me know again

<font color="aa00aa">Littlebluey, Forest, JJmom
Thanks! Will try to give him some barley water tomorrow. Want to bring him go see doc but my hubby feels that it is unnecessary. Yes, have prepared a few teethers for him and can see that he is bitting real hard on it.</font>
Hi mummies

Me jus back not long ago frm my gynae's visit. BB weighs 680g at 23 wks. Told Dr Adrian that i seem to be putting on weight fast, he said cut down on my milk consumption, but don't stop eating, hungry must eat he says! LOL My placenta is still low, may have to go for c-sect if it doesn't move up by the 3rd tri.

the busy bee/littlebluey

I seem to be on the emotional roller coaster during my 1st trimester. Stress unnecessary. Think no job, then a lot of free time on my hands to think here n there. But like u &amp; littlebluey said, DH is very supportive and encouraging. Tats wats important.

I've moved out from my MIL's place le. Really cant tahan anymore. I was crying and crying when i told my hubby about wat she said to me ( abt i'm having girl instead of a boy).

My hubby was really angry with his mum and told me to go back to my mum's place to stay. He mentioned that he is gg to make his mum feel remorseful abt what she had done. Haiz..

I will be moving again next year to my God-ma's place. This time round, I will be able to unite with my hubby and our baby.

I'm sorry i'm unable to get back to u regarding the shoe. Coz had been busy moving my stuff from IL's place. I'll be gg to take a look at world of sports tmr after my visit to the Gynea. I will only be getting a pair. Coz my hubby dun seems to be interested now. U wanna ask ard if there's 1 more person interested with it?

I would like to get the storage bags. I would like to get 6 boxes. Do keep me informed of the payment and the meet-up place. If the place not convenient for me, I'll most prob opt for registered mail.


nepia is very good, very absorbent, never used goo.n diapers before. but pet pet is also a very good and econimcal brand
busy bee

never seen/heard of that brand of diaper bag. hum

my husband quite okay with my diaper bag, even though it's a bit feminine (bright pink or red). :p he does complain it makes him feel a bit gayish.

milkbags...depending on individuals. I didn't hv any milkbags before cuz i latched baby on whenever she was hungry. but some mummies will ask husband or confinement lady or others to help to feed. that's probably when you need them.

you can give your pediatrician a call to ask for advice before going down. that's what i always do.
<font color="aa00aa">Good morning Mummies

Dont be affected by what your mil said. Just enjoy your pregnancy since you are back at your mum's place now.

My hubby feels that it is unnecessary to see PD cos he said his fren's bb who is a month older than our son, also behaved in the same way when teething wor. I dont know whether is it bcos I'm too gan chiong or over-protect my son, but seeing him not drinking and eating well, I really feel very heartache. When he was younger, I was always worried that he would become a little sumo, but now seems like it is quite difficult for him to put on weight leh.</font>
Good mummies!

Ribenali, I agree with mousebb, dun let what ur mil said affect you. Girl or boy same la... the baby is the love from u and hubby. Just enjoy ur pregnancy and wait for your bb to arrive.

mousebb, ermmm.. then I think i super paraniod mummy... Cos last time my boy dun want to eat or drink etc.. for more than 8 hrs, I will bring down to PD liao. Cos scared this scared that. :p
Ribenali, no worries..u take your time and let me know what design u interested ok? Don't brood over what your MIL says, most impt is stay happy so that your bb will be happy too

Any mummies here interested to get a pair of Birkenstocks? http://www.footshopping.com/main.cfm?MI=31
Need another pair to get free shipping.

VaNiLLa, i also told Dr Adrian that i seems to put on too much weight but he didnt say anything leh..he says its normal and cant be bb put on weight and i didnt! *faint*
Good morning All!

Don't think the Diaper bag is available in SIngapore. Guess I shall continue on my hunt for a suitable one.

Hope your son feels better soon, don't get too stressed out.

Thanks for the FisherPrice BP tip, too bad no swings in the BP. Was hoping to get a swing to entertain baby when she arrives.

Cheer up! Stay focus on being happy for your little one.
I'll like to have 4boxes...pls PM me the payment details n etc...

Thks! I'll get Nepia in NB &amp; M and Goo.N in NB &amp; S...I'm scared of over-stocking the milk bags in case I dun bf for long thus I think 100 bags is a gd number to start wif I guess...

Any advise if I shld get Desitin Creamy or Baby California Calendula Cream? Both seems to have gd reviews...
the busy bee, i'm asking the lady to check if her supplier hv the 3-in-1 rocker swing, mayb u would like to post wat u're interested and get her to check?

hi <font color="aa00aa">Purebliss</font>

<font color="ff0000">everafter</font>, u r putting on alot. bb is 700gm at how many weeks??
