(2008/10) Oct 2008

xuanting, ya my boss is quite nice indeed. he even told me that he will keep me in his prayers. my spotting stop already. when i wipe, did not see any more red liao. but yellowish discharge increased a lot..dunno is normal or not leh.

hi storeberry, u are here also ? hehe. cos my bb still not stable and might be early Oct mummy so i also chat here sometimes. is it too early to confirm CL now ? i will consider after i complete the 1st trimester first.

<font color="ff6000">hi precious,

I am living in simei.
agree with you, if really need to get maid i will just get one to come in on weekends to help clean. my mum and mil are quite keen to help take care of the baby next time. my mum oredi volunteered.

wah, I am also not thinking of getting a CL yet. maybe like you all say, after 12 weeks bah. then things are more confirmed and can book one early. most of them are malaysians rite?</font>
actually my mum volunteered to do confinement for me. however she is not experienced. she did not know how to prepared those confinement foods and take care of newborns. she did not really takes care of us when we are babies. we are being brought up by our granny. do u all think is safe to order those confinement foods from caterer ?? has anyone here thot of doing that ??
i think my mum cannot doing CL stuff also. in fact, she said that when she had me, she didn't have a CL. after that she really really regretted. so i think she will insist that i get a proper experienced CL.
Hi porky, just pop by to see who are the OCt mummies... Kekeke.. Nothing to do at home so surfng the web...

Dimpletot, yah most are Malaysian but CL also must get those that are honest &amp; good. Sekali get one who is lazy &amp; not good one, very stressful &amp; somemore not cheap leh.. $1800 is the market rate right?
porky, that's good news! just continue with your medication and minimise all movements. hope dr woodworth will have good news for you when you see him tomorrow.

i am also thinking of ordering confinement food. i heard that some are not bad. can't remember which one but i think i read about it from one of the threads in this forum. i don't intend to have a cl cos i'm planning to breastfeed and order confinement food; we also have a part-time cleaner coming in every week, so like not much left for cl to do like that.
xuanting, yesterday i sit on the chair when i shower and wash my hair. haha. feels so comfortable.

my cousin also order confinement foods during her confinement. mayb i can ask her for the caterer she used. i am staying with MIL. however, she say will not do confinement for me...so at least can settle the foods then i can breastfeed bb on my own. but who will do the laundry ?? another headache...haiz...
my SIL got a CL thru the agency de. but she comment that the CL quite lazy leh...my SIL is breastfeeding. then when she finish bf her bb, the CL will sleep together when the bb sleeps...sometimes she is late to wake up to cook the meals. even my BIL is not happy with her altitude..and even finished up all the chocolates that my BIL brought back from overseas ! but my SIL did not scold or say anything to the CL. just let her be else later she ill-treat her bb wor....
<font color="aa00aa">porky: I bought my mum this recipe book (available in both english and chinese) from popular bookstore and she prepared my SIL's confinement food for her. My SIL said that the food was all very good and tasty. I can pass you the title if you want and you can take a look</font>
Wow..the thread had been so....long..

sorry for the late reply

had scan but cannot see the waterbag and the fotue yet. The blood test is too see the blood level wheather it is up , if not then maybe it is a miscarriage.... need to had two blood test after 48 hours to compare.

I will had to go tmr for the second one.

Pray very hard ....but percentage is not high as i am still seeing the spot.


btw, i am staying in fernvale.
Porky, if you manage to get the contact number for the confinement food catering, pls share with me. Thanks.

Same thoughts porky, laundry is also another problem that I'm facing. I dun think it's nice to ask MIL to do. So I think getting part time maid would solve this problem.
<font color="aa00aa">ribenali: alamak, the thread moves so fast I did not even see yr earlier message.

At the moment, jenny said just one jab. If no more spotting and cramping, then should only be once off. So, let's hope it stays that way lah.

The thing is that I am also super careless, I just go about doing things like before I was preggie. Believe it or not, I was running in the office to my boss's room when my asst (who knows abt my pregnancy) ran from the back and tapped me on my shoulder and said "hello, how come you are running????? you are spotting leh!!!!!"
Then, it hit me. I am a bit careless and "big head prawn" like that lor and before I was preggie, I am actually pretty active, hence I am not used to having to slow down so much... Hiazzzzz... I really need to remember to stop and breathe man. V jat lat
hi all,

can i tell my experience to your...for my first 1, my mil oso said she do confinement for me and said save money, then i think think ok lor, let her do....

but after a few days of confinement i regretted that i didnt ask for confinement lady.....

cos my mil and fil both are ard 60 plus tat time, and my mil have "kuan jie yuan"....she is very helpful, she bath my baby, take care baby for me at night....then hor, even wash my clothing for me, but seeing her so tired i oso feel sad and bad la, so end up i oso help to do this and do that....and i find i cannot really rest well....

so i am telling myself....i will get a confinement lady for my 2nd confinement, no matter how much is the prices.....

another thing is, i find if your hubby can save leaves now and take at 1 go during confinement to help out oso is a good arrangement....

my hubby take 2 weeks leave for my first confinement and it really helps....i feel much more happy with him around...
Tht's true, it always feel better if hubby is around especially during the confinement.
I will propose to him to keep all his leaves now for future usage.

Hee hee
<font color="aa00aa">avrilmummy: thanks for sharing. i was just chatting on this topic with a GF 'cos my mum told me she will cook confinement food for me. but the thing is that food is just one element, the washing and taking care of BB at night is another. hence, i better discuss this with her again man. 'cos otherwise, will need to look for one closer to the end of my first trimester le.

Juz Me: thanks for updating the list!</font>
My Godma and mum told me that they will do the confinement for me during then, but my mum has no experience as CL, what are the things they normally need to do?
My friend had a bad experience wih CL that in the end, she has to do most things by herself.

Are we really not advice to move around ?
hi JuzMe .. can help me input my details?
Havnt seen a gynea yet.

Am tempted to go to Dr douglas Ong as I work in orchard. But the traffic there seems scary! How is Dr Douglas Ong?

LMP - 10th Jan 2008
Child - 1st
Zodiac - snake
Hi Wan a mousy ,

Dr Douglas Ong is a patient , caring and experience doctor . He will not rush thru the consultation even there is a lot of Q outside so you can rest assured that whatever questions you have he will explain to you till you understand and ok .

He is my gynea and my SIL's ( 2 of them ) gynea as well .

Go see him for your first appt and from there you can decide whether u are comfortable with him as your gynea .
I admit is also luck on whether we can have a good confinement lady, i will ask ard friends and relatives on the confinement lady that they use before and then decide which one to take, but normally i will do it after 1st trimester, now too early liao la....wait until everything is stable, then i will proceed to do the rest....
Avril mummy
should be ok, but you need to inform the dentist you are pregnant. But if cleaning no issue as long as you are not doing any chemical cleansing ba..
thanks..jlow...i think i oso check with gynae tomorrow hor....am seeing him tomorrow....very nervous now...cos long time didnt let stranger touch here touch there liao hahahhahaha
Hi AvrilMummy ,

Confirmed can go dentist for just cleaning . I went to dentist for normal checkup and cleaning when I was preg with my 2 gals previously . No problem just let the dentist know u are pregnant .
<font color="aa00aa">jlow: yup, will check with mum over the weekend on the title and share with you ladies.
wan a mousy: where are u staying? Dr Ong has another clinic at Ten Mile junction which opens at night also. So maybe u can consider tat clinic instead of the one at Mt E.
<font color="119911">hi all!! just came back from my visit to gynae. heard the heartbeat le! hehe, very exciting, i almost wanna cry le (so darn paiseh). she printed the ultrasound scan for me. u gals wanna see?? haha

at home now so can't update the excel (in office heehee) will do it tmr ya? wah this thread is so super fast moving haha.

i heard from colleague is better to get CL leh. they say esp if u wanna breastfeed your baby, u will be very very tired and in pain = frustration and postnatal blues. someone there help u care for baby at least u can eat/shower etc in peace. else not enuf nutrition = cannot produce milk = even harder time breadtfeeding. initially i also thot dun nid. just let my MIL cook confinement food can le. then i can take acre of baby. now i so confused. pls let me know what u gals think ya?
<font color="aa00aa">wan a mousy: i have the same tots as the rest of th girls here. dr. ong really is very patient and friendly.

he is my first gynae and have been with him since. actually, he is my MIL's friend and because i stay near his night clinic (then was in bt panjang plaza), i decided to visit him for my annual pap smears and other ladies' prob out of convenience. I have been with him ever since! The comfort level is there as he is thorough, does not rush through and takes the time to listen and answer to my 101 questions!
Juz Me: I would advise to get a CL if possible. To help out during confinement is not an easy task.. better have someone more experience and the mommy can rest more as well as concentrate on the b/f part. The other time when my mom did my confinement for me, I can see that it's not easy. As for this time, I think most likely we are getting a domestic maid (my mom was telling me, she can't handle 2 so the possibility of engaging a maid is very high). But getting a good maid is not easy plus so ex to employ one!!! sigh...
<font color="119911">hai never thot so many issues to think thru... ok look like will be a busy 9 month ;P hey when u ladies visited the gynae, what they prescribe to u? aside from folic acid?</font>
Juz me, the last time i was given multivits and calcium pills. Den when discovered i was kinda low blood i was asked to take iron pills too.
<font color="aa00aa">Hi Juz Me: for me, I have been on folic and calcium since like 4 - 6 months ago when the doc knows we were planning end last yr. now, i am also on pre-natal and of course the hormone pills now.
hi buffy, thanks for sharing the receipe book. however my mum cant read both english &amp; mandarin cos she is very low educated...btw, pls dont run around. is very dangerous especially at early pregnancy. walk slowly wor.

hi cally, r u also seeing Dr Adrian at SK ? my appt is tmr's nite. mayb u are still very early week thats why cant even see the sac. dont worry too much. i will also pray hard for u. alto i myself also very worried abt my scan tmr...

previous, okok, once i get the caterer contacts i will share it here. i also think not so nice to ask my MIL to do the laundry for me. my MIL even told me to wear disposable underwear during confinement...so she dont have to wash my underwear for me loh...
hi buffy, little ger and A&amp;E

I stayed in the far east of SG .. perhaps i will keep Dr douglas Ong as one of the options
seems like he is a hot favorite among you mummies.

I have written to Dr joycelyn Wong and she advised me to go for the scanning after 6th week .. I dun koe if you girls have been as paranoid as me .. .. keep wondering about abt the pregnancy ... haiz

i have changed my nick here as mine in Singaporebrides can't be used here (motherhood forum)

anyone heard "The Tow Yung clinic" at Tanglin? any comment?

My LMP should be 26 dec (esti), so i guess should fall into this thread.

Last visit was told that i'm 5wks 6days on 5 feb.
<font color="119911">Hi lili, welcome to the club =) no, is it a gynae clinic? mabbe the doctor will sound more familiar?
wan a mousy>> u sure not alone man! haha i was paranoid over every cough and sneeze. faint. much reassured after seeing gynae and hearing heartbeat =)</font>
<table border=1><tr><td>Name</TD><TD>LMP</TD><TD>EDD</TD><TD>Doctor</TD><TD>Child</TD><TD>Zodiac </TD></TR><TR><TD> </TD></TR><TR><TD>Autum</TD><TD></TD><TD>9/8/2008</TD><TD></TD><TD>2nd</TD><TD> </TD></TR><TR><TD> </TD></TR><TR><TD>storeberry</TD><TD></TD><TD>9/8/2008</TD><TD></TD><TD></TD><TD> </TD></TR><TR><TD> </TD></TR><TR><TD>Littleger</TD><TD>24/12/2007</TD><TD></TD><TD>Dr Douglas Ong (Mt E)</TD><TD>2nd</TD><TD>snake </TD></TR><TR><TD> </TD></TR><TR><TD>lili_fc</TD><TD>26/12/2007</TD><TD></TD><TD></TD><TD></TD><TD> </TD></TR><TR><TD>Juz Me</TD><TD>27/12/2007</TD><TD></TD><TD>Dr Dolly Wee (Mt E)</TD><TD>1st</TD><TD>horse </TD></TR><TR><TD> </TD></TR><TR><TD>Makebaby</TD><TD>29/12/2007</TD><TD></TD><TD></TD><TD></TD><TD> </TD></TR><TR><TD> </TD></TR><TR><TD>Linda</TD><TD>31/12/2007</TD><TD></TD><TD>Dr Heng (ESH)</TD><TD>2nd</TD><TD>cow </TD></TR><TR><TD> </TD></TR><TR><TD>Precious</TD><TD>31/12/2007</TD><TD></TD><TD>Dr Adrian (Sengkang)</TD><TD></TD><TD>goat </TD></TR><TR><TD> </TD></TR><TR><TD>Hazeline</TD><TD>1/1/2008</TD><TD></TD><TD>Dr Adrian (CCK)</TD><TD>2nd</TD><TD>goat </TD></TR><TR><TD> </TD></TR><TR><TD>Diane</TD><TD>1/1/2008</TD><TD></TD><TD>Dr Adrian</TD><TD></TD><TD> </TD></TR><TR><TD> </TD></TR><TR><TD>Jlow</TD><TD>1/1/2008</TD><TD></TD><TD>Dr Kek LP (Mt E)</TD><TD>1st</TD><TD>tiger </TD></TR><TR><TD> </TD></TR><TR><TD>CH Lee</TD><TD>2/1/2008</TD><TD></TD><TD>Dr HK Ho (MAH)</TD><TD>1st</TD><TD>goat </TD></TR><TR><TD> </TD></TR><TR><TD>Traz</TD><TD></TD><TD></TD><TD>Dr Adrian (Sengkang)</TD><TD>3rd</TD><TD> </TD></TR><TR><TD> </TD></TR><TR><TD>Everafter</TD><TD>2/1/2008</TD><TD></TD><TD>Dr Adrian (Sengkang)</TD><TD>1st</TD><TD>goat </TD></TR><TR><TD> </TD></TR><TR><TD>RibenaLi</TD><TD></TD><TD></TD><TD>Dr Douglas Ong (Mt E)</TD><TD>1st</TD><TD>rooster </TD></TR><TR><TD> </TD></TR><TR><TD>Buffy</TD><TD>6/1/2008</TD><TD></TD><TD>Dr Douglas Ong (Mt E)</TD><TD>1st</TD><TD>snake </TD></TR><TR><TD> </TD></TR><TR><TD>Yvonneho</TD><TD></TD><TD>25/09/2008</TD><TD>Dr Lawrence Ang (TMC)</TD><TD>2nd</TD><TD>rabbit </TD></TR><TR><TD> </TD></TR><TR><TD>Xuanting</TD><TD></TD><TD></TD><TD></TD><TD></TD><TD> </TD></TR><TR><TD> </TD></TR><TR><TD>Lovebug</TD><TD></TD><TD></TD><TD></TD><TD></TD><TD> </TD></TR><TR><TD> </TD></TR><TR><TD>AvrilMummy</TD><TD>05/01/2008 </TD><TD></TD><TD>Dr HK Ho (MAH)</TD><TD>2nd</TD><TD>cow </TD></TR><TR><TD> </TD></TR><TR><TD>Porky</TD><TD></TD><TD></TD><TD>Dr Adrian (Sengkang)</TD><TD></TD><TD> </TD></TR><TR><TD> </TD></TR><TR><TD>Cally</TD><TD></TD><TD></TD><TD></TD><TD></TD><TD> </TD></TR><TR><TD> </TD></TR><TR><TD>Wan_a_mousy</TD><TD>10/1/2008</TD><TD></TD><TD></TD><TD>1st</TD><TD>snake </TD></TR><TR><TD> </TD></TR><TR><TD>porky</TD><TD></TD><TD>Dr adrian</TD><TD></TD><TD>horse</TD><TD> </TD></TR><TR><TD> </TD></TR><TR><TD></td></tr></table>
<font color="ff6000">welcome lili! what was your nick on Sgbrides?

Haven't heard of that tanglin clinic though.

Anyone here, esp the second time mummies have info on HR norms? Was thinking, if I have one month's worth of leave. then i take the paid maternity leave for 3 months, then can i tender after the 3 months end, and use my 1 month's leave to offset the 1 month's 'notice' that I'm supposed to serve after tendering?

must forward plan liao... thinking of quitting altogether or getting another job after this.</font>
hi Ladies,

my LMP was 17/01/08, had 3times of home test &amp; all got the positive. never visit family doc, ll direct visit gynae next sat when abt 5weeks preggy bah..
if not calculate wrong, thk i can join this thread.
Hi lili, i rem my gf told me she's seeing this gynae at tanglin but she never tell mi the clinic's name. Not sure if it's the one u are referring to.
<font color="aa00aa">porky
thanks for the concern, yah, need to stop running around literally... i think the recipe is not too hard for you to translate for your mum, just a few key ingredients and the cooking method. the instructions did not look that long to me. i will be heading to my parents place this weekend for dinner so will be able to check then.

wan a mousy: hey, my god sister uses dr. joycelyn wong. so far, pretty good feedback.

oh, one question for you ladies, what is s healthy cereal option (no nuts please)? thanks!</font>
CH Lee, if i'm not wrong.. there's no wrong on the part - tender upon returning to work from maternity. As for the 1 month notice... i think it's up to the company's policy if they allow u to do that. From what i know, using AL to offset notice can be allow (in my company) but different company diff policy so i guessed u better chk it out with ur HR dept.
Buffy, healthy cereal? Hmm... u wanna chk out Marks and Spencer? They got pretty nice n healthy (I suppose) cereals... i love it but the price is kinda more ex than the normal ones we see... Actually if u really going for very healthy choice.. u can opt for Quakers. Hehehe...
<font color="aa00aa">jane: welcome!
keep us posted on yr progress

dimpletot: haha... so I am not alone. I was actually job hunting when I found out I was preggie! am gonna be so looking forward to maternity leave where I can then have a break and then start hunting perhaps</font>
<font color="ff6000">haha, so buffy, you thinking of not returning to your current job after maternity leave at all yah?

welcome jane!</font>
Actually i also have the idea of job changing.. but after i discovered I am pregnant, I got to hold on to this job. I not sure if it is a wise choice for mi to change job after this cos my current jobscope quite relax, not much stressed and it's not really a very strict company.

I worried if change job then if the new company not flexible and strict then i will have prob with taking leave when comes to baby matters. The beginning few months has to bring baby for chk up and injections... blah blah..
<font color="aa00aa">littleger: issit? marks and spencer ah? ok, i will check it out... thanks! incidentally i bought quaker oats ytr but the instant oat porridge version. i know it is not too healthy but i was just too curious to pass it up 'cos i have a savoury tooth lah...

<font color="aa00aa">dimpletot: alamak, i so transparent ah? ha ha ha... am really not too happy at work and that actually contributed to my spotting 'cos of the stress. ang mo company, the ang mo politics is very bad. the moment u are not in the office, wah, all the knives come flying your way liao...

littleger: good tot also hor, 'cos need to bring to paeditrician... who is helping you with #2? your MIL still? for me, most likely, it will be my mum 'cos she has already volunteered and she stays nearby. it is such a relief having a mum that lives so near and is keen to help, 'cos putting at a nanny or childcare is definitely different from family i feel...</font>
