(2008/10) Oct 2008

<font color="aa00aa">Whitepaper, Trace
Aiyo! You gals are tempting me with food! Yes! Potato leaves with sambal is nice also! Maybe instead of kangkong, I should take potato leave cos no CRAMP hor! hahaha! Thanks for the suggestion! </font>
<font color="aa00aa">Trace
When I was at my early stage of pregnancy, I always crave for ajisen ramen. Now whenever my hubby asked me if I want ajisen ramen, I will shake my head liao. Used to like Spicy Tomyam Seafood Ramen.</font>

Actually I had been eating whatever and everything I want until last week... when Doc told me baby too big! So I'm also not disciplined lar... it's forced to be disciplined... hahaha......

Yah sweet potato leaves actually nicer than kang kong leh! Wah mousebb! You sure can eat lar! No cramps!!!

actually potato leaves is nicer than kangkong leh..n chilli with dry shrimps..wah seh! yummy!

today i had beef ramen....so satisfying..
<font color="0000ff">blur</font>,

So qiao, I m at blk 638 but I don't mind meeting u at your blk when I knock off

Have PM u my hp#, let arrange a time to meet up
<font color="aa00aa">Whitepaper, Trace
Okie! Will go try the potato leaves with sambal!
Trace, the way you describe the dish really make me drool leh! </font>
<font color="0000ff">icylemon</font>,

I really envy u lei, I c u always eating KFC, zinger &amp; a lot of fattering food but u din put on so much wor...

I feel vy sianz to have to force myself not to eat my fav food (all sinful 1)...sob sob
nasi lemak >>> i like chong pang one.

kangkung >> i dun thk ll caused cramp just bcoz of eating it ler.. so far *touchwood* i m ok after eat
alamak.. become food talk ahhh..... hahahahaha

i agree leh.. i like sweet potato leaves with chilli too!!! yum yum!!!!!

i always pick the honey oats bread and add honey mustard when i eat subway.. but i'll take the cookies too leh.. :p cant resist.. :p
I have been eating sambal kangkong lei coz DH don't like sambal potato leaves

I also like ajisen ramen, me &amp; DH always go for vocalno ramen coz it's the most spicy 1...*drool*

I think i need to have a steamboat this weekend to kill my food craving, at least it's healthy
<font color="ff0000">mousebb, JJmom &amp; Trace</font> my gynae suan me last nite.

"I still cant figure out Y u didnt put on a single gram. and everytime when u see me, ur weight seems to drop. something is wrong with the weighing machine."

i pengz.

infact i m a very overweight mummy. if u see my blog, u can tell them i m a fat ma ma. but i really didnt put on a single weight at all for this pregnancy. i oso dunno Y.
not eat so often lar, only when having dinner outsd with PIL they like to order heehhee

thk b4 pop out we all ll kill the craving 1st haha

i wan steamboat, nasi lemak, BK, BBQ stingray &amp; chilli crab
<font color="0000ff">Whitepaper</font>, mayb I will collect mine firming cream from u tml too if u meeting everafter? I sms u again tml to c how ok?
<font color="aa00aa">I already told my hubby to apply for leave on 30 Sep, 1 day before my c-sect to bring me go eat, eat and eat. Must fast a few hours before the c-sect and after that on drip. Dunno this time will my gynae allow me to eat in that night after my op anot. The last time, I kept telling him that I'm hungry.</font>
<font color="0000ff">icylemon</font>,

Wah lau...u really make me feel like crying liao loh...so unfair 1!!!

I also want to eat and eat on my last week... hahaha... but I scared wait I want to poo poo even after the edema is done... then the nurses will laugh why I so much poo poo...
rach's mum,
dats y yest i text u..sayin hw i envy u!!!

haha..i m mitting my gfs on mon..we gog park royal for buffet..my buddies said they dun dare to meet mi in oct..cos anytime i will pop liao..so sept muz mit n go n eat wadever i want..hahahaa
<font color="aa00aa">Rachel's Mummy
So ENVY leh! I'm not a big eater and dont anyhow eat also, but still put on 12kg. Every time I console myself it is just "water retention" and it would go away after I gave birth. Hahaha! </font>
<font color="ff0000">JJmom</font> Y cry??

i got BBQ function on 14 sept. i oso will eat alot. coz during confinement no no seafood.

i m going to cheong for the prawns! sotong! satays! otahs!! crayfish!
<font color="ff0000">Trace, mousebb &amp; everafter</font> is my 1st time tat pregnant w/o putting on weight.

and i nvr heard before tat pregnant woman dun put on weight. u gals come across such cases??
<font color="aa00aa">bbgoh
I had c-sect for my boy at 1pm and my gynae told me to fast on that day from 7am onwards. This time, I'm having it at 10am, so I guess the night before I sleep, I must have my 'last' supper before i have my op.

For me hor, when I had c-sect last time, the night before, I had some prune juice to help clear my system. Hence next day when i was given the medicine to clear my bowel, there was nothing much to clear liao.</font>

Don't be sad lar... don't think too much about it... you'll lose all the weight after delivery, before you know it. Jiayou!
Rachel mum, i nv heard b4 leh..it could be u lose weight to your bb instead! Then after delivery no need to diet lor..how nice!!

Whitepaper, besides that like u, i also scared end up bb too big then cannot go natural delivery leh

But I'm that kind who's used to poo poo in morning one... can't poo at night... just don't feel right. My routine is wake up --> brush teeth --> drink 500ml water --> poo poo --> shower. Without fail. Everyday.
<font color="aa00aa">Rachel's Mummy
Never come across. As long as bb's weight is not affected, it will be better for you cos the moment you give birth, your weight will be lighter than your pre-pregnancy weight le. How I wish I'm like you! </font>

Your Doc got say anything about baby's weight? It's not really the current weight of baby, but the rate of absorption. Mine is just absorbing too fast... 350g per week...
Reading the dishes discussed make what I just ate pathetic...which's a cup of milo with 8 pieces of Khong Guan soda biscuits...I'm craving for red bean paste mooncakes! Not branded, baked or snowskin doesn't matter as long as it's red bean paste...going to buy from the bakery near my place after I knock off...I'm willing to skip dinner for that...
Whitepaper, he didnt say leh..jus said based on weight gain he's abit bigger than average. Mine should be 300g per week based on last check-up
<font color="aa00aa">everafter
Me too, would drink 650ml of water every morning before I eat my food.</font>

Why you only eat biscuits with milo???!!! For mooncakes hor... I prefer the empty ones... as in the "zhu long"... no filling one... coz I only like the baked skin.
