(2008/10) Oct 2008


My hubby is working just near there, in Burlington Sq. Will ask him to go take a look for me tomorrow. If he can't find it, will get it from kiddy palace on sunday. thank you.
<font color="aa00aa">Purebliss
You still can go shopping with a big tum tum huh? Peifu! For me, unless necessary, I wouldnt want to go shopping at this stage liao. Feeling so breathless. But comes to weekend, still need to bring ah boy out for a while since hubby is not working and can drive us. </font>
Blur, I m at Punggol leh. But I don't mind getting from u at some other MRT stn
Is it 4oz?How much is per tube? Thanks

BBgoh, thanks

Aiyoh...poor Bluey cannot discharge today, hope she is doing better with the higher dosage. Is she scare over there? Tell her we will all be praying 4 her *hugz*
hello mummies,

i m bk frm lunch, i had ajisen today! beef ramen with lotsa chilli powder..yum!


i tot of bringing her to cameron highlands..we planning to drive up.. nice weather~

oh, i din noe have to go thru all the vacination then can bring her out of the ctry ar? hmm..mayb i shall chk with the PD
i sms littlebluey this morn, she told me she din sleep well..disturbed by the nurse bcos of the med..n oso her neighbour..her neighbour's dad bot supper for her at 4.30am!!

Huh? Bluey in the hospital still din get to rest well at nite...really poor mommy.

The neighbour's dad can do visiting at 4:30am 1 meh?!!! Aiyoh...disturb others leh, so inconsiderate 1...sigh!
Jus Uz, Counting down is so exciting...
Just went to mothercare. they are having sale.
Bought more baby clothes. Think i over buy. baby have too many clothes now. haha... wonder if he'll finish wearing them before he outgrows them all.

Went to Jack's Place for lunch. Pure carnivore. Haha...

yes, dats wad she told mi this morn..not sure if she can b discharged today...she said she will request for it
<font face="tahoma"> Actually i think in hospitals we cant rest at all! coz every 1 - 2 hours they will come and take your temp and blood pressure. how to sleep well!!!!

As for those 2 bedders... if your "neighbour" is noisy or inconsiderate, make things worst! </font>
Which lousy hospital is bluey in? Why the nurses allow visitors to enter at such unearthly hours?

Send bluey my love too. Hope she discharge soon.
she wont be discharged.. she is put on heavier dosage, and have CTG monitoring tom...
she also said didnt have a good rest cos of lack of zzzz... so, it was her neighbour ahhhh.... *faint*
Oh no... Hope Littlebluey gets well fast... we are all waiting for her in the forum

Mommies, I think my diet plan working leh!
Today weigh myself and found that I lost 1kg since last week! Hope baby also never put on alot of weight............... check up next Thursday. Gan jiong
hi mummies

It's me! Thx for everyone concerns ..

Really wish can go home soon miss the forum &amp; my bed.

Managed to come on for a while thanks to my sis iPhone !

Rest well and take care ya!

Miss u all
we miss you too... hope you are okay... do read some magazine if bored... stay happy
take care most impt.
Eat less rice and noodles lor... and no pastries, sweet stuff (though I ate a double choc muffin that day) lor... and drink more water...

coz Doc say baby too big... and I don't want big baby... coz want easy delivery... so trying to cut down... actually not me on diet lar... is baby on diet!!!!!!!! kekeke... actually I put on quite alot leh, about 8kg already.

Mousebb, i bo bian.. if dun buy.. ask hubby buy, dunno when liao. I also walk a while.. then pant pant.. hahahahahha!! Bought a lot of things.. now backache.
<font color="aa00aa">Last time when I gave birth to my boy, I got the free upgrade to a 2-bedded room. My neighbour was so inconsiderate, she can talk loudly on her HP in the middle of the night and somemore got visitors after 10.30pm. They talked and laughed loudly too! During daytime when I was trying to catch some sleep, I was always waken up by her "snoring". When her hubby and son came to visit her, her son will run about in the room making a lot of noise too. My hubby and frens all said I very unlucky to share the room with this type of pple.
My hubby said this time since I have opted a single-bedded room, he hope I can have a better rest during my stay in the hospital.</font>
<font color="aa00aa">Purebliss
You took a cab there? Thought the KP at Parkway Parade is quite small leh! At least you can fang xin now since you have bought the things liao. Most men are like that, they are always very 'cool' one. My hubby is like that too.
You better go take a rest since you are having backache now. Must be the walking and the big tummy that give you the backache.</font>
great to see ur post!!
we miss u too... u rest well too!!

wahh.. then u must plan for highway stops for rest.. else sure v tiring... but it sure sounds like a nice holiday!!!!

pei fu!! still can diet now.. if u dont eat rice/noodles, dont u get hungry v fast??
Whitepaper, quite difficult for me leh..no rice/noodles then eat what??!! No brown rice for me manz...Btw, u knock off what time tomor? Intend to collect my firming cream frm u aft check-up tmr

I eat other stuff like oats... I still eat porridge, bee hoon and stuff, but in lesser quantities, don't finish the entire bowl. Eat popiah etc... not so starchy food lar. I feel fine lar, not hungry. But last night wake up at 3pm damn hungry, so ate 3 biscuits

Nothing to pei fu about lar!!! Alot of mommies gain less weight than me...
oh yah... then over the wkend when I get to cook, I'll use slow cooker to cook soup (lotus root soup, radish soup, white fungus soup) and I'll stir fry some vege, and steam a slice of silver cod fish with mushrooms, toufu and tomatoes. Quite a spread... share with hubby without rice. Also very full! And nutritious!

I had been eating brown rice since young... so maybe easier for me
tomorrow not sure yet... coz must see hubby when can come and pick me up. What's your preferred timing?
Mousebb, take cab to and fro lor.. yah la.. most of the things i also get from mothercare. Bo chup.. then i also have good lunch at Jacks place. Hahahahah!
Hi Mummies,

I have extra packet of Raspberry Leaf Tea for sale. Just bought the tea leaf from moms in mind online recently. Then I realised I have bought too many packets and won't be able to finish myself.

Selling @ $5.00 per pack (Free normal post)

Interested parties, kindly email [email protected]
yes! sound interesting when i visit the website..got strawberry farm, veg farm..they said the steamboat there is bagus!!! haha..

my hubby wanna b more garang, said go aust!!! i stared at him..no way manz!
<font color="0000ff">Hi JJmom2008</font>,

I live in Punggol too. Which blk are u living in? I'm at blk 185. $10 can?
Oh and eat Subway also a good choice... choose the honey oat bread... no white bread hor! And use healthier dressing like mustard, not mayo hor!!! And of course, for the fillings, I go for oven roasted chicken breast
yummy, nutritious and non-fattening (and please leave out the cookies)
<font color="aa00aa">I told my hubby I have a sudden urge to eat sambal kangkong this evening when he called this afternoon. A lot of pple said better dont take kangkong cos it would cause leg cramp, but I think if my hubby allows, I would go ahead cos besides this dish, nothing I want to eat le. Nowadays when I think of food, always want to vomit.</font>

I feel like eating Changi Village nasi lemak... I'm gonna eat once more before I pop... with extra chicken wing. Yum!

<font color="aa00aa">Whitepaper
The Subway cookies taste yummy leh, altho not very crispy lah. I'm not so disciplined like you cos I will still allow myself to eat those 'sinful' food once in a while. Must pamper myself mah. Guess that is the reason why I already piled on more than 10kg. </font>
