(2008/10) Oct 2008

Mine is also 52x28 inch. I got my bedding sheets from Kiddy Palace at the exact sizing.

Do you have the website for us to take a look on the stuff available for sale?
<font color="119911">argh i juz ordered more bibs from BP.. haha jia lat, she already got sooo very many... i juz can't resist the cute lil bibs...faint... hope she dun object to using them else i be stuck with a bunch of cute new bibs...

disposable undies>>u all buy maternity ones or normal ones can le? i got 2 pack of normal ones.. but now thinking dunno if should get maternity ones?

candle>>wow can discharge liao!
u must be very happy and exicted
so happy for you!

mousebb>>was it her 1st baby?? how long was her labour?? heard some ppl labour really very easy one! described to me like pooping like that! aiyo i oso hope mine so easy ;P

littlebluey>>o no! u were hospitalised?? wat happened?? do take care ya</font>
Hi elchwong/ Hi mint,

I just realise I post the size wrongly earlier. Sorry... me so blur!!!

Mine is UK size = 120 cm by 60cm (47.2 by 23.6 inches)

US is 132cm by 71cm (52 by 28 inches)

I was searching the internet, saw this SG online shop (KidzLoft) selling crib sheet w zip 120cm by 60cm... they also got a shop, I gonna go down take a look this weekend. You might want to check it out as well...


Thanks alot for your response...
Hi pildough,

disposable undies~~
I bought disposable panties from Watsons too (Watsons brand)!!! The normal kind... I ask around my frds n sister-in-law who just gave birth, they said the normal ones are good enough...:)
GREAT news!! so happy for u about Sheralyn! She's really doing very very well!!
Hehehe.. very soon u can bring her home le.... exciting!!

u're quite good le.. can tahan so long not to wash ur hair! i wont be able to lor... :p

wow... ur fren is my idol.. hope i can be like her too!! :p

wow.. now u have to do homework too ahh!! really gan chiong hor!!
thanks for the response limkoh~

ok.. i shall stick to disposables and i bought two sizes L and XL to be kiasu. issit better to wear disposables until you cease bleeding, will the maternity pad or sanitary pad stick easily to the disposables?
Actually I also not sure leh...

But hor I felt the cotton material for the Watons panties quite good leh... pad should be able to stick ba...

oh no, i didn't buy the soft cottony ones, just the ordinary disposable ones. have to go check it out tm at watsons again.. feels a tad environmentally unfriendly but there's always my panties to fall back on.

having a serious case of heartburn now, had devil's curry and rich choco cake to celebrate colleague's birthday today, i'm really regretting it now.


are you going to post a pic of your little girl?

i'm getting really excited for the mommies.. in a few weeks, all of us will be popping about.. like corn!
<font color="aa00aa">Good morning Mummies

Hope <font color="0000ff">Littlebluey</font> is feeling better today.
<font color="aa00aa">Juz Us, Forest
It's her 1st baby and the labour pains was 10 hours. However, when I jokingly asked her when is she going to plan for the second one, she said she going to stop le cos she wouldnt want to go thru the labour pain anymore. Hahaha!

I only bought the bumper playmat for my son when he was around 4mths, the time when he turn how to turn. You can look out from the BP, there is this "Small Small World". She holds the BP quite often like almost every month.

Better dun take spicy food cos it can cause heartburn.
good morn all.
Hope Littlebluey will be able to discharge liao.
Gals, those attended mrs wong class, do u remember she said store milk in glass bottle or plastic bottle better?
morning everyone

good to know Litbluey is going to be discharged today

keke .. ya .. am getting excited too as weeks passes
Good Morning Mummies

Good to know Littlebluey going to discharge today!

Last nite worst nite of all.. cannot sleep at all. The girls are playing TAI CHI exercise inside and my Ribby is in pain! Hiaz....
lol ur girls so early doing their morning exercise ah..

i was too happy carrying her yest till i didn take pic of her. later going to see her again.. then shall take more pics!! =)haha the way u describe so funny... like corn!!

hee ya !! i think once she's back home, dunno got time to come forum already not.. lol

juz us,
haven discharge.. shld be in one weeks time!! hehe. think u can get normal disposable undies la.. watsons wan good enough. the pads can stick onto it.. im using those too..

mousebb, lennie, littlealmond,
hee yah..going to see her again later after my doc's check up.. she's so tiny.. and she looked so dark today. my husband said she got "sea view" cause she was placed near the windows facing the outside at the nursery. lol
sigh.. i never remember good advice. ok ok, today cannot eat so heaty food anymore. Has lilbluey given birth?

how far along are you now? i'm at 34 weeks.. it's freaking me out because there seems to be so much to do and the room is still in a mess with stuff.

i get electric shocks at night when bb jams her foot up my ribs and stretches upwards, can't imagine two. my sympathies.. do the twins have a predictable sleeping pattern?

Morning Mummies!

Have a lovely lovely day~
Good Morning everyone,

Went checkup yesterday, the cervix had not soften further and baby is 2.8kg at 34week. She is already head down (phew) and my gynae doesn't think she will come back up again cos there's hardly any room in there now. He estimated that she should be out anything end of this month or very early next month. Am so looking forward to finally seeing her.
morning mummies

wah so excited, ur girl can go hom le.. Congratz !!!

Littlebluey goin to discharge tdy? tats glad, send a hug to her

ur girls so active woh, try to catch a nap lata bah...

must be so exciting.. to actually be waiting for bb to come back! nothing like seeing her in the flesh right? what was it like? did they pop her onto your chest for the bonding then did she try and suckle. When i was doing my course, we did an infant module and there's these reflexes that you can try out with bb, apparently they do during the apgar e.g. rooting reflex.. rabinski? reflex.. hahaha can experiment with your own lil girl. CONGRATULATIONS!

i'm having a c-sect GA so i won't be able to experience it hehehe but i keep having dreams of going into labour...
morning mummies..

anyone having sleepless nights? Am at 32 wks now.. havent slept more than 5 hrs since last week. Panda eyes now..

for last nite.. i havent slept at all.. i've been up since 930am yesterday morning.. @.@ today finally gonna take MC..
hehehe yeah!! one weeks time she'll be in my arms. lol. now im starting to get paranoid whether i can take care of her well!! omg...
ur baby in good weight &amp; good to noe she is eading down alrdy

u oso counting down liao huh, soon in this thread ll have good news everyday le.
wish all of us ll have smooth delivery
hehe they did pop her onto my chest but only for a little while cause mine's premature.. so they had to quickly make sure she's breathing well and all. lol. but that moment when she was on my chest, i had the "eeee" feeling though! HAHAHA. cause like so slimy and all.. but after that then the "shit she's out" kind of feeling. LOL!

wats that about the reflex thing? lol i didn't attend any courses.. so i dunno.. hee dun worry.. when you wake up from ur c sect after that you'll be ableto see ur bb!!
Candle, they are whole day rounder... I will say. Day time busy kicking here and there... Can feel pushes. Night time, they are swarming and creating havoc in my tummy... Feel blue black on my ribbies. I cannot sleep on either side too. Neither anyone of them allow me to do it. So no choice.. bear with it. Feeling extremely tired.. Sob

Pildough, understand what you mean. 2 girls inside me is like trying to rip ur ribs apart... That is what I will describe. They "ka chiau" me until i cry last nite.. very painful.

Gioanna, WOAH!! Ur girl's weight is very good for 34 weeks. So by then full term, ard 3.3kg??? Should start packing ur baggie already.

BBgoh, I also hope to have some sleep provided they allow me to.
Morning all...

I've been to Kidzloft just 1 or 2 weeks back...got a latex bolster for less than $8 inclusive of bolster case which I thought was a good bargain...
Candle, dun nid to be paranoid, when bb in ur arms, something miracle will happen lor. U will not believe that u can handle her so well too.. it is mother's instinct...

Dumbo, same here.. me had not been sleeping well since 27 weeks... now worst.. cannot even sleep properly and my eyes' bad are showing so clearly... Hiaz.

ARGH!! TOday MSN down.. can only post in forum liao...
good morning all!!

littlebluey discharged today?? good news!!

went for my appt yesterday. my baby's weight is now 2.65kg at 35 weeks.
lol goodness!! then when they come out sure havoc man.. lol. having twins must be a whole new diff feeling from having one.. =)lol.. just bear with it!! soon they'll be squirming around in ur face!!
lol yah.. but right now i see things like i really paranoid abt everything. esp how pple handle her.. =( the nurses like scoop her up so easily. then my husband like dunno how to handle. my god.. paranoid shit man.. =(

u poorthing..

yalor, im like a walking zombie. body aching all over.. to top it off, the aircon never seems cold enuff. my hubby is wrapped up like a bazhang and im kicking the blanket away and tossing all night. he's getting so annoyed with me :p
Candle, bbgoh,

Yeah, i am going on leave starting from 22 Sep. Am super excited. Hey how to let everyone here know if when i delivered huh? I only have Trace's contact number. Trace, think i can sms u and u help me to post it on the forum??


Yeah will finish packing my bag this weekend. Still need to get disposable underwears, and towels for Skylar though. Think i will get them this weekend. Hey where do i get those maternity disposable underwear huh? I tried getting the normal one the other week and i can't even pull it up to my buttocks. Hehe!!!!
wow my ML start on 2nd Oct only. yah i realised ur contact not in the list given by icylemon huh? ehmm, i'll try to PM u my HP no too, dun mind to help u post
<font face="tahoma"> good morning ladies!

Gio and rach's mummy,
your babies are of good weight... realised most of our babies are on the bigger side

you having contractions last night? this morning how??? better monitor it carefully. </font>

last nite was ok..
its this morn, seems like the contraction onli comes in the morn..doc yest did the CTG, he said its braxton hicks..n hv check my cervix, he said haven soften leh

Rachel mummy, ur bb weight very good? Head engage already????

Candle, yah, I got 3 babies to create havoc at home already... Natural DIET program! Hahahah! Dun worry, just have faith that u can do it. U are the mummy le.. the one that ur ger ger trust 100%.

Gioanna, i got ur no. also... hahaha u gave me the other time. I will sms u and ask u anytime, u pop liao or not etc.. hahaha! But better to sms trace, me will be delivering on 29 sept. :p Can try Kiddy palace... M going there later.

Trace, you also wanna pop liao arh???
