(2008/10) Oct 2008

i am not... haha.. just feel that if i hv #2, will be ger lah...

honestly, i'm not thinking abt finances or age gap...like what my hubby say and no offence to our malay friends... even when they are not doing well financially, they can raise 4-5 kids... why not us? for mw, it is the lack of rest... my hubby felt that way too :p

Bluey - yes yes, i volunteer my girl
. PM me if you still hv available slots ok?

Agree with pildough, better to hv a wider age gap in terms of coping financially as well as physically. I find myself abit breathless even with just 1 now. Feels so ashamed in front of mousebb and rebecca.
<font color="aa00aa">pildough
To me, I think the closer the age gap, the better it is but we parents will feel very tedious. Most of the time when I see wenxuan and wenmin playing together and sharing the joy and laughters, me and hubby feel very an wei. My bil's 2 gals has a age gap of 4 yrs and they fight and quarrel everyday. Instead of becoming a role model for the younger sister, the elder gal acts like the younger gal in her behaviours and speech. </font>
<font color="aa00aa">Jelly
Totally agree with you! Me and hubby are lacking of rest!!! I'm looking forward to Oct when I stop pumping then I can have a good sleep throughout the night liao. </font>
hi mousebb - do u still pump in the middle of the nite? I v lazy - pump 4 times a day now...

i also want another bb but C section doc say rest 18mths. My hb say not to have cos i cannot handle 2 kids...sigh!
<font color="0000ff">RE: 2nd child

I oso hope to have No 2 and preferably a gal but my hb is so against the idea -_-""
<font color="#C24641"> mousebb
den fast fast work fast fast done la.. =P

my sis n i are exactly 12mths apart. we are close but aft some incident.. kind of change a bit liao lor..
hiya - wow wow so many thinking and talking abt having #2 already! And Rebecca - #4! Pei fu.

For me, I want to close shop but when I think how lonely Vic will be, I think I should try and be fair to her. Maybe will reopen 'factory' end yr. My sentiments are the same as XY - I prefer a closer gap so they will be closer. For parents - will be more xinku in the begining I suppose. Boy or Girl is fine for me - as long as healthy and normal. That's MOST important to me.
thanks bluey me check later. Ur hb same as my hb...i also wish to have girl...see all the pretty clothes i can buy my sister v scared...my mum wants me to have another boy...
<font color="aa00aa">pildough
Gender doesnt matter lah but would prefer to have a boy so that my wenxuan can have a playmate. Dont want wenmin to become a tomboy mah. Haha!

Yup. I still pump once at 2.30am every night cos I can get at least 300ml during this pump and feel that it would be a waste if I skip the midnight pump. Am pumping 5 times a day. Would slowly reduce to 4 times when my gal reaches 11 months.
I only rested for about 4 months after c-sect when I found out that I was pregnant with wenmin. </font>
<font color="aa00aa">XY, Vanilla
My gynae also advised me to wait for 6 months if I want to have another bb after my 2nd c-sect.</font>
hi XY - this is the funny part - m fren also C sec and her gynae say 6 mths, but my told me 18-24mths. Maybe cos mine is IVF so womb needs rest longer
<font color="aa00aa">Nowadays I receive many kisses from my kids. Wenmin always come to kiss me when I tell her "kiss kiss" and when wenxuan saw that, he also come to kiss me! Haha!</font>
Why not you try skipping the 2.30am pump for 1 or 2 times and pump slightly longer just before you go to bed and also pump longer during the 1st pump in the morning? The flow might be more in the morning since you skipped the 2.30am pump...let your body get used to it...more rest = more milk....don't tire out yourself...
<font color="#C24641"> Ruffles
haha!!! no la.. just got the fell only la... sekali if i quarrel with my hubby. i will say my feel gone!!! =P</font>

now the topic diverts: chinese horoscopes.. do they matter when ttc?

i think year of the tiger is too soon, i clash with rabbits, then again i don't match with mouse either. so i reckon the second part of 2011 might be a good year to try.

or like what ruffles say, gender doesn't matter either.. healthy can already.

had a think of negotiating helper responsibilities. even prayed about it. worked out anyway, we share and we ask.. god. my relationship with mil had been so un-naturally co-operative. thankful for it.. your offer for tea still up? hows work?
too many considerations if chinese horror(opps)scope is in the picture! well, making babies aint easy so why does it matter which animal year were they born? if i am not a chritian, i say, i own my own destiny rather than succumb to the predictions of a horoscope
<font color="0000ff">Pildough,

U can have my slot becos my boy has a class in the afternoon that day so I dun want him to be too tired

envious of your 2. i want company for abby but the thought of the initial few months after birth is so tedious. pregnancy wasn't that bad

mine was c-sec, gynae also advised 18 mths. i suppose it varies..

my neighbour had both her kids c-sec on the same date (shame because who wants to celebrate your birthday with someone else every bloody year) but she says that cutting and sewing back on the same line hurt esp 2nd time round.

any mommies care to shed some light on this?
<font color="0000ff">Jelly,

I was suddenly reminded of Ash's class in the afternoon on that day, dun wanna tire him out.

My slot can give Pildough?

Thxs for coordinating, appreciate your help

you're right on about that. think i'ld give my new company 1.5 to 2 yrs of my good time then swoop in and cash in on my maternity benefits.. hahaha..

p.s. the only reason why i'm so free today is i'm back at mom's place, got the cleaner in today coz mom broke finger. it's an excuse. i was happily catching up on dog, newspapers, channelnewsasia, etsy, ebay and the forum the whole afternoon.. hahaha.

mommies who renovated their flats,
how much did you spend and with whom and would you recommend them?

need to set aside some short term goals, flat will be ready end of next year. the market is declared open today woohoo.
<font color="aa00aa">elch
My supply has been reducing these days so I very scared if I skip the 2.30am pump then the supply would become very jialat!

Haha! Marcus gives you free facial with his honey!
My kids would kiss me at my lips.

No leh. My 2 c-sect was done at the same place but feel no pain leh. At first I was worried also and at the OT, I asked my gynae and he told me not to worry about it. Thought he was just trying to console me but really feel nothing.</font>

err just found out 26 jul is sunday. sorry got church in the morning.. any mommies letting go of sat slots? sun afternoon also ok.

sorry blue, you're on your own.

p.s. have emailed u back on slot for 29/8 sat 12.00 -1.30. pls confirm for me. thx

love your previous sharing also! my hb must sign up for the lost of control and the toilet seat one.

next time then.
