(2008/10) Oct 2008

<font color="ff6000">Vanilla,
well...u think my 'think she eat rice more than i eat salt' mil will missed out those plastic feeding spoons meh? LOL sigh...me juz waiting to turn into gold lah...

Hmm...it's quite smooth for my Nat lah, dunno abt your son wor, mayb u try bah
cant see the pic on ur facebook.. think my ofc cant surf facebook leh.. always hang one.

oh.. i plan to get something similar but my hb object say no place to put
<font color="aa00aa">cheer bear
I tried to go to the FP website to get the pic of the walker which I bought but cannot find liao.</font>
How much does it cost to rent? If really keen, can buy then when bb outgrow it then sell away lor..

Eventually Shawn will learn to walk mah..surely got some space for him to move about right? by then mayb can keep the playmat then got space already
After grinding fruits like apple using the wasabi grinder, the texture's like those radish which normally's served with tempura in Jap restaurant...
cheer bear,
ic.. ur hubby muz be heart pain to see u doing so much for Shawn. Mayb he dunno how to express himself. Men r like tat one.

Nat is of good weight. Claudia is 9mths plus and is only 7.7kg. So dun worry abt her growth.
Hard to say leh..so far i've not tried renting any of the toys and the thing is that my son not very keen with toys, so i dont wanna rent then ended up he dun play then my hb will nag!! Personally i would prefer to buy 2nd-hand one if scared waste $ or take up space if bb dun like. Cos can always sell away :p
now not cherry season so difficult to find organic cherries.

Mash avocado with a fork can liao. Simple. Regina loves it with bm and cereal. I tasted it and very nice too. heehee!
Why your hubby say such things? By pureeing food, you're giving your boy healthy food.

My hubby is opposite from yours. Very supportive of me making all these for his precious girl. I wanna buy bottled food and he said,"Better dun... not good for her."
Why not try Marriot? They have a thread under Business. You might wanna check it out.

How much you paid for your chalet at nsrcc? I wanna book that too but weekends need minimum of two nights. Only SAFRA member so it will cost me $770 total for 2 nights!!
morn mommies

if you are reading this: your cup a bit bulky to mail. do you want me to pass to you? can you pm me ur # so i can arrange with you? tnx dear and sorry for the deply
<font color="ff6000">mousebb,
i have tat same walker (hand me down from my niece) too but Nat still dunno how to use yet.</font>
<font color="ff6000">Trace, Jelly,
hmm...shd i go down too? 40% off on alphs!!! they r vy handy lei...</font>
thanks elch... lunchtime going to hunt for the grinder..
hi mummies - any of u bb ever vomit his/her entire porridge? I was so shocked cos yesterday dinner, my son vomited his entire porridge,he is fine no fever no nothing..and when he is young he never reguritate his entire milk feed...porridge is the usual we had been giving to him...so scary...see already heart super painful
<font color="0000ff">Jelly,

Wat sad news tis morning! Life is nothing but a fleeting moment, just like a candlelight extinguish.


Maybe u monitor his condition and see how ? When was his last feed before you gave porridge?
<font color="aa00aa">Jjmom
It take sometimes before we find the walker useful. Now wenxuan can sit and ride on the walker le.

Could there be wind in the tummy that caused your boy to vomit?</font>
Good morning mommies!
It's false measles! The fever monster gone le, but my Isaac now become hua lian mao le...hee...

Isaac also vomited his porridge before, but that was becoz he choked and caughed too much! Is it bcoz he was too full?
hi bluey - his last feed was 2.30pm and water w gripewater at 4pm (30ml)..porridge is at 6pm ...was scary cos first time...

Hi mousebb - dun know if it is wind, cos after his surgery we have yet to rub the ruyi oil

afer he vomit he cried abit maybe cos mil and me both shocked and exclaimed. after that he got smile and laugh when i play w him. but he was really tired and slept early. But woke up crying v bitterly at 9-930. (2nd nite like that already -- like his colic cries)....
