Hi mummies,
I juz came back from bb's 9mths assessment. She's now 7.7kg, 69 cm tall.
Yesterday Claudia vomited 3 times. haiz.. She merlion out her lunch and dinner and she got slight fever as well. I was so worried that i brought her to see TCM. The TCM doc was telling me she got bloated tummy. No fruits for her. Cannot eat too much. drink lots of fluid. And the med was so effective, after taking the med last nite, her fever subside and she farted many times. I was tinking to postpone today's assessment test but she is well this morning.
The nurse at the polyclinic did hearing test for Claudia, test on her motor skills etc and heng, she pass all.
Tots not talking:
My hubby only utter his first word at age of 4. Now very talkative, at times i cant take it. But when got my frens with me, he will shut his mouth, want to act cool. So mummies, dun worry for ur tots if they still haven utter their 1st word.
Hair dropping:
I dun tink hair dropping is due to bfing. It is our hormone, coz when we preggie we will grow more hair and after giving birth, we will drop those hair. My MIL told me that once bb starts to crawl, our hair dropping will stop and its true for me.