(2008/10) Oct 2008

hope my SS comes back

mine also sort of on diet now... drinking every 4+hours, instead of 3hrly.
<font color="#C25283"> nicky
i also same as u lor. so my FM end up in the dust bin. coz hubby refuse to let Gracia finish it. coz hubby say Gracia to fat liao. hehe..

orh... ok la.. at least she willin to help u look aft.

so nw u mixed BM+FM or totally in EBM or in FM liao? my gal same as urs. so sad.

haha.. know y i so heartless? coz whn the time i delivered my boy, i'm just 20yrO. coz freedom to a 20yrO gal is so important tine else!!

LOL!! ur PD is really cute n funny lor...

my Erin same as ur Ethan. anytin that is at her reach, she'll just go for it n taste it!!</font>
hi mummies,
Anyone experiencing backaches? Mine is real bad,mine is spine pain..its hurts so much when i bend. Nw every sat i hv to go massage..see doc,doc said nothing leh,prob strained..haiz..
Probably is due to wrong posture when bending down to carry baby...be more mindful of the posture so that you won't aggravate it...for me I'm still experiencing pain in both wrists...have decided to live with it...
Hello mummie
Still around?
just change teat3 today

going to start stage 2 enfapro when 6mth old.
Who taking enfa too?

Bb drink 180ml liao
Hmm...its really darn painful. Sometimes morn wakes up,i can feel the pain. But aft massage i am better. Oh ya,dat gv me a gd reason to go massage often. Haha..
Dats y my hub will not allows me to carry arielle. Dats when he suddenly rem i hv back prob. But nwadaes he seems to forget abt it..so the pain got worst.

Tdy i went gathering wif my frens too but i brought arielle. so long din see them!
Thanks!! kylie managed to find me!

kylie, thanks for the diaper covers - they are lovely!

btw, Izzy also coughing now, her sister passed it to her! sigh.,..

elch, pinkimum, ruffles,
Izzy also "milk strike" and it only happens during the day. At night she is fine for her dream feeds. I am not sure if she is having milk strike or simply prefers the bottle already since I am at work! She get distracted v easily and i have to force my nipple into her mouth when her head is turned the other way. or she will suck for a few seconds, latch off, then root, latch for few seconds and the cycle goes for maybe 3mins before she refuses to latch at alL!
<font color="119911">essanna,
Sorry, couldn't go into the thread this morning, just realised u were looking for me high and low...
lucky still can access to my email.

So what did u do at BTP today?</font>
wow today no night owl mummies.

Ethan also the same as Izzy. Same I am also not sure if she is having milk strike or simply prefer bottle. :p Will see if tmr is better. Today I actually gave up and use bottle for one feed.
jellypurin- Okie noted on the proportion of FM &amp; BM mixture! ;) Shall try it out next time..;p

elch- True lor... they will always depends on us to sooth and coax our bbs while they don't even try or even if they try.. they give up easily... Haiz..wat to do!! Tats why mothers are great!

Rebecca- Heee Gracia fat ah?? Nvm lah...give Gracia the extra EBM lah...else throw away even more wasted leh... Tell ur hubby...EBM is very nutritious one, wun make Gracia fat one lor! ;)
If I got an elder child, haha I will give her those stored EBM... *keke*

Trace- Oh mummy, u take care yah.... Think better dun carry Arielle too long, she's heavy yah..else strain on ur back..

whitepaper- Woooo CH really champion now!! Award a medal to him!! *keke* He's one giant lovable bb!! ;) And ur PD soo cute lah.. ;D

u want to buy bumbo ah? Don't buy yet, i lend u try first. Abby's thighs too fat to squeeze into bumbo now (sigh), should have listened to mousebb. We were hoping to keep the bumbo for when she starts her rice creal then can put her inside and feed her to let her get used to sitting down while eating. i think u should try first before buying if not like me liddat, GREEN ELEPHANT! pm me or XY has my number. I also have tray, u borrow and try first lor.

p.s. some babies also have very limited patience for bumbo. they sit inside then few minutes want to come out liao.

Nice meeting Bee and yourself at Vivo

sleep positioner i want to buy leh but i scared buy already no use. she flips over at night and wakes herself up constantly and sometimes jams her foot or hand, bumps head on railing of cot but if we put the cot bumper there and she cannot see us, she will kick up a big fuss. sigh.. can take a pic of how mikayla is sleeping on hers?

your marriage plan sounds like mine! except i just wanted to go travelling, i wanted to go san sabastien to tapas bar hop, i wanted to eat freshly shucked wild oysters at sea.. i wanted to i wanted to.. now i just want to sleep. zzzz. ;p

preference for grandparents/ grandparent like adult figures,
i think alot of children have that because most old people look very kind and smiley (and they usually are when they see a baby). but little girl has a definite preference for her grandpa.

are your babies making alot of sounds now? like random shrill loud shrieks .. (sometimes i think just for the fun of it) to express their displeasure, pleasure, exercise their lungs? Dear God, pls don't let my baby become a screamer. please.. please.. pleaseee..

you're still breastfeeding wat and your bod needs all that food to produce milk. As compared to the first 2 months when i direct latch then the 3rd to 4th month when i only express and supplement, my appetite has decreased significantly (alas, amt of flab still the same).

I keep saying this and someday i'ld stop, sometimes i really miss latching her. but she has no more patience for me now.. sigh. bottle teat faster and more consistent flow i guess.

p.s. bundle bag carrying only works for wee lil babies, imagine the wrist sprain if you were to carry any of the big three; CH, MARCUS OR ABBY.

but that one looks damn redundent lor.. 16 pounds somemore. they should make it more versatile like baby on protective heat resistant top, siew mai 2nd tier, char siew pow 3rd tier, har gao 4th tier.. then add wheels to the bottom.

and i can testify to freesiajen's appetite. hohoho for such a small pint size pixie, the woman has a very accomodating stomach. ;)

haiyur jenny.. when are we going for dim sum.

thanks for the fm+bm formula, i'm going to try it tonight otherwise my ebm sitting in fridge waiting for enough top up to make one bottle very lonely.

i collected my 2nd hand ergo yesterday, it's like brand new lor.. i love it, adjusted the straps this morning, think it takes abit of practice. now contemplating on selling my maya pouch away.

ZA eye mask,
got some free samples from face shop, will finish those and buy ZA. i loved the ZA nose mask, it's the only one that really rips out the blackheads most effectively but somehow, i don't see it around anymore.

ok mommies, chat later. time for Church.
<font color="aa00aa">Whitepaper
CH is really chubby!!! Your bm really very bu!

You are so wei da!

Din have time to log in yesterday and there were so many posts! Will find time to catch up with the posts!
I read that initially some babies may not like new carriers. It's common. Plus yours has never been in one? Not even mim slings, right? Give her a few tries.
<font color="aa00aa">jellypurin
Maybe your gal still not used to ergo. Give her some time and she would get used to it
hello mommies

dont dump your bumbos yet. as babies grow taller, thighs will lengthen out and slim down, can still use as feeding chair later on.
<font color="aa00aa">Jill
It's true! My 18 months toddler can still fit into the seat w/o difficulties
Oh I didn't buy initially because of its short life span. But now you all say can still last till 18 months. Aiyoh. Should have bought one. I tried one at the store and my girl seemed to like it.
<font color="aa00aa">Nickypower
My son is helping me to clear the excess ebm and I'm glad that he like it. He is on full bm too! Recently my ss has been reducing. If not enough, then I will just let my gal have bm and my boy will take fm.</font>
<font color="aa00aa">Karen
Every child is different. Some babies are not able to fit into the seat after 7 months le. Go to the WTS section to see if you can get any preloved one which is a lot cheaper.</font>
<font color="aa00aa">Springles
Most of the places are selling the bumbo seat w/o tray which is around $69.90. With tray is $79++ bah.</font>
hello mommies

Little Gym Trial Class
Venue: Little Gym, Forum Shopping Mall, #B1-24
Price: $42.80 for trial class for 4-10 months old. If keen to continue, trial fee waived, $55 annual membership fee, $438 per term (once a week for 10 weeks).
Mix of crawlers / non-crawlers. Shoulder, arm, leg exercises. Basic gymnastic moves e.g. forward roll, beam usage, bar usage.
Available slots:
1) New class on any weekday lunch slot Mon-Thurs. Min 4 babies, Max 18 babies, to start a trial class.
2) Join an existing class on Saturday 3.20pm-4.05pm. 9 vacancies.

Any interest? Pls indicate preferred timeslot.
Little Gym Trial Class
Shall we Oct mummies start a new trial classs? I'm interested but I don't know how beneficial it is for our babies (yet).
re: little gym
me onz as well, but can only make it on weekends...duhz...

re: carrier
okie, will try again... she protested when i try putting it on...sigh

am keen on this too if anyone wants to go
hi mummies!

little gum trial class:
im keen.. but same concerns as karen.. is it beneficial now since they cant crawl? anyone got answers?

hi mummies,
how's everybody? been mia for a few days now. so busy. yesterday wanted to go out with bb. then it suddenly rained. so irritating. every time we want to go out with bb it rains. hopefully later it won't.
