(2008/10) Oct 2008

tangs was having a really worthwhile sale yesterday and today. so happen to pop by town today and got lucky!.. many brands at 20% discount.. plus 10% if ur a tangs member, and on top of that, a 12% rebate!..
purpleangel.,. dumbo- Thxs for the link!! ;p
Heeee I have the emma/Mary janes type of socks for Kaelyn le...heee now looking for other socks...*keke*

Dumbo- U be taking in other sock designs? ;)
<font color="#C25283"> Penny
tangs for sell diapers de meh? nvr head b4 leh..

nite owls become sleepy owls liao wor.. keke..</font>
<font color="119911">Penny, think NTUC got promo on Pampers..

By the way, thanks Nicky &amp; purple for your pampers tips!</font>
<font color="#C25283"> dumbo
ur website is temptin lor.. but Erin got so many sock liao. cnt get her for liao.
<font color="#C25283"> dumbo
i like the pretty tights. PN: Belle. look so sweet!! tot of gettin it frm u. but hve to wait till weekdays den can get frm u. coz hubby will scold me, 'waste $$ la!!'
<font color="#C25283"> dumbo
no la.. really.. she look funny n really like a freako la. haha....
OIC. den nvm lor. it's ok.
NTUC diapers is not good, not elastic at all. Im using comfort cos cheap. Not sure about the rest of Pampers. But so far i tried Petpet, fitti, huggies, drypers, pampers still the best. BB using L now.
I remember a mummy staying at tiong bahru. She's stating in a condo too. If not, there's me but I am in the west so not convenient for some mummies.

Otherwise let's raid vivo again! Hee. What monkey face toy you all talking about? Show pics eh.
morning mummies

Thot my gal would be KO but the long day out yesterday but she only slept from 10 to 5 am with one dream feed inbetween... Thankfully my wonderful ah Lao woke up to entertain her till i woke at 720 to feed her.

ah, forgot to answer yr qn. We paktor for 1.5 yrs before he proposed. Older already then dun have to wait so long lor. U know what u want.
xy/mint/christina/dimpletot- u mean u ALL bot the monkey face, thanks for busy bee's 'recommendation'? busy bee- u v terrible leh/ Heng I keke and walk away...my control power still quite gd leh
heh.Thankfully I wasnt in a buying mood. If not, I cld hv bot the whole toys r us actually. Too many ex purchases lately, and last nite even received my SSW mat. So that's enuff spending for this week..

When are we having another MEGA gathering???? Can't wait for our bb to grow up and crawl ard...then we can go children playgrounds etc...
hi mummies
wow another gathering already?? so sad i couldn't make it for vivo!
baby was fussy! this morning also! baby dun wanna slp leh, wakey at 5+ fussy til about 9am then went to slp. hai. panda eye day again. lucky is a saturday
penny>> think she is teething oso. plus juz took jab and 1st rotarvirus vaccine. dunno if affects? yesterday rash all around her mouth oso. dunno issit the solids?? anyone encountered?
Morning mummies!

Anyone has Kylie's contact? Am supposed to pick up the diaper covers frm her later; but didn't receive her hp in my email leh...

paging for kylie...
<font color="#C25283">Good Morning Mummies!!!

Juz Us
aiyo.. poor mummy. my Gracia also like this. ytd she got so cranky for the whole day.
but nite time, is her DAILY routine to get crankly b4 sleep.
morning mummies

any plan for the day? me going to bring my son to my aunt hse later.. all my relative dying to carry him.. he is jus like a ball being pass from one to another :p

seem like some babies already start teething liao.. sighzz will be tired for mummy and uncomfortable for bb but bo bian coz part of growing up.

mummies went for the vivo gathering, any pic to share?
Morning mummies...

Fed my boy at around 4.30am and he wakes up at 7.30am but till now he neither want to drink nor nap! He only sucks for a minute or so and unlatched...tried to 'force-feed' and he bit me! Keeps playing by himself on his playmat...wonder what's wrong with him...haiz...
Juz us,
is tanya alrite? Her rash very serious? U wanna bring her back to PD? Mine juz kena fever after the jab and rota. No rash.
elch, ruffles,
My boy also on milk strike. He will latch on for 1-2minutes then will unlatch and look around, put his fist into his mouth. And when I force feed him, he will bite me or cry, as if I am feeding him poison! I am also wonder what's wrong. Oh, and he likes to arch his back and look the other way. My arms and wrists are breaking, trying to support him and force him to my breasts.

Juz me,
Did you clean around her mouth after feeding? Maybe its rashes due to saliva or milk around the mouth. If not going away, better check with PD. My boy no rash after 5in1, rota and pnuemo at one go.

Yday my boy wakie 1+am and I continued sleeping. After some time, he fell back asleep himself. So I think maybe as long as the babies are not crying hard, hopefully they will go back to sleep after they play enough.
hi mummies, have not longin for the past wk..
hows everyone?
elch/ XY, think bb teething thats why no appetite to drink milk..
my gal got 1 period also like that milk strike past 5-6hrs also don drink so i no choice have to force feed her or try dream feeding..
but i was told nothuing we can do so long as they drink a bit also gd better then nothing..

so when next gathering?
Juz Us,
Marcus also no rash after jab leh. Then again, he's always having rash due to heat and milk/salvia. so... have to keep cleaning and applying calendula.

Mint, busy bee and I got the monkey. Keke... it's really cute lah. Makes so many different laughing noises.

Milk strike
since 7+ till now, Marcus still show no signs of wanting milk. I force, he suckle for 1-2min then dun want liao. Sigh... being he wants to go on a diet so can look good in swimming trunks. Keke...

Weekend raid vivo... it's gonna be super duper crowded lor. Maybe we can try Harbour Front. It's deserted. Keke... Or anyone wanna open house? I dun mind opening my place, but dun think can cramp so many mummies and bubs.

tried pear today...vanilla pod- do u blend? i steam then blend but not smooth, she cldnt eat it, just gave her the juice with BM n hubby ate the rest of the 'puree"...sigh..dunno how to puree leh...
left mi girl with my parents last nite and she amazingly slept from 10plus to 645am. her last feed was 830pm!!
how come oni at home she wake up for dream feed btwn 3-6am ..
