(2008/07) July 2008

i had breast-length hair (long enough to cover breasts lah) , then i cut to shoulder length when i got pregnant and was throwing up a few times a day (coz sometimes very hard to keep hair up when bending over the toilet bowl) then now i'm at ear-length.

my neck feels cold.

Cord blood,
If anyone wanted to go for Cord Life, can I be your referrer? Then each of us will get some more discount. PM me ok.

Cot sheets,
How many will be enough?
got the cord blood one,is it private?
how much does it cost?

cot sheets:
i wish to trouble over it too.
but they are not keen in getting a cot for my baby.
saw the aussino one. so so cute.
only can see cannot buy.
so sad.
Cordlife got a few package. Yearly maintance, 5 years and lifetime. On top of that, got 1 time fee. Fees are similar to the other pte bank.
You can go to their website for more information.
I join during their roadshow so got discount.

And why can't you buy cot for your own baby? Just find a space to put it
me buying 4pcs coz got 2 baby cots of diff size... will need to change every week so wash 1 set n use the other lor... anyway, bb cot sheets no need to buy those ex ones... bb will outgrow the cot or dun wanna slp there in no time... but for the moment safer to slp in one...

where ur bb gg to slp on then??
hi 5!! me also like all those cute cute ones lor... but alwys tell myself need to control if not buy alrdy use afew times then dun need anymore... better save the money go holiday more worth it lor... budden its oni naturally to wan the best for our kids lor...
the sheets are one size only, the "bigger" cot size (my colleague told me cots got two sizes).

they have some very cute ones, cot sets - comforter, bumpers, pillows, bolster, cot sheet at 69.90 (usual price 99.90) so tempted to buy lor.
okie... is the bigger size abt 71 x 133cm?? then tink i need to buy the smaller size one from kiddy palace then... as for cot sets, me alrdy bought one set liao n got some hand me downs from SIL... thou not that new but still can use after washing lor... dun wanna spend such money... rather save it for other things...
dustee, me me...i was looking for bb cot sheet. hey that's cheap. ok later on go and grab some buahahah..

is it all aussino have the cot sheet or selected? I need to go buy some more. cos ppl tell me for new born need at least 3 - 6 pcs just in case.
plus sometimes weather not good then can't dry fast enough =)

JSP: Go kiddy palace now. got 15% discount now for non members. members 20%
who is the "they" who are not keen on getting cot for bb? tis a strange idea to me not to get a cot...

eeeeee, cot sheets at aussino and kiddy palace are v cute.
JSP, rain, dustee, i also want to buy buy buy, everytime i see a cute cot sheet.

re: cordblood
waiwai, qing, HB and i more or less decided to store at public bank. Will ask gynae nx time i c him if HB can still cut the cord if want to collect cordblood. thx for sharing!
sleep on the floor mattress loh...

they refer to hubby and his aunt mom and ah ma
they say not practical.
and no space.
we stay in 3rooms flat.
they claim room too small...

i think i also ask gynae next week...
if you want bb to sleep on floor mattress, make sure ur hse is not those windy or cold type. if not bb very easy to catch cold. and also quite dangerous. cos we might step on them. i actually wanted to let bb sleep on mattress, until someone told us, quite easy for bb to catch a cold. then we decide to get a cot for bb.
can alwys put in ur room mah... last time my mum also stay in a 3 room flat n can fit in lor.. coz 3 rm flat usually the room quite big unlike the new flats... if urs is the old one shld be no prob lor... bb slp on mattress on the floor veri hard for u to carry bb up... especially at nite lor...
I c i c... yea lack of space can make buying cot very difficult. agree w Rayna that gotta consider the safety aspects though.... u gonna keep bb off the floor during the day? and perhaps close door to room where bb is sleeping during the early evening (when bb is asleep, but adults are still moving around) or sarong? at least sarong takes up less space.

sorry, if a bit kaypoh, trying to generate options that are safe, space-saving _and_ make sense for you + family
Yay welcome to the pink butterfly gang! Hehe. Funny la you, I have never heard of anyone using the phrase ‘breast length hair’!

last day of work
argh. i still got so many things to do. guess i will just go off now (cos need to go to jewellery shop to collect poppy's necklace!) and then work from home la

see you all!!
its better to buy bb cot..
can go see see look look..
cos I went to see got different sizes one..
at 1st my dad also say buy cot no use.. cos I got 2 bbs.. so need to buy 2 cots.. after that nobody use liao..
but then after he see them sleeping on bed and sofa.. he say its still better to buy a cot..
like wat jasyln say... safer for young bb to slp in a cot... coz u can see them clearly... veri bb can slp in sarong but gotta be careful not to swing too hard lor... also, if bb is particular, next time go out w/o sarong maybe veri hard to coax him to slp... budden, u can rotate b/t mattress and sarong like wat my frd does so tat bb is not too used to the sarong... hope tis helps if still cant convince family to buy bb cot... or u can try askin ard for hand me downs instead then no need to buy lor...
mummies, i know some of you have shared about PDs in tiong bahru area (tiong bahru plaza even, right?). sorry, can re-post please? cos i need to update gynae... thanks ah
CB items aah quite okie lah for me. Cos my son use the J&J top to toe also too drying for him. N I use CB its okie so I jus continue using it lor smells nice also....hehe
But bb starting dun use so fast 1 lah ur 1 bottle sure last very long 1....hehe

Actually quite fun when I see them interact sometimes. N good in a way lah they can entertain each other then I can rest awhile......hehe
My parents next to ur mom's place but I seldom go over on Sun I go over on Sats....hehe

Ur gynea very bad leh wat does he mean by "you are singaporean right? sure cannot tahan very long one"
So bad nowadays also alot of Sgeans dun use epi already ma natural all the way.
I know my gynea is pro natural prefers me not to use epi but she will also respect my decision if I decide to use 1. Cos the last time I was admited she actually asked if I wanted an epi n I said "no" then she jus say good.....hahaha
Wed when she write the admission letter for me she also asked again if I wanted an epi.

Yah lor dun bother about his comments so long as poppy is healthy n well. Anyway u won't have to see him after another mth anyway....keke
Jus bring the oil dun bring the burner lor.

I really dunno wat I would do if my dog went missing or died. Imagine my chinchillas pass away I was already greiving like siao already.
Can teach them not to hump 1 aah?? But I will make noise if he humps at night when we're trying to sleep then he will stop other times I dun bother him let him have his own entertainment....hahaha

We were 1 of the pioneers too. Shifted 3 times all in Bishan area.....hahaha
I know which block u staying my parents stay opp the church and I always go over their place. I'm opp the wet market. My inlaws r in the same block too.....hehehe
I used to keep wishing we could have bought the condo too but for me would have been 2nd hand. My sis tried but the day it was launched already sold out by 11am...haha
But guess that would have made it impossible for me to be a sahm.....hehe

Dunno why I find short hair is warmer cos long hair can still tie it all up ma. I made my hair dresser layer it for me so it can dry up faster. Cos I DEFINATELY will wash my hair during confinement I will jus bun it all up n wear a hairband so nobody can see I got fresh clean hair.....hehehe

Ya lor these men say until like so easy like that hor ask them to be the 1 suffering from contractions lah.

Nope my dog's not neutered. Cos we like his temperment n was seriously considering of letting him have offsprings. N well now we jus let it be lah.
Mine's a yorkie but he can't jump leh....sigh shi bai steps also got problem

I do talk to mine...ummm my son now lah jus dun care lor n try to talk softer lah.....hehe

Wee hrs
Me too used to it during poly days I also sleep around 2am now getting worse but okie lah cos once bb arrive will have even less ME time so now take as compensation lor.....haha

RE. Dye/Highlight/Perm hair
I jus read in the recent Mother n BB mag that its safe to dye/highlight or perm our hair in the last tri. N I was so happy lor cos i have a wedding to attend this Sun.
Plus the last time I remember there was alot of views on BF n dying hair. N afraid the chemicals would go into our BM n be harmful to bb. So I guess doing it before delivery is the best time since its safe.
N I know when #2 arrives it probably will be impossible for me to go n dye my hair with 2 kids around.
But to be on the safe side I emailed my gynea n asked for her opinion before I proceed. Now I'm feeling so happy with my new hair color cos bb 1st mth I will also look nicer this time round.....hahaha
dear all...

missed reading the forum espy these few days in NIE whereby i hv no Internet access..

late nights:
me used 2 sleep ard 1-2 am cos hubbi oways back so late.. den yest frenzs gio so played mahjong till 245am n woke up at abt 6am 2 go NIE.. fell asleep during the talk though..

PB: I stayed in Pasir Ris la... n u said u signed up w cordlife yest? me too lei.. n happen u staying in Tiong Bahru.. the sales agent was going there after my appt too.. could we hv gotten the same sales personnel?? was urs evelyn??

hairdo: amongst all of u, i m de least lucki 1.. de moment i knew i was pregnant, hubbi refused 2 let me cut moi hair.. he's a pantang old man.. den happen i had a bad hair cut b4 knowin tat i was pregnant.. so now gotta live w dis ugly long natural curl yet qiao here qiao there kind of hair... all till after i stop breastfeeding...

so depressing, u noe.. everytime he made me go hairdresser w him.. i will complain 2 de hairdresser..

next appt: moi next appt onli in 2 weeks times lei.. looking fwd 2 c moi babi again..

sleepi.. going 2 shower n concuss soon..
star_xin, rain... i also signed up with cord life! got discount with TMC FBI card

qing... during the antenatal class i attended, heard that sarong is not very good for newborn leh... think u better get a cot for your bb

hairdo: i'm going to cut my hair short short next week... anyway i always keep short hair, easy to maintain keke... have no idea would my MIL allow me to wash hair and bath during confinement, so better cut short first!
Dor dor
Sigh ya lor that’s why I was a bit taken aback by his comments. But you are right. As long as poppy is healthy, I just tahan him for a few more weeks then after that our biz relationship is over liao. Note to self: also can consider dor dor’s gynae

You stay too far away from me
nope I didn’t sign up with cordlife. I am donating to SCBB. The lady was a malay lady and I don’t think her name was evelyn hehe

Today hubby ask me ‘so it must feel weird right, to be on the start of long leave?’. I thought about it and honestly I think it felt more right than weird. Cos I know I cannot possibly walk around the huge office for one more week. Today my feet feel and look like elephant feet!

I am sooooo tired. Goodnight, chio-est mummies in the world! Have a very nice weekend! And happy start of ML to cin bunny too! Woohoo!
star xin
i stay at pasir ris too. which part u staying? PM me..

re cot sheets
aussino got the plain ones. qutie cheap. i got quite a few last time for #1. they have those cot set very nice ubt not very practical. in the end i never use the comforter. qutie wasted.

hmm, for me i dun find cot very useful cos after getting one, i end up shifting my #1 to my room and he slept on mattress. when he was younger, i got those foldable ones and he slept on it folded cos he couldn't turn yet. so he was abt the same height as me. then when older, i open it up and he slept on the foot of the bed.

so shiok to start leave..sigh my covered just tendered. so i dunno how now. going to be on ML in 2-3 weeks time and still a lot of things cannot handover.
it must feel great to start ML now, enjoy your leave

not sure whether we saw the same malay lady from SCBB, her name is Salimah, very nice lady.

dor dor,
think it's hard to train now lah, it's easier when he's still a puppy. i even trained my dog to sit, stay, down, shake paw, and only goes to his food when i said 'ok' command from 3 mths old. ya it was so hurtful to lose him, been with me for nearly 7 yrs leh...we very close de...but what to do? searched high & low for him even printed leaflets to paste around and put in mail boxes but still can't be found "(
hi mummies

wow, didnt know that before taking pre ML got soo much to handover,,so exhausted but the gd news is, next week no need to check work emails anymore..woohoo!

have a wonderful weekend mummies

PInkB - happy start of ML to u too! ;)
hi mummies..wah so many posts tdy..really have to read one by one slowly..

Im donating mine to SCBB n the very next day aft delivery ,the representative will visit u to c how u n ur baby is doing n present u wif a thank you card n a "im a life saver baby bib"..

Wai Wai
u were asking if in labour suite r u able to drink water?the ans is YES if u r not on the drip yet.But if u r already on the drip,the ans is NO..but if u insist,they give u 1 ice cube to suck on or a few drops of water..so pathetic rite?but better than nothing..

Anyway juz came back fm my check up tdy..my babe is already down n not really engaged yet..n im 93kg already.. so far i have gained 10kg

at 34 weeks my babe is 2.4kg n not a gd sign coz if my babe is gonna be 3.3kg by the edd date,gynae confirms tat i cudnt give birth naturally..have to do c-sect..so im crossing my fingers..coz c-sect too painful n healing process very long..

Seems to noticed tat there's quite a number of big babies here..
My dog still quite young jus turned 3yr cos he was only 6mths when I got preg with my #1. But yah now harder to train I also lazy to train him cos I'm the only 1 doing it hubby is good at the untraining part only.....hehe
But I realised its actually very good to have a dog around when u have kids. Cos u know hor after my son eats I dun have to clean the floor cos my dog will eat everything that he drops......hahaha
not sure leh i don't remember her name hehe

3.3kg cannot have natural birth? why!!! i think poppy will be bigger than that leh and we asked my (public enemy) gynae and he said still can, still can.

how come you donate the next day ah? ours is immediate i think.

dor dor
your doggie is very cute la!!! and can see that your son love him alot too. based on your video hehe

wah poppy moved so much last night and this morning!!! on the to-do list today is prob wash her bedsheets and crib bumper

girls, do any of you have those changing mat, the pink/blue ones from tollyjoy? can wash or not ah? just chiang chiang with water, not throw into washing machine right?
Ya lor, hb was worried b4 receiving the bill. Now he can rest his worry and concentrate on his common test paper liao

I think hor the grants applied for sporean leh. Cos when I delivered #1 tat time, kkh bill also indicated grants were given. Just tat rates were different.

I stayed C ward for #2. so grants amt a lot more

It’s not the insurance leh… I think it’s subsidy for sporean bah…

I think the grants were given cos kkh is public hosp leh.. I also not sure.. I guess only.
Ya, my girl was not delivered by the doc in duty, so I don’t hv to pay my gynae but need to pay for the doc in duty lor…

Ok, report of my loots yesterday:
Bought 2 tops and colour/highlight my hair + hair treatment… happy~!
just wash or wipe over can liao

the grant is given according to the amount of subsidy for the different class of bed you choose, so C class definitely got more than B2, as for B1 and above are considered as private class so no subsidy at all, it's a good thing you chose C bedded in the first place
re rubber sheet
thanks girls

hey anyone knows where to buy nice glutinious rice (like this: http://www.kyo.com.sg/products/fullmonth06.html) that is nice, and in big quantity? like 100-200?

i'm still hooked on the idea of putting together my own full month package la

today at yoga class, i learnt that some of the signs of labour are.... severe back pains and sudden burst of energy.

well, severe back pains i have but i still feel like an old woman haha
Yah me too still feel like old woman. Jus now hubby was playing with our son I jus feel so tired lying on the bed watching them.......hahaha

Sudden burst of energy??.....hmmmmm
I'm suddenly baking blueberry muffins now leh......hehehe
hehe! me at home nua-ing already for one week as i am clearing my leave before my ML.

but brought my ger to the zoophonics holiday program for 5 consecutive days so officially nua-ing starts new week! lalala!
wah doggiebb already start enjoying! hehe.

dor dor tired but still got energy to bake! happening!

today i just nested alot. washed poppy's bedsheets and watched hubby fold her bumwear hehe. cleared her room a bit and put all our homeless CDs into CD organisor (if that counts)

did i share already that tom and stephane got sale? 15% off storewide, 20% for members. i believe it's the same for kiddy palace. i bought one pack of munchkin spoons.

any experienced mummies can share on good container/bowls for feeding? since got sale so might as well buy now mah...

oh i also bought first foods cookbook. not bad. got asian recipes some more! hehe.

nest nest nest
haha..i've been very energetic all of a sudden for the past few days(hmmm...a sign?), my usual aches disappeared too, but still no other signs leh. today brought my gal out by myself again, went suntec and had a hard time parking as i've forgotten abt the pc show crowd...
today i also feel very energetic. was up since 8am and been out almost the whole day walking. was also driving for a long time today. hey i was at millenia just now....

i like the munchkin bowls and containers....

but for containers, actually any kind will do. for bowls for intial feeding i got those with suction at the bottom so bb cannot push it off during meal times.

the rubber sheet can just wipe. i got mine from pigeon. get a good one. can last longer.
as long as poppy is healthy can liao

wah SY and fiona... good that you're feeling energetic! i dread walking these days cos every step is such a chore. esp cos i walk like ogre...

munchkin bowl - is it sold in one set, got 3 things together? 1 bowl, 1 container + 1 something else? or a few of the same item in 1 pack? i stared at both for a long time but couldn't decide which to get. since pregnancy, that's happened to me alot!!! hehe
Sorry to intrude.

Due to low milk supply, I have the following items for sale, all brand new.

1) 2 boxes of NUK Ultra Dry Breast Pads (24 pcs, sealed) Bought @ S$10.10 @ Kiddy Palace, now selling @ S$9

2) 4 boxes of Lansinoh milkbags (25 bags each) Selling @ S$12 each

3) 1 Playtex fridge to go tote, sealed. Bought from spree @ S$42++, now selling @ S$35


4) 1 bottle of GNC Fenugreek (100 capsules, sealed) + another half bottle left. Expired Sep 2011. Bought from GNC @ S$29.90, now selling @ S$25 for both

PM me if you are keen!
just saw gynae today. baby pomfret at 36.5 weeks is 2.9kg. moved down (so now my turn to have a sore pelvis) but probably not totally engaged yet coz the gynae doesn't think i will deliver before week 38.

time to pack hospital bag.

time to also wash baby things :p

any mummies use baby laundry softener, like those from kodomo? i only bought pigeon washing powder, then someone told me i should use softener.

maternity leave
still must go back to work this coming week lor, since those pple i have to handover to, all never take over my work yet. sianz.

mothercare got 20% some items (such as nursing bras, which i bought) starting this week. have i mentioned it already?
