(2008/07) July 2008

Yeah, I remembered the cake! And that was the first time I was introduced to Pattisier's meringue!

We should plan another one, it was fun!
Bean has good taste - I love Eggs Benedict too!

Did you post a picture of the cute buns? I wanna see!
Celebration at BG - my remember-random-facts brain says: were you at some cruise?

I remember carrying C1 with the party hat on to boot! Oh so handsome C1. Already so handsome at such a young age.

more cases about attempting kidnapping at AMK hub and turf city. please please please hold on to your kids! seems like our 'safe country' is getting to be dangerous. argggghhhh
LOL on Youpi fretting over a grumpy L and oversleeping in the end.. At least L didn't have time to be cranky in all that rush hopefully!

Reminiscing on the times when our kiddos were all do tiny.. Remember how we laid them all on the playmat.. Or in a row on PB's couch! Hahaha

Mini burgers look yummy! Ask me over to clean up leftovers next time!

Kiddos learning swimming yet? Wanna get started but how to ask to come over to my Plc? Maybe we can form a group with the Bishan dwellers when I move?

I recall youpi's scary encounter with that strange man!!
What is the make-your-own-thingy called? My boy is completely into cars and that sounds like something he would like! Thanks for sharing!

I read about the attempted kidnapping! But sometimes I actually wonder how true these reports are, because I've always heard about how somebody's friend personally encountered attempted kidnapping in HK disneyland and all.. and reports are always about "somebody's friend". But still, I think it's good to exercise caution. We take it too much for granted that Singapore is a safe place!

Quick question
Is anyone here as finicky about your kiddo's ear wax as I am? I keep peering into my boy's ear and I see a HUGEASS ear wax that's the size of a fishball, but he wouldn't let me go near his ear! How ah?
ear grossness is my hubby's department. he'll clean poppy's ears, she'll ask to see it, and together, they will ooh and ahh at their find

i also want to start poppy on swimming! but i think we may have missed the window of opportunity. must do it early or after 5 or 6 i think. now she's not cool with swimming pools that she can't stand in
u moving? got your new place?

why must do it early or after 5 or 6? i think whatever age is fine right?

I m also thinking of bringing the kids to watch lorax! but i m thinking of fri afternoon. prob sometimes after 3pm. keen?

oohhh your burgers look yummy! sometimes i feel so bad. never put as much effort into their food nowadays.... homemade fries is hard work!
Lorax - No.
Interested in Cat in the Hat though? The tiks are quite pricey though. With the Sistic charges, it comes to about $24 per person using the Family Pack price.
I'm so waiting to watch The Hunger Games!

For the life of me, I can't remember! I know how it looks like, but it's currently not at home.
*A while later* Thanks to my very awesome husband's great internet searching acumen, it's called Zoob Racer.
It says ages 6 years and up, but trust me, after the initial exploratory stage, he will be able to build stuff on his own.
Highly recommended for boys!
Yup, I use the same technique as Poppy's dad. Exclaim there's a really huge piece, make it sound really disgusting and big, then make him really intrigued by it. Once he stays still, do it fast with the ear picker (at this age, the cotton bud is still too big and I can't seem to find the really small slim ones that my BIL bought for me), then yeeeew over it together.

I have another swimming problem. Dec's cool with swimming, thanks to the uber cool swimtrainer by sophie.sg (Haha). But our problem is, he can't stand cold water. All skin and bones, I think he really can't stand the cold. I don't blame him, cos I can't stand the cold water either :p

I heard ALL (ok, not all) about your new place from PB! Invite us for housewarming ok? Heehee. I want the Hainanese Chap Chai from Gordon's birthday party last year!
where are u moving too??

ya, kayden has big earholes, too much earwax all the time.. Kasper also same..
They both like the shiok feeling when i do it..
in fact will ask for more lor...

Meringue, miss it but im moving on to their other cakes which are as nice..
they got a store SMitten at taka basement for meringues if u wan..
did u get dec those thermal swimwear? i think it helps. though jh is so skinny he is not afraid of the cold water. last time i used to let him wear only normal swimwear. not even the thermal ones! so he kinda got use to the water. but now i let him wear thermal ones cos he learns in the evening.

in jx's class there is this boy who is so skinny that he shivers all the time when he is swimming. quite poor thing. anotehr thing u can try is to bring some warm water in thermos and give to him when he swims...
I've tried their other cakes, but keep going back to the meringue and strawberry shortcake. I think I always prefer the fruity cakes.

The warm water in thermos is such a good idea! Thanks!
Yah, he's wearing normal swimwear, just anti-UV only. Any lobang on where to get cheap(er) thermal swimwear?
Missed the bus! Will try again tomorrow, before school starts.

Where have you moved to? Swim class, yes please. Have not found one at the right time, all too late, at 6.30pm!

Attempted kidnapping
Heard about the AMK hub one. So scary! Must be vigilant all the time. And after the Sentosa experience, I am even more kia-si now.

Shows & Events
The Wiggles are coming again, and the Cold Storage Kids Run too. http://singaporemotherhood.com/events.php
thermal swimwear not cheap. i got mine from toys r us. but i guess if not urgent wait for sales! not sure whether robinsons sale got incl or not but worth a try.....

jh's class is at 6.45pm! a bit late and neither here now there but cos my fren can't do sat. so in a class no choice got to accomodate. then jx's one at 4pm on anotehr day i find it too early. cannot go out in the afternoon till too long...nothing perfect,....
youpi - we signed up for the cold storage kids run. our first time joining. are you taking part too?

DD - i also jump onto the self invite hse warming session..lol ;)
I want the hainanese chap chye too! And can I place order for pork chops too? Haha

Home made fries are super easy! I shared the method on that page too. Swimming: cos when they're small, blur blur don't know anything, will generally accept everything. When older, can explain to them, and they're not so scared. Now in between, still baby enough to cry cry cry but old enough to say VERY loudy "I don't want!!!"

Movie at cathay: it's only free for kids (1 per paying adult) for shows before 2pm. So I'm going to let her skip sch one day :D
Of warming houses
Will it be DD that throws her housewarming party first, or mich, whose house is already outgrowing its trees? Tick tick tock!

Ooooo Wiggles I want! Anthony is so sexy :p but poppy has kinda outgrown them... But I could still go and scream "kiss me anthony!!!" Right? Btw for wiggles fans, Greg is back and Sam has been kicked out! But they're all so old liao (jeff is way past 60 I think) - what if they pengsan on stage?! Oh listening to me blubbering on and on re 4 guys dancing on stage with octopii and dinosaurs

Have not been for CS run before! It's soon, yes? So not for me I guess

Just went for hair treatment and feel like a million bucks! I'm seriously really chill re this baby and super news!! We have a name! Also a flower, like jiejie :p
haha not true. in fact some older, harder to accept and harder to change. my fren's kid who is same age as JH very very stubborn. All the kids have gone for stage 1 but he has a phobia of swimming facing front and he is very stubborn and refuse to swim. it's been more than a year and things are slowly getting better.

even if the parents say stop his lessons, he also ok.

but for jx, if she dun follow teacher's instructions i will tell her she got to stop learning and she will do it next week.

my kids are easier to 'scare' haha...

re housewarming
haha...so many potential parties!!

DD, when are u moving?

i tot home made fries are tedious...and it's a bit hard to make sure it's crispy? hee, i m going to try!!

i m also planning to sign up for CS run! first time!!

i dun quite understand the pricing. is it $30 for 1 parent child pair or $30 per pax?
last year we went and we love it! absolutely going for it every year! its a great family outing, if you ask me....

my phase 2 reno finishing soon.... scarly DD one before mine, haha! pai seh...... there's also Jace and batgirl!

bbp, I got the thermal swim wear from arena. $69 b4 20% discount.. then inside I let him wear swim pants, so its double layer, cos the arena one, i felt the buttock area quite big, ddoesnt wrap then wont be effective right? so let my skinny boy wear two layers for pants.. hee... eboy will start his swimming lesson once he joins new school.. hope in Apr...

swimming is great for our kids, great exercise, and builds up the lungs...
Oh ya so many potential housewarming parties to gatecrash! And my little ah huay's one month party too, guys!

Oh sorry my fries are not crispy kind. If u want crispy then got to deep fry, or leave longer in oven at higher heat but there's the tendency of them getting too dry with the latter option.
Haha all these self invites to housewarming parties.. Not that excited about moving and not interested in Reno and all that.. Just welcoming the slightly better distance from civilization!

So jace and batgirl have u girls moved in and Reno done? Whereabouts? Okok better not mention here sekali it stalker lurking around

Don't like cold water Too so ideal class to be held late evening after our kiddos wake from naps and water is nice and warm from whole day sun hopefully..but hmm wonder if the future pool is big enough or not.. N where do I go look for instructors first, the most important ingredient hahaha

Saw a very disturbing sight just now of two young primary going boys scampering and fooling about as they walk, while their poor elderly and scrawny grandpa had to struggle and lug their Yeo big and bulky trolley school bags behind them...look so wrong... What have we young people become of...
Oh thanks! Zoob! I also have a small set at home. Saw it at popular and decided to get the smallest set (measely 15 pieces) in case the kids don't like it. Ended up quite an interesting toy! Was already thinking of adding on to the collection. Thanks!

Oh I recall someone sharing about geomag toy - may I ask who has it? Was looking at the picture in the website and was wondering if the metal balls are tiny ones? Do they look like nice yummy balls to little toddlers? I've got a 1.5 year old toddler who's constantly hungry!

And thanks to all who shared re. ear wax, and lol to the woo-ing and ahh-ing over the prized find! But I tried - went home today and exclaimed about how big, how awful and even *ahem* how smelly. Nope. Nothing worked. My boy was unfazed. Sigh. I guess I just have to leave it for now. Grrr
Don't worry agapebaby. The ears usually will expel the wax themselves.. Geomag ball bearings.. Heavy ones around the size of Urr 5cent coin kinda marbles? Think not very safe unsupervised with a 1.5 yr old.. Even slightly older kids sometimes curiously wanna stuff it up noses ad ears.. So I feel adult supervision is required
yes C2 is nearly 2yo and he wants to stuff the metal geomag balls into his ears. that's why i keep the geomag away and only take it out for C1 when C2 is sleeping.

however the other side of the story might be that the grandpa offered so kids being kids offload onto him and happily scamper along. children have to be taught to put themselves into the shoes of others esp the weaker and frailer and differently abled... the best model is how the child's parents treat the grandparents.
heck, i see adults who dun hold lift doors for the elderly, sit on reserved seats on bus/MRT and prefer not to see the ah ma/ah kung w white hair tottering in front of them. so.... how to expect the children to know any better?

i rem a time when i was 4yo, so our child's age now, my mum took me into her lap on seeing an old lady board the bus and signalled her onto the seat i vacated. i protested.... why do i rem this? bcz my mum then shushed me publicly and she seldom does that. plus later she told me tat ah ma's legs are weak, not good for her to stand too long in the bus.

values are caught, not taught.
....sounds like MOE tagline bor
Thermal swimwear
I originally thought it would keep the body warm, but my girl Ashley said that the material absorbs more water, making it heavy and she told me no difference in warmness cuz the thermal one is just as cold. Well after that I didn't bother to buy thermal swimwear anymore.
I've never bought any thermal swimwear ... Cos of the weight :S and the bulkiness. I have to make sure there is space in my bag and strength in my back!

Enjoy CS run guys!

Seriously? The size of a fish ball?!!

Wow c2 is almost 2? Gosh!!

Argh a few of the april 2012 mummies are starting to pop liao! It's going to be my turn soon! Argh!!!!
i can give u my intructor contact. he is pretty good with kids. imagine my stubborn gal listens to him well!

are the boys big enough to carry their bags? if they are, they shd! when we go out, i will tell the kids to carry their own bags. of cos jx sometimes we help her if it's too heavy with the water bottle and clothes inside but jh has to do it himself. now sch bag also. when i pick him and he dun carry i told him i m going to leave it there haha...

the geomag balls are very small. better not give if your 1.5 year old has tendency to swallow it!

the jacket fits him perfectly! *double muarks* just wondering what is the coldest weather that has been worn for and is it adequate? thanks.
Good! Was wondering if it would 'cos T2 is bigger than L. L used it in Norway, from 3 degrees celsius. In that temperature he also wore a sweater under, a scarf, and a woolly hat (kiasu mummy took no chances). In the teens, just a sweater is enough. Less than 10 degrees celsius, long-sleeved T-shirt and jacket. The cold is fine actually; it's the wind that chills. Bear in mind that when you are indoors, it gets very hot, especially if heaters are used. So just layer on and strip off as and when necessary.

U are not kiasu at all. At blue mountain in may, I had him in 4 layers and double pants with thermals underneath. And the jacket was as thick as yours! Muahaha!

So I guess in teens I will still put him in long sleeve plus ur jacket and pack a pullover to add on in my bag for nights and when it gets windy. Yes! I top it when it comes to kiasu-ness *blush*

Thanks again for ur jacket!
CS Run
guess what...JH's category is full! but JX's one is still available. So i m wondering to run or not...

re lunch
mummies any one keen to do lunch? either a city hall lunch or vivo city lunch.
i rem you said you were concerned abt T1's reading ability when she turned 4, hence enrolled her into ICL reading program.... what sort of rules of thumb did you use?

sure... but this week Mr C is still around... next week is better for me

i am sooooo looking fwd to not being a mum and having the boys (including the hb!) underfoot for 3 whole weeks. i can finally finally wake up late, browse a museum exhibition, read all day if i want, read all the non picture / non rhyming / non phonics books, spa / mani and pedi w/o any concern for who else needs me to be around. wow bliss
but i fly to MY weekend of 14/15 Apr so that i see the boys for a bit.... after all, i m off to another biz trip early may.
sure next week is good too!

hee, i m sure u will enjoy the peace for a while. but after that u will start to miss them. no prob, u can bb sit my kids ANYTIME.. :p

i guess panic button was pushed when some of her peers are reading already. No other rule of thumb honestly except that i judged internally that to be able to read some simple sentences by 4 years old is not unreasonable.

and there was a place at ICL, so i grabbed it!

and yes, come and jio us for lunch when all the men are gone and you are FREE as a bird! come make us envious!
Hi mummies,

just wanna share this caterer i took for kasper's bdae yesterday..
Good thai food with reasonable pricing.
Diandin Leluk..

Its Kayden's bdae next week.. so fast...

im not sure if i shld start panic now..
Cos it took kayden 7 times to read a short sentence before he got it rite..
For sure i know he is slow, but i don wanna pressure him due to his condition.

haiz, i can only do vivo..
smiggle, doggiebb,
i m not too sure that C1 can read.... i mean, brown bear... which is like for 1-2yo and C2's level.... he can connect the words w the picture and say red bird, blue horse, gold fish etc but i dun think that is actually reading. more like memorising

haha to making you envious.
okok this is what i found out from C1 over the weekend. they ARE doing some form of phonics in school... he can rationalise that my name and his start w the same sound and therefore a C, he can also rationalise that papa's name and C2's name start w the same sound and therefore should start w letter K..... so slowly slowly does it la. cool blue mama. i m totally zen abt reading.... not! i love to read, so i am working towards the same for C1 and C2.
i am back! from my staycation! at TMC!

this goondu mummy self checked into TMC on saturday night at 3am with regular contractions, 5 min apart. i don't know if i shared that at my last gynae check, gynae dropped the bomb with his comment of "contractions need not be painful you know. if 15 min apart and regular, quick go to hospital".

so when i woke up at 3am with them being 5 min apart, and them feeling diff than other BHs, i thought OH SH*T wait no time for epi how? (plus the fact that one of the april mummies had just given birth AT HOME the day before totally freaked me out).

so we brought poppy to our neighbour's place, and went to TMC. got all prepped for labour, went to labour ward and tried to sleep. which both bluebunny and i did. until gynae came, and we realised that i was having contractions, mild ones every 5 mins or so, but remained at 1cm dilated for like forever.

gynae gave me a curt 'so why are you here?'. i suppose it's cos he's pissed i had ruined his sunday cos he's usually really nice and polite. so i got sent up to normal ward for observation and i sent bluebunny back home.


i simply enjoyed being served my meals, went wherever i wanted, did whatever i wanted, SLEPT LIKE NOBODY'S BUSINESS. apart from the regular CTGs, i was basically on holiday. a $1,000+ holiday (guess that means no more hard rock staycation for us but seriously this was FAR more relaxing than any other holiday has every been).
