(2008/07) July 2008

cellow says to jacelyn....
bring me along for your retail therapy!

either i stop you or you stop me, or we both go crazy together!!!!

PB & Batgirl
Enjoy your trip!

Manuka Honey
Any mummies giving their kids Manuka Honey? Emma's PD told us we could give her honey to help with her cough. But I dunno which level to buy. UMF 5? 10? Some saleslady say UMF 5 is suitable, some say 10. I'm confused! Which brand is good?
happy rainy cool lovely wet weather saturday mummies!

jace - i so know what u mean..it's shop and buy every single thing..ekkks!

BG xmas gathering - sorry hv to pull out..suddenly decided we r going to spend half our dec back in msia so weekends are packed up till then.

to all traveling for the holidays - safe travels!
re retail therapy
hee xmas season is here!! i also find myself burning holes in my pocket...

hee maybe we shd go stop each other.

i m not sure about manuka honey. how about yummi house active honey?

enjoy enjoy!!

wow nice..but i think i would find it hard to leave my kids too! my boss asked me whether i wan to go LA but i turned it down even though i very very much wan to go!!!

iherb is not the cheapest place for california bb stuff....

i saw your response. replied u liao.
Eh where did my earlier reply go?

SD, dunno much abt Manuka but thought the more the better?

I recall someone looking for magnetic chalk wall paint previously? Did u manage to get it? If not, check out Jay Jay Jolly on Facebook
oh dd,
jay jay jolly is just at my doorstep. wah cool! *wallet prepares to cry again*

heh. our iherb love letter continues

let JX try ballet then....
how is the saga with the parents + IL trip?

usually the higher the better.... but honey causes phlegm too.

hang in there.... look fwd to your bbs greeting you at home to get through the day (and lonely night on biz trip)!

how is mich enjoying her SAHM days?
Hello everyone! Hope all is well with you guys.

Jace, jg has holiday Prog, still can sign up. Both English and mandarin, speech and drama classes too. The Prog can tire them and they will sleep well after that! It's a 5-day Prog, diff timing available. I just did one week of it, the kids enjoyed but I'm shacked just ferrying them!
Hi Hi!!!

Oh I've been so busy.... worked till the last day, spent the other days working on contracts for my own set-up... busy with finding eboy another school... busy with cooking, planning for breakfast, lunch, dinner for family... who say SAHM is easy? Who? WHO?

wonder how is PB in bangkok? we cancelled our bangkok trip and no where to go now...

christmas shopping
burnt a big hole in my pocket over the last weekend Taka sale. finally set up christmas tree, settled some christmas presents!! yay!

HOw is everyone with their christmas plans? going any where for holiday? who is keen to meet up on weekdays to play play play? jay jay jolly anyone? hee hee....
haha yes, love letter
jx loves ballet!! prob will let her sign up....at least no need to prep talk her!

well, the planning continues.... and they are a bit slow in deciding what they wan so hope our driver still available!!!

haha only hb will say SAHM is easy!!!! when is your biz officially starting?
checking in from Dubai International Airport! Finally, finally FINALLY going home to see my lovelies! wooo hooo!!!

Michelle, wat business are you going to do? And I never thought SAHM is easy..in fact i find it worse than working full time! But you will get the hang of it..learn from PB and many others!
aiya, DD. today I've got meeting in the afternoon. Tomorrow I've got to accompany MIL to christmas shopping.. friday can?????

hi batgirl! welcome home! I met Batman, wuffy and JX and your FIL (i think) and some other younger kids in Taka over the weekend! Your batman saw Mr Mich and came forward to say hi!!! But i think he totally forgotten my name and eboy's name until i reminded him eboy and wuffy born on same day! haha....

I'm off to work now! being own boss very shiok.. i control what time i go to work, what time i knock off... super shiok! woo hoo... hahaha

i am temporarily working from home so can do friday. so go see dora and boots on fri?

i am bringing kids for ice skating at novena today.

just spend $60 per kid in velocity or novena square to redeem a 30 min ice skating slot. woohoo! T1 did last year and she has been talking about it since. T2 was too scared last year and wanna get out after 5 mins, hope today he will be more gungho now that he's older!
who or what is Diego?

which school did you change eboy to?
in this current job, yes the part i like best is controlling what time i go to work... what time i knock off too... block off 6-830pm as family time w no phone calls allowed. and pple actually respect that! amazing! good learning fm the americans and europeans! SG coys got a lot to catch up on in this area.

muahahah! i watched this dora show at raffles and forum before in the last 2 years and its always Dora and boots, so not sure why DD say its Diego, is diego really going to come out! my boy will be so thrilled.
Yes, lets go on Friday!!

Cellow, haven found another school for eboy yet. Teacher keep changing (maybe cos its new), and the other day I went to pick him early, and *hold your breath*... the teacher was showering 4 kids at the same time. 4!! and boys and girls together. oh yes, i complained big time. big big time. the school still owe me an answer. it felt as tho I was watering my garden and spraying the water from the hose from left to right to water my tree.. you know what i mean?

There is a new raffles montessori opening up just across my house. but they only have classes for 4-6yo all in the same class - montessori style. not sure if that is suited for eboy.. he needs some structure... maybe will go for trial in early Jan to check. meanwhile, eboy is still on waitlist with pats, chiltern, NAFA, basically all other preschool within 1km from my house. GRRRR!
this year got Diego show too! maybe time for the boys...

ice skating? is our kids of age already? sounds fun!!

u still haven told us what biz u r into..
share share...

montessori doesn't mean no structure. in fact the kids are very disciplined as they ahve to complete their work. i think structure also depends on teachers. i miss jh's ex school very much!! good good teachers!!!
mine is an engineering set-up.. not fun one lah...

but 4-6yo all mingle together, good thing or not? dunno leh, I may just put him in a 5-day trial and see how it works out.. the best thing is that it is so near my house!!! hee hee...

ice skating - quite sure my scaredy cate eboy woul d not dare to attempt...

going to pick eboy soon and bringing him to the park to cycle again!
haha tot someting we can support!

yes, i think it is good for them to mingle. in fact they pick up things even faster! jh used to mingle with all the big kids when he was 2 years old and he picked up things really fast from watching them. in fact he likes to mix with older kids and he will learn whatever they are learning.
ok, so the admin informed me that they have briefed all the teachers that no showering of 4 children at one go is allowed. i was like, ok. if I din make noise, then what? aiyo!

SY, hee.. I sure come here bee boh bee boh if i set up something that needs your support! maybe in half a year there could be something!

so long never meet as a group, should we plan for something soon??? like at ECP ride bicycle or something?

I am surprised batman recognised your hubby! hee! ya, my aunt in law took my kids for Xmas shopping. Wow! your own engineering set up! All the best!!

ice skating?? my son is fearless, but i am fearful, so probably wont let him try it till he is older and can take instructions better.
*groan* we travelled all the way for one Dora theme song, one Diego theme song, one song for boots and a Christmas song! All in 10 mins? At least everyone got to take a pic with them but people already started queuing 1.5 hrs before and it's a weekday! All tix for activities also redeemed early..

But so looking forward to gruffalo. This one pretty sure got better standards hehe

Cellow: Diego is the boy equivalent of Dora the explorer and he rescues animals n has a sis with my name! So guess who's Diego at home and who hIs baby jaguar is hahaha!
The Montessori system believes in integrating the different age groups so that they learn from each other. Younger ones learn skills from older ones, and older ones learn to take care of younger ones. It's a lot more than this, you'll have to Google to find out 'cos I am not qualified to explain ;p

Showering 4 kids at one go is !!!!!!!!!

Gruffalo is free?
i'm baaaaack!

so tired but such a good trip. i walked and shopped and ate soooo much! contributed a fair bit to BKK's economy

ice skating!!!! having been wanting to bring poppy to the kallang one but it's always so crowded. MBS also have but age limit is 5. didn't know novena also has. but now that i think about it, silly me - we will be going to land of ice skating soon! leaving in 2 days and have we packed? not in the least. now just struggling to get all my materials prepared (pengsan!!!) for the craft sessions that will go on while i'm away

if you're talking about the one at forum, i feel it's better for older kids. i know poppy would be quite bored. it's alot of singing, and needs lots of imagination. i think at this age, they need 'real' costumes (i.e. owls with wings and feathers, ducks with bills and webbed feet etc) not people who pretend to be these things but don't really look it.
believe it or not.. I have never ice skated all my life! should be the same as rollerskating and rollerblading?

gruffalo FREE OF CHARGE! pb u went ah? bbG really loves story telling/watching musicals so I think he should be ok sitting through it.. and he knows the story inside out...

come along, youpi! cin??
Dd - yes yes gruffalo is foc! Just need to queue mb 15 min b4 to get a sitting spot. I happened to be there last week and coincidently it was showing..bean sat thru 80percent of it and she does not know the story..so if bbg knows the story, he might enjoy
. Thursday the plan is to watch Barney at united sq at 7pm! Join us !

ask u, if u plan to watch a show at 7pm, do u feed the kids first or eat after that?

i m thinking of catching some of the shows but the timing is sooooo off! 7pm is neither here nor there though i know the purpose of it is prob to attract shoppers to eat there.

gruffalo sounds interesting...maybe i shd bring my kids but i have no more leave and basically i m just asking for off to go...
SY, of course eat first if the show is to last more than an hour. I wont want a hungry cranky kid and end up nobody watched anything....

Today is a great day! Received call that Eboy can start pats next year! my ex director was the BIL of the founder (yah, patricia herself), i called him, he gave a call to pat, and straight away got in! whoa... its really not about who you are, its about who you know!! haha.... school problem settled!

Going off to pick eboy now for speech.. seems like rain is coming again.. boo hoo...
Mich congrats! Xun girl is also starting Pat sch next year. We also got a slot because my friend knows the principal there and we called early early before they even release the news to public... else sure no slots one!
Good luck to all the little ones starting new schools next year! Poppy too!

BB realises she's slightly more tantrumy and attributes to her missing school and friends
which made me wonder for a split second if I made the wrong choice pulling her out. Budden can make new friends la at new school. And I would feel much better knowing she's in a clean environment.

So it's the morning before the big flight and poppy has sent me out of the house to buy eggs haha. We're making gingerbreadmen and after everything was laid out, realised we had no eggs. Kua kua kua. Before, she would jump at any opp to go out with me. Now she cooly says "you go mama, I stay home with papa". Growing up, are we?

Random: anyone knows the comedy "two broke girls"? Quite funny!
hehe. i have ice skated ONCE before in my life.

whoa new schools for poppy, xun gal and eboy!

C1 is still happy and learning well in his school. realise his mandarin improved a lot. somehow with MIL, he knows to speak mandarin instead of english.

wah.... growing up, she is.
have a good flight!

i m still waiting for that day when C1 will NOT stick to mama like a leech. this morning big meltdown when i sent him up to school. bcz i din put him to sleep last night. i slept 10 straight hours from 830pm to 630am this morning. shiok-a-do. haha.

sigh. work is... bleah.
but i must rem that i hold an urban legend job where i can suka suka decide to work at home (and i make full use of that) with a brand name coy. but still... SIGH.
Gruffalo was good and we wanna go again! Find them funny and liked their songs!

And finally got their email confirmation that bbg's going to a new school too! Will need to ferry him to n fro though n now new property cooling measures!

Have a good time bb, PB n poppy!

Cellow.. Yeah! U have our dream job and am sure it's bringing in lotsa money too but meltdown was cos he didn't wanna leave mama? we've been staying home so much with bbg that he's started crying again, asking me to stay home n not go to work with words that makes the heart crack! Sure do wish I could!
Have a good flight!

Yes, you have a good job! Hang in there!

Ooh, maybe I should bring Dec to Gruffalo tomorrow! 1pm right?
morning everyone!
sneaking in while i m running a syst report

dun say until like that... wait i kena robbed! haha! money and time are 2 things that are never enough.

i wanna go too! C1 reads the gruffalo books in school. i have a copy of the gruffalo's child at home. sigh, really not reading to him now. busy until!!!!!!!!
Keke.. I remember someone's diamonds and rolexes in safe n how mummies wanted a viewing session. Haha.

We love gruffalo n bbg says he's the big bad mouse! Hope to stop by again if we can. Go go. I liked them a lot, funny bunch that bbg laughed at a lot too haha
Lunar eclipse: last one til next 3 yrs!

Gruffalo: maybe I'm biased but some of u may know my obsession over Julia Donaldson!
Did you go to Labrador Park? We could see the lunar eclipse from our home just now! S spotted it first and I tried to take photos but my camera is not powerful enough

They are bringing in other performances in the near future yes? I thought I saw someone with a flyer that had Stick Man and We're Going On A Bear Hunt on it, and one more which I could not see.

X'mas goodies
Anyone knows where to get a good ham? Have tried Mandarin Orchard and it is heavenly but am casting about for other options. Also log cake? I am responsible for these for this year's feasting.

MIch, Jace
Congrats on getting places for your kiddos. It's such a relief, isn't it? One more thing that you don't have to worry about next year!

PB & family
Happy holiday!

Do you know which credit cards are linked to your co. for points and rebates etc while filling up the tank?

Sticky boys to mamas
It doesn't end! Even #1 still wants me at home instead of out at work (when I test the temperature by suggesting that I go out to work and they go to child care).

Holiday activities
Have you been doing lots with your darlings these holidays? I feel so guilty because I haven't. Some days I like the nothingness with my boys, just enjoying each other's company. On other days I feel so bad about not bringing them out and engaging them in meaningful, educational, stimulating activities but just can't seem to get my lazy butt off the seat to do something about it!
Youpi, I was pondering and pondering and took me a long while to understand your qn to cellow! I know of UOB cards for 3% rebate into the microchip where you can use to offset future bills. Why you ask? You bought wheels??

Now I worry what if that school teacher also no good? Hee...

I promised eboy every Friday of December I will only let him attend half day school so I can bring him out to play. Last week was to my office party cum water play, then to chuggington, next wk to novena Thomas. Want to join us? He's very happy and has learnt to count down to Fridays!

Are your children all writing well? Eboy has difficulty remembering letter C and almost always writes it in opposite way. It's suppose to be easiest to write!!! Any idea how to teach? The rest are ok, problem with letter C.

Today we're going to fly kite! Wish for good weather for us!!

Happy Sunday everyone!!

PB, reach already? Drop us a note!
We missed the lunar eclipse!

Youpi.. It's normal to wanna just stone and do nothing sometimes..think SY recently too right? Otherwise we'd go mad! Good to leave the kids to themselves too hehe

Much...don't forget to put on a raincoat for the kite!
No I didn't. We saw the eclipse from our apartment. It's quite amazing isn't it?

Holiday activities
Not really. I was busy shopping :p I just brought them along so they can see the performances. But so far only watched Hello Kitty and Angry Birds. Maybe will bring them to see Sesame Street at Plaza Sing next week.

NOpe I Don't really teach Emma how to write. She can write her own name, other than that, she is still following the dotted letters. She couldn't differentiate b and d (lower letter case), q and p, g, j. She can identify most of them (upper and lower case) but as for writing, I don't think so.
Yes to Thomas! Which part of Novena and what time? As long as it does not clash with naptime, we'll be there. L fell asleep on the way to Gruffalo the other day.

L is not writing at all!

Video upload
HOw long does it usually take to upload a video on Blogger? I have been trying to but it never seems to get uploaded.

Well, Wuffy has only learnt to recognise them.. Writing them? not yet lor. Cannot even hold a pencil properly yet. And he refuses to learn, always say, "I dunno I dunno" then walk away. I checked with the school teacher who reassured me that he is still young. Give Ethan another 6 mths? I am sure he will write properly by then.


Yep, UOB has the promo with Shell.
C1 is not writing at all as well!

you got wheels?

yes UOB got best discounts i think. plus some other credit cards got std 5% discount on ALL petrol stations.
i dun work on the retail operations, so not too sure of the disc. my corporate disc is 10% + 3% for all other fuels besides vpower. vpower disc is 17% + 3%. weird disc structure. i know my corp disc normally is the best, so dun really keep track of other cards :p

Mr C brought C1 out to Orchard for a meal with his frens, and they caught the eclipse. after they came back, C1 told me "I do not like the moon getting dark, mama. I hug papa v tight"

did your kite have to wear raincoat in the end? such bad weather ystday!

missing naps
ystday was a maidless day for us. we had a super long lunch w family and went home only at 4pm. end up both boys did not sleep. i was sooooo looking fwd to an aftn nap myself, but that did not happen.
It depends on your speed. I'd say around 15 min? Oh ya forgot to mention, on blogger, your video should not be more than 100 mb (it's their limit). So if more than that it takes forever before they tell you it's over the limit.

Petrol - I use Esso since other than petrol discount, the points are redeemable as cash to offset your petrol purchases.

i normally buy frm da paolo gastronomica..

kayden can only write 1..
He is very lazy plus im not at home to teach him..

was angry birds nice?

been so busy at work.. its really suckin up all of my time.
im so guilty towards kasper.. I was not there when he crawled...
