(2008/07) July 2008

just a random thought. neil gaiman could read by 4. S started way earlier. when he releases his first book can i get an autographed copy pls pls pls.

how long are you in malaysia for? i suffered through one indonesian lunch and you-know-who just totally snubbed me even when i wished him happy new year. gosh. am i that abhorrent? sigh. well, God knows I tried.

how often do you hoppity hop down to amore a week? do you feel the monthly pass is worth it? i might try a one-class-a-week thingie.

this cny long weekend quite wasted on us. pomfret was sick past two weeks (recovered, then sick cousins visited again and she caught another bug) then i caught her bug. and now hb is down too.

hmmm. i'm not sure what to do. should i just accept that while i stay in my ils' house, i cannot control who comes (such as their other dil, who brings her kids over even when they are sick?) or as the mother of a toddler, i have a right to ask the sil politely to consider not bringing her kids over when they are sick coz i have a toddler living here too? her older boy coughed into pomfret's face, and i exclaimed "she just recovered from a cold last week!" and the sil actually nonchalently added "oh they've been sick for two weeks. so i don't mind that pomfret just recovered" .......
Happy rabbit year to all!!! Wish all mummies n children good health!

Duster haha yah I think mini xun belongs to m size range n xun gal is like l or xl size range. I have nv quite tot 16 kg is not normal coz my niece of the same age is ard 15 kg as well. N I also nv compare with anywhere. So I nv quite know ... Except for the fact that my arms n back are giving way while carrying her lo.

U know xun gal was sick since Sunday n so I was worried coz the reunion dinner was supposed to be at my pl. I made hub inform his bro bat our sick tod at home so that h can make a choice. I actually suggested, if he is not comfortable, we can eat our own reunion (me hub n xun) while the ils do it themselves. In the end he said he is fine n we are the fussy one. Nvm that. Guess wat? Mil n sil turned up with stomach flu. I was like errmmmm. Sigh. They are not aware that it could spread too!!
Oh I'm next in queue for S's book! Please ask him to make it out to "Gorgeous Auntie"

I try to go once or twice a week. I sign up a long long time ago so I'm not sure what the current schemes are. Only you would know your schedules best. Do you think you could make it once a week? Twice? Thrice? I know I only go for the classes cos I hate "working out" at the gym and always feel like a goondu trying to figure out the machines. I'm always afraid something big and heavy would fall on my head.
You know, it's been raining so much right? A taxi driver told my friend the real reason : "because the Tiger is sad and doesn't want to leave, and for the Rabbit to take over. That's why he cry". Hehe.

Sick kids
We can't control other folks so I'll just keep poppy away from the sick kids and say it loudly "poppy you play a bit further away from gege/jiejie ok? Gege/jiejie is coughing and you don't want to cough too right?". Usually the parents will zidong enough to pull their child away. If not I'll say "because when you are sick and can't sleep at night, mama has to lie with you and mama's heart hurts a lot when you cough all night long"

Re sumo babies
Poppy is tall and heavy. So when we go out, parents of 4 or 5 year olds will get a shock when I say poppy is only 2.5 haha.
Re sumo babies
C1 is also tall and heavy. So when we go out, parents of 4 or 5 year olds will also get a shock when I say C1 is only 2.5 haha.

blatant plagarism. hehe.
Last call y'all. Gruffalo ticks x 2 for 5 Feb @ 5pm and Gruffalo's Child ticks x 2 for 12 Feb @ 5pm, $40 each (original price $48 each). send SMS or PM!
Cellow, pb same same wrt sumo babies ... TO the extend I will just say she is 3 or 4 yo. Then no need to explain anything. Anyway clothes wise she is already wearing 3-4 yo size. Wonder if she will grow up to be gigantic? Hmmm hopefully not.

Side track. Caught up with my cousin yesterday n we were chatting. She has a very introvert bro ( we have nv spoken for the last 10 yrs though he always turns up for gatherings) n we all wonder why. It's because he is autistic! Sigh. He is almost 40 yo but does not have the ability to take careof himself ... His mother feels that she has failed as a mum. It's quite sad.
re sumo babies
i bought a pair of preloved Gap jeans for C1 from the WTS thread. thot 4T shd be quite safe. nooooooo, it is the exact fit for him now.

my mum also feels that way w my youngest sis, who has always had developmental problems when she ws growing up and now has a diagnosed mental problem (developed over the past few yrs). i dun ever want to feel that way as a mum.... and cannot imagine the mental self beat ups my mum has inflicted on herself over the years. all the what-ifs.

oh yes, so are xun gal and mini xun ok even after MIL - sick w stomach flu - turned up for reunion dinner?
One super duPer tired mummy popping by to say hi.. Haywire eating n milk drinking, n naptimes.. N diarrhea for the poor kiddo who tells me he has stomachache n needs to go poo Poo Many times.. Doesn't help that he's very smell-sensitive n throws up at own poo smell too!

Being a mum is a tough enough job.. I cannot imagine what more with a mum of kid with disabilities.. Mummies of the world all deserve a big applause for being mummies!

Did bbG catch the stomach flu? It is prevalent now! Hopefully he gets well soon!

I am also super duper tired these past few days. doesn't help that I am falling sick as well.... Take care all of us.. tomorrow is back at work!
no throwing up leh.. just diarrhea... and ya.. i dread going back to work feeling more tired man *groan*

hope all your CNY celebrations went swell though...
Oh no. Hope all sick mums and babes get well soon!!

Mummies, anyone interested to do a CNY pot luck some time before end of CNY? My house is ok if you all don't mind a non CNY decorated house.
hi mummies
happy cny!!! so sian to come back to work today....

re sick kids
my sil's kid was also sick during CNY. so if anyone ask him to come play with my kids, i will actually ask whether he's well already or not, still having fever/cough/flu etc etc. so they get my point. i think it's only natural that we dun wan the sick kids to come near ours cos we suffer when they fall sick!!!

maybe he ate something that din agree with the stomach? give him some probiotics to calm the tummy.

your gal is heavy!! heavier than my 5 year old boy!! haha

when do u intend ot have this CNY potluck thing?
It's been a long time since I've had the feeling of long weekend and coming back after one. I hate it!

Yeah! But got to see when.
Aww PB (who is enjoying wild mushroom and a magaherita crepe at plaza sing, then going to spend the afternoon at poppy's school helping out for the CNY party, is siaming all the killer looks all mummies are flashing me) sayangs all mums who have to face bosses and colleagues today. Poppy also had Monday blues - gave us a tough time at brekkie!

CNY pot luck - how about 5pm this fri at my place? So we don't have to worry about school-going kids sleeping too late. Oh and I'll be happy to throw in a CNY craft for the little ones too. But it'll cost an angpow to ME! Muahahahha.
your food is making me hungry......i wish i m not working!

got any tips on how to survive on one income and still live comfortably??

i can't make it this fri. my bro's bday. or next week? will try to take half day leave if i can.....
You are very funny leh, how did you come to think about Neil Gaiman all of a sudden? I do love his stuff! Yes will chope an autographed copy of S's first for you (and Gorgeous Auntie PB), if he does produce one. At the moment he is more interested in creating vehicles though

CNY potluck
This Fri is not good for us, sorry!

Hope BbG is better now.

I only signed up for a 3X trial at the fitness place so my exercise regime is currently over... until I find another, hehe.
Hi mummies,

My DD is also born in Jul 2008. Just wondering if you guys can advise on how / what i can do... My gal has been coughing and seen the PD since Nov 10. Been given cough syrup, neubiliser, inhalers (Blue & orange), tried TCM... Now trying to introduce Healtheries goat milk - heard that she could be allergic to dairy that is why body keep producing phelgm... so wanted to switch from cow milk, also read that soy milk affects the hormones... But she is resisting very very badly. Does anyone know whether the karihome goat milk is sweeter? Less goat smell?

Thanx in advance for any advice!!
if suspect food allergies, best to do skin prick test for dairy (and other foods) first. and keep fingers crossed that it yields a conclusive result. very sian when the results are inconclusive.

S's first book
youpi, i also want!!! an autographed copy.

ok onz for any evening. i bring kolo mee.

why would Mr SY nag at you w/o income? being SAHM also work, you are building the children's character...
shi nian shu lin, bai nian shu ren
'it takes ten years to grow a forest, a hundred years to grow a child'
[or did i get my chinese proverbs utterly mixed up????]
i believe a family wont starve one la on one income. how comfortable is another story. no more overseas faraway holidays.... the C hsehold just needs to earn enuf to bring C1 and C2 back twice a year to Kuching.
We r nuaing at my parents place today cos I let D skip sch. Let him rest for 1 more day before facing new changes at sch after the holiday.

Will ur sil or mil also pop over ur new place uninvited or with sick kids? Situation might never change cos the inconsiderate ppl r the same.
I will tell D not to be near ppl who r coughing or sneezing so he will scamper to me n announce very loudly "the korkor cough!!" hehehe

Poor bbg, hope he's all better now.
i agree with cellow. if u suspect food allergies, better get it tested. anything that triggers her cough? dust? certain foods?

i have 1 boy and 1 gal. when my boy was younger he coughs very easily cos of sensitive airway. dust will trigger his runny nose and the backflow will cause him to cough. he was on singulair for one month and it stopped but his cough will recur every 1-2 months. he was on inhaler (ventolin and seretide) to manage for a long time. i dun let him take fruits like orange/grapes etc and i find as long as he takes anything with orange/grapes he tends to cough. thankfully as he grew older, he got better. i think it comes with age also.

my kids have sensitive nose like the father so they get runny nose and cough easily. is yours like that?

and both my kids are off milk already. my boy takes very little milk since 4 years old (only like 1 bottle of 120ml a day) and my gal has been off milk since i stopped breastfeeding her. they take milo instead.

i used to give them fresh milk with milo but i dunno whether it suits them or not cos the month that i started this, both came down with stomach flu. my hb cannot take milk so i half suspect the kids may be a bit like him.

haha...he will nag! he's insecure on one income! stems from his growing up years when they had no money and always struggling. n i think when u worked hard all these years and achieved a certain level of comfort, he is not too willing to give up some comfort as he lacked them when young. to a certain extent, i can understand how he feels. i have always been more lax with finances and not as insecure cos growing years were relatively ok. and he wants to give his kids more cos he din have much when young. tell u something silly. jh bought 2 nerf guns recently. my hb was playing with him so happily. i laughed at him and said is it cos he never had such toys when young and he said he din have anything like this before. so he finds it very fun. i guess he just dun wan the situation of not being able to give the kids something becos of limited income.
CNY party
Can do any day, but 5pm is too late ;| So you all go ahead lah. Thought there was previously some talk about doing it at BG one weekend?

Sleep rant
Since he was up and about at night for cny, L's sleep pattern has shifted and I am trying to get him back on track. He's sleeping later, waking at his usual 6+am, and then taking super long naps in the afternoon. He's still getting his required hours so he is fine, but I am not! When he sleeps late it means I have less time at night to work. And that precious time is further reduced after clearing up, washing up and (usually) doing another load of laundry. Which means I have less sleep and more eyebags and bad skin. Grrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrr. Thank goodness cny only comes round once a year!
Hi folks. I'm happy for weekend too. But that'd mean bigger crowd, and my tiny 3-room flat would cause claustrophobic effects on some (me). Any other house avail? This sun out for me tho. Got a family thang.
CNY Party,

I also cannot do weekdays.. Next weekend? 19th or 20th Feb? Shall we go BG? At least we have more open space. The toddlers can run and play, the infants can watch them play and see the trees.
if u guys dun mind my place which is a bit harder to locate, i can offer my place next weekend.
20th feb probably as sat we need to go back to in laws.

jx's sleep has been terrible too! but at least he takes long naps. jx can skip naps and ends up with only 8 hours of sleep a day. and she's still not sleeping thru. will wake up to cry minimum once a night.....

i m flying back home this evening. reach SG at 10+pm. wish me luck for the 2 Cs. that they will sit quietly (more or less) thro the trip home. stupid timing bcz Mr C booked flights soooooo late this year.

CNY party
i second BG. suggest make timing flexible say from 3pm onwards, so that can accommodate the different nap / nighttime sleep schedules.
like for me, i will only be able to get ready after C1 wakes up from his nap at abt 5pm.

date leave to majority.
kolo mee is a bit tricky to handle at a picnic, but i m sure the ever resourceful Mr C will come up w smthing
I can offer my place too if nobody is sick of it yet. I like BG too, although I'm so NOT going to roll in grass this time round. One round of itchiness is enough for me.
How about BG as first choice, my place as wet weather plan?

But gotta do next week though, cos the bbp family is packed with appointments this weekend!

I wanna complain about CNY too and how it screws everybody schedules up. And why oh why is Declan becoming more sticky where school is concerned? He didn't want to go into class today
I had to practically hand him over to the teacher and left him there crying. SIGH. So not helping my mood which is already made sian by the end of the long weekend AND the start of my menses.


Oh. Does JX cry a lot at night? Cos Dec does quite a bit of sleeptalking every night but I realised he will go right back to sleep after that.
i bet C1 will hv a major crying fit tmr when tis time to drop him off at sch. ah well. i will deal w it tmr.

oh yes. check out the range of C1's facial expressions in a fantastic montage by my BIL on FB. just look for 'photos of cellow'.

how is G now?
Tks Cellow & SY,

Tried to goggle for it. The skin prick test looks scary le... The angry patches of red that comes up will go down within how long? Will it leave a mark? May gal skin very sensitive. Even if just mosquito bite, the swelling become quite big and then leave brown brown mark for months. Go to any PD can do? Need prior arrangement or just go in and ask for it?

Any kind mommies have recommendations for good PD in west / central area? Saw 2 kidslinks doc in CCK n jurong like not too good. Saw the 2 Angs PD in TMC also not too good... Seems to be very bad to PD-hop like that... but either they not too keen on explaining things to me or they seem very fixed on their methods. 1 cough, standard use neubliser. the other std cough too long, gotta use inhaler. like no 2 way out like tat... Help pls....
Please let me show my sorry self here. Was at poppy's school for CNY party. It was absolute chaos. My parents were supposed to attend and they've known since Christmas. My mother decided to conduct a training TODAY. They were so supportive as parents when I was a kid so I don't understand why they're so bochup as grandparents.

Then poppy decided that with everyone's parents present, it would be the perfect time to show everyone what a bad, ineffective, lousy mother I am who can't control her child, and refuse everything and insist on rolling all over the floor and not eating.

How terrible I must have looked with my black face and uncontrollable child. Me with my bowl in one hand and screaming, kicking child tucked under the other arm. that must have been what the parents of the other kids who were sitting quietly and eating their lunch thought.

all I wanted to do was cry at the feeling of helplessness. I could already feel tears forming in my eyes. I had half a mind to bring poppy with me and lock us both in the toilet to cry. But I imagine that'd leave quite an emotional scar on her. And the school only had one toilet.

The toughest bits about being a mother are that 1) there is always someone watching, waiting for you to slip up so they can say what a bad mother you are and 2) you can't just do what your heart wants, even if you know you'll feel better, cos there are so many other things to consider.

Sorry about that. Just feel a little miserable now. But the happy ending is that once I decided it was pointless forcing her to eat, and sent her off to the shower, I had some time to cool down, and so did she. When she got back we were friends again.

sayang and hugs to PinkB. i think all kids like to test our patience. bean was also misbehaving at the CNY open houses we went too..jumping on sofas and screaming. i just tell everyone that she's tired and its wayyy pass her nap/bedtime. and of course on the way home, she gets a loooong lecture from all 3 adults in the car (hubby, me and helper)..hahaha.
she will wake up to cry at least once a night. very hard to pacify. sometimes just got to wait for her to finish crying or i have to really scold her before she will stop....

i go to the one at holland grove. the PDs there are quite nice but i find that they tend to diagnose on the heavier side. but they do try not to give too much medicine so i guess that' good. u can try Dr Ravin. They have quite a few docs there. There's another one Dr Gong but i find that when the kids have cough/runny nose, he tends to give singulair very quickly which i m not too keen on.

my boy also used to get very big swelling from mosquito bites. a PD taught me to put thursday plantation tea tree oil (get the 100% one).

i think it's ok to PD hop until u find one that u r comfy with. after all, it's ex to see a PD so must make sure we get one that we are comfy with.

sayang. dun feel bad. all parents have been thru this and they will know that it has nothing it do with u. no matter what we do sometimes, our kids will just misbehave. instead i m sure most parents feel sympathetic instead!

does your long lecture work?

got once on our way home, jx refuse to sit in the car seat and she insists on sitting on the floor. no choice but she had to sit on the floor all the way home. she was very smart. when we were going to reach home, she quickly got into the carseat thinking it can help her avoid punishment. when we reached home, me and jh quickly got out of the car and left her in the car with hb giving her a 'talk'......haha
Ah we just had that "I don't want to eat" episode yesterday at dinner time. And it's becoming more often. Both of us got so frustrated that Mr bbp pushed Dec's high chair away from our table and made him face away from us. Prob for everyone to cool off. The couple (youngish pak tor kind) at the next table was giggling.
And yes, I am growling so often nowadays. I usually ask Declan "Do you want to make Mama angry?" but just yesterday, I asked "Declan, do you want to make Mama growl?"

JX cries cos she misses the latching isit?
Anyway, I don't think Dr Ravin diagnose on the heavier side leh. Cos Dec had a really bad phlegmy cough once that lasted for a week and when we brought him to Dr Ravin, he told us to give Prospan for about 2 days to try and let the body recover on its own first and if there was no improvement on the 3rd day then give anti-biotics.
I've not tried the other PDs at Holland Grove though.
u r so funny! i have been saying that sentence to jx a lot too! always asking her whether she wants me to be happy or angry. of cos she says happy but behavior is otherwise. i think i used this trick too often cos got once she opened something and she immediately went 'mama dun be angry with me ok?'

i dunno why she cries. but it's in phases. she will have blocks of days that she sleeps well, then blocks of days that she dun sleep well. and the blocks where she dun sleep well is usually longer....

oh, the reason i said that was becos there was once when jh had tummy ache and he diagnose as HFMD like virus and he couldn't go to school for a week!! he had no rashes nothing etc. he said sometimes the virus will cause the tummy ache. so i felt that was diagnosis on the heavier side. but i feel Dr Gong is even heavier on diagnosis! almost every parent will be given zyrtec and singulair.....at least dr ravin dun do that...
i go to Dr Belinda at Mt E. Belinda's clinic for children. she is... well, she is quite a character. she makes me feel like a noti student going into the principal's office for making my kid sick. not a known specialist in treating children's coughs. but i like her as she doesnt any-o-how prescribe medicine.

C1 has - i believe - an allergic reaction to fish... which causes cough. dr's advice: listen to his chest to hear if he is wheezing, if yes puff ventolin (blue inhaler) to open airways every 4 hours and flixotide (orange inhaler) twice a day. ventolin can stop once the wheeziness passed. flixotide cont for 2 more weeks after that. tis an asthma preventor.

there was once when i went to a GP over the weekend as C1 was coughing really badly. straightaway singulair.

skin prick test. C2 has gone thro it before. the patches subside after a while... well, within the day....
you can test for any number of allergens but of course, the more you test, the more painful and itchy it will be for your daughter. the fewer you test, the higher the possibility that you get inconclusive or rather incomplete results. you have to find a balance how many to test.

the test consists of x number of allergens + 2 more. one positive sample to compare the speed and size of the allergic patch; one negative sample where nothing happens. with the positive sample, definitely smthing will itch and be painful. dd CANNOT scratch for 20mins after nurse smears the allergens onto the skin, then (horrors) uses a needle to prick the skin so that the allergens can go into the skin. so you have to find smthing to occupy her mind and hands for those 20 mins.

[i cried big tears inside my heart for C2 when he underwent this. he was only 6mo old... the good thing is that he doesnt have the motor skills to scratch behind his back]

pat pat for your sorry self.
guess it doesnt help that your parents werent there when they promised. mine unfortunately are the same, keep breaking promises to be there for C1.
most other sane parents will feel sorry for you.... dun worry abt other pple's reactions.... pple who laugh will one day have a child who behaves the same way.... karma and retribution

oh mr bbp also lost his temper now.... i cannot help but say 'good! now he will understand' bcz he told you not to war w Declan ya.
I didn't even remember that until you brought it up. Anyhow, I'm quite sure I would have hollered at Dec if we were at home. I must remind you to be grateful for that little rubbish bin you have at home. Did I get the term correct? You did call C1 that before right?

If your child doesn't want to eat, and you decide to take the meal away, would you:
1) give it to him later when he appears more hungry
2) totally skip it until the next feed (milk/meal) even if he gets hungry before the next feed
the last time jh din wan to eat i din feed him his dinner. he only got dinner becos my hb gave in. if not i was prepared to let him starve till next meal which is breakfast.

i had frens who did that before and one meal less won't hurt the kid.

as for jx, i make her stand in the corner if she dun wan to eat. she can come out from the corner when she decides to eat.

also must understand why is he not eating. full from snacks or any other reason.
Gaiman was blogging about his 1 month wedding anniversary. and i was reading it and the thought about him being an early reader, and the connection with S ( i mean, how many 4yos do i know to begin with, and how many 4yos do i know who can actually read by themselves?) just struck me. and i just had to tell you. ("yeah that award-winning author? gosh i knew him when he was just a wee tot y'know?")

you're back from hols already? so fast! hope you had a great time!

well when we move out, i don't think i'd ever actively invite my sil lah. but if she brings it up i'd ….have to. you know ever since she's moved out, i haven't been to her new place either. and that's been like, 4 months. i guess i just feel trapped now, coz i also stay here, but she only asks my mil before she comes over y'know? so as with many things in this household, i feel i have no say in anything.

and yes, we're still both sick. my GP is earning good money from me this cny.

ahhh i understand your hb. there were times growing up when i was not fed coz both parents kinda forgot to leave any money for the household (gambler mum and absent dad) so i actually have this fear of not having surplus income y'know? and i also have this complex multi-layered guilt thing about buying/not buying pomfret toys/books/clothes. don't buy, i will recall the lack in my own childhood. buy, i will feel the fear of not having money put aside for rainy days.

no easy way to say this, but when you see another tantrum-y kid rolling on the floor with a helpless mother, are you subconsciously thinking that the mother doesn't know how to bring up her child? coz if you do, you'd get affected when your child misbehaves.

rem, i don't. (if you know someone with an autistic kid, you'd understand). so if pomfret is rolling on the floor outside, i … don't care how other ppl could be viewing me.

funny thing though, i do mind how my mil views me.

again sometimes, we forget our kiddos are really only 2 plus. not even 3. how should they know how the world works?

but still they really know how to push our buttons *pat pat*
i think it's alright for you to pd-hop, as long as you keep telling the new pd all the previous medication you've tried, and the history of the cough. it is definitely impt for you to consult a pd you will assured about. i go to kinderclinic to a dr lim KH at mt alvernia. and sometimes a dr lee in that same clinic when dr lim is not available. dr lim listens very well.

but yes, definitely try to get an allergy test. my ex-boss' kids had the longest coughing periods. eventually after years (!!!! yes years!!!!) they found out the kids were allergic to something in the mattress they were sleeping in. he didn't say dustmites so i'm not sure what they were allergic to. but after changing mattresses, no problems anymore.
magic ocean
who's bringing their tots to magic ocean this saturday? i'm going for the 2pm one. will i see any of you there? it's in chinese. i hope i understand enough to explain to pomfret -_-
Happy CNY to all mummies!!

Re Sumo babies
Hmmm Emma is still in the 13 kg range. she's mini hehehe. My friend, whose girl is 2 months older is 100 cm tall and 22 kg!! *faints*

How is BBG? Is he OK now?
Emma is not at school. Fever and runny nose.

Wow coughing since Nov 10? That is a very long time. Last time this happened to my daughter (but she was 4 years old) - I actually went to see sinseh and within 2 weeks her cough cleared. He gave my daughter medicine which will make her pass the pleghm when she pass motion. It worked for us. If you want to see PD, my PD is at MT. Elizabeth - Dr. Kenneth Lyen. He is gentle and kind. He is a bit quiet but if you ask him questions he will explain for you.

CNY party
I definitely cannot do weekdays.

Pat pat. Sometimes kids are just like that. When Emma decides to cry over everything she won't stop for a few hours *phew* And she screamed "Bad mama!" So I'll just ignore her. Once she decided to stop crying, she will just come over to me and say "Hello mummy!" *rolls eyes*

When Emma refuses to eat, I will just keep the food away and give it to her later. Normally within 1 hour she will eat (with iphone or video or youtube).
alamak i just saw your fb comment. were you fending off some nasty remarks and inconsiderate questions during cny?

no emma is not mini at that size! i think safer to say that other kid is a mini-giant.

youtube funnies
watch this! cutest. kid in darth vader costume trying the force on everything at home
On making mama angry: I will tell L "mama shen qi le" (mummy is angry) and he will respond, "wo shen qi" ;\

Non-eating toddler
I just let him be. Don't eat? Don't eat lor. L is a featherweight compared to the other toddlers here. But when I offer a bun, or a biscuit, or an egg tart, a-ha! He'll grab. He can still survive on these snacks and about two tablespoons of rice a day. Sometimes he'll eat a few cucumber slices - and yes that's his meal. And he'll latch on and on and on...

Yup, agree that you should PD-hop till you find one whom you and your kids are comfortable with. Mine go to Dr Tan at Kinderclinic at Mt A. He is wonderful with them. However, the waiting time for him is ridiculous - 2 hrs or more. I usually sign in, ask the nurses to call me when it's almost our turn, and leave. When Dr Tan is not available we see Dr Lee at the same clinic.

Repeat after me, "I am a good mother. I am a good mother. I am a good mother. I have a lovely, spirited, daughter who is not afraid to express herself passionately when she does not want to eat. She will have a wonderful career in dramatic arts if she chooses to take that path."

Am sure the super advanced toddlers here are reading already: Hello Thaddie? Gordon? Declan?
Hi mummies..

Ok set.. So it will be BG 20 Feb, 4pm onwards, bring your own snacks and mats, and strictly no rolling in grass?

Bbg's diarrhea is easing off (either probiotics n med helping or absence of milk or something) yippee!

Pb: big hug for u.. U know how much of a kancheong spider I am right? Got so uptight abt bbg's toilet training, bottle weaning, milk drinking that it was a yelling match for us, ending with tears and sad hearts..and I decided to cut some slack n let him be..n things got better..same with me trying to get him to eat more too.. I read an article abt how this will make him a more picky eater so..advice to myself n u..
Take it easy.. The mummies here r right.. They r only 2.5yrs old.. HoPe u r feeling better by now..

SY: my dad swears by tea tree oil for big swollen nozzle bites on kids too!

BBP: haha do u know that bbg n I actually do growl when we r angry! Think he learnt it from me!

Dor: where did u go? Had fun?

Dustee: I'm going to magic ocean at the sAme time with friends..r u going alone? Can join us
I for sure will be lost.. Wondering if I should send bbg to berries n sneak into back seat in class to take notes for myself haha. It's his naPtime though

Just weighed bbg at pd's..only 13.1kg now..

I secretly do wish bbg to be as well read as S and can read! But he's far from it la..can barely colour and write anything too.. But very good at jumping about and smart to retort and retaliate! I used to threaten n pretend to call the police when he's naughty and he actually mimics n does that now when mad at me! But I can tell he likes music though
I wanna buy a piano for him (and me) now!


BG on! 20th Feb eh? I better put it down in my calendar..very forgetful these days!

Wuffy is also the 13 kg gang. he can't read, can't write, can't colour properly too. toilet training? abt 50% trained. and yes, still a darn fussy eater. I too threaten to call policeman, only thing he says "I bang bang policeman"... sigh. He loves music and breaks into nursery rhymes anytime anywhere by himself.


dun be too hard on yourself. when wuffy throws his tantrums, i try to divert his attention (hmmmm...now i think i know where he picked up his attention diversion skills now...). If all else fails, I just let him throw his tantrum until he is done. :p
