(2008/07) July 2008

ou xiang, ou xiang.

btw where to buy the slings from and how much huh? the sarong kind. i feel the ones at moms-in-mind are a bit pricey.

Pink bunny, thanks for the address link, will drop by someday to try.
The sling is similar like traditional sarong only that its more modern (using buckle). The one i used was Moms-in-mind. The last time sling issue was raised, I remembered that there's a mum who sew these slings but can't recall who...
tangs have? ok on i go check. the orchard one right? i think it's dor dor who was sewing slings! oh ya you reminded me liao! hehe.

ok see you ladies later. some colleagues have a big meeting to prepare for and though it doesn't concern me, they need background info of the activities i have done. so now i'm super busy and got to put aside my own work. grrrrr
re slings
yeah there's a mum who sews her own slings. is it do1nk or dor dor? can't really remember.

re tangs
tangs have bb section. last floor. same floor as island cafe but feel their selection not very good
finally finished my work.

good to know you won't be travelling alone. not i sweet la... i used to go KL alone for work many years ago and now think abt it quite scary. didn't realise i so garang last time. hahah...

thank you ladies for reminding me to call isetan. i called just now and the lady said i can top up for the PIS if i haven't used the one i bought. phew... she also said the model i bought is not for heavy duty use too! thank you all for your great advise!

blood in breast milk!?!?!?! and the pain described here... sound so scary!!! think great to find out more here coz now i think i'm more realistically prepared for what lies ahead!

think it was mentioned in earlier posts (think it was mentioned by Goaty.. not sure) that there's a TV channel on SCV that shows baby and pregnancy stuff.. think it was Ch. 79 or 80.. maybe you want to check it out
Wah today topic so hot on BF aah...hehehe
I BF my son for 1 yr n was trying to stop when I realise I was preggy.
Btw jus wanna say I personally have heard alot of BFing horror stories from friends in this forum before my bb arrive n think I abit KS already prepare the hot pack all these but thankfully my BF career was quite fussfree. My Osim hot pack still in the packing never opened before...haha
N when I was stopping BF also didn't encounter any prob no block ducts nothing n stopped quite fast within a mth. Guess I'm 1 of the lucky ones but might be cos I'm not working so my son feeds direct on demand too.
Only when starting BF I had sore nipples for bout 2 weeks but using the nipple shield helps alot.

As for Bfing when outside I do it everywhere with the help of a shawl pinned at 1 side use like a poncho. Totally covers all n can use as a blanket for bb at times. Can show u ladies how I pin it if ur interested cos afew of my friends were inspired n bought shawls in prepare for their #2 Bfing.....hahahhaa

Re Slings
Yap I'm the 1 who sew my own slings....hehe
But I have only done pouch slings till now as I only use them never tried those sarong type slings before. My sis use her shawl as sling sometimes but I can't get the hang of it feel very uncomfy for me n feel unsafe dunno if the knot is tight enough maybe I dunno how to tie the knot.....hehe
So I'm the lazy 1 everything must be fast n easy for me.
I find eating fish will get better quality BM for me (more milky) n supply will be more also. Taking the fenugreek doesn't work for me n it makes me have a herbal smell.....Ewweeee
fish soup supposed to help increase BM but din really work for me. no matter what i take my BM also never increase.
wah so many posts today..

Jang/goaty...where did she go? have not heard from her for a long time..

sereneyap...after working for so long..it will certainly feel weird staying at home...dun worry..take it as a relax and unwind time for yourself..

dordor.. must we stop bf-ing when we find out we are preggie wiv another baby? my younger sis is still latching her 9 month old baby.. and without her regular menstruation, hard to tell if she's preggie or not hor...

and oh ya...who mentioned latching and nipple shields ah... you mean if we latch our baby, then we gotto use nipple shield? when pumping? nipple shields are for those with inverted or flat nipples right? put on when baby is latching? (paisay..hope i dun sound like some ignorant fool)

haha you experienced mummies got all sorts of styles and positions for pumping eh..dats really cute hehe.. hope we all do well in this area soon...4-5 months time...

okie dokie! heading for home soon...have a hearty dinner y'all!
hi all
heard that green papaya soup is good for breast milk. but dunno the recipe.

this month's motherhood mag got column about nipple shields i think. like wear them under bra so that they can heal faster if sore.
Re: Bloom photography
LATEST UPDATE: 4 more MTBs to meet get CD with all the shots at $200 instead of 250!!!
Will need minimum 10 MTBs for this BP to take off. They are offering us for the same price at $160 for 1 super 8R photo, 5 5R photos and extra 3 more 5R for this BP. For photos that are selected, the soft copies will be given back to us. For mummies that are interested in keeping all the photos taken during the photoshoot, you may also purchase a CD with all the shots taken on that day for $250 if you are a forum member which we all are here...

If there are more than 15 MTBS who sign up for the bloom BP, the CD containing all the shots can be bought at $200 instead of $250. If we only have 10 mtbs, the previous offer still stands

You may refer to this link for their pricing details http://www.thestudioloft.com.sg/rates/TSLoftRatesY9T04N7.pdf

To look at their work you may go to:

Mummies participating
1. Amy (Apr mtb)
2. Yo (Apr mtb)
3. Gervynne (Apr mtb)
4. Wish Come True (May mtb)
5. Piyo (Jun mtb)
6. Veniz (Jun mtb)
7. Mogudog (Jun mtb)
8. Chewy (Apr mtb)
9. Jer (?? mtb)
10. Juin (May mtb)
11. Serene123(Apr mtb)

***Anyone else?? 4 more to reach the min. 15 for the $200 offer!!! ***
Hehe. Hope it helps some of you! All prices based on GIANT supermarket except first two - from diapers.com.sg

Alamak don't know how Delphine make the mummy table until so nice but hope you can see this anyway, ladies. It's brand, price per pack, and unit price per diaper

Brand Quantity Price Unit price
GOON newborn 58 $13.80 $0.24

Huggies Ultra newborn 24 $9.00 $0.38

Mamy Poko newborn 30 $12.15 $0.41

Huggies newborn 24 $4.99 $0.21

Pampers newborn 36 $17.95 $0.50

Drypers WeeWee dry S 64 $13.04 $0.20

Mamy Poko S 48 $15.99 $0.33

Huggies S 24 $6.30 $0.26

Pampers S 58 $26.90 $0.46
Actually it depends on how comfortable u are with being pregnant n BFing. I believe now alot of ppl are doing that tandem BFing which is pregnant n still breastfeed. Even when #2 is born they still continue BF #1 as well.
Also depends if ur body can take it. Becos when u BF ur womb actually contracts so some might be worried there is a chance of miscarriage. FOr me since I was already planning to stop BF n I dun wanna tax my body by making milk for my #1 n being preg with #2. BFing will also take nutrients from ur body so I rather stop n concentrate on #2 now dun wanna take any risk also.
If ur sis preg she will sort of know lah I think cos will have preg symtoms ma. For me I have very bad symtoms even before I tested positive but all disappear for 2 weeks after I tested positive lor scared me to death man.....hahaha

Nipple shield is to protect ur nipple when latching bb cos with the shield bb dun have direct contact with ur nipple ma. But I only use it during BFing when my nipple was very sore cos not very comfortable to have it on for long also.
I not sure if they use it for inverted nipple or flat nipples but for inverted there's something to suck out the nipple for Bfing but some feel its painful so they jus pump dun direct latch.
i took the green papaya with threadfin bones soup during confinement before my supply kicks in. Think I ate it continuously for 4-5 days. Once supply is in, i stop taking.

yes I think fish does increase milk supply. But nonetheless it is good to take fish during BF. Got lotsa nutrients.

We shld also continue to take calcium and fish oil supplements during BF.
yawn... morning mummies

got a new irritating colleague. one week old only complaining about so many things. sigh.

anyone knows what baby kingdom looks like? i'm on half day today, thought i would just go and take a look since i am on half day today. is it a building by itself?
the jan issue of mother n baby got recipe for the soup. let me dig it out and post it here.

can we take the soup now? sometimes when i look at the soup recipe, i got craving for it.

re bb kingdom
it is like a row of buildings/shops together and it is one of them. dunno how to describe. but shd be easy to spot cos they have huge signs when i went last time.
thanks! and thanks in advance for the recipe! btw my dad says now we should drink black chicken soup once every 2 weeks or so. then towards end of the pregnancy then can slowly take bits of cooling things here and there. which means my birds nest got to stay in the fridge for a long time more.

btw anyone having trouble squatting/bending down? i feel my stomach is very in the way hehe. oh and this morning, an ah beng gave up his seat for me on the train!!

birthing class
anyone is attending? i want but dunno where to go

evon was asking about ham and processed food. got others here : http://www.babycenter.com/0_whats-safe-to-eat-during-pregnancy_1696469.bc
come come i join you pinkie.

then you can have dialogue. or else so poor thing!

yesterday this nice lady gave up her seat for me in the mrt as well. guess being in the sumo club for HUGE tummies got its advantages! *blink blink*
hi pinkbunny

crazy morning at work, otherwise would hv accompanied you in your postings :D. i just signed up for birthing classes at TMC. Heard this Mrs Wong who is one of the instrutors there is pretty knowledgeble so decided to give them a try.
Afternoon Mummies

Nipple Shield
It is also used when mummies have inverted or flat nipples. As bb latch on aerola and not nipple, the shield does help, beside pulling out nipple.

Mrs Wong
cin_bunny, i believe you are referring to Mrs Wong Boh Boi. She is very experienced and good lactation consultation. I've ever attended her seminar on breastfeeding & babycare - very informative.
hi again
cannot go on half day
waiting for my boss to approve stuff before i can send to print and he's out having lo hei lunch. argh.

and i think i feel a fever coming. maybe weather hot-cold-hot-cold, aircon-sun-aircon-sun, that's why. just now during lunch i went to baby kingdom and hypermart.

i felt very 'dirty' at baby kingdom somehow. not hantu kind, but just like everything looks so worn after being out in the sun so long. and no price tags so a bit strange. a bit cheena. hypermarket is slightly better. i think both shops range is quite wide. but with the exception of strollers, the depth is not so exciting

well at least i got some research done and know if prices will be worth buying in KL. btw first time seeing cloth nappies being sold! hehe. lucky baby one.

if any of you want, the address is 83 kaki bukit ave 1 shun li industrial park. 6547 1677. i didn't take hypermarket's address but it's a few doors down.

haha celeste, yup won't forget the cabbage! but i forgot which kind of cabbage. will ask again if needed!!
get the round cabbage type. Can get from NTUC easily
Dont buy the big big one, its a different kind not tat gd. I think the round one is beijing cabbage if i'm not wrong
One is bout $0.60 to $1 range only.
yesterday someone also gave up seat for me!!

no need to take black chicken soup so often. last time for my first pregnancy i only took 3 x in all.

confinement food not cheap i think. saw in a thread that someone's aunty charging $25 per meal.
ah beijing one i know. a bit darker than normal cabbage right?

when people give up seat i don't know where to look when i sit down. esp if they stand in front of me. cannot keep smiling at them right? wait they think i siao. i usually just stare into space haha

black chicken
my parents keep asking me to drink leh. but i don't mind cos i like it :D
Yesterday i take NEL mrt back, nobody give up seat to me!! *sigh*

yuppies...i tink it is more green than the normal cabbage and smaller a bit in size
And must put in the fridge cooler section then useful.
hi mummies... went for CNY lunch again today.. didn't feel very full though my colleagues all say they are bursting *blush*

about cabbages... I hear that it does ease the engorgement but it also decreases your supply so try not to use? some friends say to use a warm towel instead, and when it softens, quickly massage and express the milk out...

as for deep sea fish.. so many conflicting advice: some say not to take as deep sea fish (esp those that hang around the bed of the sea alot haha like sharks) has got higher levels of mercury in them.. yet on the other hand, they say fish like salmon and cod are good..

haiz..my policy is: gynae didn't forbid me from these so as long as I"m not overeating them, then should be fine.. only avoiding raw meat, raw fish now and coffee..

pre-natal classes by wong boi boi: I wanna sign up too..when should we start huh? soon right since we are 4/5 months preggie now?
No see another pregnant lady. I boarded the train at Outram towards Boon Keng cos I alight at Boon Keng. I think time was around 6.10pm when i boarded?

The wat SMRT say improve train frequency, rubbish lah, i saw the waiting interval still 5mins!! *sigh*
coffee can drink lah. I drink 1-2 cups a day when I pregnant with my No. 1 also no problems
as long as dont overeat. Everything in moderation shld be fine.
celeste blur
i was later than u. yesterday only left ard 6.30pm so couldn't have seen u.

i din go for any classes for my first pregnancy. with regards to Mrs Wong, i heard mixed reviews abt her....
Re: Bloom photography

**!!!3 more MTBs to get CD with all the shots at $200 instead of 250!!!**

** Do check out their biz thread (link provided below) in the forum, They have just posted some new Bloom photos **

** All mtbs who participate in this BP will get 20% discount off the basic package as a returning customer if they bring their newborns to studio loft for Little big shot photoshoot in future. Check out their photos for newborns and infants**

Will need minimum 10 MTBs for this BP to take off. They are offering us for the same price at $160 for 1 super 8R photo, 5 5R photos and extra 3 more 5R for this BP. For photos that are selected, the soft copies will be given back to us. For mummies that are interested in keeping all the photos taken during the photoshoot, you may also purchase a CD with all the shots taken on that day for $250 if you are a forum member which we all are here...

If there are more than 15 MTBS who sign up for the bloom BP, the CD containing all the shots can be bought at $200 instead of $250. If we only have 10 mtbs, the previous offer still stands

You may refer to this link for their pricing details http://www.thestudioloft.com.sg/rates/TSLoftRatesY9T04N7.pdf

To look at their work you may go to:

Mummies participating
1. Amy (Apr mtb)
2. Yo (Apr mtb)
3. Gervynne (Apr mtb)
4. Wish Come True (May mtb)
5. Piyo (Jun mtb)
6. Veniz (Jun mtb)
7. Mogudog (Jun mtb)
8. Chewy (Apr mtb)
9. Jer (?? mtb)
10. Juin (May mtb)
11. Serene123(Apr mtb)
12. Jellyfield (Apr mtb)

***Anyone else?? 3 more to reach the min. 15 for the $200 offer!!! ***
depends on individual. some cannot take coffee cos it leads to miscarriage lor. So as kaisee, pple tend to avoid it totally. yet caffine can be found in tea, soft drink which they still take occasionally.
ah ok ok. not freezer. just colder section. got it. haha lucky i check if not mine will be frosted

i just had hot dog :D sigh... ok ok no more junk food liao. WILL PAWA!!!

today my baby like very active leh. can feel her little kicks quite a bit now. but only on the inside. cannot see anything yet.

called mt alvernia and they said since giving birth in july, best to sign up for april classes. which i will! think it's $190 for 6 lessons for the mummy. papa goes for free hehe.

i signed up with the photo taking thing. think we'll only have one baby so better take nice pics la.

me too!! i have breakfast with my colleagues, all eat the same size pack of beehoon, they all say too much, i diam diam because i know i can eat at least half a packet more haha
hi do1nk
for the classes at TMC - you should go now to sign up..esp if you want to attend weekend classes by Mrs Wong - her class gets filled up quite fast. Now, classes for May and June are open for registration.
because my husband and i know we cannot love more than one equally (it was the same with pets). primarily that. and also because my husband is very pro environment. more children = higher population = using up more energy = higher rate of pollution. quite cheem this one but my husband is a strong believer

people say oh only child will be very lonely. i was quite happy actually being an only child until my other siblings came along
interesting theory. hmm, i do worry that i will not be able to love my children equally but will try my best. after all they are my children and i will love them no matter what. i guess it is more the display of affection also.

hee, when u see them so cute, u may wan more than one. i did think of stopping at one before cos was so tired but i love kids a lot.
hi mummies,
sorry to intrude, am fr e dec 07 thread,
hav e followin for sale:
1. medela mini electric plus
sellin at: $200
gd condition, used for less than a mth before stoppin bf..

2. avent isis manual pump (5 via cups set)
sellin at: $45
gd condition, used for abt 2 weeks after delivery before switchin to electric pump.

pls pm me for more details and happy pregnancy.
