(2008/05) May 2008

yes, she look @ me and drooling her salive, her mouth also biting.. feel like eating someting/.
i bot the cereal, but my hb said must sit walker then can feed her some foods. but we haven't buy the walker.

anybody start gv ur bb sit @ walker?
felval ,

hahah ..during preggie my mum commented that i should eat when i got any craving for any food if not next time my boy will droop alot if he dun get his craving when he in my tummy .

During preggie , i hate the smell and taste of mushrooms !!
i am also looking around for highchair, as for walker, alot of ppl said no good, so maybe will not buy that.

i have called the Isetan and asked abt the highchair, apparently they cannot locate the promoter liao, chiam lor, and now the price is back to normal list price at $279.
I went to kiddy palace yest, and saw a similar one like the Jane highchair, also can convert to table and chair ... so now consider to get that one .
My ger 4mths+ now, I started giving her frisocream and heniz liao... No leh, i just let her sit in the bumbo seat and sometimes just sit her on my lap and feed her lor =).

My ger also taking friso 1 now..Also wanted to ask the question u posted..hee

Ya lor, duno whihc brand of high chair to get leh...COmbi one bery ex leh..
no prob. =)

my boy has been looking at us eating n moving his mouth n swallowing saliva for quite a few weeks le. he even attempted to touch my bowl n etc but i still havent start him on semi-solid le..is it ok?

haaha. i better pray hard i get twins gal or long feng tai. waahaa. =P

if its true, then ur #2 is a gal. hehehe. ya, that is wat i heard also. if preg must satisifed any cravings if nt baby will drool alot n will eat alot in future to made up for the loss in our tummy. haaha. i wonder hw true coz i really eat alot then lo...almost everything i eat except red meat.

wah! so fast the promoter disappear? aiyo, that promoter got take dwn ur advance order nt? so irresponsible. mayb u wanna wait for kiddy palace 20% n see if they have the discount for the jane high chair?? the one u saw at kiddy palace is it mamalove brand? i think that one is cheaper n not so bulky.

combi one 279 also, same as the jane brand. past weekend taka has 15% for the combi high chair le.u missed it.
tried feeding my boy with rice cereal yesterday (heee...cannot let Dr Ong know he sure k me wan...)...my boy like quite like it leh...keep licking his lips...oh ya...i asked papa to carry him & i do the feeding...cos haven't buy any high chair for him yet...
yes, the one that i saw is mamalove brand, looked more compact, and nicer colour, so thinking of buying that, and hor, i also intend to buy another cheaper one, like lucky baby brand, cos need another one at my mil place if i dun intend to put my boi in walker. maybe will consider to source for 2nd hand one at my mil place, if not very siong ... need to buy 2
Felval- sat is dinner at PILs’ plc (sianz! Haha).. thn sun is hsewrk thn go out after tat. Hw often u visit ur ILs?
Ya lah! Turn n smile sm more! Buey tahan. Smtimes I pretend to cry v loudly n he laugh even louder =_=

Yueling- I let my boy sit on walker n he likes it a lot! but read tat to minimise the time spent in it cos wil slow his ability to walk.
mummies who hv started feedin cereal to ur little ones: do u feed everyday? i only feed durin wkends.. n realise he poos a lot aft the feed. duno if tat means anything...
I did went to taka on sat lor, saw e combi chair, but found it abit ex lor..Was hoping to find something cheaper =).

hehe...my ger also likes lor..But hor, cereal turns cold bery fast de..

the mamalove brand is at kiddy palace hor? Those cannot wash type rite?

hi ya...ur boy loves to sit in the walker? ;p.

Cos beginning onli feed 1-2 teaspoon until after 1wk, can give abit more..My ger's poopoo also alot and smelly leh...
felval ,

dunno how true lah i`m happy that she dun restrict me to eat anything
but during confinement she gave me hell of my live ...nearly got depression from her rather than from my boy
wa, so many of you have started on semi solid already. my boy will look at us attentively when we are eating and try to mimic the chewing motion. but i am still trying to delay his semi soild till he is siw months old... ren... haha...

last time my friend told me when their child start on solid the poo will be evn more smelly...
that was my 2nd option if i cant get the jane brand during the isetan sales. lucky u manage to chop for me. hehehe. ya, mamalove brand is more compact n less damage to wallet is not so big if u wanna get 2 high chairs. ya lo. if imagine 1 already 200+ 2 means 400+ le. haiz..tts the prob with putting our babies with mil or mum, certain things need to get 2 sets...walker nt recommended for use coz will delay baby walking development n also they will tend to walk on their toes (tiptoes) coz when they are in walker, they use their toes to move ard lo. u can try warehse n see if its cheaper?

hehehe. u dun like to go to ur pils place? we dun go to my ils place often. will meet them for dinners outside instead. *thank God*. i dun really wan to see them actually...ahahaa. damien also sama sama the same. sometimes he will laff loudly or smile when i pretend to cry. sometimes he will look at me like i am a stranger. hehehe.

u can try kiddy palace ah. i saw quite a variety of chairs u can choose from.

haahaha. nvm, my mum almost drove me up the ceiling (nt wall) during my confinement too. she still thinks i am a little gal everything duno and cant handle my boy =( everytime argue with her till i cry.

u have me for partner, i havent start my boy on semi-solids too. waiting for 6mths =P
chobits, my boy also doesnt know how to flip back, can only flip once and will get stuck and cry for help..i always put a bib on him coz he also drools and sometimes vomit some milk so have a bib all day long on him save the problem of changing him often (lazy mommy:p)

seems like lots of mommies have started weaning , me so excited, but must ren till at least 5 1/2 mth ..haha!! anyway, my boy still doesnt have the 'signs' of ready to be weaned, still got to wait..

yueling, $80 for consultation fee!!thats ex..i paid $42 for consultation fee , feel ex already..my PD is at Mt.E medical centre, KK so ex..

felval, i kana slap by my boy quite a few times already...nowadays he likes to move alot , trying to flip when changing him and so difficult to put on the diaper, i apply the nappy rash cream , his octopus hand go and touch it, and i have to wash his hands again and again...buay tahan, afraid later he sucks his fingers, swallow the cream and get sick, i will be very busy..
yueling, i let my boy sit on walker liao...and my bbsitter also let him sit on walker at her place...but my boy only sit for awhile nia....coz he is those type of zhuo bu zhu one...wahahah...but seriously...dun let ur bb sit on walker too long, coz i heard tat it will delay bb to learn to walk lor...

feval, is ur boy still drinking milk? if he still got drink his milk shld be ok...but if he dun drink then mayb u can introduce semi solid liao...

btw, for those feeding bb wif enfalac A+, Dr Ong told me tat for enfalac A+ we only nid to change to enfalac pro wen bb is 7 mths old nt at 6 mths old...
aahahaha. ya, they like to slap, hit or pinch us. we so poor thing. damien also!!!!! when i apply nappy rash cream he will go n taste then try to put his hands into his mouth. i so fedup coz need to flip him when he attempt to flip and make sure his hands dun go anywhere near his mouth or face or eyes and have to clean him up. very busy indeed. think we need to bcum octopus instead. 1 hand to flip them back, 2 hands to hold dwn their hands and another hand to do the cleaning up. hehehe.

ya. he is still on bm but he is drinking lesser than wat he used to wo...
yes, that why i nagged at my hubby lor, cos during the Isetan sales, he dun want to get the dented box, now no more sales liao, need to pay more for the highchair. So if really dun have, i will get 1 mamalove and maybe the lucky baby one, my mil place is smaller, so the lucky baby is good as it can be folded. Like what u said, for 2 highchair, it is gg to cost me a bomb lor.
Felva- haha, u noe lah =P I only look fwd to swimmin there =D last time we only go once a wk but nw becm twice cos my hb says to be fair as I go my parents’ plc twice or smtimes more a wk =P
y that time u chopped for me u didnt get one too? that time my hubby stopped me fromo getting but i still went ahead...lucky kelcqi called me n ask me i wan nt n i went ahead to get, if nt i also have to pay more for the SAME high chair somemore. faint. $80 diff le...

at my mum place, i also using the lucky baby swing cum chair *nt high chair tho* but better than nthing. at least dun need to spend another big amt on a gd high chair.
hahah. can escape will try all means n ways to escape rite? if ur hubby says that u also no choice rite? my hubby knows me enuff to tell me that =P
yueling, my bbsitter at AMK coz i stay in AMK...ware u stay? my bbsitter say her relative live in hougang who is also a bbsitter looking for bb to bbsit nw...

feval, then u monitor and decide...if nt mayb u wan to go check wif your PD?
aiyo cos that time my hubby said dun buy lor, when i was there in the morning with kelcqi, den who knows in the evening when he came down to fetch me, we went to take a look and he decided to buy lor, ended up only left 1 - 2 boxes, but dented box, so he dun want. Now bo bian , need to pay more liao ...sob sob
Felval, Chobits,
I also haven started my baby on solids. Trying to delay as long as possible cos doubt my MIL can handle feeding my niece and him at same time. But he's already looking at our food with interest!

My baby's also drooling like crazy, very messy! Even with bib, the t-shirt gets wet too cos he will put the bib into his mouth.

haha, yes their hands are eveywhere now! My baby likes to hold onto his 'bird bird' before entering the bath-tub. When i'm still holding him and cleaning his face before entering tub he won't hold it. Only when i use water to tap on his chest then he knows about to go into tub liao, and he will hold onto his 'bird'. hahaha
yep, received ur reply. now waitin for lynn to get back to me only...

Or anyone hv lynn contact no? can let me know? then i can go n book with the studio le...

Re: Photography
CAn i juz ck that for the rest of the studios (2nd studio, yew kwang n babyU), no one else interested? Need to update the studio of progres.. else, later they ask me.. i also no ans...

Re: first food
my gal at 4mths, alrdy keep lookin us when eatin.. i even video her lookin at my porridge.. where my porridge goes, her head goes where.... i b startin her on puree this wkend le. but i stil decidin wat to give her first.... so exciting... keekke

She might be teething or some appetite change. Sometimes can be like that.

As for step 2, I started step 2 slowly after the 1st of 5th mth. Then gradually change to Step 2. My girl now drinking step 2 liao (though she is only 5.5mths). Got offer for Friso Step 2...go buy. It's cheap
ya. when my boy goes for the next jab on 25th will ask lo. by then he is already 5.5mths le...but then the doc sure ask me to wait till 6mths...i will see how much he weights during the upcoming jabs lo. if he didnt gain alot of weight then i may jump the gun =P

guys! my hubby also says dun buy but i heck care him =P can save $80 le..can buy more things for damien...

when u intend to start him on semi-solids then? 6mths also?hahaha. imagine 2 kids splutting out the food then ur mil will go crazy. lolz. hahaha. Duncan holds his bird bird b4 going bath tub? hahaha. so cute n funi. lol. my boy like to grab his bird bird at times too. duno why he does tt =P
Tracie / Felval,
same here, as now my boi feeding is back to normal, i am also trying to delay as long as possible, and tong until he turns 6 months...
actually if count by weeks, he's already 6.5months. But we going Malacca during the Deepavali long wknd so it will be troublesome if intro solids now. :p So will prob intro after that, or maybe even after I return from Japan which is end-Nov. Anyway he's still happily drinking his milk so I'll leave it at that for now.

It's so cute right? Them holding their birdy like so precious. Initially I kept pushing his hand away and going 'tsk tsk' but now i gave up liao.
Felval- sianz lor! Hahah… I wan to go bk my mum’s plc more frequently, my hb dun wan =( today finally gg after 4 days of nt seein them! My parents missed aldan like crazy.
half an hr more to go!! finally!! eyes gonna close liao.

Tracie- there was once I was bathin my boy n he suddenly grabbed his birdie! I got a shock cos look so pain to me leh. But he like nth lidat.. hahah
sometimes, my boy drool so much and useless to put bib also.

your boy so cute. Know how to protect his important part. hehe...

Drinking Milk
Sometimes my boy will reject drinking for a few days then will be back to normal. So I lun till 6 months then feed him semi solid.

pigeon cooking pot 250mls

just bot this from kiddy palace but realise all the instructions are in jap... anyone bot the same? or can loomi help me with it?
bb tis stage is like tha tde, bery curious, everything also wan to taste..hee

This high chair looks nice...how muhc is it and where can we buy frm?

You v funny ley... only feed Aldan during weekends... hahaha!! You want Aldan to be like us? Looking forward for weekends?? heehee!! So far i feed Mengan once a day.. till her milk intake is more, i will feed more.. as PD just told me, but 8months should be 3 semi solid a day le.
