(2008/05) May 2008

felval, my boy's cradle cap is like very dry skin and flaking, not like your boy's one, so don't have balding patch la. If it bald, then I think the whole of the top part no hair liao. Hehe.. My boy already so little hair, cannot bald eh.. I think I shld bring my boy back to my bridal studio and ask them to give me nice package for taking shots of my boy. Hehe..

If your company really not flexible, then no choice lo. Quit lo.. unless u like the job la. For me, I don't like my regional boss, but then they are quite alright one, Go to work late also ok, Leave abit early also ok. Sometimes work from home also ok. Then I pump 2-3 times during office hours also ok. Sometimes when milk like stuck, then packing and unpacking take 1 whole hour, also nobody cares. LOL.. I'm happy with my job other than my regional boss and still waiting for conversion.

Had to work late today cos waiting for ppl to give me updates, without their updates cannot do anything or continue. Haiz.. That's why can online just now and post. Hehe..

sugar, you use the wrong one for the blog posting. You left out my blog.. Sob sob..

1. Xiao Hua & Baby Le Xuan - http://lexuan-fairytale.blogspot.com/
2. Pooh & Baby Kieran - http://3-kids-on-da-loose.blogspot.com/
3. Angela & Baby Megan - http://rebangela.blogspot.com/
4. Doris & Baby Rayden - http://rayden-kwek.blogspot.com/
5. Gina & Baby Rene - http://garl36.multiply.com/
6. Jas & Baby Cristiano - http://www.totsites.com/tot//cristiano
7. Josephine & Baby Jorel - http://joreltoh.blogspot.com/
8. choc - http://www.flickr.com/photos/meet_raphael/
9. Tracy & Baby Duncan - http://www.the-ongs.blogspot.com
10.Moony & Baby Ethan - http://www.ethanjunjun.blogspot.com
11. Yueling & Baby Alyssa -http://yueling.multiply.com
12. Poko & BB Rayen - http://rayendiary.blogspot.com/
13. Kelcqi & Erica - http://ericafoong.multiply.com & http://www.kevdesign.com/erica
14. Taman jrg & Baby - http://brokensurfboard.multiply.com
15. ant aka ting - http://aldan-chua.blogspot.com/
16. Malcolm,Cheri & Baby Matthias - http://www.malcheri.blogspot.com
17. Mona & Baby Timothy - http://hongzhenyuan.blogspot.com

Re: outing
Wow you all got pictures of outing somemore. So nice!!

As for next week one, Tues I'll be on leave cos my boy taking his vaccination in the morning at KKH. If he's feeling alright then I'll go Novena and meet u all for a while la. If he cranky, then got to go home liao. I guess most likely it's the latter since he's going to take 2 jabs. But you all confirm liao then let me know the timing.

Hi Mummies,
Wah... So cute to see the babies with mummies taking pics together haha.
Ya I agreed... we should organise a play group at someone's hse soon. Always wanted to take a pic of one big groups of babies =)
U and yr son look so alike... but think only the eyes r a bit diff, maybe they look like yr hubby?

My gal first half of the face looks like my hubby and bottom half looks like me, haha!

ya lor ya lor... maybe my son's eyes havent full open... cos he's oni 4 months plus... my pic is around 9 months liao. hehehe... the eyes oso dun look like my hb leh...

some preview to the pictures that were taken today!

Baby Rayen and Baby Raphael
Baby Rayen: Ei..tell u something Baby Raphael: What what?

Baby Rayden, Rayen and Raphael
Whats so captivating???
Group Photo
Munchkin Mozart Magic Cube:
2. Linda Chang - Self collect
3. choc (tge25) -Self collect
4. Jane - Postage?
5. Xiao Hua - Self collect
6. Twinky - Self collect
7. Poky - Self collect (Paid)
8. Winnedy
9. Lynn Chang

Winnedy, The collection is at AMK(My place). U pm me n let me know?

Munchkin Mozart Magic Cube(batch 2):
1. Jocelyn Ng ([email protected]) - Paid
2. Icebubbles - Paid
3. Diamonddust - Paid
4. Ant1712
5. Annabelle - Paid
6. Ivy ([email protected])- Paid
7. Joanna Ong - Paid
8. Yvonne Ng - Paid
9. Pooh
10. Mogudog - Paid
Hi Felval,
Oh yes pls send me the link, will be very sweet to have one!

Wow so sweet for all mummies to go out together.. guess all babies enjoying themself so much.. too bad i cant join quite busy recently.. hope next outing can join u gals..
Re: Outing next week @ Novena (United Square)
Tues or Wed i also ok as long as not mon or fri coz mon altho i still nt back at wk but i have mon blues. hahaha.

so we take tues alrite? mayb we start a list here:

1) Kelcqi
2) Felval
3) Muzicgal
4) Xiao Hua
Hihi... i will email u all the pictures tonite k..coz my camera at home leh...

Pm me if u wan the pictures lar.. but quite big leh.. last nite i see, ard 40MB
jo, i understand how it feels to have leave grouded, your company undergoing big projects now? My leave also grounded during audit period, so sian : ( Luckily the stupid audit is over

Winnedy, I chance upon a Mummy's blog with great vegetable puree recipe.. Do you want the link? This mummy makes fantastic vege & fruits puree : )

Tinkerbelle, true loh, no MIL then dun have so many arguements, I never met my MIL before, but was told that she's a very nice lady, so it's a pity that I nv get a chance to know her.

Wishcometrue, do checkout on the BP rates for the photoshoot k? But will only bring my gal for PS when she can sit on her own loh.. hee hee. Ya loh, me & pooh sec sch mates, such a coincidence we are both May mummies now, but she's already a mummy of 3 : )
Wow, i really envy envy. If only i can join ......

Jus a poll,
(1) still more than pre-peg wgt / back to pre-preg wgt / below pre-preg wgt
(2) if more / below, state how much
(3) For mummies who have gone below pre-preg wgt, what do you think is the biggest contributor?

Anyone wanna share? I am currently 4kg below my pre-preg wgt and my DH said if anyone asked how i lose wgt, just say "have a difficult baby" *lol* Eg. I do my "weight lifting (carrying baby)" and "leg bending exercise (rocking baby)"
Morning mummies,
what a day to start with ... i forgot to bring my hp, and end up got to drive all the way back to take before coming in to office. And more over it's a raining day, how i wish i can stay and zzzz . Half-day for me today, and afternoon gg on half-day leave, planning to go Robinson sales. Does anyone know that there is any good buy ?

Re: Outing next week @ Novena (United Square)

Next Tue :

1) Kelcqi
2) Felval
3) Muzicgal
4) Xiao Hua
5) Dolly23
morning... rainy rainy day today again... wow all e babies look soo cute at e gathering!!! hope to join u gals next rd as nxt tue cannot cause involved ub company's exhibition at suntec.

felval, can pm me where u customize e beanbag pillow? thanks... i'm also interested if there's a bp for taking ps.
xiao hua ,

Ya loh cannot stand ..but at least i will able to pick up fast as after 4 mths away from work really make my brain rusty !!

Me and dolly been close friends for more than 10 yrs too !

Dolly ,

You very good life leh ...cannot stand you .
My MIL was there yesterday ... she bought 3 pieces of pyjamas for Jorel .

But the colour she bought very girlish cos she always want a granddaughter .

Doesn`t matter to me if Jorel dun wear out is fine for me thaahah .
Dolly ,

I still comparing the infant care centers .The price very diff leh 720 and 550 . But MIL still feel comfy with nanny ...so she is looking around for 1 .

Any1 know any nanny in Yishun ??
no need to envy, i started work 1 month earlier than you, and you also enjoyed 3 full months with Jorel, unlike me, only spent 1 1/2month with Rayden.... okay, i will go down and check out at Robinson, as most of Rayden's pyjamas are too small and short for him now.

Oh yeah, i also realised that we have a couple of SAHM in our May forum, all so good life !

do you have muscle ache after using the combi carrier ? i have got muscle ache along my shoulder area. My hubby said that i didnt tie tight enough, thats why the weight is on my shoulder instead of my back. Today, my shoulders are aching, like old woman man ! But still worthwhile ba, as i can tell that Rayden is quite comfortable in the carrier.
dolly ...

hmmm true enough leh ...i was with him for 3 full months
looking forwards for tomorrow .Dunno whether he will enjoy his swimming session !!
xiao hua,

I paid $69.90 for the blender.


Dun envy la... i believe some mummies also envy working mummies too. See me, i look so aunty compare to you so radiant.


Good work.. Your blog look cool... I have 1 more blog to keep me busy now


I am sorry i cant make it next week as too many errands to run. Brother's bday, Grandma death anniverary etc etc.. Have to be by mom driver next week to bring her around.

i also look so aunty leh..although i working... i tryign to find time to go salon to cut hair..be taking leave soon to do tt..else..with a screamer with me..hard to find time
i also trying to start a blog for raphael..once ready let u all know the link..haha

tedious to start.. but is good to have..so i can remember correctly when he start to do his "First turn" First this first that..

Hi mummies! Reali nice to meet some of u ytd =) my boy slept so much in the afternn n ended up he woke up at 2am, 5am n 8am this morning! Me so tired nw =(

Kelcqi- I hv trf the money to u via IB:
To Account POSB Savings
131-41132-4 kelcqi
Amount S$29.32
Transaction Reference 1872851255

Sugar- haha! U tink so too? Hehe… I was telling felval our boys look like bros! haha

Re: outing at novena sq nxt tue
Wat time u all meetin?? I might be able to join =)
*sigh...wish i can meet up with u all. Now working can't even take leave. I dun even have time to post very often.

How is everyone doing?

hubby brought Ilyse for her 2nd jab, said she didn't cry. But she has some fever on and off.
She is now 7.4kg at 4mths 12 days. Still very tao. Drinking around 200ml formula milk.
Icebaby ,

Me too like you can`t really take leave!!

Wow ... your gal drinking 200ml !! My boy 3mths and 2 weeks weighting 6.5kg drinking only like 100 to 130ml now .

my maid also says the doc say WAH...drink so much. hahaha

I having a hard time in the office now. Feeling very demoralized.

But looking at everyone's baby pictures makes the day feel abit better.
I only took half day leave, come back to office realize u guys so many post liao.

For the organic cream, i don't need it. The sebamed diapers rashes cream work very well on my girl. So far never get red. "Touch Wood"

i am using pigeon brand

I still prefer the yellow color pampers range. The pampers comfort my girl sensitive to it. pampers comfort is orange color. U can try PET PET. Someone recommend to me when i want to try Drypers. If u worried PET PET not suit ur bb, don't worried, u can used it alternatively with ur current diapers. Remember, i apply diapers cream on my girl EVERYTIME i change the diapers. Sebamed diapers cream hv acid mantle to help bb skin to develop protection against the ammonia in the urine and poo obsorption.

Dont' worried not offend. All my family and colleague especially my hubby all call me cash cow. I am the cow they always laugh at. Produce so much, my girl only drink little.

How come infant care u mentioned is so much cheaper than i asked. I asked a few all cost very expensive. $1200 to $1300.
i have included you in the list.
Btw, did you go back to Parentcraft, still expressing ? Tell you hor, i am lazy nowadays, sometimes at night too tired, also never express, so now ss is extremely low, should be stopping in no time.

cheer up, TGIF ! weekend is here liao !

Re: Outing next week @ Novena (United Square)

Next Tue :

1) Kelcqi
2) Felval
3) Muzicgal
4) Xiao Hua
5) Dolly23
6) birdy

where is the warehouse sales ? Can you msg me as i am logging off soon, supposed to be on half day, now still stuck in office to clear some work, but leaving soon.
Muzicgal, Corynn,
Pet pet is good? Have you tried thru the night whether it will hold?

Wow! 200ml! My baby still stuck at 140ml-150ml. You count by actual months? Cos if I count by actual no. of weeks, my baby turns 20wks (5mths) next Wed. Our babies' age only one day difference.

I'm happily counting in weeks cos it means he will turn 24wks ie 6mths sooner and I can let go of breastfeeding without guilt :p I'm 'shrinking' from breastfeeding, below my pre-preggy weight now, and people telling me even my cheeks look sunken in.

I'm hoping, seriously hoping that my body can do reverse cycle, ie latch him at night then daytime only pump morning and evening. Last night after his cough med, he slept from 8pm-4am which means I also never express till about 3plus buay tahan then wake up express. So today, I took the chance and trying to extend my pumping to 6hourly. Come wknd, I know I have to bottle feed him liao in daytime and keep to my 6hourly pump. Otherwise Monday will haywire and get engorged again.

Mummies, Wish me luck!

Trying to cheer up. Imagine this morning, I "spoke" via msn to an ex-boss asking if wants to hire me back. I dun mind the pay cut (as long as it is not lower than current), it's fine. I just want to get out of here.


The maid says she drinking 200ml. Sometimes at night she doesn't wake up to drink and sleep thru the night leh. Well, tonight she sleeping with us...let's see lor.

She getting abit heavy for me to carry. I can't carry her long w/o spraining my back...lol. Maybe cos I dun carry her often enough except weekends. I love her smell leh. Heehee

RE: Weight
I have finally got back to my pre-pregancy weight.
Hi mummies,

I just pop by United Square during my lunch break. United Square Toy R Us having sale now. Bought a dancing Elmo (FISHER PRICE TOYS) for my girl, Original price is $119.00. Now got 65% discount, selling at $38.00 only, tthe elmo very cute, can sing song, dance, roll on the floor & stand up on its own. The sale for 3 days only. Elmo is selling fast
This toy is for 18 months babies lah, but doesn't matter lah, cause Elmo can sing song for my darling when she bored.

my o/s payment as below

To Account POSB Savings
131-41132-4 kelcqi
Amount S$13.83
Transaction Reference 1873636376

Thanks! will self collect from u =)
i'm also a petpet fan now... cheap n good.. normally i use mamy poko at night.. there was once i did use pet pet at night and it holds well too..
Finally can take a break from work to type.. kee

i also duno y. was so full, but cannot express out. hv to bear til lunch hr yesterday. keep rubbin n squeeze till got friction wound liao. but stil not unclogged. today much better le. at least most of the holes in usage liao. but some r stil dribblin instead of shootin. so stil hv to continue to rub n squeeze hard. tracy method of syringe dosent work on me. =(

tonite wil try the method of warm water when i bath. hopefuly, can clear all.. but with the soreness n bleedin. even if unblocked. but stil v painfull. but at least not more engorge pain. but one gd thing abt all these sufferin is that ss is more than usual. normally lunch hr can only get 300, best is 350-380ml. after work, hv to pump really hard n long than hv 250-300ml. but these two days, i can filled the 330ml avent btl to the brim easily. even the second pumpin can get at least 300ml. duno if it the increase of supply that cause the sudden block. ??

ya lor.. last nite my gal poo, was so happy. was thinkin how long i nv clean up her poo liao... hahaha

thx ah! ya lor. was so pek chey that really want to breakdown at office while pumpin. also thinkin to go home earlier. but in the end stil ren... cos i scare to anyhow clear my timeoff, later need, then dun hv to use for my gal.. sigh.... last nite, she stil fuss ard alot. but at least my engorgement not tat painful til i cant slp at all. =p

i usin avent uno. i tried ameda b4, but not suitable as the std size flange is too small. so i also didnt try any other brands liao. but avent normally work for me leh.. duno y this time cannot clear the blocks....

bside the cotton buds, my hubby use nasal spray on my girl also. quite useful if the "shit" is inside, but cannot c, can only hear her ke ke sound...

cannot use soap or gel mean when bathin also cannot use these to wash clean?? only clean water to clean??

no leh. my gal the laziest one la. if she suckle, dun hv or not the "speed" she want, she will fuss n keep pullin only. but not suckle properly or harder.. so no need put hopes on her to help me to unclog... =(

no prb. i jz receive the parklon bumper mat last nite. feel like rubber. not like the foam mats at all.. n v cushion. but i hvnt unrolled it out to test. tonight will set up my gal future bed cum play area - play yard.. hee..

they got use the bb washin detergent?? i find juz soakin sometimes still oily feelin.. i always squeeze alittle on every btl n teats. then rub individualy, then dump all together to soak awhile b4 rinising...

i also doin wat poko suggested. i prepare all milk nicely in each btl with teat n cover. my mil jux need to warm n can feed liao. my mil will rinse with water the used one n put back into the bag. night time, i bing back all to wash n prepare again for the nxt day usage.

thx. ya lor.. if bb dun eat well, we worried, dun poo, we worried, dun slp, we also worried.. sigh.. watever they do n dun do, we also worried. hahhaha

the combi toy look nice, y ur mother dun want to use it to play with ur gal?? the colors can attract ur gal attention mah.

haha.. so wat we c is the one second, n not the rest of the secs that he fallin down la?? hahhaa
at least stil long enuf to get a shot mah. =)

as for the roads, if all are express rds, no small rds, then expressin bm will take v short while.. too bad, small roads need to take detour... sigh....

also duno y. but these two days, although clogged. but amt even more than usual wor.. duno if it bcos ss increase some, the drainage power not strong, so all jam up... ?? ya lor.. now stil hv the blue black feelin. so sian.. hope to clear faster, else duno how many days need to ren the feelin.. even after expressin, stil feel the blue black v pain.. =(

o, u also hv those hankies liao. i only use the hankies when feedin. rest of the time, will use the bib to wipe. but as mentioned, find carter bibs dun absord well. but quite thick n v v v cute design.... lolx

ur boi really resemblance alot like u when small leh!!!

can i hv the puree link as well?? =)

long time no "see" u liao. u juz change to new job rite? envy that ur gal can drink so much as compared to my girl. i think my girl losin her chubby face liao, with all the "dietin" she takin.. but y the weight stil slowly increase as usual.?? at 17wks, she weigh 6.3kg. not even double of her birth weight leh.. but the last jab, doc says she growin fine leh.. sighh

ya lor, lookin at bb photos can "energise" us.. i also like viewin all the bb here.. hhaah so cute. =)

me too, i also used the pamper yellow range for my gal at nite. but i got it $20 per pkt. cos that time juz nice got a mommy clearin her stock. now i keep lookin at WTS thread to c got mor lobang or not.. haha

me also, kana say like a cow. but only by my hubby, cos he the only one who keepin track of how much "production" i hv.. hahah office mostly guys or unmarried, they dun bother with this.. =p

wow, quite cheap. but the location too far liao. i live in the east leh. so cant travel to there to buy. =( i intendin to buy some to try. i finishin my current medium size stock. need to source again liao.. =p

huh>? the new job sucks ah? not wat u expected??

for me, i tryin to c if i can convert to a different scheme which hv part time schedule. but the pay seems to b v v low.. only 1/4 of my current pay... sigh...
jus nw went to montessori at AMK there to chk out the infant care ctr. hapened tat the ctr got openin for an admin position n if i get the job, as a staff, there wil be 40% off the mthly infant care fees n plus govt subsidy of $600, i only need to pay $300! thn anythin the teachers can jus cm dwn to look for me since i am wrkg dwnstairs only. the flip side is salary nt much niah n job is mundane n also i stil bu fang xin to put my boy there leh. haiz... dilemma nw!! wat u mummies tink??
Munchkin Mozart Magic Cube:
2. Linda Chang - Self collect
3. choc (tge25) -Self collect (Paid)
4. Jane - Postage?
5. Xiao Hua - Self collect
6. Twinky - Self collect
7. Poky - Self collect (Paid)
8. Winnedy
9. Lynn Chang

Hihi ladies from batch one, can you help me to fill up the list as in who is self collecting and who needs postage? And those of you who opted for self collection, can you transfer 13.83 to my POSB savings account at 131-41132-4. Thanks alot.

Ant, Got your transfer.

Munchkin Mozart Magic Cube(batch 2):
1. Jocelyn Ng ([email protected]) - Paid
2. Icebubbles - Paid
3. Diamonddust - Paid
4. Ant1712 - Paid
5. Annabelle - Paid
6. Ivy ([email protected])- Paid
7. Joanna Ong - Paid
8. Yvonne Ng - Paid
9. Pooh
10. Mogudog - Paid

Pooh, whenever convenient, can you transfer the amount to me asap? Thanks alot!

Yah, been busy here. Today free.
I feel very demoralize here. Dun feel good here.
I have been to quite a few companies to work...but this place here...dun give me a good feeling at all. It's just doesn't motivate me to work at all. Sigh.

Now praying hard, my other "opening" is still around. So I can move back. Lower pay but at least overall I will feel much better.

Wah, the montessori so expensive!
Your job is admin...so probably it won't be as bad as if u are one of the care takers there. Although admin might be tedious but at least you are near ur child.
