(2008/05) May 2008

wow.. must be quite pricy to go citispa.. i very budget one le haha...
Mummies: wat is cost of ur bb vaccine at 3rdmth? my doc charge me $105 the other dae which i tink is so expensive.. can anyone share which PD charge lower rates for vaccination.. i thought of bringing my boi to other clinic for vaccine.


i took a package previously and each session cost about $48 - 3 treatments (electric something to breakdown the fats, G5 to further breakdown the fats and sauna).

which PD are you seeing? i'm seeing dr heng at kidslink near chinese garden.

are you staying in jw?
hi mummies,

just to share to prevent fever, my aunts recommend giving ricewater 2 days before the jab. just scoop 2-3 tablespoons of ricewater when the rice is cooking (boiling stage),cool it & feed for 2 consecutive days before jab.HTH
my gap pic :
hi mummies,

just to share this website which shows the growth pencentile of babies at each stage.


RE: Vaccination

my baby's PD is dr Ong WH from united sq, anybody using him? as ks mummy, i brought my baby for 1st dose of rotavirus and Pneumococcal when my baby is in the 7th week. altogether with consultation and fever medicine (as standby) cost 334 before GSt leh. quite ex rite.

this friday i am bringing him for the 5-in-1 and prob the 2nd dose liao... and also want to know his weight. my mum say he is overweight liao cos at 2 mth he is 6.5kg.
I'm bringing my boi to my gynae's clinic for vaccine. but i find him charge very expensive..
ur treatment sound reasonable...
mayb i can go n consult them if by the 6th mth i still don get back to my pre-pregnancy weight.
i dont stay in the west but my mum n my work place is in the west.
Yanling- maybe ur boy needs more time bah.. mine also used to wake up at least 2-3 hrs in the nite but when he turned 3mths, begin to slp thru liao. also tink cos he slept v little in the day, at most 2-3 hrs. but stil he like nt getting the slp he needs for a 3mth bb leh. Shd be slpin abt 15 hrs but he only slept like 12 or less.

Jo- I also dun like express. Haha! Realize my nipple nt the normal shape after prolonged pumpin. See liao v sad. Me too lazy to wake up to pump. So I jus latch him, even if he feeds only 1 side I go bk to slp tog w him instead of wakin up to pump the other side =P

Pooh- wow! U did a gd job in feedin ur boy! Hehe.. my boy shd be abt 8kg too liao. gg for his nxt jab nxt mon. shall c hw much he has grown.

Diamondust- initially I also tot he pooped cos kept farting. Haha… but after tat, realize tats jus his normal routine of farting non-stop. Last time no smell one, nw so stinky!!

Felval- yeah.. reali amazing to see them grow rite? Keke… nw I buy 12 mo clothes for him n keep. Tink he can wear soon liao. haha.. he has a long body so most of the rompers too short n tight for him alrdy. Recently I bot Disney rompers frm one of the BPs at $4 per pc. V cute designs! My wt also stagnant for v long liao. sighz… I also doin sit-ups every nite nw. heard wearin binder helps. I got but nvr wear. Finds it v uncomfy.

Re: watchin tv
My boy also loves to watch tv! He wil stare so intently at the screen, as if understood wat was it abt. Haha… smtimes he kept cryin thn I put him on my lap n face the tv, he instantly stopped cryin =D wil it spoil their eyesight at this age? My mum says beta dun watch for too long….
Hello Mummies

Anywan brought your babies for a swim yet?? Just wonder when to start, I just brought my gal downstair to kick water and she seems excited...
<font color="aa00aa">Hi,

My friend’s colleague is also selling socks but Jazzytoes brand only… she mentioned if can hit 50 boxes can get 5% discount but collection point – raffles place and tanjong pagar only. If want to go by post, must add in $1.50 for 1st box and subsequent boxes @ $1.00 per additional box if registered mail another $2.25.

For standard design - $32 per box (0-12mths) &amp; $34 per box (12-24 mths)
For variety design - $34 per box (0-12mths) &amp; $36 per box (12-24mths)

check out www.jazzytoes.com for the designs

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yeah you should try and look for li ling..she's good

yes i've started 3 sessions...seeing a drop of about 1-2kg already..
Birdy: Thanks, i tink i will try...btw citispa which outlet eh?
My colleague told mi if by the 6th mth having lost all e fats then the body will keep all these fats under ur skin and it will be even more stuborn n u might nt lose them anymore.. so ladies muz try to lose the fats befor 6mths hor,...
ant ,

Your darling how many months ...8kg hmmm wow i think my boy is abt 5kg plus for 9 weeks baby .

Ya .. i veri lazy to pump and two weeks time me going back to work . Dunno my mum or mum in law can handle him . Cos he seem to be more sticky to me nowadays .

I think i will be very sad and sure miss him alot after spending 12 weeks with him
i dont think so ... coz i lost most of my weight when my #1 was about 2 yrs old.
for citispa, im going to the jw branch.
im keen to try the tuina leh...can you tell me more? like how many minutes and what does she do to your tummy?how about the butt? does she also massage? is it painful?
sorry for the many many questions hehe :p
Hi birdy:
Actually tuina is a way to improve our blood circulation, it relieve my stiff shoulders n water retention. Usually aft giving birth our body will have slight water retention.Whether it has slimming effect i'm nt very sure, but previously when my MIL having her menopause she gain weight n aft several session of tuina, she go back to her size again, so i believe it shold have certain effect. According to the lady, she said tuina can help firm up our flabby skin, so in a way u look better.
the way they do it is similar to our postnatel massage. usually i do 1hr and once per week, she said once it regain my figure then do it 2 times a week to maintain gd health as i'm desk bound so shoulder always v stiff! it a whole body massage so butt included... u can telll her ur target areas so she can work more on it! but bear in mind it painful!

did u take up a package? and is the oil very sticky and oily type? usually gotta wait for a while before you can take a shower, correct?
i didnt took the package, although it cheaper, don like to be restricted..the oil is nt very oily, it jux normal baby oil they using.. i always bring my own firming oil. haha .. u gt to wait 1 to 2 hrs to go shower, if nt nt time "hong sip"
yes i believe that BF-ing can makes one return to figure faster. I returned to my weight to be4 pregnancy 1 mth after delivery. But then i oni gained 8kg this pregnancy so getting back to pre-preg wt maybe more easier for me.

wow that 7yr old nephew of yours is scary lar. hv to seperate them leh. He is maybe jeolous bah.

for ur messy hair.. i tried this Korean brand shampoo which is fantastic leh. My hair din do rebond but after washing it seems straight &amp; neat in some way lar. the brand is Henna ar.. I bot from Chinatown one.

its good that ur bb slp thruout what. bb who can eat &amp; slp well will put on weight better leh.

ya I think most milk bags are standard 160ml one. BUt then of cos i store beyond the 160ml line lor. as long as leaving a gap after zip lock the bag can liao.
Oh that bad leh so nw KKH dun give mommies glass btl liao ar. wow bian.. Lucky i took 20+ btl that time.
actually milk bag also not cheap calculate hor the price of milk bag is = to 1 tin of milk powder but then still BM is the best for bb.
can u share with me which firming oil you used?

you only put on 8kg? that's fantastic!!

all mummies,
anyone wants glass bottles? i have about 6 Enfalac A+ bottles (milk still in the bottle). i took it for storing milk but not using them...so if you want them - either for the milk or the bottles...do let me know
I used clarins oil. i bought it during my pregnancy, but was afraid of that smell so left inside my cupboard 4 very long.. so as nt to waste it, i used it now lor.. I jux went tuina yesterdae n the lady mention tat i slim quite alot on my thights n arms compared to 1 mth ago when she 1st massage me..
so happi.. haha
But bear in mind if u r nt breastfeeding baby anymore then must eat lesser n less oily food..usually I had 3meal a dae but mostly soupy food because diet plays an impt part too... lets jia you and soon can become pretty mama k... :p
Jen ,

What.. you only gain 8kg throughout your pregency ! Wow how you manage that hmmm .. I thought should be about 1 kg per month .

In all I gain about 13kg ... phew now have already go back to my pre-pregnacy weight

But still want to shed off somemore . But me very greedy cannot stop my junk food

Jen ,

ya my son is better at least giving us more rest now .
Re : Swimming

Ladies ,

Was thinking to bring my son for the Vivo city baby swimming . anyone have try that already .
But seem quite expensive

Another branch is opening at Plaza Singapura in end Aug .
Hi Birdy:
Sad to say i'm nt doing so right aft confinement.. tried very hard but the amt of milk produced is miserable.. i only manage to squeezeed 100ml the most. So i give my boi formula since then...
So long nv log in liao..How are all you mummies??..

I am so tired from the start i went back to work..Everyday slp for 5-6hrs only..ANd finally, after 2 wks..i am sick nw..Haha..

Any idea hw to determine whether bb is down wif cough nt??..Coz seems like my gal is having cough but i cant reali confirm lei..She wil cough 2-3 times a day..Is this consider as she is sick?? She stil drink &amp; sp very well..

My gal latest pic..She is starting to 'eat' her hand liao..

Twinky, my boi also loves his hands since birth.. n now even worse he tried to squeezed both hand inside his mouth and he started to play with his saliva too.. bad habit...i'm so afraid he can't kick tis habit...
Huh Jovial,

Squeeze both hand into his mouth?? Hw big is ur boy? U haf to correct his habit &amp; tel him no no..

Mine nw like to play wif her tongue..stick in &amp; out..And when i feed her milk or water, halfway, she wil use her tongue play with the teat and down there laugh herself.. Then i wil say in a strict tone to her telling her no..
he 12weeks now.. but 'eating' his hand was alry his habit since he is out of my womb.. hehe.. don nod where he learn it from,.
ya.. he very checky love to play wif e teat as well, n his tongue can turn left n rite...
have to start give him my angry tone liao.. it so yucky n his hands stink...
Haha Jovial,

Mine gal 11wks old nw..

Ur son is so clever..Mine oso noe hw to stuck out tongue the moment she is out..Dunno where the learn all these from..Hehe..
hi ladies,
all babis pics are so cute...

RE: Eating hand
My baby too.. like to suck his left fist. He even rejecting his pacifier, maybe he find his hand more tasty as compare to his pacifier.

RE: Green poo
if baby poo is green, is not enuff hindmilk or foremilk??
RE: Weight loss
My wt is stuck @ 62kg and I'm 3kg away from my pre-preg wt. I'm hoping to go back to my previous wt of 51-53kg. I'm trying to wear the binder to slp. My aunt asked me to continue wearing the binder to reduce my tummy. My waist now measures 31, 3 inches wider. *Faint* I'm only having 2 meals a day, mainly soup and occasionally fast food. keke...

RE: Menses
Mine has yet to come.

RE: 'Eating' hands
My gal loves to do that, esp. when she wants to sleep. I tried giving her hanky, pacifier and washable soft toy to nibble. But still, she loves her finger. She sucked her finger until swollen. This morning, when she's drinking, I told her that her fingers are smelly. Tink she understand me, upon hearing that, she stopped drinking and cried, then I said, "nvm, mummy will clean your hands later." After that, she stopped crying and went back drinking. So funny lo.
Twinky ,

Me too menses just come yesterday after 9 weeks .
And is only few drops ...dunno isn`t normal ???

Hahah my son now also like to suck his thumb and playing with his saliva . Is their growing state .And he dun like his pacifier liao !!
He like his hand now hahah
hi mummies,

I am new in this thread. My son (firstborn) was born on 15th May. Today he will be exactly 12 weeks. He started chewing on his hand and anything he can get his hands on this week. is it normal? He was not doing it before.

About swimming: can 12 week old baby start to swim? What gear to buy?

I made a simple site for him. You can take a look. Very nice layout and free! http://www.totsites.com/tot//cristiano
hi Jas,

welcome to the thread ...

RE : Chewing and eating hands.

This is normal, my boy is 13th weeks, and has already been doing so for the past weeks, and like Baby Jorel, he also dun take pacificer now.

RE : Swimming

Baby are supposed to swimmer when they are borned. This place is quite highly recommended by some of the mummies, so maybe you can bring your boy there to try. I have yet to done so, and as far as i know, they do not wear anything when swimming as the water is warm.


I have added your website to my boy's blog : http://rayden-kwek.blogspot.com/
Hi Angela &amp; Jo,
I brought Royce for his 1st swim when he is 9 weeks, 3 days after he had his 6-in-1 jab. He really enjoying his swim.

You can see his pic at MumCenre Pic of the Week.


Hi Mummies,
Please help to vote for Royce... Thanks

RE: Menses
I found that after my delivery, the menses is very irregular &amp; the cycle is shorter (less than 28days). I just had my last menses 23rd Jul &amp; yday 5th Aug come again

Is it normal?
Is it our body still adjusting before it go back to normal cycle?

hi mummies,

did u al shave bb's head on full month? i didnt shave my dd's head on ful mth n my hubby insist tat we shld nt do it even on e 4th mth. but her hair lik droppg off.. sm areas lik bare ley.. how huh?
