(2008/05) May 2008


Me back from my Gyne visit. Sigh, cannot see baby's gender. Need to wait 4 weeks this time. Jaspire, U wait till 12th Dec neck long long, me gotta wait till 18th. Cannot see any stick or anything cos Dr Fong said baby still small.

Hubby said baby full of patterns, everytime we did the scan, it started moving. Last visit waving his hands, this time move the head to face us, and I can see the little fingers. So cute...

Good thing is I save money on Ocsar test. My gyne spent alot of time scanning the baby measuring the neck length and the amount of flesh behind the neck. No need extra cost. I asked him if I need to do Oscar test, he said he measured the baby's neck already, everything ok, no oscar test. But need to do triple test, 200 bucks. Like very ex huh? Each visit each time is 200 or close to 200 bucks. 20th week will do detail scan...

EDD push forward to 27th. But he said he'll still take it as 31st cos as baby develop, the date will vary. Dunno issit I ate too much, baby bigger, so the date becomes 27th???

But good news mummies, I brought my pimple gel to him and he said ok to use. Me using proactive repairing lotion. If u ladies wanna use anything to treat your pimples, can just pop by watsons to buy that.

Icebubbles, can push backwards EDD one ah? I hope mine will push back also.
Hi Kahlen,


Stroll down and you'll see what is the Ocsar scan about.

Oh yah, My gyne said burping is good. Cos body getting rid of the gas accumulate during the MS. It should go away eventually. But I asked too many questions liao, forget to ask if I can take Eno to get rid of the bloatedness. Aiyoh...

And my gyne so weird, said ard 7 mths then he'll recommend me pre-natal class.
Thanks Kelcqi!

So far I only did 12 weeks internal scan to check the baby's length, neck and will be doing a blood test on 01 Dec. Oh, I also did'nt know the EDD can change one. No wonder at 1st gynae told me 19 May then 20 May then 16 May... Until I also blur already.
Kahlen, most welcome!
most gyne determine the EDD by counting your last period and size of baby. Mine was late ovulation case, so only go by size. But likely to be 31st May.

Hehe, I think since your gyne measure the neck and length of baby, likely to skip the oscar test also. Save money... hehe... Me also have to do blood test, but gyne very relax told me, I just go think if I wanna do blood test, call up and make appointment can liao. Can even call, eat my breakfast and go down. I was so shocked cos I always thought blood test usually cannot eat and drink anything the nite before.
For me i can onli know the gender of my bb on the first week of december...by then i be 17th week lor... ai.. no choice... my gynae quite fully book...

but hopefully by then know the gender... my MIL worst...keep saying mine is a boy... when i told her mine is a gal most likely...she keep saying nonono... hahhaa...i duno to laugh or to cry at her behavior... so desperate for a boy for wat...

boy gal also same wat
Wah a few mummies can see baby's gender already.. congrats!

I hope to have baby girl, but then it means baby girl's gender is usually determined later during detailed scan cos nothing to see mah.. Going to see my gynae maybe today (altho appt fixed for friday), hope baby is healthy and growing well. That's most important..

I agree that regardless if whether baby is boy or girl he/she will have lots of love from us. I'm quite against those so-called 'traditional' types who will prefer boys over girls, it's rubbish in our day and age when we no longer need strong boys to work the fields and girls are equally capable of supporting aged parents! Sorry but I feel very strongly abt it, cos my mum has all 3 girls and she was under pressure in her times to 'produce' a boy..

Now if anybody tries to give me the 'continue the family line' thingy is bound me get black face and a lecture from me, I guess I'm the female version of the MCP lol.
ya... i agree with u.... we girls shldnt be pressurised on having a boy or gal...

most impt is in the end... both mother n bb is fine... thats what matter most...

as for MIL for want a boy so much... go have a bb herself lar... LOL

I agree, i am also very turn off when people keep insisting that having a boy is very important....my first is a gal and i hope thatmy second will be a gal too! but most important must be healthy!! i just want a healthy and happy baby!

Btw, now that my tummy starts to show, i feel that my daughter extra clingy, whiney and throwing more tantrums? Any mum facing early sibling jealousy? How do you deal with it?
My first one is a gal also, sometime i wish my sec one also a gal as sis & sis more close to each other. I the onli gal with 2 bro, so everytime envy gf with sister.

my gal now also very sticky to me. Dont want the maid. she even wants to sit on my lap when I'm having dinner.. faint.. so now I every night ask her to talk to the bb and kiss the bb goodnite. and tell her she going to be a big sis like her cousin. and she's doing quite good now.
Hi Smurferoos,

My son is always veri clingy but MIL feels that he's throwing more tantrums recently due to early sibling jealously.

I have been bringing him along for all my check up, so far he's excited about it. Whenever possible, I will buy something for him when I see something he likes or during sales when I shop for baby stuffs.

My coll told me to give him a present when he visit his younger sibling, telling him that it's a gift his younger sibling so that he will not have sibling jealously. I agreed too, has thought about it too even before she tells me.
hi mummies
talking about bb boy or gal, my hb works in telecommunication due to radiation most of the collegues have bb gal which hb n me though we will be having a bb girl even chosen a girl's name for bb, btw MIL also very much wanted a girl cos she had 3 boys! when i went for the scan shows a boy me n hb like 'huh'. a bit disappointed but ok lah MIL console me boy or girl still ur own child mah. IF i were to try for 2nd bb i hope it's a girl. ha ha ha.
Hello all... I witnessed an ugly scene happen inside the MRT as i was travelling in MRT from Jurong to Clementi, just as the door open in Dover MRT, a couple of students bumped onto a pregnant woman! She seem like 6mths already! But those students pretend nothing happened and didn't even apologise! The lady fell onto the floor and was showing uncomfortable expressions in her face, i was angry and shouted at the group and help her up. The kids just stare at me. Now, i was pissed! I demand their IC and HP numbers in what if the pregnant mum happen to lose the baby. They refused so i took their photos telling them i will present it to the police. Upon hearing this, one girl came up to help the pregnant lady to a seat and apologise... the rest also apologise to her. Still i demand one HP no. from the group to the pregnant mum in case anything should happen.

I'm so digusted with those kids! And wonder what happened to our social values and courtesy gone to! What will u do if you were me?
Wow, the student so rude.. I suppose they should be SP student. I think I'll write to their school to complain abt their student attitude.
My gal has always and still is daddy's gal. She sticks to him like a koala bear to the tree. So thankfully I dun have the problem of her sticking to me. She refuses to let daddy carry our newborn niece, but she allows me to carry.

well done! Those students need to be taught a lesson..
Wa!! Sparks, U really bravo. The students deserved to be scolded and warned.. Haha...

liszt, i tried both mamil gold and enfamama.. Personally i also perfer enfamama. Taste not too strong.. I drink the chocolate favour one.

Kelcqi, currently we not staying w in-laws. But i tin soon they'll be moving in to help their only son to tk care of their grandchild. Umm.. I tin is really fated to hav gal or boy. Cant do anything but to accept. Yest came across one magazine and saw e bb gal photo. Very cute.. (*^_^*)
Kelcqi, i tin ur hubby's relative had gone too far. How can he treat his wife tis way? Haiz.. Sad for the wife. If my HB to do tis to me, i'll jus leave him than to hav any chance of getting any sex dieases from him.

Me jus book the maternity tour in Mount Alvernia (15/12) and Mount Elizaberth (24/11). Gng to choose between these 2 hospitals for my delivery cos my Gynae will only be station at tis 2 places.
Nowadays people seem to ignore pregnant ladies in the train. Sometimes I even look like i want to faint because really dizzy, people can just look away or try to sleep.
Nowadays I take the bus if i want to go anywhere.. or if I can afford it, take cab

what to do, i dont want to take the risk of having such mishaps in the train..
Jaspire, My delivery hospital is NUH, and this is my first pregnancy..Gender not known yet. Will update u in Dec. Pls assist to update

yay, today's wed n im moving to week 16. did triple test for $170 ($120 for the test and $50 for scan)and thank God result is ok.appetite is slightly better and also less tired, however ive been experiencing gum bleed and nasal congestion since 2 weeks ago. any MTBs having these symptoms too? i asked doc, she said nasal congestion could b due to 'heatiness' as ive been consuming more meat than veg, so advice is to take more fruits to replenish the heat. gum bleed could be due to lack of vitamin c, again eating fruits would b helpful
Hi Dearie_e, Bonjon and Tracy,

Thanx for your advice, i have been giving my daughter lots of attention and said the baby is going to buy her a x'mas present, lately she doesn't even want me to go to work...faint...

Dear Sparks!

Well done, children lately are so self centred! There are some children living in my Condo, they just run around and play on their roller blade, sometimes they knock down young children.

I think due to our hormones we get bleeding gum easily. My dentist says must take care and eat calcium else easy to lose your teeth.
Good day ladies...

Sparks, Really admire your courage to scold them. I think if it is me witnessing such situation, I dunno if I dare to do that. I'll only help the pregnant lady up and see if she's ok only. I remembered last time when I was taking train, the people also ignore pregnant woman. See one coming, all pretend to sleep. I am also pregnant(5 wks), ended up my colleague purposely say out loudly to me so others can hear. She said"You serious? You pregnant you wanna give up your seat?" Then the lady beside me stared at me and my tummy, I stared back, she paiseh and stand up, my colleague quickly ushered the lady to sit down.

I dun understand why Singaporeans so inconsiderate, it's not one time I witnessed people always pretending to sleep when they see pregnant lady. I gave up mine everytime I see pregnant lady cos I think one day I'll also be pregnant, I'll also appreciate it if ppl let me sit down. Dunno how come people never thought they or their close ones will one day be pregnant and need the seat also, then if no one offers them the seat, then I guess it's karma.

Violet, my hubby's relative very scary rite? And after he baby born, he still have the cheek to tell his wife to accept it else he divorce her and stay with the china woman and the baby. The relative came to our house sometimes, I see him, I feel so disgusted. Although hubby said the baby cute, but I dunno why, I'm not interested to see the woman and the baby.
Thanks peace, tonite I'll tune in.

Taman, welcome to this thread!

Hi mummies, anyone of you find yourself more forgetful nowadays? I find myself always forgetting things recently. Dunno if there is any food to aid memory?

Oh yah, I was given Mamil Mama samples yesterday. Took one pack this morning. Taste ok. But anyone can tell me between Mamil Mama, Enfamama, and Anmum, which one is lowest in fat?

I googled enfamama and anmum, they said mummies ballooned very fast after drinking that, ended up they took fresh milk and HL milk.
I think fish oil do help in improving memory...

Yesterday I am having very bad backache and feel like vomitting... I can't control the pain that I sob in the train no one actually do anything to me. But inside LRT a lady see me going to puke she actually pass me a plastic bag and tissue.

My gynea give me calcuim tablets starting from 14wks... So far my gum still okie.
kelcqi- i scared to put on too much wt drinkin anmum hence switched to HL milk instead. but wil stil drink once a wk.

jaspire- ready for tmr class? hehe... my hb was askin me this mornin wat does he has to wear? track pants? haha
I think I'll drink once a wk also. Last nite my MIL saw me with the milk samples, this morning reminded me liao. Think I'll do the switch also. I scare I grow too fat, I put on 2 kgs liao. That time MS lose 4kgs, 1 wk ago appetite got better and I got hungry every 2-3 hrs, now 2kgs back. Scary... Hubby so happy that I gaining weight, I told him must be careful if not baby too big, later have to C-section like my friend. Baby 4kgs at birth, big huh?

Poko, my gyne gave me fish oil yesterday. He said for baby's brain development. I take, will help me in gaining memory? I had backaches too, if I walk or stand long. So everyday lie in bed. Why you never get down and take cab home?

Yesterday nite I took train also. Very pack. I wore those babydoll top and a loose skirt. Got a few ppl stared at my tummy, I looked at them, they pretend to sleep. Haha, so funny when they tried to fake ignorance. But then again, if ppl stare, does that means me look pregnant already?

Jaspire, I make small notes to remind myself nowadays. Jialiat rite? Even yesterday Gyne said so many things, today I forget liao. I thought is this, den hubby told me not. Makes me so confuse now...
ant, hee... tmr and prob next wk i will be going alone cos my darling hubby on reservist so cant join. So sad.

I will still continue to drink enfamama or anmum cos i hope baby will get all the gd nutrients. Weight can be rid of it later loh. Just nid more effort oni.
kelcqi- i put on 5kg so far!! reali scared cannot shed off the extra wt after birth. i also hungry every 3 hrs. my hb also gainin wt cos i eat, he also eat =D he say i 'hai' him! lolz
4kg is huge!!! cfm hv to c sect. cannot imagine comin out frm there =_=

jaspire- oh i see.. when wil ur hb be bk?
Yaloh, my friend said his baby is like a giant compared to the rest. LOL...

Jaspire, you are very nice mummy u know? I think Baby needs just the right nutrients, I don't intend to overfeed cos I scare I'll be too fat. I kept telling hubby I'll just take e essential for normal development, extra wait till baby come out we supplement him. Me so bad...

Ant, you gain 5 kgs liao? Before that got lose weight due to MS? Your hubby so sweet, eat with you. My hubby only watch me eat. LOL...
ant, my hubby be back end of this mth. So will miss 2 lesson. *sianz* but no choice... hee...

Me oso put on 5kg liao and still puttin more weight. I seem to be hungry fast leh...

my hubby lose weight in fact, make me jealous of him oni. He is preparing for the Standard Chartered Marathon... so he is jogging very frequently. I can oni watch... last yr i oso joined the 10km one... this year cant.

i am drinking mamil gold b4 i preg till now. din put on any weight, i think depent on ur body..

some said anmum can cause BB size too big, no gd also..somemore the high sugar level in those milk..

actually put on weight is gd, but cant too much, not because of diff to reshape after that, but is for healthy purpose..coz now we only sec tri, ideally is ard 2-3 kg for whole 2nd tri..somemore third tri ur appetite will good, so u have to think for thhe whole pregnancy neh..
Piggy mummy, My appetite already very good since 1 wk ago le, will it increase in e last trimester?
Been eating every 2-3 hrs except sleeping. I took supper somemore cos usually 10 or 11 plus I get hungry. Now gain 2 kg in 1 wk, super scary. Are we only supposed to gain 2-3kg during 2nd trimester?

Your Mamil Gold is the Mamil Mama or what? I was given the Mamil Mama yesterday, took a pack this morning, taste ok but like very fattening like that. I bot the packets milk from Anmum to try also. Expensive, 3 packs cost 4 plus. *faint*

Jaspire, you are the sporty kind? My hubby also lose weight, cos of work and he fell sick. I'm starting to feel like a ball beside him.

I heard they all said Mrs Wong does replacement lessons rite? I can't enroll for any prenatal class cos my gyne said he'll recommend on the 7th mth.

My hubby said me asking too much questions liao. Later gyne thought we have alot of money to throw, started marking up our already expensive bills.
piggy mummy, my colleague oso said anmum can cause bb to grow big fast. Dunno leh, i already finished 1 whole tin liao leh. LOL! I oso have free samples of anmum that the nurses at my clinic gave which i havent consumed. I intend to drink it only when i finished my enfamama tin. Its half gone too!
although i drink oni once a day in the morning, it feels like i am drinking very fast lidat leh.
kelcqi, i asked and they say its better to do the antenatal class early as they teach you all the exercises which is gd for your back etc. And you can start doing early. Wait till 7th mth like already in 3rd trimester liao... so late then start to exercise seems fruitless liao by then leh. Its just my 2 cents worth.

hee, i am pretty sporty... met my hubby on a diving trip. We go gym or exercise together... however, ever since our wedding and esp now me preggie, I haven exercise at all. Gosh! Super big difference from the previous me. So i guess that is why i ballooned so fast too. Hoping going for the aquafitness exercise at KKH and then doing some brisk walking does help loh. Me feel so big and clumsy liao leh.
kelcqi- yalor
i dun hv MS so alrdy gainin wt durin 1st tri! my hb cannot tahan see me eat, he watch so ended up he eat tog w me lor! hahah... lidat worse leh cos he also becm fat fat liao =D he gained alot ever since married! his mum can ask isit cos he happier w me nw! cos last time no matter hw he ate, he wil nt gain wt de.

jaspire- my hb used to be a runner too. but slack so much nw =D i alwz pat his tummy n say got another bb inside =D lolz
Ant, haha, your action reminds me of my colleague. He always said he's 6 mths pregnant. So whenever I complain that I am feeling fat, he always ask me, come sit beside me. We see who's more fat.

My hubby can tahan to see me eating one leh. Power! He works out so body still in shape. Not like me, so lazy. Crouch potato, only know how to eat and sleep.

Jaspire, I also felt that way. Sigh, but hubby seem to trust gyne more than anything. Looks like I might not get to join Mrs Wong's class.

Once a day can last you for how long? Which taste nicer? Anmum or Enfamama? So far I only tried the packets and Mamil Mama this morning. Mamil mama taste ok, but I feel so sinful drinking that...
ya, mine is mamil mama..may b i am skinnt type, so din put on so much weight even though i drink those milk. i hope i can gain 2 kg from now..

my Hb also fat fat type, i even ask him to post his tummy photo on thread, n let the MTB to guess hw many month of preg for his tummy..ha ha ha
kelcqi, once a day the whole tin last me for 2mths max oni wor... both is different and both taste is acceptable to me. Anmum is thicker and enfamama is alot thinner. I feel. I have mamil mama sample packet oso but yet to drink.
Hehe, I might like enfamama cos thick milk makes me feel so guilty drinking it. Kekeke, self-decieving~~

I'm those flabby type. No wonder I put on weight so fast.
u gals know of any shop selling nice maternity tops and bottoms? Which shopping centre have alot of maternity shops? Vivo?
so u all wearing maternity clothings already? I haven't start but pants getting tight already... Bought some bottoms and dress from Spring Maternity but I find their bottoms bit ex... abt $60 (or is it normal?)
i got new maternity pants from perfectmom for sale leh... cant fit in now.. i think i buy them too early... wanna to get rid of them... interested?
hi jaspire,

your hubby reservist now? my hubby too!!! hahaha... he's oso away for 2 weeks... will be back his month-end hahahaa...
piggy mummy, yes i brought forward my appt cos i didn't go in to work today (damn constipated, stomache...)

i read the comments abt dr ang, but then i guess i will stick with him, unless got complications (touchwood!) then perhaps i will seek second opinion.

today did a scan, bb is over 8cm now, but was not active, so sad nothing much to observe unlike some MTBs here heehee.. gynae tried to scan for the gender of baby, and said 80% baby girl cos there's 'nothing in between the legs' so funny!

Quite happy with baby girl, now we're starting to call her girl-girl, cos if i call baby then my 2 dogs will run over to me thinking that i'm calling them!
Hi all, I went to see my gynae today and they took blood sample. So scare of the needle.. haha..

Waited for a very long time, think cos many ppl brought forward appt from next week. Anyway, my due date now brought forward to 7th May. Now is 16 weeks. Baby was rather still today cos maybe my gynae is too fast with the machine. haha.. The baby was facing us when the gynae scanned.

Then he asked if want to know gender then I said of cos. Baby opened legs wide, can see something there so gynae said 95% boy. So disappointing since always wanted a girl. Think that 5% won't happen since that thing is so obvious. But happy to see baby's heart beating.. Then my mum said boy or girl also nvm as long as healthy which is true. But I think my PIL want a girl.

Jaspire, you can update my EDD to 7th May and Baby Blue.
Ai yoh! I very envy u all leh, I also anxious to know baby's gender. Baby was 13.5cm during my last scan but still can't see... Think must remember (if I can, cos lately really absent minded) to ask baby to open leg big big before my next visit

kahlen, me oso must remember to ask baby to open leg wide wide. LOL! So exciting wor...

Lynn, yours is the first baby pink in our May list... hee!

So far the statistic shows, 5 baby blue and 1 baby pink! Kekeke...
