(2008/05) May 2008

The articles made me fuming mad early in the morning... these ppl are really bastard! Cut their manhood and burn it.

Thanks for ur detailed comments. Yes, i like the idea of "unexpected" visit too. I like to see the actual class being conducted and check their eating, playing, studying and sleeping area as well. I send my boy to the Learning Vision's infant care and was thinking of after the infant care should i continue with thier child care. I sometimes passed by thier pantries watching them prepare the food for the kids. So far quite ok la, they waers gloves and serve only when about to serve. In some other places, they propotioned early and waiting for meal time and serve. The only thing i dun like is the eating place is also a sleeping place... *faintz*..

Finally quickly read thru the post

Diana & Von ..
haha .. so many Pepsi Cola around .. I thought if I ever have another dog .. he/she will be call Sarsi (another drink) !!

Alice, I saw your blog .. aiyo your Racheal so smart !! I loves her "arms up" .. I too busy to show my boy the VCD.. so no progress at all. He only get excited when I sing the songs.

Baby Languge
I have been teaching my boy Apple & Orange for weeks .. I got a surprise when he said Apple last Sat !! Hubby who was half-asleep beside.. opened up his eyes and nod to me to confirm he also heard Apple !! So far, he can say Papa, Mama, MumMum, More More and Apple. actually we thought we heard him call Edward too, his toy elephant.

Oh my boy with his phones too .. does he look like a busy big Taokay with 6 phones !! haha...

hahaha. i understand totally hw it is being pricky n fussy when it comes to hsewk. hahaha. Have u ever thot of engaging part time cleaner to help u with the hse wk? *pat on the back* altho i didnt exp much morning sickness for my #1 i know its a sucky feeling..jia you ok? the morning sickness will pass v soon once u hit the 2nd trimester. =)

hahaha. i know! coz i was also lazy. i got 2 piles of photos and album books waiting for me on the table and it lies there for a couple of mths till my hubby nag at me and told me to sort out everything before cny if nt he will not pay for the photos to be developed anymore. hehee. so i kuai kuai sort out everything and now i try to sort out the photos every mth. so u also dun be lazy liao, faster sort them out and bring it out for us to see la. hehehe.

Re: baby raped.
really feel angry and sad that such thing cld happen to such a young n innocent baby...makes me wonder wat the world has bcum despite the advancement in education and etc...

aiyo!!!! wat car ur sis's bf driving? MPV or SUV? Altho its really v suay but heng nthing happen to anyone physically. imagine if kena kidnapped or robbed...this is why i dun like to go to msia and top up with a bad exp in msia i havent stepped in msia for yrs...dun wan to let them earn my $$ with those bad attitudes and safely compromises...i gave the Danone one which jo got and shared with her and also the yoplait one.

btw, i am 1 satified mummy yest =) damien finished his dinner and he also finished the entire tub of the strawberry yogurt. hehehe. i am in love with strawberry yogurt now. hahaha
wah!!! ur boy is smart so fast can speak words already!!!

hahaha. ur boy got so many phones! those are toy phones?
mornin mummies =)

alice- his is a old civic leh. He prked head in too. Even engaged 1st gear n pulled hand break so reali puzzled hw they managed to steal the car, sm more near main road n ppl were walkin in n out!! Been in n out of jb so many times n din tink tat this wil happen to him. haiz…

von- ya covered by insurance n they say take 3mths to investigate =_= meanwhile carless n stil need to cont to pay the instalments.

Muzicgal- he prked head in!!! reali wondered hw they managed to tow the car away….

Poky/choc- hvnt test ah… no mood lor… v affected by the car loss thou not ours.

Felval- his is old civic leh. Sighz…. Dun understd y they wan to target his car =( my hb’s car was prked jus nxt to his so it cld be our car! Nw reali hesistant to go in jb again le… wil miss the seafood there!
jia you...morning sickness realli jialat one..
i dun wan to tink abt it... heheee... vomit till last day i give birth YUCKS!

hope u no need to vomit so much...

be careful when u go jb lor..heard alot of robbery cases, car stealing case... be careful ya
Felval ,

you must be very very happy !! Jorel also love the Danone yoghurt !! Think is not sour as Yoplait .

I still left one more ....hmmm see when free I go pop by carrfour again . Let you and Jerlynn know
then we can share again !!:p
yes, i am very happy. haha. too bad no more strawberry yogurt for him tonight. hehehe.

ok. every sat i am @ suntec so if u wan i can go the branch @ suntec to get. hehehe.
oic... ya i liked dvd version lor cos' when it reaches the end and i am still typing away =p I will juz play the songs or poem portion for her to stalk time haha! try showing yr gal again la, dun give up especially yr gal alreadi watch disc 1 ler =)

Yanling, Jo
I wonder what they call us Mothers in Canto then if MIL is "MaMa" for our baby =( So confusing for the little ones. My hb was telling me he had the same problem when he is young lor. So he switched to Mummy later on...

Re: Trial Class for Kindermusik
Ladies... so envy, yr can enjoy together with babies! Nvm, let me know some feedback so i can decide whether to go for one later =)

haha... i realised baby getting very powerful in learning when they hit 9mths lei. She had a jump in her progress all of a sudden cos' i have been showing her dvd for so long. Which means all along they r absorbing and oni ard 9 mths then they will express wor =) haha... yr boi also v clever... can say Apple ler, good job!
Wah, so many phones... yr boi must have enjoy pressing those tiny buttons hehe!

^5... haha, my hb also hesitate to buy the pooh album for me cos' he knows will take a long while b4 he can see some production from it hehe... ok ok, must remind me hor, must complete it!

Wah...! civic they also target it... realli crazy ler and desperate! Last time they oni go for high end car now seems like every Sg car also want ler. Must be careful okie, the best dun go for a period of time until it cools off.

felval, Ant
Me also have very bad experience in Jb lor... no doubt i realli missed the Yummy Seafood there =(
Still remember it was after our dinner then passby a durian stall along the street. My friend decided to buy some back... while looking at it, the seller keep saying which one is good and start dropping it into the bag w/o my friend consent. B4 we know it, they pull out one big brown paper bag and asked for RM300 !!! We told him that we din even choose yet and we dun want it. Guess what... his face turn black and soon 5 pple from behind alreadi surrounded us ler (4 of us)... so we decided to pay up and run! Sian rite?? Realli Kanna chop big time!!
THE BEST PART is... my friend brought it back to makan, and realised all the durian had been opened up b4 !!! and was closed up by inserting a toothpick to hold it in place....! Real Cheating case!
hahaha... actually i can't help it but to laugh when she told me... her neighbour saw her dragging a big bag of durian and asked "wah, buy durian ah" then 10 mins later saw her dragging the durian out again to throw, then the neighbour said "wah... so delicious, finished it so fast ah"... wahahaha! damn funni, what an bad experience!
Ur boy so smart, can pronounce so many words liao. He must be a Language genius in future.

Did u all go for car wash before u parked ur car? I heard that some car wash ppl duplicate ur key and then action. if that the case, ur sis's car was not towed away but "drove" away. Sad to say, the chances of getting back the car is very slim.
Hmm... u hv a point! I never thought of that thou... i used to leave my car behind for washing too! So scary lei :{
oh... jia you on the blog okie, so we can keep in close touch =) btw, any chance of uploading Dylan's pix? Miss his smile lei
did you blend the pasta stars before giving to Jorel?
Randall gagged when i gave him cause the stars are too much for him and he don't really know how to chew....even though i cooked till very soft liao but the pcs are still too big for him...i also agree lor, the pasta stars dun taste as nice, cause when he couldn't finish the bowl, i ate the entire bowl lor...and i find its not very nice also.
Loomi- wow ur boy can say apple le!!! Mine stil baby language but can clearly say mama n papa.

Alice- my mil is teochew n aldan gt to call her mama too so it’s gonna be confusin for him! he had started to call mama le but nt in frnt of my mil so I shd tink tat he’s referrin to me. Haha
Wah liew.. dun wan to imagine if u all refused to pay…. Darn scary…. ya we wil avoid gg there for the time being. I wil miss the pedicure there too =(
I wanted to buy the dvd for aldan leh but wkdays no chance to show him. here at the centre no tv to show too. Nxt mth, aldan gonna hv a new ‘gal fren’ haha… a 3mo bb gal comin in. I hope he dun bully her!

Lynn- nope.. we didn’t. so cannot be key was duplicated. We frequent this car wash shop for years le n knew the boss v well.
Re: Sean Lau Photography Promo Package

10 babies sign up @ $208 ($30 off Classic Baby Package)
20 babies sign up @ $188 ($50 off Classic Baby Package)

Classic Baby Package
02 Hours Session for your baby with Sean Lau
05 Pictures of 5" x 7" (High Resolution)
01 Reprint on 8" x 12" with Framing (Table Top)
DVD of selected images in High Resolution

*Additional Pax can join in the session for $25/pax instead of $35. If both parents join in for a family protrait,will get an
additional picture worth $30.

If we want to enjoy this promo package must sign up by 10th March 2009 with a 50% deposit.

Expiry date of the package is 31st May 2009.

Anyone interested?
i am being infected by my hubby, and down with a bad sore throat and cough, and worst, i have lost my voice ... hopefully i can recover on time to go for the M&B fair and also the trial class for Kindermusik.

i will let you know again if i can make it.

your boy so smart lor, and said "apple". wondering when will it be my turn to share my excitment with you.

oh no.. damn suay lor, luckily insurance got cover, if not, lugi big time.

rayden is beginning to appreciate bb can read now, but must make sure that i sit with him and keep repeating the words together with the screen with him.

hiyo .. too bad, i have already taken the shots from Sean Lau, and overall comment, he is good, and has got patience with babies .... Those mummies who are planning to go for photshot, can consider him.
hope u will recover soon. drink more liang cha or coconut juice (the fresh fruit itself). so are u on mc resting @ hm now?

haiz...actually i am planning to bring my boy for outdoor shoot for his 1st yr lo...then saw the photos for rayden so well done...so tempted to take up sean lau package lo...if i take this package me still wondering if i sld go ahead with the outdoor shoot...sure kena K big time by my hubby if i take the sean lau package...
Felval ,

hahah ....like what Dolly said Sean and his wife Adelena very patient with babies .

I should be able to collect Jorel`s photos by next week or so ...!!
thanks, i dun like to drink liang cha leh, but will try to get some juices later. Choc advised me to drink coke with salt, i just finished up 1 can down nia. i am on 2 days mc, but still workiing from hme. Later at 430pm, i still have to go and attend a meeting with my sales guy at ubi ... damn sianz ...

Hi Auties, here is my big smile to you...

I miss Rachel chubby cheek too...I am updating his blog and burning midnite oil these nites to figure out some of the features.

Take good care!! Drink plenty of water and rest well. If can, try avoild close contact with Rayden.
Feval, the phones are from handphone shop .. those mock phone. hee hee.. free toys for my boy.

Jorel, Apple just once so far. Oh Danone yogurt, I was going to ask if Spore has that, cos my boy take Baby Danone yogurt, he loves it !! But dun like Yoplait

Alice, you are right, they seems to suddenly grow up. He only like to chew the phones, everything put into his mouth.

Dolly, I also swear by coke and salt !! Meeting at Ubi ?? so ulu place for meeting...
Hey Felval,

I'm interested in the sean lau package!! But hor, I got twins leh..how they charge ah? Dun tell me I need to buy TWO packages ah? Shiong ah..and also the selected images, how many can we get back? Hehe..sorry ah, duno if you will have the answer or I should contact sean lau myself?
Re: Sean Lau Photography

Agreed with the Dolly and Jo, 2 thumbs up for their good service and professionalism.

I am considering to take another package when Dylan can walk steadily not now. Hopefully he can have another offer then i can take up his family package.
rem to post the pics online i wanna see!! hehehe.

ya. heard coke with salt is gd but i nv try b4. hehehe. try "se chao shui" with salt? my hubby swear by this. hahaha. huh? on mc still need to go attend mgting? cant dun go? But u also cant talk ah, no voice le.

haaha. handsome dylan looks so smiley in this pic. I like! =) in future, he sure got alot of gals going aft him =)

ah! how did u get those mock phones sia? hehehe.

are urs identical twins? If yours are identical twins then u STILL need to buy 2 packages BUT the 2nd package at 50% off. hehehe. so watever u get for 1 package u get 2x of that for 2 packages. the selected images is only for the 5pieces of 5"x7"..in ur case, if u go for 2 packages (whereby 2nd package is 50% off), u will get 10x 5" x 7"...did i confuse u? hehehe

actually i did ask them if can take outdoor when damien is older but she dun really encourage lo. the family package is more of indoor or outdoor ah?

confirmed u need to pay more than 1 package $$lar... can lar...take lar..u wun regret one =)
Hey Ant

I dun step in Malaysia at all ever since my ex father kana robbed while driving us there for makan!!!! and striaght in our face when they guy in action. My ex father still can bargaine wz him... wow piangz... ended up giving him RM500.00 and guess wat??? happened beside ths custom.
Hi mummies,

I have been a silent reader and have benefited alot from this forum. Can I join in now?

I signed up with Sean Lau when it was organised by Poky the other time and I too am very pleased with the pictures. Sean and Adelena are very good with babies, so no worries if you are worried that ur bb wont simle! Ermmm I dun have a blog but if you wanna see some pics, you can me to Facebook at [email protected], just give me ur nick when u adding me

I oso went for Kindermusik trial class last Sunday organised by the June mummies and I felt it was very good, alot interaction with baby and they can really catch bb's attention.

I think I saw u Chobits

I am interested in the Sean Lau Photography Promo Package. Is there an expiry date whereby when we have to take the pictures as i only intend to bring my boy for the photo taking when he is 1 yr old in May.

re: sean lau
hey, count me in also.

re: kindermusik trial
supposed to go last sun also... but since darren was sick.. so didn't go. and they allow me to go for the make up.. but can only join their existing classes. so going this sunday at 2pm...after u mommies' private session. hope it's enjoyable.
the expiry date is 31st may 2009 =)

u cfm on ah? i add ur name in ho? u will be the first person =)

Re: Sean Lau Photography Promo Package

10 babies sign up @ $208 ($30 off Classic Baby Package)
20 babies sign up @ $188 ($50 off Classic Baby Package)

Classic Baby Package
02 Hours Session for your baby with Sean Lau
05 Pictures of 5" x 7" (High Resolution)
01 Reprint on 8" x 12" with Framing (Table Top)
DVD of selected images in High Resolution

*Additional Pax can join in the session for $25/pax instead of $35. If both parents join in for a family protrait,will get an
additional picture worth $30.

If we want to enjoy this promo package must sign up by 10th March 2009 with a 50% deposit.

Expiry date of the package is 31st May 2009.

1. Yanling

btw, GUG cannot cfm the trial class for rachel on 7th mar. they can only cfm next week le. keep u updated again.

hahaha. where is the pooh album now? with u in india or in sg? faster do then when u back in sg show us during gathering le =)

You never confuse me lah...I understand your english..hehe..
if the parents join in just to take 2-3 pics also must add $25 ah?
I go ask my hubby tonight...cham...he going nag at me again for spending money...the girls upcoming bday already estimated 1K+....the kids now adays darmn Ho Mia (Hao ming)!
haha ya can start to train Aldan to Sayang meimei ler =) 3 mths oni so young...

so tempting to pick up Sean Lau but sure kanna K too ^_^ me alreadi pick up the outdoor ler. Maybe next time when she can walk i will bring her bah. At that time, maybe more cute cute action ler =)

that's great! ya... must sit with them to watch the whole thing and repeat the word after them. A bit sian but bo bian lor... somemore sometime u have to add like very excited saying the word to get their attention back... Machiam Clown haha!
Oops! Get well soon... I nv heard of coke lei but i guess it works the same way as beer. I heard abt drinking very cold beer with salt =)

Nice pix of Dylan!! his smile so charming =) but too small lah. Can u email a copy of that pix to me? I want to put it in my photo album someday hehe!

me also very tired to stop her from putting everything into her mouth. Lately, i juz keep doing "No" b4 she puts it in. Sometime it works lor =) but will cry a bit after dat *faint*

welcome to this thread! =)
hey mummy_yan

hahah "hao ming" is my bb's chinese name leh... but different chinese characters lah. mayb tat's why he is so pampered, every little things also whine...
i beg to differ for sean lau pkg. my gal did not smile. in the end, result really turn out bad. i quite disappointed. but i must admit that sean n adelena did try to make my gal laugh, but juz too bad that it dosent work on her, which i cant fault them. =( another disappointment is that the 10 pocket sized cards hv their company printed on the pics itself. since i payin for the cards in the pkg, dun think it rite for them to hv their "namecard" printed in the photos pics....

Oops so sorry to hear that ur shoot did not turn out that well. Yup my friends oso did comment why their wallet size pics had their logo

But I wanna thank u for letting me join in with u guys for the discount off his package! And most importantly, congrats on ur pregnancy!! Jia you!
ya lor. funny lor. where got studio print their "name cards" on their clients finish paid pdts? and on the pic itself?

No prb. although personally not a satisfied customer, but i glad the rest hv a good shot. i think i juz pickin bones in eggs with my comments?? opss...
thks for chking on GUG trial class =) The pooh Album i bought it here from Disney @ one of the biggest book store here in India. Their book here v cheap compare to Sg.
Okie, i will do up the PS one soon hehe!
haha.. thanks for the compliments.. Lot of gals go after?? haha.. shalll wait and see..Maybe the way roound, then i cham...

Ya lo, the pic a bit small due to file size, wow.. can be in ur album, feel so honoured.. hehehe.. ok, will email to you.
haha... i would luv to =) but must see got chemistry in between or not, me doing up album for her to see when she grows up then will tell her those r the boys u play with last time hehe...
hehe... which one is you? I am one the one with baby boy Xavier.. haha.. actually, all the mummies i dono, so know sure who is who... join us more in the thread ya...

Haha I am the one with baby Keira. I saw la
Are u gg to sign up with Kindermusik? I think I will call to ask more today about the semester prices...haha
just wanna share
for those are using avent bottles,
kiddy palace is having discount for the 3x260ml bottles at $17.50 instead of the original $23.30
i bought mine from marina square =)
I am interested too. But let me check with my husband tonight and i shall let you know by 2mo. I got a feeling that he will say "no" ....

wow... your boy so smart! Can talk... My boi still in his own world of baby language....
