(2008/03) March 2008

Hi Jerejoy,

Thanks for the pics! My hb only serve air force during NS, tat was err… almost 10yrs ago.

Hi Kell,

Glad you enjoy my blog! Bb’s passport was done at her 1st mth. Tat time my hb got to hide behind bb and use his hand to support bb’s neck, after tat the photo taker will crop away my hb’s hand. Now ur bb alrdy 9mths, shld be very easy. The photo taker over @ ICA will guide you. application wise, same as adult, same amount, same number of yrs.

<font color="0000ff">Merry Xmas to all

PS: seeing all ur pictures and the logos make me feel very merry
merry Xmas!!! Yday went out with the girls till 2 midnight! Then they slept till 10am, woke up eat n bathe. Then sleep from 11am to 4pm!!
Merry Christmas everyone!!!
Went to the Sakae Sushi located at Tradehub 21 (located along the road between Jurong East MRT &amp; Clementi MRT), its a family friendly resturant with free parking! Look:
kekeke.... this is what we did:

wow...maybe this place can be 1 of the location for our April birthday bash? got a "pool" to put the babies in!
think it common in sakae now. The sakae at causeway point oso hv...

bumper mat and haemin play yard
anyone got lobang for bumper mat?

anyone wan to share 2 panel of play yard?

thinking of getting cos andrae is too playful... but then duno if he will wan to stay in there.. sigh.. any suggestion?
hahaha...but got free parking! *important for many~~ =P Its good for family gathering for sure. Those staying in west side can go there and check it out. but there only sells furniture hor...
*sign* ya loh... He looks mature and "girl" with his hair. I am usually correcting people "boy", "di di", etc...
Isaac didnt turn into a "bu dao wong" but he just sit there and do nothing, like enjoying the "burying" feeling or something...

wah...Isaac dun look like his age leh..brendon also. the cleaning lady at hk disney told brendon dun be lazy, stand up from the pram and walk...my hubby told her, he's just turned 9th mths...how to walk? kekekekeke
Why sigh??? I think it's ok if ppl say my boy looks mature... But wif the girly part, i will dun feel gd also.. But I'm used to it liao actually... Cos my ds 1 &amp; 2 ppl always say they are girl esp with ds #1, his eyes super like girl... tilt upwords at the side.. so call 'feng yen'... Wasted, if he was a girl, surely very pretty.. Haha~

That sounds like he's really mature.. my Rhys still look very baby...
hehe, mine too..he look like a baby still..not like a 9 months old o .somehow my #1 feel older @ 9 months o.


din noe that place is so cool ! i passed by there when my palgave me a lift to IMM..and Isaac looks so cool too, like a toddler


aiyoh..poor brendon..very yuan wang
9 months o and starngers expect him to walk !
me started partial fm on my DS, but he rejected totally. a few slip and tat's it. cry and scream whenever the teats go near his mouth. how? i bo bian and then mixed the fm to bm and feed him. but i heard like tat mixed no good. aiyo, give him anything he will eat. but give him fm, he don't wan. sigh~

hmm.. i'm quite surprise to see sakae sushi at tradehub 21 when i saw it today on my way to work. i even told me hubby, "wow! got sakae sushi resturant lei"
dunno lei, i heard ppl say. but now super bo bian, got to mixed liao. think only when he super hungry and sleepy then will drink fm liao. cos got 1 nite he drink no complaint, and i tot he ok with fm.. but i'm wrong lor.
Hi all,
Happy Boxing Day. I'm at work. Sian.

Kate: Brendon has your eyes! Looks like mini you. So cute. Maybe he's dressed in jeans. I find putting babies in Jeans make them look like toddlers. Lol

Liyun: The Tradehub has a Dano Warehouse/Factory outlet. Some of their Dresses sold there are quite cheap, about $30. But have to dig lah...
icic.. Cos i know when u mix fm with bm, the temp of fm cannot be too hot if not will 'kill' the nutritions inside the fm...

I'm at work too.. But super shiok cos most of the bosses not ard, colleagues also not ard.. No one bother with i work or no work... My project manager know that my boss not ard, all arranging to have golf game in the afternoon liao... Super eat snake king(s)! Lolx!

For mummies who are over stress. Watch this video to destress... I almost roll off my bed laughing last night watching this... This guy was last years 'American Got Talent' Winner, as what I know from my aunt. He's really good! I place it in my blog, mummies can go view from my blog.

Ya, Today really relax~ I wanna take leave on new year eve and on the 2 Jan 09. Straight away can rest 5 days without burning too much of my leave. Shiok man!
I also wanna take on CNY, but too bad, my colleague already say she's taking the other 3 days after CNY... So i have to go back to work... Haiz~
Sickening leh.... I have to work on Sat so no point taking leaves cos I need to take Sat (work is half day, leave is 1 full day!!!) super not worlth it!

Happy Birthday to your boy!!! May he be Healthy &amp; Happy Always!

happy birthday to ur ds
may he be happy always

PS: if u bring him to swensen, a happy birthdayb sundae is for him foc ( just bring a fotocopy of birth cert :p)
Happy bday to your ds!

I also hate working on Sat. So when I look for job i normally will look for those 5 days work week. Cos i think saturday is really for resting... esp when we already have to juggle btw work and kids for 5 days/wk. Those 2 days for resting is really necessary..
i am also on leave today

will take on 31/12 too :p but quite sayang hor..half day still need to take full day leave..so i agree with connie abt boh hua..but still wana take lah..otherwise i have to be involved in countdown will midnite tat day

and already took the cny leave after chu er
so no work for 7 days fr cny eve..shiok
Working on Sat:
Learn my lesson well, die die will find a job that don have to work on Sat in the future. Now still don feel "stable" at this current one. Considering to go but staying for the sake of $.
my hubby's friends has a baby who also same age as brendon only 2 days diff, said brendon has more teeth n hair tats why he looks more mature...


u r the rare one who said brendon look like me leh... so happy.. thank;s. most of the pp saaid he look like my hubby. ya, me n hubby like to dress him with jeans and polo t shirt. kekekekeke....my hubby want to dress brendon same like him...
Hi Kate,
I only saw you before and dunno how ur hubby looks like wor. Lol.

This Pte Sale like not much special buys. There's a Mop "machine" that twist the cloth wipes for you, but its not cheap either.

Metro @ Expo Sale too!
knew this place. They hv a cafe and a play area for childrent to play too. Something like fidget but at alexandra, pasir panjang side. No car very inconvenient.
tat a play suit.. only available at jshoppers... yes very gd for sand and water play. i bought tat especially for my #1 now Andrae use it..
Can i check if i feed my bb the following freq, wd it be unhealthy for my bb? Hb says if we feed too much of legumes/root veg, may have some deficiencies for growing bb.I have yet to done research on this n concern

Mon-Sun: Lunch - Cereal w fruits apple/pear/papaya
Mon-Sun: Dinner: 4x alternate root vegetable such as 5tbs potato / sweet potato / pumpkin / carrot &amp; 3x pork/fish porridge.

Am i over-giving root veg to my bb?Do i feed her porridge everyday n mix w root veg?

Bb doesnt like broccoli /greens as much. How do i mix w porridge n help her accept? Any advice from exp 2nd time mummies.

Now m worried i gave too much root veg n scare bb may have certain deficiency in nutrients.
I usually will boil the brocolli first den when the porridge is ready, I'll cut the 'flower' part and mix tgt with porridge.

I give my son a serving of vege and meat/fish for every meal. but it was my mil &amp; helper who prepare it. Giving too much vege will cause nutrition deficiency?? Nv heard of it b4..
