(2008/03) March 2008


my baby adriel!! i think this was taken when he was 3+months.

i saw that u all looking for bumbo seat ya. u can take note of john little or robinson's sale at expo. cos i bought mine at around 47 after 20% discount.

anyone tried introducing semi solid to your darling??

my baby weigh 6.45kg and 64cm. 25th percentile. PD say abit small but still average.

chewwy, i oso PM Mei Lu liao.

yutong, tks for ur nice comment. actuali, my ger looks more boyish in person. haha.

blue skies, wow.. ur boy is big! on TBF? power leh. mine a mere 6.6kg on wk15 n she seems to be drinking lesser nw. (nw is wk17)

melissa, my ger got eczema, so put mitten in case she rub her face till red red.. (actuali is my excuse la.. coz that day.. i didnt cut her long nails n scared she will scratch herself, which she alr did a few times!)

bumper mat: i got my parklon mat last wk fr alien. my ger kept on flipping on the mat. she try to crawl too, but no strength. lolz.

lina, ur boy looks so cute, he seems to enj this "flying" posture.
i hope to intro semi solid food to my ger after 6mths. (coz she got eczema)

yah. he loves to flip n flip. headache when i changing his diaper.

ur girl got lots of hair!! i still waiting for my boy's hair to grow.

i lost bc before.can replace but the cert indicate duplicate. just go down to
ica. bring along hospital reg form which they handwritten on ye child birth details.
my baby still hasn't flip. Plus they are lazy during tummy time, i.e. they will rest their head on the floor and want to sleep instead of looking up.
Kate maybe you can rent one first and decide if you want to get a jumperoo or exersaucer.

I rented a jumperoo, swing, bumbo seat, bouncer from Rent That Toy! and from then on I decide if it's worthwhile to get the item. I almost bought a swing, cos my babies at one time were fretful and would settle when I swing them...but I decided to rent one first. Luckily, I didn't buy cos it turns out my babies HATED to be in the swing.

Plus point is that Elaine from Rent That Toy! is a very friendly person. And free delivery and collection.
happy mummy,

yeah. he said my bb on e small side. guess he follow my husband who is also small size. but he did encourage me to start my boy with semi solid cos his weight gain is abit slow.

i think gal will weigh lighter than boy cause of e bone density. did your PD give any advice on starting with semi solid?? im very confuse cos some books say better to start at 6 months.
small size bb
My boy is 25 percentile... hahaha.. but he has big head of 75 percentile. He is 6.6kg and 65cm at 4.5 mth.

Think u ask the wrong group of ppl. ppl here normally havent tried out of havent even buy for their bb. Ask in the general thread. Heeheee....

hope u find yr bc soon.

growth spurt
my boy is having a growth spurt at 5 mth... is there one at 5 mth? Night time he is waking every 1.5 to 2h and i hv to be awake for work at 6am! Imagine the super panda mommy????? I jus latch n slp latch n slp but he doesnt seem enough... keep flipping n tossing! aaaaarrrrrggggghhhhhhhhhhhhh..................

My boy was having growth spurt last 2 weeks when he was almost 4 months old. He will keep waking up, turning n tossing.. I endured it for a week. It was driving me crazy that time. V tiring... Jia you!


Thanks for yr concern... Sorry, din managed to talk to u much that day on msn. Hope to catch up with u again.
yes better to start at 6 mth cos yr digestive system nt develop yet. but u can try on very dilute cereal if u wan. For me i gv him apple puree with bm 2 days ago. starting it slow.
my boy is also like that. We say he is like a worm! Simply cannot catch hold of him.

Growth Spurt
My son has been waking up every nite for the past 1 month. Is it growth spurt

My son lost his voice for the past two days. He lost his day the day before yesterday after he vomit all his feed out. Is it normal? I m a bit wori. My 'smart' maid told me that its becos I was heaty n I m breastfeed thats y will cause bb to be heaty as well....
yt, bm is never heaty. it's made by our body and made just nice for our bb. yr maid's thinking belong to the old school type. ignore her lah~

when alex was coughing, he also lost his voice for 2,3 days. but after that he's back to normal.

Yah he can reach the sides of the cot very easily so he sometimes uses the sides to help himself to flip over. I have dropped the cot to the lower level already, just in case he becomes tarzan and starts climbing all over.
tnx for the info. But my boy recover from his cough liao then he has lost of voice. Should I go see doc. Plus he has oral thrust. Is it risky one?

So do i haf to increase his milk in take? he is drinking 120ml now.
yah i think there is a growth spurt at 5mths. cheryl is drinking 210ml now. it's used to be every 5 hourly, then to 4hourly then there was once she wants it at 3.5 hourly.

i started cheryl on heinz rice cereal already. this coming week which i am not working on both weekends, i am going to start carrot puree for her. then gradually ie one week later then to sweet potato puree then apple puree. keke. so excited. 1st time doing all this, seems so fun for the preparations! hee.

cheryl is enjoying her rice cereal now. keke.
Good morning ladies

Growth spurt
Yup my little sumo at 15wks is having her growth spurt now. Imagine she drank 150ml at 7pm and want to latch on at 8pm and latch for almost 30min. She also woke up at 5am to be latched which is very unlike her so i attribute it all to growth spurt.

you can try increasing to 140ml and see if he can finish. That is what i did, i store some bottles at 150ml and see if she can finish. If can finish i will maintain if not i will lower the quantity. Trial and error to see how much she wants to drink now

Wow little james looks bigger than my 21mth boy lei haha either is your cot is small or my cot is big. My boy doesnt seem to occupy such a big space in his cot, he is always at one corner.
He is indeed a very happy healthy boy!
Adeline K,
LOL sorry!!! I was working and trying desperately to catch up with the posts!!! Suddenly confused! Kekekekee..

How? found the birth cert oredi???

sudden night waking baby,
Tricia sleeps through the night but if she does wake up at night it's b'cos I didn't have enough supply in her last feed (due to pumping etc) so her waking up is to make up for what's lacking. i find that i can no longer keep up with her demands nowadays. she can easily take in 170ml or 6oz of BM per feed but the good side is, since she has flipped professionally, she fall asleep on her tummy and can nap up to 4.5 hours before the next feed. She will sleep on the mattress on the floor from today onwards. Her cot is too small for her. She flips in her sleep too.

are you a sahm? do you tbf your babies? are they born full term? think march babies are too early for the swing. jumperoo is fine though, they might like it. then again, with other siblings, they will enjoy looking at the other doing their own thing, just like my Tricia laughing and screaming looking at my terror two jumping around. no need toys. kekekee.
ok, thx. i will revise my order.

I have a flipper & a leaping frog
Matilda is the flip-per. put her down only for a split second she's on her tummy and happily hoisting herself up to look around while Genevieve hurls herself all over the cot. Emilia is still very contented lying on her back looking at the world go by and talking and smiling at whoever comes into her sight.

latest picture of them on http://3inapod.blogspot.com

u can try increase his intake

dun take too much carrot. too much beta carotene will cause liver failure. Too much vit A. Try fruits series fast. Apples, pears, prunes....

growth spurt
Thanks for all input. Guess i hv to put up with him for 1 week and be super panda for 1 week. Sigh.. so within this 1 week ppl better dun step into my "zone" hahahaha
thanks for your advice. Will try it.

r u sure your child is 4 months? So much of milk intake. Envy leh. My boy regurgitate alot. So I hope I increase his increase it should be ok.
growth spurt,
my son has been fidgeting since a month ago. blur mummy dunno so ownself suffer panda eyes. Poor thing, my son also suffer hunger. Feel so guilty now...
maybe you can try to increase his intake and stretch his interval. i find it quite tiring previously when cheryl is drinking on a 3hourly basis.

now i am trying to introduce semi-solids so she will feed less on milk, but still will maintain milk as her primary food.
can i check with mummies re prunes to be given to babies - can use the del monte type (packet) or better to use fresh prunes??

but question is, hard to find fresh prunes leh, i only sometimes see sugar prunes in the supermarket. Tot sometimes good to give prunes to help clear bowels..keke

but i'll only start on solids when my bb reach 6 mth as recommended by my pd.
i was at tpy too. hehee....

always trial n error. if dun try u nvr knoe right? Dun hv to feel guilty. i oso unsure. i opso hv my own shifu hahaha

Friday 25th July 3pm
Venue: ??
Anyone wanna meet up on Friday to just chill? I need to do some "getting away" from work & babies.
