(2008/03) March 2008

Petrina, Ya v part v painful. Small movements oni aso painful. But I v blur. 4gotten to inform gynae abt tt pain. Too kan cheong w my weight loss.

jeangal: my gynae nv put me on CTG. he say nxt wk.. also nv check my dilation. also nxt wk. cause he scared accidentally induce.. i hope to pop after hb comes back frm reservist...
6 mths is sufficient to go back to pre-preg size. Not ambitious!
4 mths then i can wear back my old clothes leh.. and at about 5th to 6th mths i went back to preg-preg size! np with it one.. i eat as pre normal but my weight just went back.

oh i thought u mean tightening painful. hahaha..

I only feel V area aching but not painful. I walk no problem just that backache only.
Adeline, wa tts good. Sounds easy hor. Or isit u r the type who can lose weight faster? U really brighten up my day. hehehe ;p

Hmmm... Paisei... Another part to check w u. Wat abt the hips size? My pants b4 preggy is those fitting type. So wondering if I can slim back my hips to pre-preg size too.

FYI I haf gained abt 15kg liao. Its q a lot.
they usually check for dilation after 37th week and when the baby's head is engaged. mine checked during my checkup when i was 38 weeks 5 days.
i also gain 15kg for previous pregnancy! haha.. no lah.. i am not one that lose weight easily also. if i eat too much, my weight will just go up very fast leh..
My hip is slightly bigger then before but i still can fit in my pre-preg jeans and pants. With determination you are able to do it one.. But must ctrl diet after ur confinement. during confinement best is to eat well adn sleep well dun bother about weight loss.. Thats how i gain back 2 to 3 kg during 3rd and 4th week of confinement haha..
my gynae's nv checked me before, and i'm now 38 weeks plus le. baby also not fully engaged yet..

jeangal: dun worry, i beat u.. i gained 18kg.. =X
Aly, actually Im q scare to b checked for dilation. Like q scary to haf a finger poke in.

Adeline, Im oni in my wk 36. I thk I haf more to gain right? Wa so most likely I cant wear back some of my pants liao.

Ok. True. Our health more impt. Aft confinement then manage our weight loss.
adeline: no. tightening i dun feel pain. juz non comfy.. cause tummy feels hard... 6mths.. hmm
my new target.. actually i tot of losing all in confinement mth leh.. haha *over ambitious liao*

tats y i told hb i wan to do everything myself. like my mom. after her confinement when she had me, she slimmed so much tat ppl say she like nv preg b4.. so nice hor..

i also wan to be like her lor...

jeangal: i also scared checking dilation part.. hehe.. tat time he put the plastic thingy to clean my yeast infection i already feel abit awkward.. now he'll go deeper to check dilation.. scary..
hehe, hip wise i think mine no change.. thighs grew bigger though.

recently i've been very kpo, when i go out, i c those aunties bringing 1/2 kids ard.. wa lao, their spare tyre.. can faint** manz... i so scared i become like them, maybe tats y i'll push myself to lose wt asap..
Petrina, ya lah if I dun lose immediately... I thk nxt time wil b like those aunties. Better to bian for the 1st 6mths no matter wat.

But ur mum so steady, Im sure u wil haf her genes. Mine diff. My mum is like those aunties u mentioned.
ming, so we have to work doubly. Nvm all the mummies here can moltivate each other. Aft the bb table has been updated completely. We can start w a mummies weight loss table. Hahaha ;p
jeangal: having a woman like my mom also very stressful leh... she already 51. she wears 2 dress sizes smaller than me... me being pre preg...
she looks more like daughter n me like auntie lor...
i so sad.. but i hope i have her genes..
Petrina, wa ur mum so well-maintained. Must be hafg a v good life. My mum nt so fortunate. Slog v hard so dun haf time to maintain.
Sometimes Im wondering wats the diff w induced & csect? Does tt mean we can choose to csect or induced out bb?

Happyface, u like ur bb to b born on leap day? Q cham lei... 4 yrs once then got bday. V lugi lei.

Ya, maybe i have the pre-popping symptoms= PPS (haha) = easily irriatable.

If ur gynae really recommends u to rest, then better listen to your gynae OR take MCs if your gyane willingling to give.

weight loss
babe_dude is my motivation. she lost so fast.
my cousin lost back to the pre-pregnancy weight + 2 kg less within 2 month.
jeangal: eh? good life? i think because she too hard life tats y slimmed so much esp in these recent years...
work frm 7am-6pm
cook frm 6pm-7.30pm
mop frm 7.30pm-8pm
eat dinner frm 8pm-9pm
iron frm 9pm-11pm
bath frm 11pm-12mid
watch tv frm 12mid-1am
slp frm 1am-6am

this is her life frm tue to fri... except mon where she skips dinner n goes to yoga.. then comes home to eat dinner.. No ironing on monday..

sat - shopping day..
sun - housework day..

she spends her every free moment doing yoga at home.. tats y she slim so much..
<font color="0000ff">dernemi:</font>
Didnt receive any emails of sort from you, how did u msn me? sorry.. didnt get any message.
<font color="aa00aa">liyun,
u got online? maybe temp dun wana get the pill. wana try out 1 bottle 1st if is gd then i continue take.
so u can sell it no need to reserve for me. anyway tks.</font>
bbpink, r u ok?? u seems to be looking out for signs of birth. Cannot tahan already huh?

Linda, PPS haha, good one! When our hormones are changing esp during this stage of pregnancy we definitely get more irritable. Just tell them u are popping now.... and fake contraction pain.. wah see how they react. Hahahaha.

For me, I'm selectively irritable.. haha, only angry cos of aunties on the street or cos my hubby. Actually, we had big fights less than 5 times in the 4 yrs we are married, but between friday and today, we had fought like 3 times over small things- each time making my tummy tightening more severe! Mabbe my hubby is having the expectant dad's PPS as well..

Adeline, sounds like we are in the same shoe wor - our late mar EDD babies are trying to play catch up with the Gor Gor and Jie Jie in this Mar forum. Hahaha. Use hard boil egg to rub your blue black shd help to lighten and ease it.

induction or selective c-sec? If bb's head is not engaged - cannot induce right, cos don't know if bb will be able to pass thru the cervix eventually or not.

abc, good to know ur bb is fine! Yah, Adriel's nose so sharp! Good looking wor! Btw, curious did you get to stay in the new wards?

Leap yr baby, - i see that TMC is giving away SG Mint's bb treasure gift to first 3 Leap Yr baby! ANd oso all other babies both that day can some gift too. Maybe cos babies got to wait for 4 more years to get another present.
LOL been there done that. So far my girl never punch/kick me on the face but I do get those a lot! This is what happens when u still share a bed with your todd! I didn't know that todds are such active sleepers! They turn all over the bed! My hubby can't even sleep on the same bed with me anymore. Are you teaching Kimberly to sleep seperately or not?

Mucous plug,
Has any mommy lose their MP yet? Two days ago when I woke up, I had a lot of discharge. It was watery and whitish and there's this thick snot that's like quite a lot. I remember when I first lost my MP during my first pregnancy - it was tainted in brown. However this was clear. So I was wondering if that's the real deal. Anyway seeing gynae tomorrow to re-confirm

i m helping my friend to look for baby to daytime babysit..

she is staying near yishun chong pang. actually she is looking after my gal now but i will sent her to childcare soon.

she is 43yrs old and has taken care of 3 babies so far.. experienced, friendly, carring and easy going. i m very happy to have her to take care of my girl.

please consider her if u or your friend are looking for yishun baby sitter. thanks

you can PM me for her information
not engaged can still induce one. It doesn't affect whether bb's head can pass or not. induction means that gynae will apply a gel for u to open up cervix, and if needed give you a drip to increase the strength / frequency of contractions. Also may artificially rupturing the waterbag. U will still need to push bb out but the early labour process is "speeded" up by the previous methods.

I also have the same.. but contractions v irregular so i tink its not real labour yet. Mucus plug can be either clear or blood stained or brownish (old blood). Only colour for concern is green cos it may mean tt bb has passed motion inside already. i will be going to ask gynae too, but on Tue nt tmr. =)
Linda... thnx.. i lost abit but i have way to go hor!!! still got flabby arms n bulge at my tummy.. n a noticeable biggy hip liao!!

I think hor weight is secondary.. the most impt thing is overall how u look manz..

Here it is.. Super SUcker and me!!

I dun feel any contractions though CTG says so. Mine is the v part/pervic part seem very heavy and pain, like opening feeling. Then go see gynae he nd to see how much dilation i am hving thus tat quicken the process i think. But still no contraction feeling on my part.

Name for bb
We may wan to change our boy's name. To wat.. hahah still thinking. So meanwhile let's call him xiao wang zi (小王子). hahaha....

I think nw dun think abt weight la. Think abt bb first. Weight all these will go down itself. Most impt is to eat healthily. Weight wise we jus watch as we eat. Cut down on calories, sugary stuff... gv yrself time to slim down. Keep thinking abt weight loss will lead u to depression!

Little prince been sucking well. Giving him ebm everyday. I think i even hv excess when he is discharge. hahaha... hopefully he'll be home tmr.
when did you lost yours? funny how i don't recall any other mommies who reported losing their mucous plug yet. you guys aware or not? hahaha..

both mom and babe is looking cute!! are you still having engorgement? i remember mine going away after a few days. with regular feeding, the body will adjust itself quickly.
melissa.. no more engorgement.. coz bb been feeding regularly..I remembered when she was hospitalised..my engorgement was really bad..

My CL is coming soon.. so not used to it.. anyway, see how it goes!! :p
Hello... so many of you have popped. I think I should be next. C-section to be done on 26 feb. Counting down now. hehe... getting nervous. and kept thinking whether i miss this or that thing. haha... But at the same time, can't wait to see my two little gals. have being really tired these days. gained about 25kg from 52kg. tomorrow seeing gynae again for CTG scan and pre-admission. plus to draw one pack of blood in case I need it for the operation. sound scary after gynae mentioned about all the complication that may happen from the surgery.
During pregnancy, your cervix secretes mucous which forms a thick mucous plug. This plug forms on the cervix and it’s purpose is to prevent any bacteria getting into the uterus – like an added layer of protection for your baby.

The mucous plug (medical term is operculum, i.e. plug in opening) is usually is cloudy or clear in colour, thick and sticky – some women describe it looking like a glob of semen or ‘snot’ or a mix of both! When your cervix begins to thin and dilate at the end of your pregnancy, there may be some slight blood loss due to small capilaries breaking from the movement. The blood then gets caught up in the mucous and this is why it’s also called ‘a bloody show’ as the mucous becomes blood stained.

During the last couple of weeks of pregnancy or up until labour itself, the plug will start to come away so the baby can pass through the cervix. Some women do not even notice their plug expelling as there is already an increase in normal cervical mucous due to hormones. The mucous plug often comes away like a continuous stringy discharge – sometimes it can actually resemble a plug. Some women do not see their mucous plug until well into labour.
*copied from website*
yea just pain on cheek bone and slight blue black.. hahaha.. Still gng to work as per normal. think tml should recover. today have been trying to rub and rub.

ya! i am not teaching her to share bed yet.. Currently i am teaching her TO SLEEP ON BEDDDD.. cause she is so so used to sarong.. hence almost every weekend i have bruises already hahahaa..

babe dude
for once i thought ABC is the one in the pic. I did not see who posted that while scrolling to the top to check the post, i thought thats abc lol!..

Wow another 2 days!!! Jia you jia you!!
I think actually not many people pop but cause Kais had triplets thats why we have the mentality that alot popped!! hahaa..
Think only 5 mommies pop right?

thats what my col said also. They ask me to listen to gyne advise but i dun feel like taking so early. It means lesser time with #2 leh.. haha.. And also i am making use of my maternity period to search for child care for #1..
thanks for the info. so i guess it's confirmed that what I lost was indeed the mucous plug!

wow so excited for you!!! what you should do now is to treasure your beauty sleep as much as you can! later it's hard work for at least 6 weeks!

i know it's very sayang to use up maternity leave so early. my one week mc ends tomorrow but thinking of getting gynae to extend my MC or if i'm close to delivery, then I will file ML lor. i will make my decision tomorrow after my appointment. Hey since you're going to have your second, why not train Kim to sleep in her own bed? I'm having difficulty trying to train my Hannah to sleep in her own bed! She likes to cuddle up to me! Is Kim very clingy to you now? My hubby has been very close to Hannah but lately I noticed that she's been wanting to have my attention all the time. Now daddy falls back to #2. I guess it's b'cos I've been at home more often due to my MC lah.
eh, i dun have green discharge. but my pee has been abit greenish/yellowish. alittle cloudy as compared to pre preg..

mucous plug
when i wipe, i can see abit sticky thingy. but i din think too much as it's very very little.. but i realised tat my panties abit wetter than usual.. not sure if tats the plug..

juz now i went downstairs for a walk.. bb being very coorperative... tightened my tummy every 5mins while i was climbing upslope.. so uncomfortable.. hard to walk wif harden tummy..
v part pain.

After climbing the slope, i sat down, suddenly almost blacked out, couldn't breath.. took me awhile to catch my breath back while hitting my chest.

Anyone experience same?
since the start of my preg, kim is very clingy to me already even till now cannot let my hb carry. sit cab, bus or train die die must sit on my lap and cuddle. In the middle of the night, she will crawl to my arms and hug me to bed. She is too used in sleeping in sarong. i am training her to sleep on bed then slowly train her to sleep seperate bed. I dun want to just throw her on another bed later she thinks that why mei mei come out then we do that. Oh so now u're on MC ah? Maybe i'll get my gynae to issue me MC also lor. Let me try working for this week then i shall see how.
urs sounds more like normal mucus discharge than the plug itself.. cos supposed to have increased mucus discharge towards end of preg.
with regards to the pee, it may signal a bacterial or yeast infection, u may wanna mention to ur gynae next time u c him. it shouldn't affect bb cos the entrance to womb is protected by the plug but gynae might wan u to take some pills to clear it up.
u may also wanna tell him about the breathlessness too.. hv not heard of such symptoms before wor..
Good luck! =)
yesyes lets work hard at losing weight.. =P

i think my gal gonna be quite big size. contribute to bb table:
weight @33 weeks = 2.5kg, @37 weeks = 3kg, @38 weeks = 3.1kg.

My weight.. Dun Ask already.. =X
second time mummies... haizz, sob sob.. I got some little white bumps grown ard my chin area..are those due to hormonal changes?? GOsh, been enjoying good complexion for the past few mths while carrying Super Sucker.. now that i have popped.. hope my acnes dun come back to haunt me!!

Any mummies experienced those white bumps.. how u go abt treating it??

<font size="+2"><font color="0000ff">yu tong has given birth to bb boy of 2.85 kg this morning . congrats ! a little surprise though cos we still msning @ 10?? rest well!</font></font>
