(2008/03) March 2008


Last time when my elder attend those neighhbourhood CC, was $200+ but it was really really bad.. so i draw her out after 1 to 2 mths, she got cut on her face and always come back very dirty and hair stinks! Milk bottle didnt even rinse.. was really bad..

Her new school was $350 but this 2 mths increase to 420. It was worth the price cause they really attentive, clean and took good care of the kids there. So i think there is a price to pay for quality as well..
My personal opinion.. (though i find the CC ex also for 420 but really my girl enjoyed rather then the previous one..)

I dun believe in gender selection.. but if it works.. please let me know so i try 3rd one for boy! heee...

erm, i pay $150 but i think hygience is okay and touch wood no injuries so far

Mine is PCF Sparkletots =)
AdeK, but the new cc is not those at lvl 1 of HDB one right? I think the program cost of this CC might be due to the "brand". I will enrol Phoebe there. Try first lor. Cos I dun wanna put her where commuting is troublesome...

Bbpink: Yah, its a wide range of fees out there. I am "amazed" at the range lor. hm...
Anyone knows which playgroup only teaches or communicate in chinese only?or more to chinese than english?

I thought i want to enrol Mikael next year.Since I'm not chinese spoken mommy - maybe by enrolling him in chinese school as early as possible would be helpful.
kat not yet in cc.. only kim.. hee.. kat i enrol her for next year.. cause i feel not time to send her yet.. but i never had that feeling for kim! hahaha not bias but i just feel kat very reliant on us. so i thought next year then send her better.
no the cc is not those lvl 1 HDB de.. it's at heartland mall .. that time she went to those lvl 1 hdb type but i really dun like the way they do things very dirty and principle also dun care (cause she is new) then i called to complain also..
just want to share tat the childcae kelicia is enrolled at, the principal has been there for 19 years =)

Teachers Day Gift
can share wat u all buy for the childcare teachers ?
I'm sure the teachers would appreciate anythng you give la
Its the thought that counts. Not everyone respects or appreciates their kids' teachers. sure, ABC will agree as she's an educator herself.
YT, wah... How come hse downstairs charge so high? Maybe its "branded" is it?

What I have in mind for neighbourhood CCC is like $200 or so. Like what BBpink got. :p Hahaha. Inflation lah...
Wow mine is the cheapest leh! $112 for full day after subsidy...I claim full subsidy even though i mostly work from home hehe

my brother reminded me teacher's day is coming up and he asked me if i wanted his leftover stationery sets...cos he used to supply gifts/stationery for takashimaya etc....so i save some money in buying gifts lor
i took off today.. baked a loaf of bread. so glad it's quite successful after so many tries... abit of flaw still.. hehe
all thanks to reena's blog & the new bread recipe book i loaned from the library.

reena - my bread is alittle damp on the inside.. is it i didn't bake long enough? i didn't put egg, but the bread is alittle yellow.
perhaps my loaf tin is too small?


Hi all,

i have 2 tins of Gain IQ 3(400g) sample pack to give away.

My baby do not take this brand anymore so i don't want it to juz lie on my table till expiry.
Expiry date: May 2012.

Anybody interested, pls PM me.
adelinesL & adeline
thanks for sharing

I have decided to order a Happy Teachers' day cake for the childcare centre and have bought long wallets & a thank you card for her 3 teachers ")

hehe, like the wallet & bought a pink one for myself too..
oh yah, wana share a "cut throat" experience
went for lunch @ a coffeeshop in Holland V

and these 2 side dishes cost $33

think it is impt to ask the prices b4hand
Babypink, this fish head soup is occupying the whole coffee shop one right?

I had a small incident w them and boycotted them 5 yrs ago. To sum it up, they are damn rude. I rather eat at further away plcs.
wah no joke! did you kick up a fuss?? it's good that you share this with us so that we know to avoid in the future!

kite festival
so sad that we miss this...went down on saturday but the traffic was so bad and we couldn't find parking so we thought we'll come back on sunday....but then sunday it rained all day long so couldn't go in the end

did anyone make it there?? we just saw tons of kites flying in the sky
your teacher's day presents are v. nice...after i bought the wrapping paper then i came across a school notice that said chelsea's CC doesn't accept presents, only appreciate hand made cards...so we made a card instead...forgot to take a picture of it :p
yeah,we also order the fish head bee hoon..that one we state we want $15 portion..the total bill is $48

we did not..we all gong gong..4 of us ladies ..we only realise it after we went back..

hand made cards r meangingful
wish u have taken a pic ")
bbpink: y so expensive? the prawn roll & prawn paste chicken cost $8 each usually.
i dun have problems with them. usually juz tell him i want small portion.
cause their small/medium/large only difference of a few pieces. not worth. better to get 2 plates of small instead of 1 plate of large.

i still buy from them. but muz state portion. or they will anyhow add 2 drops of XO and charge u extra.

but i agree with kaa that they are damn rude n arrogant.
u muz noe how to deal with the boss in order to not get "chopped".
bbpink: medium is $12 i think. so both shld not cost $33 also... maybe chicken they charge u large? but the portion so little... confirm u 4 ladies kenna chopped lor.
The cc around my area is all $400+ after working mother subsidy. There's one that's $300+ but environment wise cannot make it, looks shabby.

If the bread is damp, it's prob under-baked. Try baking for another 10 mins. A way to check if your bread is baked is to lightly tap the surface of the bread. If you hear a hollow sound, it's cooked ;-)

What about the chiffon? Did you use your regular recipe ie the one without liquid?

Is that coffeshop near the bus interchange? I know there are 2 XO fish in HV. I used to eat there quite often when I was working in Jurong. Our average cost per pax is around $15 with 2 - 3 side dishes. But personally I prefer the one in Clementi West for their noodle and service (alright, service also not too fantastic but better than the one in HV, super attitude).

Teachers Day,
Per my understanding, most schools don't accept gifts but will accept if it's handmade by the students. When DD1 was in her previous childcare, I just bake some cupcakes for the teachers. This year, I baked a cake for DS2's birthday and since I'm baking, I baked another one for his FT too. I let him do the decor himself.

i used my home econ's chiffon recipe. require corn oil. shld be standard type. recipe require 4 eggs. i used 5whites n 3yolks. i added choco chips juz b4 baking as i wanted to eat the chips.. alittle sweet as i did not adjust the sugar as it was a last minute decision.
but i m very pleased with the texture. thks!

the bread problem i've solved it i think. i was too anxious to saw it open. i did not cool the bread. + i did not bake it according to recipe. i took it out when the stick came out clean. lol
i treated it like butter cake test method...
erm..thanks for ur verdict =p

tat one is facing police station ")
tat day the shop no attitude cos most be very happy 4 gong3 gong3 people got chopped without any resistance..dun noe wat comes over the 4 of us that day..we din question at all..

Great idea to give handmade cake ") where do u get the colourful bears
bbpink: sorry i sound so bad.. i also kenna from them last time. i like those 2 dishes. so i still go back occasionally... :p
so if u wan eat there again, u muz be tougher..
They are just gummy bears.

JTS the 2 cakes I baked for ds2's birthday

The kids did their own decor and I helped to touch up a little. This cake was for his "celebration" at my inlaws.


This was for his actual day, at my parents.


Thanks for looking.

cake looks yummy, still sad u r not my neighbour

me just back fr kkh A&E again..not tat i wana go..but the GP said very serious , must go..cos #1 vomitted till yellow liquid comes out..

very impressed with the Dr we seen today at children emergency..sound professional & detailed.
and zero people when we reach triage ..

very fast & prompt

very pleasant experience in all

now praying hard kyzac wun kenna fr his sis
thanks =) i am usu not a nite owl..last nite really no choice..hb and me had dinner at midnite :p

i also dun noe..doc said virus..cause fever& non stop vomiting
was told vomitting in children very serious for children..esp when the child bec lerthagic..is a sign of dehydration..

if the child does not react well to tehe suppsi ( dun noe how to spell, has to be hospitalised & put on drip
bbpink: feed her with energy drink? i mean those doc prescribe. not those sold outside.
i think the suppository is to stop the vomiting.
juz take care not to let kyzac share food/drinks with kelicia. it shld not be contagious if they play together.
u also need to take care n rest. seems a bad time of the year.. u've been gg kkh for afew times already.
yeah, Pet, a bad year indeed for me..heard the year of the Cow is no good for the goats :p

i was just telling my colleague I am contributing to kkh on a regular basis..have been going A&E at least once every 2 months..all refered there by my GP..sigh*

thanks =) i hope so too..health is wealth indeed


<font color="ff0000">Best sources of omega 3 fatty acids: salmon, albacore tuna, mackerel, lake trout, Atlantic halibut, sardines, herring.</font>
Highest in protein per serving: tuna, salmon, snapper, swordfish. Most fish are similar in protein content. Best source of protein in grams per calorie of fish are: lobster, shrimp, tuna, cod.
Highest vitamin B-12 content: clams, mackerel, herring, blue fin tuna, rainbow trout, and salmon.
Highest in iron: clams, shrimp, mackerel, swordfish.
Lowest in iron: orange roughy, snapper, sea bass.
Highest in zinc: crab, lobster, swordfish, and clams.
Highest in calcium: canned salmon with bones.
Highest in total fat, saturated fats, and calories: mackerel.
Lowest in total fat and saturated fat: lobster, orange roughy.
Highest in cholesterol: shrimp, mackerel, lobster.
Lowest in cholesterol: yellowfin tuna, albacore, tuna, snapper, halibut, grouper.
Most risky fish for pollutants: wild catfish, shrimp, lake trout (warm-water fish and those in lakes from agrochemical run-off).
Least risky fish for pollutants: deep-water ocean fish, salmon and tuna.

<font color="0000ff">OMEGA-3 FATTY-ACID CONTENT OF POPULAR FISH*</font>
<table border=1><tr><td> "FISH </TD></TR><TR><TD>(Serving size = 6 ounces cooked, unless otherwise specified)"</TD><TD>OMEGA 3 FATS (Grams) </TD></TR><TR><TD></TD><TD> </TD></TR><TR><TD>Salmon, sockeye</TD><TD>4 </TD></TR><TR><TD>Salmon, Atlantic</TD><TD>3.1-3.7 </TD></TR><TR><TD>Tuna, albacore</TD><TD>3.5 </TD></TR><TR><TD>Sardines in sardine oil (3 oz)</TD><TD>2.8-3.3 </TD></TR><TR><TD>Salmon, chinook</TD><TD>2 </TD></TR><TR><TD>Salmon, coho</TD><TD>2 </TD></TR><TR><TD>Salmon, king</TD><TD>1.9 </TD></TR><TR><TD>Trout, rainbow, wild</TD><TD>1.7 </TD></TR><TR><TD>Tuna, bluefin</TD><TD>1.5 </TD></TR><TR><TD>Anchovy, European (3.3 oz)</TD><TD>1.4 </TD></TR><TR><TD>Swordfish</TD><TD>1.4 </TD></TR><TR><TD>Herring, Atlantic and Pacific (3 oz)</TD><TD>1.2-1.8 </TD></TR><TR><TD>Oysters</TD><TD>1.1 </TD></TR><TR><TD>Shark</TD><TD>1 </TD></TR><TR><TD>Mackerel (3 oz, canned)</TD><TD>1 </TD></TR><TR><TD>Pompano, Florida</TD><TD>1 </TD></TR><TR><TD>Whiting</TD><TD>0.9 </TD></TR><TR><TD>Flounder</TD><TD>0.9 </TD></TR><TR><TD>Sole</TD><TD>0.9 </TD></TR><TR><TD>Rockfish</TD><TD>0.8 </TD></TR><TR><TD>Halibut, Pacific</TD><TD>0.8 </TD></TR><TR><TD>Pike, walleye</TD><TD>0.6 </TD></TR><TR><TD>Perch, ocean</TD><TD>0.6 </TD></TR><TR><TD>Squid</TD><TD>0.6 </TD></TR><TR><TD>Snapper</TD><TD>0.6 </TD></TR><TR><TD>Cod, pacific</TD><TD>0.5 </TD></TR><TR><TD>Haddock</TD><TD>0.4 </TD></TR><TR><TD>Yellowtail</TD><TD>0.4 </TD></TR><TR><TD>Catfish</TD><TD>0.3-0.4 </TD></TR><TR><TD>Crab, Dungeness (3 oz, steamed)</TD><TD>0.3 </TD></TR><TR><TD>Shrimp (3 oz, steamed)</TD><TD>0.3 </TD></TR><TR><TD>Tuna (canned, 3 oz)</TD><TD>0.2-0.7 </TD></TR><TR><TD>Lobster</TD><TD>0.2 </TD></TR><TR><TD>Clams (3 oz, steamed)</TD><TD>0.2</td></tr></table>
yes salmon has most nutrition and DHA. But ppl says that all these fish contains high level of mercury too, thus limit to once a week :)
very sianz, both kyzac &amp; myself kena yesterday..doc diagnosed as rotaivirus

so glad kyzac got take the jab..he din vomit or diarrhoea as intensively as me or his sis coupled with fever

never been so sick in my life...until 2 sep nite

what u kena is exactly what lele kena last may. she was hospitalised for 1 night and my mom and myself also got the virus. very bad, the vomitting and diarrhoea nearly killed me. u take care and everything goes well again

I din give my son fish for a while cos he stinks the whole day even if i gave him in the morning. how about DHA pills? I been giving my son everyday.

My son din take rotarvirus jab. Is it too late?
