(2008/03) March 2008

pet, i thk rotavirus vaccinatn can only be taken for baby less than 6mths. both of my kids took 1st dose at 4mth and 2nd dose at 6mth. however, my son still kanna when he was 8mths old. but maybe he has taken the vaccinatn, hence the V and D not too bad. but spread to all family members including me....

bbpink, glad u are ok nw. muz have been torturing...hugz...

i wish i am ok too ! sigh* thanks ")

thanks !it must have been terrible..lele is so young & the drip means poking into veins ..did she struggle?

i think is below 6th month too

not recovered still..and now the maid kenna..my dad tripped over the vomit and is going for an xray tmr cos his arm may have been fractured again..
hb is praying hard he wun kenna rotaivirus cos he is afraid of spoiling the birthday plans he has lined up for me on sunday (eve) & monday evening..but frankly, i think it will be quite a miracle if i get to enjoy..unless heaven is kind and make me recover tmr and spare my hb fr the virus

pity the hb , he has been a mother, caregiver to wife / kids and "maid" as well..cos he is cleaning up the vomit while the wife & maid lie down weakly

anyway, i have been sleeping intensively, has been sleeping since 2 sep, only woke up today to crawl to work at 8am cos have some urgent matters to settle for a weekend event ( alto i m on mc for the whole week) was asleep since 8 plus pm..just woke up cos i think too much sleep liao, and woke up to take charcoal pills cos i dreamt that i ls in my sleep..gosh, hb still teased me am i sure i din in reality and i was worried abt the bed :p

paiseh for the long grumbling

btw, very hard too sleep with so much wind in my tummy, any effective way to get rid of excessive wind..
u so poor thing lah! hope you and your family get better soon....chelsea also kenna vomiting thursday night...aiyo so much vomit to clean up and whole day friday she din eat/drink much although it din seem more serious than that....anyway wish everyone good health and a good weekend
My son lao sai 3 times yesterday nite and keep waking up. He was grouchy and dun wanna sleep. My sister's children ever gotten gastrovirus n admitted to hospital so I m aware that its quite strong virus. Dr Terrence ever warned me about the virus before and as me to be careful if it ever happened to my son esp when I change his diapers and vomitant. Its very serious when bb starts vomitting non-stop.

I have been very careful on that whenever he haf diarheoa.

Would like to share wat I do when but mummies.. dun mean anything but you may laugh when you hear wat I m going to say as its very kiasu. Even my hubby also said I over paranoid. hehehehehe...

Firstly, I would use an antiseptic spray to spray on his soiled diapers when I change him.
Secondly, I would spray his bottoms wif the spray before I clean for him.
Then I would use anti bacteria wash to wash his bottoms.
I would then washed my hands thoroughly wif anti bacteria wash gel.
I would use my anti bacteria aromatherapy 24 hours to make sure the bacteria is eliminated in the air.
I would rub my son tummy wif my herbal essential oil for diarheoa every hour ( if I can ) on his stomach.
I make sure he drinks 2 oz of water every hour to prevent dehydrated.
Most importantly, I will give him Prebiotics in his milk feed, which is at least 3 times a day. If he dun drinks milk, I will spoon feed him directly. Prebiotics is very important to slow down the diarheoa.
So far, these had worked quite well. When he is down wif some gastrovirus, it will not spread n there is no vomitting. But I m keep my fingers crossed these few days.
okay so it's our turn now
....first chelsea vomited on thursday night and some diarrheoa, then i got it yesterday and last night tommy boy vomitted too *haiz*....good thing is chelsea is fully recovered and tommy seems quite alright today, no vomitting and just pooped twice...only me ...still feels weaker than the rest...good for dieting though haha cos i could hardly eat anything today...no appetite....but now my mum seems to be affected....v. strong virus but we seem to recover relatively fast
Yutong/ AdelineL
cos been thru it, can fully empathize with u ladies ! it must be a terrible experience
hope all will resume good health. take care & speedy recovery !

initially i tot so too abt the dieting part :p until my gastric hurts so badly on friday so many hrs..

take care! YT, i dont think you are being kiasu, i should have done what you have done cos the virus is really strong. i am sure if i have been more careful, i wouldnt have kena. after i kena, i also told my maid and mum to be careful but somehow my mum also get it.

Unfortuntate incident

Lele had a fall again from a height and due to me. We were at the little gym for a free trial and she was hanging on the swing bar with the instructors holding her and i didnt hear the instructor telling me to hold her and i didnt catch her in time. she ended up on the floor, luckily with the gym mat. however, she is limping yesterday and today it worsen. brought her to pd to examine, no fracture so need to monitor these few days on her limp, hopefully it is muscle pain after the fall. i felt so bad that i hardly sleep last night, i can truely understand the word "regret", i am so remorseful and regretful that i didnt catch her in time that it really pain me even i thought of it. the incident kept repeating in my mind and its really hard to forgive myself. i praying hard that her limp will go away after a few days. haiz....
don't be too hard on yourself! It's an accident and accidents happen sometimes...i'm sure in no time at all lele will be all better and she wouldn't even remember it at all
i agree with adelineL tat accidents do happen, dun be too hard on urself.

big, so wun choke, just keep the yellow utensils away till 3 years old will do
a lot of fun..
*hugs* pls dun feel bad.It just happened due to miscomm. Get a good sleep.

Hubby was feeding Zayed yest and watching TV. Zayed sits on the dining chair near the table now. I usually sit him at an angle so he doesn't hit his head when he sneezes but hubby had him sitting straight to the table. Zayed got so angry that daddy was watching TV that he started to tantrum by rocking heavily. His face hit the sharp edge of the table and there was soooo much of blood! Very near his eye,at the edge of his sockets and it missed his eye by THAT much.Tried to stop the bleeding and swelling, apply zambak, put plaster..haiz...thankfully, his swelling went down and the wound is drying up. Hubby couldn't forgive himself but you know how our kids can from fine to injury in 1 sec!
hi all

thanks for the consolation. lele is still limping today and it is indeed worrying. the wait till thursday to do the review is such a long wait. it is also heart wrenching to watch her limp and try to catch up with her bro. all this due to my negligence. i can only pray hard that her limp is temporary and she will be back to her usual self.
Today is Andrae's first day in sch. I am AMAZED by his adaptibility...

First on the bus, feedback from bus aunty is that he is well-behaved and sit seated throughout the journey (about 1 hr) with seat belt on...

Secondl, feedback from teachers as at 10am is that he didnt cry... and enjoying himself...

Whoa...must be the great job of the teachers, bus aunty and his jie jie Arielene
aiyo i cringe when i read what happened to poor Zayed :p....thank goodness he's not seriously injured....i'm sure your poor husband must feel so bad about it...

i'm sure lele's limp will go away soon since there's no fracture....sprains take a bit to heal and kids can heal better than grown ups

wow andrae is v. impressive...such a big boy...and i'm surprised he can behave on such a long journey...tommy can't sit still for any length of time.....i guess cos i'm not used to it but one hour to school seems a looooooong time! good thing andrae has big sis to accompany him
Thanks Adeline. He's getting better and i'M getting scolded by my mum and later I'm sure MIL..haiz...wat to do.

wow! andrae is such a matured child! will grow up to be the sensible kind I'm sure..
mine is the super impatient type..everything must be now now now! No changes from newborn till now...hahah!

yup my dad and mum has been harping on how careless i am and why am i bringing her to gym at such young age. they are adding salt to my wound but i know they feeling heartache when they see her limp. she is their little apple. haiz really praying hard for her recovery. zayed's incident is also most unfortunate, i know exactly how ur hubby must have felt. hope zayed recovers fast too and pray hard all the kiddos remain safe and healthy
ya shirley.our parents and in laws don't stop to think that if it hurts them so much, then how would it be for us? After all, they came out of us and we would feel the worst. And see like yourself,lose sleep some more. I'm sure ur little gal would be fine. most prob it's muscle pain. if not, she'll scream whenever she walks.
Shirley, few weeks back I brought my boi to fridgets. When he came down from the slide, he opened his legs. End up thk he hurt his ankles. Cant walk... Walk a few steps he wil fall. Cant even balance. I was v panicky & worried tt I vomitted myself. I dun even noe which part of his legs is injured and which legs. Then I quickly brought him home. Luckily my dad noes a bit of all these. He managed to "repair" his ankle dislocatn. Aft tt he's stil afraid to walk... I thk mayb painful. Aft a few tries, he fell a few times. He's back to his walkg... Refused to be carried by us again. I thk sometimes this kind of injuries neds to chinese chinese sensei.
I thk at this age v prone to accident. We already tryg our best to watch on them. Just a few secs, accident may occur. Sigh... Just pray tt all the bbs wil b fine.
May all kids get well soon

Re: Andrae
He amazes me. I wasnt sure he is able to do it too. He is very active and i din expect him to perform like tat on his first day of school. Like u, i worried he will jump up and down and be restless in the bus, but i was wrong.. it turns out totally opposite. I expect him to keep wanting jie jie to be ard in sch and dun listen to the teachers, but again i was wrong.. he doesnt even need jie jie to be ard... Guess kids can sometimes amaze us!

you must be worry sick. i know that feeling. you have any sinseh that you can recommend? just in case lele didnt get better. how long does your boy take to recover?
Shirley, I dun haf any. Just happen tt my dad noes a bit. Then my boi is like sprained his ankle. Mayb dislocate or wat. Then my dad did somethg & he lets out a cry. My dad tells me he's ok. We tried to make him walk. He dares nt so we hold his hands to walk & he can walk. When we let go of his hand, he falls a few times. Aft a few tries, he becomes ok.

I rem last time Blk 92 Zion road hdb flat got one old uncle can do it bcos he done it for me b4. Now I dunno he moves where already. Prob is they r too young to let pple anyhow try. I aso dare nt take the resp to let my dad try. He is those w/o cert. Oni learn a bit when he was in malaysia during his young days.

I can understd ur worries & guilt. I aso feel the same. Keep askg myself y itchy backside bring him to fridgets? Btw did the PD did an xray for her or oni check? I try doing moving his legs aft he injured his legs & even ankle rotation. He seems ok but I aso dunno y he cant walk... Till now I aso dunno wat went wrong. Dad told me his ankle bones dislocated a bit. Shift it back then ok already. I aso dunno how it works... Esp I try doing ankle rotation for him.

the pd didnt do xray just check to make sure no fracture, i also keep trying to rotate her legs and ankle. all seem ok so also not sure what went wrong. today seems better but still limping but can walk a bit faster. thanks anyway.
Shirley, ya I din dare bring to PD bcos Im scare they wil xray for him. Bcos he's too young. Ok great to hear tt. I thk u haf to be patience. Im sure she wil recover.
i noe a sinseh who has a master degree fr beijing uni, blk 178 bukit batok west ave 8 ..quite repuatable & trustworthy, been there for many years too..fees is reasonable
contact number need to get fr my mum later

glad ur boy is ok now, been thru the guilt and think it is the same for all of us here, always relieved myself when all turns out fine after that and it bec another episode in their growing up process

glad that zayed is fine from the incident, agree with u totally abt accidents can happen in a split sec

yupz, my parents too will say for a long time as well, i think they love their grandkids as much as they love us, and they feel helpless tat it is not within their crtl..hehe, i try to think this way, so tat my threshold for their nagging is increased
shirley: i usually go to this sinseh located at chinatown.
his clinic is directly facing maxwell market.
level 2.
it's a hdb flat cum shops type building.
downstairs is coffeeshop.
near to the famous temple "fo ya si"

he treats sports injuries best.
hope Lele is fine now.

bb accident,
mummies, i empathise wif you when our bb fell n felt guilty about it. I think our babies are very active.
I once experienced my son fell flat on the floor cos he run to the stairs outside my flat while I was opening the gate and I wasn't noticing. I was shocked to see him on the 2nd step. I rushed to him and I couldn't catch him in time and he felt forward flat wif his flat and his one of his shoulder landed on the floor. He cried so loudly. A baluku almost came up but I rub n rub it down despite him crying loudly. Luckily no bruise after tat.
I brought him to chiropractic for his shoulder and luckily there is nothing serious.
There is another incident where I brought him to one of the mummies house. As we are coming out of the lift, he put his hands at the door of the lift n got caught between the lift door n wall while its open. I was panick and pulled it out immediately cos he was crying loudly. I felt so guilt and keep thinking back, if I pulled his hand n if the fingers are stil caught there, I really dunno wat I will do manz!
Most people would say, 'Active kids are smart kids'. But they forget to add... Active kids are kids wif full of injuries and mummies will haf heart attack anytime.
i kpo a bit...hubby and i had good experience at Fosters...there was a live band and the oysters were pretty good...quite romantic place cos can sit outside....also like cha cha cha, the mexican place but we usually lunch there...long time never go to holland v though so dunno what has changed but a few years back we lived nearby

talking about accidents, one of the biggest one recently was boy boy climbing out of his playpen and landed smack on the floor, narrowly missing the coffee table...i was inches from him but my back was facing him cos i was giving chelsea her meal....of cos i was shocked and picked him up immediately trying to soothe him and my mum came running up and she was shocked too but her usual comments was where was I, how could I not have seen him blah blah blah...all the while tommy was crying at the top of his lungs....i know my mum was upset too just like everyone else but it really made a stressful situation all the worse to have to handle accusations on top of everything *haiz* ...several times i had to remind her to zip it
holy smokes, hubby just came back from grocery shopping and i told him to buy wipes...normally i like the green packaging ichi-ban but they have been out of stock for sometime and all the other ones i tried are not v. good....so hubby came in and ask me how much do i usually pay for wipes cos he has these new purple packaging ones called "Babes"...never seen those bfor...i said usually about $8 plus for 3 packs and he said the new ones are $4.75!!! and they are not bad! good buy! from NTUC
gosh, so it really can happen ! my mum keeps warning me but so far kyzac din exactly fell out of the playpen

poor tommy, it must have been painful. so glad all is fine

thanks for sharing, i think it is time to keep away my playpen

PS: hehe, thanks for the romantic place..


just been to this mykii at holland V..very nice ambience too, but a bit weird to bring the hb to the same place tat he brought me for my bday:p

hehe, to share the site so tat u all can bring the spouse there for the bday
agree haha, esp abt the heart attack

no wonder motherhood tend to age people, they did a comparison bet zoe tay & fann wong sometime back in starits times and there was a long aticle abt women aging after motherhood..everyday kenna these kind of worries how to look young :p
i din keep away my playpen...i figured he learnt his lesson :p...hopefully...take for instance coins...tommy loves playing with coins and yesterday we caught him stuffing 3 coins in his mouth and gave him a good scolding....later i saw him managed to get hold of some coins again (my house v. messy lah)...and i asked him sternly can he put coins in his mouth...he looked down and said "No"...haha...am i stupid to trust him??
bbpink: foodwise. i like the 3 monkeys cafe. near sliver cross clinic. (but! it's noisy. u need to request for 2nd lvl seating for private moments)
or for ambience, u can try fosters like wat adelineL said.

along the inside of HV, there r quite a few exotic cuisines. cause there r pubs along as well, the ambience is abit noisy. but nice lah. cause got candles. hehe

YT: ouch! very scary. JK's fingers ok? it happened recently or sometime ago?
he fell down a flight of stairs? lucky he's ok.

adeL: nowadays our boys can climb.. so it's very difficult to watch them 24/7. i recently juz cleared my baby cot in the living room. barricade & emptied the whole living room. only left sofa & toys & some chairs. boys very daredevils.
the coins, i very scared. ryan can put the coin in his mouth & show me. wah. then i panicked. so now all things r kept in cupboard & locked. then end up i can't find my things.. lol
cause i all dump in a box in the cupboard.

can't trust our boys. ryan also always shake head - cannot eat this, cannot touch this. but when i turn my back, he will eat or touch it. haiz...
bot tis fisher price car for my gal from robinson during lunchtime today (sale ending today). is it wasteful? cost $49.90-$5(vocher) plus extra 5% frm ur bill.
read all the horror stories here. Hope everyone is fine.

Happygal, I think the price is ok + it looks cute. Alex has one of this ride-on too. My hb is car crazy n bot alex the ferrari ride-on. Haiz

My hb went to the robinson sale n bot me a neoflam pan n alex a new water bottle. =)
Pet, s$45.90 is after discount liao.
clover, ya, my gal likes it. but thk she wil outgrow from it soon...she is abt8 5cm and 12kg currently
last time chelsea had one princess one too and she played with it on and off, ok lah this kind of thing can last till quite long...anyway can sell off cheap next time and recover some cost ;)
The sinshe of yours, can he advise me with my first son's allergic problem?

My first son has been having coughing and running nose for these few months. It always happens after 4am early morning up to 7am - 9am. During the day, he is fine!

He will start coughing and blocked nose within that time of period! Although I had turned off the aircon as per doctor advised.

I've been -couple of times- visiting PD's :from the PD near my home to Dr Terence Tan ( Known to be the expert in respitory problem)...lastly I went to Throat and nose specialist! Well, most of them diagnosed with Allergic!

So i wonder if chinese medicine can help to minimise or even to stop his allergic (which i don't think it's possible to stop allergic)

Maybe any traditional therapy that they might have????

Cos...i need to look thru others alternative medications after western medication seems going nowhere. And most of it..i am already broke! haaaa..it's expensive going from one PD to anothers.

Any suggestion?
Hi all,

I remember we have a mother who
have 'lobang' to get us 'Li Bai' Mooncake at a discounted price. Can I check if any mummy have such lobang this year? I'm craving for their champagne moon cake...


ABC's mummy, that the medicine whom the PDs always gave. Currently he's still taking it.

BTW, today my hubby bought me Durian Pancake and Durian Puff from Four Seasons...oh my ...they are so delicious. I ate many of them. (feel quilty now!)

do you have Durian Pancake recipe to share? How to make the fleshy filling like that?
