(2008/03) March 2008

abc, i think must be the balcony sliding door...the metal on the flooring....cos i think only that is possible to cut her ba....so suai hit on her vein....she is ok lah...her normal self liao...but we so heartpain cos doc said will surely have a scar there....so all mummies, dun assume your toodler is safe at home...always keep a watchout....now after this thing happen, everywhere she goes, i follow....so busi...

yup tat y when andrae is awake my maid cannot do anything. She has to be with him all the time cos he is prone to fall. He is showing his terrible two now. When angry will beat, or knock his head on the floor (somehw his head is like a metal...)

maybe plastic surgery might help to remove scar?
Good Morning all!

Happygal: That is a very scary encounter... For me, I will also panic... But happy that everything is fine now. I think cosemtic doc can remove scars by using laser or something. But wait till DD is older and if she find the scar affecting her looks. Sometimes when kiddos grow older, the scar might not be so obivious.

Re Runny Nose and Cough
I find Phoebe alys have like blocked nose when she slp at night. I alys light the Avita diffuser for her. Maybe you can try this instead. Not very expensive comparing to repeat visits to PD.
Hi Mummies,

I wanna ask about MMR injections. Heard alotsa scary stories on it. Dunno whether should go ahead or not. Plus, anyone know when can we stretch the MMR to? Is it a compulsory? I tot only the Measle in the MMR is compulsory?
Heard its free in some polyclinics rite? Any babies here taken the MMR plus chicken pox liao?

I brought my gal for Chicken Pox at 14mths and MMR at 15mths. Both taken at Polyclinic.

Yep, MMR is free at Polyclinic. My gal has no fever at all.
My gal started CC last week. She is very sticky now and past weekend keeps calling mama non-stop whenever I am out of her sight.

Every time we ask if she still wan to go sch, she will nod her head. I reckon she likes sch lar, juz need more time to adapt.

Thanks abc for the recommendation. So far so good.
Btw, anyone noe of any ppl travelling to Bangkok recently with toddler? We’re leaving this thur and my mum wan me to think twice abt bringing bb there.
thnx for the faith in the product. I guess the diffuser work well for you n Phobe cos you got lotsa faith in it n also you been using it on regular basis for at least a week or 2 though some people see effect immediately the next day. But like all things, gotta to haf faith, patient n consistent in it and not jus use today n tomolo ok liao. If so, I would be millionaire liao. Hahhahahah!

thanks for your info.
My son is 18 months liao yet I haven't let him take the injections. Is it too late? My hubby was saying dun take the 3-in-1 MMR but jus take the Measle ( which is one of the M out of the MMR ) will do. Is it true?
MMR plus chicken pox tot that is free as well? Any mummies know?
agree we must always keep a watch for the kids, cos my son knw how to throw things out of the windows jus last weekends. i was vacuuming at the kitchen and keeping a eye on him time to time. and i saw his naughty act. lucky he din throw a remote control or his toys out, else kana hit someone and his poor mommy got to go to jail.
i hold on to his arm and talk to him not to do it again and he dare not look at me. sigh~
poor rayne, it must have been painful..and i think i can feel ur fear too..cos went thru it yday as well

sigh* nowsadays they r prone to accidents..wat used to be so safe turns out otherwise, kyzac used to go ard on this toy car withoutany prob

yday morning fell off it and hit theack of his head with a loud thud..

went blur blur and unresponsive for a while..hb and me were really scared, then immediately wants to sleep, after tat, we makes sure he does not sleep..hb was scraed he sleeps and never wakes up

it has been 24 hrs..no prob means the coast is clear i hope
MMR is one injection. U can delay the injection till they start sch. If i am not wrong at the age of 6 cos registration of P1 require u to hv taken the MMR. There is no jab for MMR plus Chix pox yet.Only MMR is free at polyclinic.Think GP also charge cheaply at less than $20 i think. Chicken pox jab is $85 per jab.
how is she adapting to the CC? She is on full day right? Is she able to nap in the centre? Does she develop any sickness? Andrae will be going in either 1 sep or 7 sep. :)
James took the MMR+chicken pox injection about 2 weeks ago. The vaccination alone cost about $150 or $160. I think they only have it at the PD, not sure if it is available at the polyclinics. Almost collapsed when I heard the cost of it. But I can't bear to see James get poked by the needle twice, so decided that I'll just let him take this jab. The onset of fever is one week after the vaccination. He had slight fever (37.5 - 37.8) for about 3 days but it went down after he took Progesic.
YT - I dun think it’s late. I just let my gal take MMR since it’s compulsory. My pte baby clinic also suggest Hep A but polyclinic says no need cos bb not taking seafood yet.

Abc – Yep, she is on full day and she nap twice at the cc last week. But the past wkend at home with her, she is taking one nap only (same timing like cc). So I think this week, she shld be able to adjust to the cc timing.

Appetite wise, she always have good appetite so no problem too and no sickness so far. Everything is good, except she seem to poo a lot (Last Fri 4x). Maybe she ate too much serving of fruits, especially banana. But I am not worried abt this cos sometimes she tend to poo a lot at home too. On the average she always poo 2x per day.

The moment she sees us when we fetch her, she will cry very loud. She missed us badly… I noe these will take a while or a few mths before she stop crying.

The MMR+chick pox jab is a new thing. Recently launch only... tat’s y very expensive.
In the past, it’s always two separate jabs. fyi only lar.
FL - so good that your gal likes going to "school" and can nap there independently! my son likes me to stay with him and pat him when he sleeps...i'm just wondering how he's ever going to CC like that, if the need ever arises!
What about bringing toddler to BKK? My gf is stationed there with her hubby, and a 2yo toddler. They have been there for 3 years. I can ask them if you need some advice.
tnx for the info.

Something to share... Madaboutkids.com is offerring this:
21/08/2009 2:00 PM
Location: LIDO Cineplex
WANTED: 25 pairs of parent-child for 'Up' movie + Educational Tour to the Projection Room
Venue: Lido Cineplex, 350 Orchard Road, 5th Floor, Shaw House
Cost: $20 per pair
One RARE opportunity! Get behind-the-scene of a cinema's operations. See what goes on in a projection room for a movie to be projected onto the big screen.
Hurry! Sign up online today!
Great family fun and laughter as you watch 78-year-old Carl Fredricksen set off to fulfil his lifelong dream to see the wilds of South America by tying thousands of balloons to his home.
I wouldnt do such a thing. It's so dangerous.. have seen quite a num of news on baby going in washaing machine and died.. So i wouldnt do that ba..

their safety is my priority..
Pet: But I'm unable to do that w my machine. Thus nv got the tot lah.

I'd nv read/dun recall reading news abt babies and washer danger thus I find its no big deal as long as baby and mummy are happy.

Anyway, sometimes my Phoebe let our JRT licks her mouth, and some people will faint at this. LOL.

The moral of the story is - - - don't anyhow post pics online. Faint!!!
there was a case, but it's about siblings..
The sis went to off and start the washing machine with baby inside. Both young kids.
But it's up to individual.. just feel that we shouldnt live with regrets so try to avoid dangerous stuff ba..
#1's childcare just gave out circula abt 1st confirmed h1N1 case..

realy sianz, wihin this month, 1st is HMFD case, then chix pox, and now this...one after another

when i pick ABC up today i saw yr gal. She is sitting on Miss Claudine's lap. So cute.. heard Ms Claudine call her baby.. she even wave bye bye to me.. so sweet!

Washing machine
i wun do it too...i dun wan lost a child
abc – hah…does she look sad when she wave? The chinese teacher told me that she got kan chiong when she see ppl going home. I believe Ms Claudine must be smoothing her that time. She called me ard 3pm to inform me that Ashley ran after a ball and fell down. Now, she has a bump on her forehead. It’s okay, small case.
no ley... nt sad.. they were singing songs then. Yea one thing gd i like abt the CC is they call to inform u every single thing happen to the child. :)
Kids in Washing Machine,
looks scary leh.

you take care. I guess there is no more bad news of illness for you anymore. Tats good news!

wat is JRT?

I m thinking of putting my son to CC. But so many illness going on. Quite hesitant. But he is really bored at home and he loves kids. Everytime I bring him out he will be like a bird flying out of his cage. N when he sees other kids, he will go straight in front of them n try to talk to them or I think its more of babble to them... or even wanna hold their hands. Some of the kids n mummies was scared by his actions. Hahhahahaha!
Ladies, keen to share my experience today. Absolutely heart-ache.

On the way,to my elder son school to pick him up-I came across an Indonesian maid with 3 kids and one baby about 2 year old. The baby was crying out loud along the way while the maid scolded him loudly and pushed his stroller. The 3 older kids just followed the maid obediently.

I was walking just behind them. As the baby cried louder, the maid started to shout at him and mumbled in Bhs Indonesia " day and night like this..i'm tired!" to the baby.

As predicted, the baby cried even louder - attracted some passerby to look up.
The the maid slapped the baby, then she pitched the baby in his cheek, then she pulled the baby out of the stroller- the baby scrambled to stand on his feet. BTW, he looks about2 years old.

I was so angry to see that i approached them and scolded the maid in Bhasa Indonesia.

To my bewilderness, the maid scolded me back. And challenged me to report her to his madam. Cos the madam gave her permission to beat up her kids when they are naughty. Then she told me she were happy to be sent back to Indonesia!But i paid the ticket. (CRAZY DUDE?)

Then, i replied"You won't be home to Indonesia, you will be at police station by abusing little kid like this!"

The older brother came closer to me, he told me his daddy's handphone number- but he seemed very afraid with the crazy maid!

I called the father- and told him what i have seen. Hope he will do some investigation and keep closely watch-guard to his maid.

I might not in the position to scold the maid- but watching 2 year old boy got beaten by maid....it's painful. Especially we also got children.

From what i can understand-the maid complaints,that she is over extended already. Taking care 4 children by herself is too much! Day & nite like that - is kind a frustrated job for he. But she should resign from her job-rather than abusing our kids.

But i don't like her also. She dared me like that! showing she thinks she is right!

The lesson for us are:
Don't give permission to a maid to beat up our kids in any kind of situation. It's just a ticket for her to abuse our kids.
Don't over extended maid jobs-i think they are human too- they need rest and proper attention. If they go crazy- our kids will be the victim.

I think Childcare will be better place-rather than- with crazy maid like that.
abc, fl
which CC is this huh? Sounds good...i might want to put Tommy in a CC too and I'm afraid he's too young and want to put him in a CC that is v. attentive...oh and how much is full time? thanks
Peform @ Junior. One bus stop after SCC if gg from SBW to Yishun. full day is $420 for full time mum.. nt sure f they still hv promotion. pay 1 mth get 2 mth free. But no vacancy nw. Got to wait till 2010 jan.
Oh No mikael. I hope things do turn out ok for that family. And i do not condone beating as a way of punishment. Certainly not beating w hands or legs or pinching. We do corporal punishment - cane, but its only the Daddy is authorised to do that.

YT: My hb got a dog, jack russell. Hehe. But he's old le, and he got "old man" symptons liao. Poor dog.

Phoebe also likes to mix w children. So cute at this stage!

Thanks Reena!

BBpink: take care! its the season bah. hope all are free from whatever viruses!

if i m u, i think i will voice out too ! gosh, really bad

i agree a lot of illnesses, other things r fine, but h1n1 i m really scared ( esp when there r so much issues with Tamiflu) , so kelicia stays at home for the time being
OMG! This is horrible! Sometimes the parents may not really mean hit the child but to discipline them. OMG, I hope the parents will act fast before something happens to the kids. I can fully understand that the maid is stretched with 4 kids, and what's more not her own. I have 3 and sometimes they drive me up the wall I feel like slapping them! But then again, they are my kids and I always have to think thrice before action.
Just to share my recent bakes, sausage buns! The 2 elder ones love this, I didn't give dd3 the sausage though, just the bread and cheese.


reena: yummy! i love hotdog cheese buns.. hehe esp those wif floss on top.

erny: terrible maid. hope the kids get a better caregiver after this incident. hope the parents believe the kids. haiz...
thanks for the info!
actually i think i'll stick with the CC near my house right now...it's only $112 per mth! for full day...and only 2 blocks away...not sure if Chelsea's learning enuff but her Chinese has sure improved haha
