(2008/03) March 2008

happygal: soup base can be made up of many things.. i use wolfberries, scallops, fish bones or pork bones, vegetables.
big pot cook till small pot. then i drain all the ingredients away. if i make excess, i'll freeze up the extras for next day use.

I was reading Michael Crichton's books for a while but have almost finished the whole series. It's a pity he passed away last year. He's the author of books like Jurassic Park and The Lost World. So sad... No more books from him. I just started on books by Douglas Preston and Lincoln Child. Not bad, similar style of writing to Michael Crichton.

Medical thrillers/suspense - you can try books by Robin Cook.

If you would like to try fantasy novels, you can read The Hobbit. And if you aren't bored by that yet, you can continue with Lord of the Rings
I'm not really into fantasy novels but I chanced upon this book "His Majesty's Dragon" by Naomi Novik. This is the first book in a series. It's about dragons and naval warfare set in the early 19th century during the French and English war. It was better than I expected and apparently Peter Jackson (the producer of Lord of The Rings) has purchased the rights to the series of books so maybe it will be made into a movie next time

Some of my other favourites:
1984 - George Orwell
Animal Farm - George Orwell
Wild Swans - Jung Chung
The Bonesetter's Daughter - Amy Tan
Falling Leaves - Adeline Yen Mah

I am so not into gaming but my hubby is! Am so amazed at how he can sit at the computer for hours just playing the same thing over and over again!

Any of you are fans of Japanese anime? I got hooked onto it because my hubby likes to watch it! We used to watch it everyday when I was still pregnant but now there's hardly time for that.
sad to know that alot of things have changed over juz a few days... it's a wonder how we can be such chatty frens this min and total strangers the nxt min. sigh
blue_skies -
great! i used to read alot of michael crichton too but since i had a kid, everything i read is related to parenting hahaha! i love fantasy!!! i read the hobbit and LOTR when i was in secondary school...but no patience to re-read it again now, cos so thick and font so small hahaha!!

i'll check out robin cook and some of the others u mentioned....thanks!
i only read animal farm by george orwell but not 1984 and this is one book i've been procrastinating for the longest time!

i love reading classics (and penguin has them really cheap too hehe)...charles dickens, oscar wilde etc....i've got a whole shelf full of penguin classics!! maybe next time we can do a book swop...hehe!
thanks for the mediating efforts, i appreciate it

a simple sentence fr me
Clover, I do not wish to lose a friend.
that's my stand.

ok, will read the posts later =)


did i miss out any ?
i am such a big fan of Lord of the Rings movies by PEter Jackson...i remember sitting there in the movie theatre waiting for the movie to start and it was such an event...and then when it finished, everyone started clapping!
adeline: ya. hehs. abit extra..

AL: really? i nv seen ppl clapping in the cinema b4. so drama.

bbheng/blueskies: i was into reading b4 i got married. after tat, i went into gaming. lost interest in reading. mostly i read archie comics (a whole shelf at home) my hb is more a book lover. harrod robbins, clive clussle. (bad spelling). chinese comics too. i usually read fantasy, fiction books.
Alamak I just went to the national library to swop those classics I had coz I didn't know what to do with them!! My hubby reads different stuff and I couldn't possibly keep those books for James. HAHA! I will check what other books I have lying around, and yes, would be nice to do a book swop

I've never tried audio books. Is it weird?
I enjoy flipping the pages of a book.

I think if Peter Jackson makes Naomi Novik's books into a movie, it'll be as good or even better than LOTR coz it's got a great storyline!

Speaking of movies, can't wait to watch X-Men: Wolverine! (Or should I say, can't wait to see Hugh Jackman!!) HAHA
adeL/blue_skies/bbheng, i'm into reading/gaming/anime. now dun hv too much time to read though. one of my fave author used to be michael crichton too. then I hv never played on my wii set for v long. used to play star craft, diablo.. etc. I also like sci fi/fantasy shows. one of my fave anime, fullmetal alchemist is showing on animax fri nite 8pm. highly recommended . perhaps we shall have a wii session one day.
Yah I'll like to watch X-Men:Wolverine too. I used to be such a big fan of the X-Men cartoon on TV...hope my hubby want to watch that wif me...he's not as into X-Men as I am haha

talking about movies, last one i watched was Grand Torino by Clint Eastwood....very good! should watch

we watch a lot of movies at home and now Chelsea is so into all the Disney movies, esp Disney princesses so I get to watch Little Mermaid, Aladdin, Beauty and the BEast etc...i still like them v. much!! haha

audio books is v. good when you are too busy to sit down....like doing house chores or we used to listen a lot when driving...esp Stephen King's books...many times he reads the books himself and together with music accompanying the words, it can be a very good experience

thanks for the advice, my sil told me to monitor for 14days, if doesn't go away then have to consult PD liao.

No child = stress, now have 1 also stressed but definitely the stress will be lifelong from now on.

I have been following this thread quite faithfully, I get a lot of info from the mummies here.

Thanks to all mummies.
nice to see quite a bit of reading mummies
I'm into fiction. I like novels which tells a tale woven into real history...I'm really into paulo coelho kinda stuff..but open to other authors. Used to be a sidney sheldon fan in my studying days

Adeline : heard kite runner is a good book.hope to borrow it soon.
yasmin - i used to read sidney sheldon alot too...but on restropection, it's quite trashy HAHAA!

adelineL - i love stephen king and i think i read almost all of of his books....some really creeeeped me out though! i love Pet Cemetary and Carrie!!

re: reading
do you guys all read to your bbs? this is just something to share with all you mummies (not trying to boast or what, please).....been reading to tristan since he was a few mths old...same few books everynight....and add on a new book now and then. about 2-3 weeks ago, we discovered that tristan can actually identify and pick out more than 10 different books that i've been reading to him. i'll just have to tell him the title...and he'll go to his book box to pick out that exact book!

my conclusion is...dun ever underestimate the power of reading to your kids and especially the power of repetition....say/ask the same things again and again and one day, your child may just surprise you, like tristan surprised me!! our kids are really like sponges now man!
hi mar mummies

good afternoon. I seldom post here but I want to share some good reads with you too. I used to read voraciously but lesser now. Highly recommend these 2 inspirational books by Mitch Albom - Tuesdays with Morrie and the 5 people you meet in Heaven.

For those who like more romantic fiction (like me hehe), you must check out this Christian author by the name of Karen Kingsbury (http://www.karenkingsbury.com/). National library carries her books too. I've read almost all her books and truly loving it!

I also sometimes indulge myself in books recommended by Oprah's Book Club. These 2 are good: The Heart is a Lonely Hunter by Carson McCullers and Night by Elie Wiesel

can u share the books titles that u have been reading to Tristan ?

<font color="0000ff">Lunch Buffet for Friday, 15 May 2009</font>

paiseh, yasmine, i just took a quick glance at the posts, pls update me if i miss out any more =)
i'm a book geek! this topic got me excited. 8) i will be going down to lib to exchange for coupons.

angel, will look out for the said author. tks. i like tuesdays with morrie but not 5 ppl u meet in heaven. think after the first book, it all went down hill...

i have 90% of paulo coelho's books. his writing is an inspiration to me. anyone wants to borrow, let me know. his blog is at http://paulocoelhoblog.com/

his newsletter, warrior of light is at http://paulocoelhoblog.com/warrioroflight/

here's the first paragraph from his latest newsletter edition (very apt for me)
The Warrior of Light can afford to live each day different from the next. He is not afraid of crying over old regrets or feeling happy at new discoveries. When he feels that the hour has come, he casts everything aside and departs for the adventure he has dreamed so long about. When he understands that he is at the limit of his endurance, he leaves the fight, without feeling apologetic for having done one or two crazy and quite unexpected things.
It's amazing that Tristan can pick out books! James has no patience to sit down at all. Flip one page and he's crawled off to go look at something else!

I read one book by Stephen King many years ago and I couldn't sleep after that
first and last time I touched his books...

If you've read Sidney Sheldon, you might have read Jackie Collins too? (similar style, a bit trashy.... haha)

Fans of X-Men &amp; Hugh Jackman
X-Men: Wolverine opening next Wed 28 April!!
Oh wow. We can start a "Bookworms" club! I don't remember titles and authors just read whatever I find interesting. I usu borrow books from Library cos its free. Hahaha. I will only read the books once, so no point buying.

I read to Phoebe : Mickey Clubhouse Going on a Picnic. This book has a button that will sing the Toodles song when pressed. My mum read Chinese book - Little Bee. She tore that book up cos its not a boardbook. She only got 2 books, so she can't choose. LOL.

I am a FF fan. Now anticipating Xmen and Transformers! HiakHiaks. Last time used to play xmen on Sega.

15 May Buffet Lunch
1. bbpink
2. adelineL
3. Pet
4. Yasmin
I used to read to dd1 then cos that time only single child, have all the time in the world :p She's an avid reader now
It's good to start them young. With ds2 and dd3, I don't have so much time to read 3 different stages of books to each and everyone of them. So I read one book to all bwahahaha! dd3 will pick up a book to read by herself too and I think it's a good sign.
Woo BOOKS!!!

Me a bookworm too.. Love books to bits~ Kekex~

Have u read 'For One More Day' from Mitch Albom? If you like 'Tuesday with Morrie', I think you will like 'For One More Day'. Me too find that 5 people u meet in heaven is not a very good read.. Was quite disappointing when I read that book..

Me used to like Sidney's book too. But after reading several books, I find that most of them are sort of the same pattern. So was like u read one, u read all.. But I can say that sidney's book are quite 'educating'. Some things he wrote in the books are real..

Kite runner is a little bit sad.. But no doubt, it's one of the best book I've read.

I just borrowed 'Night' from Elie Wiesel from the lib, heard that it's a good read, but hv not started yet cos I'm reading 'The White Tiger: A Noval' from Aravin Adiga. Quite nice..
Haha in my teenage years also read sidney sheldon and jackie collins...i think the latter is esp trashy...i would be embarrassed to take them outside cos they have titles like "Bitch" (can say that here??) or "The World is full of divorced women" :p

sad to say that i really find it hard to find time to read these days...i think the internet takes up whatever time i've left :p
Haha in my teenage years also read sidney sheldon and jackie collins...i think the latter is esp trashy...i would be embarrassed to take them outside cos they have titles like "Bitch" (can say that here??) or "The World is full of divorced women" :p

sad to say that i really find it hard to find time to read these days...i think the internet takes up whatever time i've left :p
u wana add ur name is it for buffet ?

hope u r much better now ?

alto doc gave me mc, i m at work now..def better than mon when i keep having a headache (due to the persisitent cough and running nose and feel like puking

wow, a lot of book lovers. i used to read the mushy ones like Dianelle Steel (think spell wrongly)

i have good memory of audio books, but tat was really a long time ago
Mummies, who have been to Taiwan?

Me and hubby wanna go Taiwan end of this year with DS #1. Would like to know for a 5days 4nights tour, how much hard cash should we bring along? Are the things there expensive?

Forgot to reply u :p

I use spare ribs to boil as become my soup base. Sometimes I use dried soya bean too. U may also use chx breast as soup base.

Forgot to reply u :p

I use spare ribs to boil as become my soup base. Sometimes I use dried soya bean too. U may also use chx breast as soup base.
i am into gaming too. will play on nintendo ds lite to wind down before i sleep every night. have wii at home wants to play but nobody to play with. one person play like not so fun. ashley, can bring ur wii remote and play at my place.

i used to play maple story every day for hours. Butafter melody arrived, i have not been playing regularly. how to do party quests and fight mobs if u have to leave suddenly when ur baby cries for you, rt? Can only wait till holidays to play. any other maple gamers around? maybe can play together one day. :D
maple story is easy ah.. my hubby says y i always play mindless game. he thinks that i always fighting the same mobs, not challenging de.

muz download the game client from www.maplesea.com. it is a big file. can take quite a long time to download. but easy to play lah.. hmm.. but requires time and patience and determination to train your character. i think now wif baby, most of our time, we rather train our babies. haha. but anyway, we still need to take some time off to relax and refresh.
I agree. sometimes I wonder how come I was such a huge fan. But it was good at that age

Readin to babies
I've been doing it since Zayed was 2 days old and I strongly believe in it. My boy loves books, knows his books and pictures. He loves it most when I use his hand puppets to tell the story or if I dramatise it with sounds
I ask him "where's the book with the ducks? and he'll bring me his baby words book
" Zayed likes the hard cover ones with small sentences and huge pictures. Even better if it has animals in them.

I've read the alchemist, the witch from porto, like the flowing river and the 5th mountain. If u have other titles, I would like to borrow them
isabella, nope, i also dun like that book. his books were too predictable for me.

i like memory keeper's daughter. can lend to whoever is interested. after alex is born, almost all i read is babycare book. hardly any time for my personal reading. any chinese books reader here?

yasmin, sure. will shake off the dust for u.

aly, wii's on! when u r free bah~
baby's storybooks

i tried babyheng's method this morning, telling melody to go take her favourite book "hello baby". and she could do it. but only for this one book. i borrowed it twice from the national library. she loves that book and will bring that book to let us read to her all the time. but can't to find this book in the bookstores. will have to renew the book once the due date is up. we returned it once. the next time we went to the library, we found the book. she did not want to put it back.
Talking about baby books makes me realize that I have not been readding to Rhys for quite some times le.. Mummies, any titles to recommend??

I read board book from eric carle such as 'brown bear brown bear what do u see ?' my little one love it esp the colorful animal and it catchy
the brown bear is a very popular book. but never read it b4.
By the way, the title of the book is actually Wave baby wave. Author is Anna Nilsen &amp; Jonathan Bentley. But we refer the book as 'hello baby'.

Let me talk about the book " hello baby'. It is very short and simple. not many words. but easy for baby to understand. maybe that is y she likes it.
1st page: Hello baby
2nd page: Wave baby wave
3rd page: Hello baby
4th page: Dance baby dance
5th page: Hello baby
6th page: Hide baby hide.
Each page shows the baby doing the action. That's how Melody learn to wave from the book. Now u say "hello baby", she will wave. but the stiff type of wave. left right that type.
