(2008/03) March 2008

10:30am on Friday is a good time for me
okay "ON" for me hehehe....shall we meet at Astons? who wants to come?? the more the merrier


High five! My hubby also commented the same as yr hubby. Well, we can arrange to meet up more nx time. Not enough time to catch up that day. =)


no worries. He is actually a gd boy. I think he was trying to help out but he accidentally dropped the pkt of kway tiao.


Yr girl is v pretty. Love her beautiful pair of eyes.


Yr boy is v well behaved everytime I see him.


Yr girl has grown so much. She is so smiley! Can pose in front of the camera. So cute!
Just to share, here's some discounts for visits to the attractions in Singapore, the zoo and Bird Park included. I think it's $2 off per person for those places.

Sembawang Shopping Centre
I brought James there too over the weekend. Very nice playground on the top floor, and it's shaded so you can still play up there if it's raining. I sat with James on the see saw and he liked it so much he didn't want to get off! The shopping centre itself wasn't too crowded too (compared to Causeway Point) so I thought it was much nicer because there's space to move around and you don't have to squeeze your way. Plus I like the ramp escalators coz you can push the prams directly onto it.

Would love to meet up with you all there this Fri but am working so guess some other time then!
Ya.. I know.. We only exchange a few sentence.. Me first time gathering with other mummies.. So a bit shy and didnt say too much.. Sorry sorry~ Haha~

There's this baby who play with my pouch on the birthday bash and didn't want to return to me.. Whose baby was it huh?? I talked to the mummy but forgotten the name.. She's so cute lehx.. Bluff me wanna return me my pouch and when I wanna take it from her, she keep it again.. Haha~ So funny~
My Phoebe lor. She alys "ka po" things. Whahahaha. She like tomboy leh. Play snatch toys w boys and chase the bicycle... Faint!
I missed all the fun at the Bash..so sad!

Jacob Ballard is fun, good place for children. But it seems not many people know where is it. I went there 2 times and 2 times got lost with the taxi drivers. ...hii..hiii

BBQ! yeah..my boys love to play sand at the beach.

Clover, I am keen to join you on Friday! Let me posted pls?
For Jacaob Ballas, next time, you tell the taxi driver to go to the ex-NIE bukit timah campus/ ex-SMU bukit timah campus/Current NUS law school. But once you passed the car park gantry, please go slow and get ready to turn right.

Jun Weekend BBQ in East Coast:
Need volunteers to stand there to cook food - ask the maids?
But you wanna BBQ in the evening or night right? If not we will be roasting ourselves instead leh.

Or we can meet in some cafe along the beach during the day?
isabellali - no worries! we'll talk more next time we meet...

kell - i've got one picture of your lil' girl! she so cute! sit there guaiguai play with balloon hehe...are u on facebook?

jerejoy - yeahh! i'll definitely wanna catch up with you again another time!! :D
not advisable to ask maid to bbq for us. I think it wun turn out nice. usu it is the husband who does the bbqing. How abt jus potluck picnic?
Btw, I am a bit blur here. Who is the mummy by the name of Shan Shan? We said Hi to each other, then I cannot recall your face... :x Sorry...

Jun Potluck Pinic (Early Morning or Late Afternoon?)
OK Mummies, ~ring bell~ fight it out for East Coast or Botanical Gardens. ~Tink Tink Tink~ Hahahaha
i prefer evening time. abt 4pm is jus nice. After all babies nap. i am ok with both locations. each has its own gd. but if botanic garden i prefer the symphony area. Jacob children's garden i feel more suitable for older children. ECP can leave them there to run on grass n play sand. My first choice is ECP.

Shan Shan is twinklestar.
actually sentosa is another gd choice. For those who drive u can park there for $1 per entry. Beach is cleaner too. there is also water play area for children at tanjong beach
ABC, water play is at Palawan right? Tanjong Beach is where KM8 is?

Jun Potluck Pinic
<table border=1><tr><td>Party Style</TD><TD>Botanical Gardens</TD><TD>East Coast Park</TD><TD>Sentosa </TD></TR><TR><TD>Shirley</TD><TD>1</TD><TD></TD><TD> </TD></TR><TR><TD>Isabella</TD><TD></TD><TD>1</TD><TD> </TD></TR><TR><TD>Chee Kiong</TD><TD>1</TD><TD></TD><TD> </TD></TR><TR><TD>Kell</TD><TD></TD><TD></TD><TD>Late PM </TD></TR><TR><TD>Mikael</TD><TD></TD><TD>1</TD><TD> </TD></TR><TR><TD>ABC</TD><TD></TD><TD></TD><TD>Late PM </TD></TR><TR><TD>TOTAL</TD><TD>2</TD><TD>2</TD><TD>2 </TD></TR><TR><TD></td></tr></table>
Draw - Pls rematch hahaha
Hei.. to recognize the nick of who is who (hopefully), I've created a group in FB under ' 2008 March Babies' as I believe most of us here have FB. The link is as follows:

As my contact list with everyone here is limited, I could not send the invite to you.

Therefore, hope to see you all join the group so that all our faces can be 'tagged'.

I'll also upload my portion of the photos soon.
everyone, fyi. the birthday bash banner is with me. since no one suggest wat to do with it n i find it a waste to throw it away so i am passing the banner to the april mums for their own bash.

I am okay for ECP and Sentosa. As long as beach..my boys love them! But pls dun too early..it's hot! i am scared of sun!
I was thinking perhaps we can recycle the banner and use it at our outdoor events in the future. I can print something to stick on the existing words.

Glad that some of you have started to join the FB group. I've also uploaded the photos I've taken onto the group.
just saw the birthday bash fotos....looks like a very fun gathering....too bad cannot join...hoping for another time.... =)

hehe..i saw liyun's hairstyle (is liyun, rite?) somehow, i saw ur boy, i can recognise him as issac....really nice hairstyle...hehe...
Hi jean!!! You're the one I met at Suntec correct!?!? *I got terrible memory and I mix up all the names with nicks (and faces)... FInally I know who is SHirley cos her elder son is Isaac too... *correct? correct?*
I vote botanic gardens!

the bash seems fun but i couldnt attend as my granny was hospitalised and my whole family in japan so need to take turns with cousin to look after my grandfather who is senile and buy food for granny cause she discharged on that day..

Heee... well there is always other times!

time after time, we couldnt get to meet up..
haha, i m just being honest. Even for my working events, i always admire the treasurer the most, cos i find handling money not easy at all
and when i have to handle the money in my working events , the accounts usu dun balance and i have to top up the $ fr my own pocket..

hehe, i think u will do a better job than me , cos u r an accountant ..i think i will fail tat subject super badly if i ever did tat in my uni days
great idea i second that..there is a sheltered area there at Jacobs Ballas Garden which we can used for free
every family can bring own food to picnic !

u r a gracious mummy..i like ur reply to CK abt kids

i love the pics

yupz, remember abt June..

dear all
BUT after reading all the postings, i m dying to meet everybody..<font color="0000ff">how abt a May Day Gathering on 1 May 2009</font>
I think when planning for an event, its very important to know what's your buget so you know where to play with. Just a personal thought, I think bbpink can try being the next treasurer cum organiser for sure. Its alot easier to be the same person in one, so you know what you want else have to keep asking others.

<font color="ff0000">Shall we vote bbpink as the next treasurer cum organiser for the next up &amp; coming event ladies!</font>
a negative vote from me

i think Shirley or Kell have volunteered to handle the $

anyway, Kell will be organising the Botantic Garden one ")
one vote from me regarding tat venue
ck, aiyah u never say earlier. i am still going to lend to the apr moms anyway coz i gave my word liao. how? u want to keep? coz my place is cluttered so i dun wan to keep things leh...

bbpink, one shld get out of yr comfort zone mah.
just not me..otherwise i wun be in the same job for coming to a decade and until now my pals still teased me of wat i have mentioned bluntly to them..
tat i hope to work till i retire in the same cubicle..(better phrased)
the exact words used when i was 21 to them was i hope to die in my cubicle

then excolleagues who r also pals will tell me their pay is jumping faster..and i will replied but wat if the environment is worse

i think clover lend to the april mummies 1st, but asked them to return to CK
how's tat
bbpink: kekeke... even without much respond on voting at this quiet evening moments. We still got 3 against 1 won on you. Come on~~ don disappoint your supporter. *PAP
oh yes..so botantic garden must be June ?

anyone keen to meet up in Globetrotters/ Sembawang shopping centre on Labour Day

ur vote is regarding the venue i hope :p
ya, globetrotters closed down liao...just pass by there during lunch break yest....and it is being replaced by a chinese resturant....
