(2008/03) March 2008

Secret Recipe Offer

Tmr cheesecake at Forum the shopping mall selling at 50 percent off for takeaway =)

last day , only $27.50, usual price $55

just wana share this..the potential danger of stroller, was shocked when kyzac did this


my boy fever subsided. no more vomit at the moment. hope no more coming.

my boy can also perform this stunt on the stroller already. haha. i think they like to turn over a lot now..
Yes, I have 3 kids and a dog. My dog is coming 9 yrs old leow.. old dog already. Very siong for me esp when DH travels as I still need to walk the dog with 3 kids! Pulling hair...
Dogs n BB
I luv those photos, must show to my parents when i m back in spore end nov. I feel so sad cannt join the gatherings haiz but i shall be patient. Soon i can join

Wow i wanna faintz when i see ur boi did that stunt in the stroller, now must watch my bb too. In case she also do that stunt in weeks to come.

Wow can shower bb w/o the tub, coolz. I tgt need to wait till they can walk then use w/o the tub. These days my ger is moving non-stop in th etub whenever it' bathing time. I find t siong n tricky to just make her sit guai guai n let me wash her haiz
Hehe..seriously I don't know cos I dun celebrate Deepavali. We're muslims not hindus. But I guess it should be ok since hindus don't have restrictions on liquor.

Anyone knows where is a good place to get walkers? I need some place with good variety and value for $.
Twinklestars, Pet, Kathy,
looks like its ok to give jar food. But, mummies, do you practise giving 3 days the same jar food as well?

wow! your girl is brave n your boy is adventurous! Good leh, they are fearless.
I think your Zayed don't need a walker already lah he's going to learn to cruise by himself soon. Maybe u should rent?

i'd love some travelling with baby tips!!! but i dunno where to begin?!! i'll be running away to Bangkok next month. I'm excited and nervous at the same time. Is is true that I must BF the baby when the plane takes off? I scared she'll feel uncomfortable b'cos of the change of pressure. How was your experience? where can i get cheap cheap nice baby clothes and accessories?

baby bath/shower
woah all the pictures are so darn cute but Tricia's bath picture sure awful one. i still bathe her in the toilet sink ley!!! kekekeke.

biscuit recalls
aiyah all these recalls.. one day we better ask Reena to bake cookies for March mommies! hahaha..

Tricia does that too. we have this rocking chair with straps but Tricia managed to turn herself around and attempted to crawl out from the chair!

baby first word,
all Tricia knows is AAAAAH AAAAAH and *cluck cluck cluck* sound hahaha. she's a bit slow of speech b'cos she's fast on the limbs.
Bryan is oso very fair... He and Andrae can be the fairest boy liao.

i paid RM$69.99. Yasmine u interested in walker? i am giving up mine. If u dun mind second hand will let go at SGD$15. USed less than a mth. Andrae prefer to walk. if interested sms me at 94578923
Any bb here still not on solids? Mine still doesn't like cereal, will spit out most of them when I try to feed her.

Was feeding her yday and happened that DH was at home (first time seeing me feeding bb). I only gave 2 teaspoons of rice cereal and when she finally finished her cereal, I gave an excited "FINISHED!!
" DH made a remark "1/2 the cereal went to the handkie and another 1/4 went to the bib..."
Think your DD3 is a too comfortable latching lah hehehe. When I started Tricia with solids, she's exactly the same too. She rejected it. So I went slow and didn't force her. Now she wants to have what everyone's having. By the way, I wonder if its harmless to exclusively breastfeed baby at 2 years solid without solids? Tricia only has 1 solid feed a day, the rest is EBM/latching lei. Her weight is on the slow side but still up. Then again, BF babies are supposed to be like that right.
Mummies : Wao i see so many cute cute bbs.
Post more photos lei , mi want to see see..Meanwhile mi aso post my gal's photo.


bf babies need more iron fortified which we can only found in solid food. brendon also rejected solid food when i 1st introduced him solid, now he likes it. the only fruit he dun like is banana.hehehhehe
Probably.. even though my first 2 kids were on total bfg then but I was a FTWM. I still rem I started my ds2 on solids at 7.5mths and he was gobbling every single mouthful down happily.

Yes, not going to force her in case it backfires. At first I thought she doesn't know how to swallow but when I give her water, she will open her mouth widely. Just hoping she'll take on solids well like my 2 elder ones.
Mummies : Wao i see so many cute cute bbs.
Post more photos lei , mi want to see see..Meanwhile mi aso post my gal's photo.

hehe..i just woke up :p
last nite have supper at 4 am..shared 3 pratas with hb ..sinful sinful

hehe, so cute the agar agar /jelly

ok..now uploading pics..will surf more later..

saw so many cute babies again, and lucky Bryan can go resort at such a young age

u really hav a very pretty gal! big eyes too

haha..i hope so too..fearless to the rite things

hehe, yeah, like his notti face :p
how was ur trip ? u upload into multiply already ? ")
melissa, bkk is not a baby friendly city. u'll be lucky if u can find bb changing room. most likely can find in jap shopping retailers such as tokyu. isetan shld have too. I bf anywhere using my nursing shawl coz I can't find bf room even at the airport.

there's no bb high chair in the hotel or restaurant. they have toddler high chair but without belt harness!

we use strollers coz we are at the malls most of the time. the stroller also works as bb high chair to feed bb. we brought our bb bjorn carrier but only used it at chatuchak mkt.

we also cabbed around coz taxi may work out to be cheaper than the sky train or mrt n its more convenient when we have lotsof barang barang n our hotel is not near a bts.

clothes for yr girls... u can try platinum mall.

I tried bf alex when the plane took off fr sg but he was distracted. TG he never fussed much. in our way back we gave him bottle with water but again he wasn't interested n juz wan to sleep.

oh, must bring yr kids to sylvanian family restaurant, 6th level at central world plaza. there's a mini play gym in the restaurant. shalom's n my bb love it there.

wat other info u need? which airline u taking n where will u be staying?
oh yah, i wana to share something , last evening i took a lift fr a working partner and she told me she went to visit her bb nephew..

i noe she only has a bro..and she is in her 60s..i noe her only bro confirm not tat young, so i ask her..how o is ur bro..she said 50, then i ask the wife leh..she said 45

their 1st kid is 19, 13 and now the 3rd kids is 6 weeks, born preamture at 1.1kg , now 2 kg

i was saying the 1st 2 must have love this last sibling very much..she said indeed

imagine having a child at 45 ! very miracle
reena: hahaaha.. ur hb so interesting hor.. my boy will directly tell me wif "puking" face if he doesn't wan it. so i save my effort.. keke
Not working today?
Wow, I'm impressed! To have the courage to have another baby at age 45!

Your girl has a very sweet smile

Thanks for the highchair for bathing tips. I bathe ds2, myself and dd3 together and both the kids enjoyed themselvs very much!
She used to "seal" her mouth very tightly when I first started solids. I stopped for 2 weeks and reintroduce again. This is already my 3rd attempt.
the miracle thing is that the baby is normal although premature. my SIL has a baby at 41 and he's got Downs Syndrome liao. your colleague's brother is really blessed.

wow your tips are so valuable. i'll be taking the budget flight Air Asia. wanted to take Jet Star Asia but timing no good. and no hotels b'cos all of us are staying over at hubby's cousin's place. he lived there (but he's not a Thai ok haha). how you bring the stoller over? must check-in or is hand-carry? i'm planning on bringing my Baby Bjorn for Tricia and Ergo for my toddler. that's for hubby to piggy back hehee.
what's your girl's name? sooo sweet!

haha actually i'm admiring all the baby photos once again! they're all so so cute keep them coming. it keeps the mommy's day bright. definitely drives the blues away from FTWM like me.. haizzz.
melissa, for the same reason as u, we took air asia. nearly vomit blood. when going there, nevermind the plane is old but the window shutter cant be closed proper. imagine all the brightness... they also rescheduled our return flights umpteen times and still were late. if u r particular abt safety, then use the carrier on board the plane. there's no bassinet and the infant seat belt does not stop a wriggling worm of a baby. suggest u pay more for express boarding.

we checked in the stroller coz cant bring on the plane.

oh, i gave distilled water to alex and brought baby food in packs there for him.
yeah yeah i paid for express boarding but where's the best seat for me? i'll be holding Tricia of course. i will bring my carrier, but how's the in-house carrier like? how do you pack the baby food? distilled water is given by plane staff? did you go on a weekday or weekend? my flights will be in the weekday, hopefully there's no delayed flights? hope it's not wishful thinking hehe.
Clover : Hahaahaa..Mi only can? Without bringing my gal kekee.. U finished up the frengreek already? Sorry lei left a bit only hor? My milk supply dropping very drasically, dunno is it my mind controlling haa. Cos mi plan to stop in Dec.
Reena : Xie xie ni!!

Melissa : Charlene Ng.. Heheehee..Y?
nothing lah, just want to know the name besides the pretty/handsome faces. think we're familiar with some baby's faces its' easier when we know the name.
makes them more 3D haha.

saw ur post, stroller also got 5 pt harness ?
which brand ?
as for mine is the typical kind belt in the centre

yupz, very brave

not working, was @ airport to meet hb at 0005am today :p

yupz, they r very blessed
Yes, see my pic above posted on October 26, 2008 - 1:16 am, the one with the dog. It comes with 5 pt harness, from Aprica.
The shower series photos so cute!

happymummy:Charlene is So so SWEET!! So pretty!

Reena:Felicia also din really like solid food. We tried pork porridge, fish porridge, brown rice with bm, brown rice with milk.. All she give the puky face. She likes water alot though. Recently, i bought the Nestle Rice cereals with fruits. She is taking this well compared to the earlier ones.. u may wanna try? but then i think coz got fruits so shld be sweeter lor. tried to abstain from sweet stuffs but i tot muz somehow convince her to eat some solid..

Re:talkative bb
Felicia is also a very talkative bb. We find it very amusing & entertaining. So far she manage to blurt out: Ma, Pa, yeh (her granddad is veri happy) bell,Hi,A & alotsa other nonsense.

but so far never call her granny (nai nai) Dunno if granny will be "HURT" But actually we all noe she doesn't know what's she's talking but just that she seems to be very amazed with herself when she master new "words". n we find that she likes to try to imitate us.

But actually the first time she mumbles "ma" i wasn't very happy then.. coz i was SO SO tired.. hb overseas n I am so tired coping with little sleep... So tired that i "dump" her in her cot.. But she started crying n kept calling "ma ma ma" cry "ma ma ma"..cry.. It makes me feel so guilty that i went to pick her up again.. I dunno if she should count herself "LUCKY" or myself "unlucky" coz i am very sure I wun pick her up if she mumbles any other word!
melissa, dun hv in-house carrier.only infant seat belt which is attached to an adult seat belt. we took first row right hand side. more leg room but near toilet, so...

I bring 2 types of baby food in convenience packs, i.e. puree and oatmeal cereal. I went on week day n come back during weekend.

happymummy, try n bring yr charlene lah. she can make friends mah. haaaa

I haven't finish the pills coz I only take whenever I find my supply is low.

Here's another bb and dog pic. DD1 playing ball and the dog of course wants to join in. This is one of my favourite pic

