(2008/03) March 2008

I don't fill the tub with water. So, I don't waste water actually. I took out the stopper and I let my boy sit while I shower him. I find safer that way. Ya and he likes to lick the water too! hehe..

hehehe ... cant rem, got it from john little...
Yah, me too. I stopped using once she outgrows the tub from the hospital.

You say he showers with you? How do you dry yourself up and get dress with him in the bathroom huh? I can only bathe with my 2 elder ones but not the bb.

Washing hair
I don't bother, just shower and tell her it's raining and she'll be laughing away. Now she will look down when I tell her I'm going to rinse her hair so the water doesn't go to her eye.
are we on shower pictures today? hehe! here's mine to share! sorry for poor quality of pics becos of resizing!


getting ready for his favourite time of the day - bathtime!!


the dog getting splashed (again). tristan loves kicking water at chester and the dog basically just laps up all the attention and stand there for the splashing!


*sniff sniff sniff*
Seeing you sharing pics of bb n dog, here's dd1 with our JRT when she was coming 2 months old. He just loves to sniff her, don't understand why...

And some bath pics

That's amazing puppy love! My dog's a very rough player and she's huge in size so we try not to let her play too near Isaac. Isaac is not feeling well and crys very hard for nothing for almost an hour. From pacifing him, patting, carrying, giving him fan then air-con, latching to beating his butt.... nothing works. Until my hubby comes rocking him(think my mum & hubby rocks him until he's used to it already, argh...). I cant rock him as my right hand is injured in 2 different accidents before and cant take his weight anymore, carrying him for too long already is a painful task for me (he's 9.1kg)... *faintz....
The photo with the dog sleeping under ur baby hammock is so cute, my dog last time dun do that cos my ds #1 will pull her fur or her tail whenever she's near... So ke lian~
reena - lovely pics!!! such an affectionate dog
i love both the sleeping and posing pics! really makes my day when i see pictures of babies and doggies enjoying each other's company

adeline - hahaha thanks! actually the way he positioned his legs, can't see the private bits but i just put the "censored" part for fun hehee!
Bb pbathing fotos
hehe..so cute! I think bath time is fav time for all eh..keep it coming
I like the censored idea..heheh
My dd1 will also pull my dog's tail. He's my dd's playmate when she was young. Alot of pple ask me, your daughter not scare of your dog? I always tell them it's the other way round, my dog is scare of her (always pulling his tail and smacking his head!).

I've not tried the egg peeling though, let me know if it works ;-)

Me too. I love to see bb n dog pics
Not ever since ds2 came along, dd1 has new playmate and is "ignoring" the dog.

More pics

See the dog trying to reach her toys?
Tristan has babbled his first real words! He can say "mama" very clearly and also "wa wa" and "ah ba" hahaha! Happy even though he probably doesn't know what the words mean!!

I got no dog to copycat bath pictures, plus my babies cannot sit unsupported yet. So this round am giving it a miss.

The first babble that my girl shouted that makes sense was "PAP-PA-YA!" One time only...
i think tonight i cannot sleep already...keep thinking of his face saying "mama"...some more he said so many times....he say then i praise him and say good boy then he keeps saying to make me sayang him haha!

but that was during his cereal time...after that then dun want to say already
...maybe he thinks say mama then will have food hahaha!

lefty - papaya your girl's favourite fruit issit? haha!
babyheng, hehe, my son is going "dada, dadi" all day long...
haiz.. i think for him to learn mummy is a feat for him. so my hb is quite satisfied wif his daddy calling...

many nice bath pics..

reena, initially i sat my son on my lap. then i'll hug him in front n use my towel to wrap both of us n i'll dash to the bedroom to change. haha
if my mil or hb is home, they'll take my son after i shower him. then i'll come out.

but recently i bot an ikea high chair. so i've been sitting him in it for bath time. more fruitful. cause i have both hands to soap him wif. he seems happy as well since i can entertain him wif the moving shower head..
after i finish rinsing him, i'll carry him up to rinse his butt. then sit him back on the chair while i towel him. then i wrap myself n we go to the bedroom to change.
my mil find it a hassle. but i prefer it this way as i have both hands free n my son n play water w/o him drinking bath water.
I realise my baby is very lazy leh... he doesnt crawl much (floor too hard). BUT as usual, got target he make a dash for it... These days he prefer to search for some support and then will pull himself up (standing position) and happily laugh out when he's standing. *we panic of cos! cannot crawl properly then wana stand! he's skipping steps leh... *worried*
petrina - hahaha! so cute ryan!
alot of parents say the kid usually "calls" papa first becos it's easier for them to say the word.....so unfair rite?! since it's the mummy that went through the pregnancy and labour and take care of the bb most...hehe!
Ladies, i'll get drinks okie? See ya this sat!

Venue: twinklestars' place in Sengkang

Date and Time: 1st Nov(Sat),1230pm

1. twinklestars,hb and megan (drinks, cutlery)
2. mikael n bb
3. Yu Tong n bb ( hopefully our hubbies can mit then )
4. abcdisney n 2 kiddo (will bring finger food)
5. AdelineL n bb
6. Summerdaze n bb
7. Adeline
8. Isabellali + maid + 2 kiddos & baby
9. Bubble n HB (mayb) n bb n maid
10.Kate n bb
11. bbpink & family ( pending colleague's agreement by this week)
babyheng, ya lor. so unfair. but my hb say, since our son kept boo booing.. he prob means the hokkien "ah bu"
i nearly fainted!
it's easier for them to voice out dada.. i noe.. so when my hb wanted to bet n c, i told him dun need. he sure win..
petrina -
HAHAHAH!!!! *faints*

ur husband really very funny!! nvm...ur consolation is ryan probably doesn't know what dada means! so it doesn't count that he's actually calling ur husband daddy hehehe!
Same here.. It's just that my boy is more like a slave driver.. He cant stand properly, and her doesn't want to crawl.. So ehenever he wants something, he will want my mil/maid to hold him standing up and support him while he walk slowly over to his target... Very torturing lehx~
Need your advice,
anyone give jarred food to your bb? i got a bottles from Gerber free. Not sure is it safe to give bb?

i just let my bb tried gerber pear puree yesterday...guess it's safe bah...think jarred food is more convenient for travelling and when preparing yourself is not really possible....
happy deepavali to all e indians and happy holiday to all. my first son is abit sick (again), abit blocked nose and green mucus. guess nt drnking enough plain water ba.
babyheng, YT, ya lor.. super gao xiao rite..
but, hearing my son go dada all day long.. so sad..
perhaps i'll settle for "ah bu" lor. for now.

happy deepavali to all indian frens...

YT, i also feed jar food. sometimes lazy or travelling i use it.. easy mah. feed n throw.
baby babbling
think kathlyn calling me mama leh..
whenever she want me to carry she keep crying and shout mama.. mama.. maaaa.. but i dun even know if kath knows what she is calling or not hahhahaha..
hey all, we are back from our bkk hols. my alex enjoyed the trip a lot coz everyday is gai-gai for him. the thais love babies so everywhere we go, there will be people playing with him. we had massages almost everyday and love the food there! my best buy from bkk is wacoal nursing bras at 1/2 the price in SG! :D

melissa, u need any tip in planning for the holiday?

isabella, i was overseas so didnt reply your pm. i have posted my a/c in the googgles spreadsheet, but here it is again.
POSB savings 096 22481 8
spreadsheet: http://spreadsheets.google.com/ccc?key=pQpfohIsbUcVfXoIX_E_YEQ

collection till date: $360 w00t!
<font color="0000ff">payment acknowledgment: zhiqiang, yasmin, FL, lefthander, summerdaze, happygal29</font>
i might have to find an ATM to tt $ to you...my windows internet cannot connect, dunno why...am using linux right now and somehow java doesn't work on it blah blah blah...sian, must solve computer problems :p

confirm my bb doesn't know what dada is cos we don't even use daddy but the chinese baba but bb tommy's fave word is dadada daa, heng ahhh hehehehe
My boy just vomited after feeding and has slight fever. Should i bring him to see doc? Or i monitor 1st? Today is public holidays, specialist clinics not opened. Unless bring to 24 hr clinic.
if i remember correctly u ask me abt the My first leappad right? it is SGD$88 plus one bonus book and free delivery to yr home. I think someone bought from spree. How much har?
<font color="0000ff">Ashley:</font>
How's your trip? Had fun? I will TT the $ to you asap by next week.

<font color="ff0000">LEAPFROG products:</font>
Anyone had the same problem as me? I receive some as gifts and its stated there we need the recept for warranty registeration. I didnt bother much then (warranty only 3 months) But now 1 of the item is faulty, I wana ask for repair cost...sian... Found the distributor: http://www.infantree.net/events.htm
For those interested

<table border=1><tr><td>Royal Stepstool Potty</TD><TD>FP</TD><TD>http://www.fisher-price.com/fp.aspx?st=2002&amp;e=product&amp;pid=38784</TD><TD>SGD$115.50</TD><TD> </TD></TR><TR><TD>Go Baby Go!™ Stride-to-Ride™ Lion</TD><TD>FP</TD><TD>http://www.fisher-price.com/fp.aspx?st=2341&amp;e=detail&amp;pcat=gobabygo&amp;pid=40794</TD><TD>SGD$88</TD><TD> </TD></TR><TR><TD>3-in-1 Smart Wheels</TD><TD>vtech</TD><TD>http://www.vtechkids.com/product.cfm?productID=435 </TD></TR><TR><TD></TD><TD>SGD$105</TD><TD> </TD></TR><TR><TD>Little Superstar Sing-along Stage</TD><TD>FP</TD><TD>http://www.fisher-price.com/fp.aspx?st=900002&amp;e=storeproduct&amp;pid=41463&amp;section=inf_outdoor</TD><TD>SGD$105</TD><TD> </TD></TR><TR><TD>Brilliant Basics Dunk &amp; Cheer Basketball</TD><TD>FP</TD><TD>http://www.fisher-price.com/fp.aspx?st=900002&amp;e=storeproduct&amp;pid=42907&amp;section=inf_classics</TD><TD>SGD$105</TD><TD> </TD></TR><TR><TD>Fisher Price Dance Baby Dance Dancin' Bandstand</TD><TD>FP</TD><TD>http://www.amazon.com/Fisher%252dPrice-Dance-Baby-Dancin-Band/dp/B0001ZNU7E</TD><TD>SGD$130</TD><TD> </TD></TR><TR><TD>Sit to Stand Giraffe</TD><TD>FP</TD><TD>http://www.fisher-price.com/fp.aspx?st=2341&amp;e=detail&amp;pcat=gobabygo&amp;pid=38791</TD><TD>SGD$78</TD><TD> </TD></TR><TR><TD>Leapfrog activity Table</TD><TD>LF</TD><TD>http://www.amazon.com/LeapFrog-Learn-Groove-Musical-Table/dp/B000ETRENI/ref=sr_1_1?ie=UTF8&amp;s=toys-and-games&amp;qid=1224898751&amp;sr=1-1</TD><TD>SGD$88</TD><TD> </TD></TR><TR><TD>FP laugh and learn table</TD><TD>FP</TD><TD>http://www.amazon.com/Fisher-Price-Laugh-Learn-Learning/dp/B00023HVKC/ref=sr_1_7_s9_rk?ie=UTF8&amp;s=toys-and-games&amp;s9r=8afd079f0d117c5f010d1f7c4e300118&amp;itemPosition=7&amp;qid=1224898751&amp;sr=1-7</TD><TD>SGD$105</TD><TD> </TD></TR><TR><TD>FP laugh and learn busy table</TD><TD>FP</TD><TD>http://www.fisher-price.com/fp.aspx?st=2341&amp;e=detail&amp;pcat=bulnl&amp;pid=45350</TD><TD>SGD$105</TD><TD> </TD></TR><TR><TD>Fisher Price: Laugh n' Learn Kitchen</TD><TD>FP</TD><TD>http://www.amazon.com/Fisher-Price-Laugh-Learn-Kitchen/dp/B001115D5E</TD><TD>SGD$88</TD><TD> </TD></TR><TR><TD>Grand piano</TD><TD>FP</TD><TD>http://www.amazon.com/Fisher-Price-Interactive-Baby-Grand-Piano/dp/B000EULXAM/ref=sr_1_1?ie=UTF8&amp;s=toys-and-games&amp;qid=1224898821&amp;sr=1-1</TD><TD>SGD$129</TD><TD> </TD></TR><TR><TD>My First Leappad</TD><TD>Leapfrog</TD><TD></TD><TD>SGD$88</TD><TD>Plus bonus book </TD></TR><TR><TD>Fun to Learn Potty </TD><TD>FP</TD><TD>http://www.fisher-price.com/fp.aspx?st=900004&amp;e=storeProduct&amp;pid=34819</TD><TD>SGD$115</TD><TD> </TD></TR><TR><TD>Laugh and Learn Vacuum Cleaner</TD><TD>FP</TD><TD>http://www.toysrus.com/product/index.jsp?productId=2446706</TD><TD>SGD$83</TD><TD> </TD></TR><TR><TD>Pop Activity table </TD><TD>FP</TD><TD></TD><TD>SGD$83</TD><TD> </TD></TR><TR><TD>Laugh N Learn song N Story Chair</TD><TD>FP</TD><TD>http://www.fisher-price.com/fp.aspx?st=900002&amp;e=storeproduct&amp;pid=41424&amp;section=inf_laugh</TD><TD>SGD$130</TD><TD> </TD></TR><TR><TD></td></tr></table>
tat was funny
something for a good laugh =)

tat pic is really familiar, esp the 2 pillows and bolsters..tat's how the kids sleep at my mum's too ")

glad tat Francis is recovering

rarely see Ada's pic on the site !
she is so cheery

Shaz, Reena,liyun
love the babies pics and with the dogs' pics , very heartwarming..bathing pic i will join in the fun later :p

ur hb does hav a goodn sense of humour

is ur bb better now ?

PS: after missing the papa for > a week, hb finally coming bk today ....hehe, 2 bad it is midnite flight, can't bring kelicia along

PSS: i m doing a deepavali hse visiting later..bring bailey is ok ? Yasmin B , advice pls if u see the post

wat abt leapfrog ? i love tat brand myself

PS: for ladies who can enligthen me

regarding shipping, 2day i heard my sis said if we exceed a certain amt, shipping is free..something abt paypal etc etc, then how does Vpost come into the pic ? cos i mention abt Vpost, and i oso cannot explain properly to her i think i oso quite confused abt how overseas purchase online work..but would like to learn more
