(2008/03) March 2008

Petrina: U would be delivering @ gleneagles too right ? My friend who delivered there told me to get from hospital their FM in glass bottles to bring home in case emergency, u have FM available to feed bb no need to buy the tins n cant finish in 4 wks quite wasted. also get lotsas empty glass bottles from hospital for storing your EBM (expressed breast milk) cos glass btls safer for freezing and thawing.

diana: yes, glens.. my fren gave me super lots glass bottles.. frm her previous delivery... but i need to buy lids. i also will be requesting a fair bit to bring home.. non-opened FM.. to standby.

yasmin: really arh?? cause gynae so sure my bb will be march bb.. now i very scared. cause v part very pain.. though i m sitting on cushion recliner now...
Can you email me your massage lady's contact? Is she good? [email protected] Thanks

Me too... even though I say I don't bring out the bamboo, I see the hot sun, I still bring it out :p Just that I left the lighter clothings on the furthest end of the bamboo so it's easier for me to carry.

My bb's head already down in week 30 or so... when's your next checkup? I had frequent BH since 2 weeks ago and when I told gynae about it last Fri, I was put on CTG test and given salbutamol.

Shi En is nice name! I think i will use GA for my c-sec also, dun think i am that brave. Only scared no milk for my bb ger and BF not successful. Anyway my bb ger is in the breech position so i dun think she will engage hee.

I am seeing my gynae either this fri or next mon depending if my HB can come back from overseas to accompany me, if not my dad and mum will take me there.

I kinda scared now as march is drawing nearer, dun know when i need to go for c-sec, i hope to do it in april but really has to depend on bb and gynae. Faint.
Actually, glass bottles may not be suitable for freezing as they may crack under -C... but then again, I've used it for #2.. so far so good. But with the lugging from home to office and back home again, it's no joke, damn heavy so I switched to plastic bottles.
Got her contact from my cousin sis in law. She helped 'push' all her 3 kids to prevent pre mature birth which her Drs predicted, cos her body is weak and prone to pre mature. So she's skillful la. Planning to try her since no need to book her in advance and can stop in 1 or 2 sessions if not so good. Will email you her contact.
reena: i m almost 35wks now. i told gynae abt BH. but he say as at 34wks dun need to stop contractions liao leh... let natural.. but of course he prefers after 37wks..
maybe tats y he haven't put me on CTG machine yet bah..
i kenna shocked manz, juz now... now better liao.. but V part suddenly itchy.. weird manz.. got pokey feeling.. bb moving lesser abit also.. but no show.. no leak.. so still safe bah..
bb forever head down.. since dunno when...

diana: they may throw away the lids.. dunno y.. cause my fren's all no lids.. she used ziplog bag to contain.
I heard that for first timers, baby due abt 3 to 4 weeks after getting engaged. So u dun need to worry la, still got time.
Email u already. Forgot to add my name. It's under the nick Yashila. sorry..
Why me!!! hahaha.. yea tend to have long nails.. that time when kim 3 mths i went to do medicure and nails was very long. Cant bath her or do anything lor hahahah...
And for hosp bag.. my aunty scolded me yday for not packing anything yet.. :p
so i only prepared my pads yday and admin letter in the bag.. nothing else.. hehee...
for me i have packed my bag....now left the charger for phones...i guess should be all...

now any movement from my bb i feel they are just at the opening of V....the feeling...
adeline, u better off than me lah. i still havent packed my bag yet leh.

i think my tummy is lowered, but bb's butt is still all over the place.
norman/adeline: me also... since the pain started juz now, when ever i walk, i feel got lump stuck at v part... i pressed my v part to push bb upwards..
diana...the glass bottles does come with a metal cap but cannot use after u open..so u need to buy caps..

reena...u should rest more on bed to prevent contractions..
clover hahah
All over the place!! i can only feel the butt when it's pushing against my skin. so tight and uncomfortable. Yday stayed there for 15mins.. then hb help me sayang for 15 mins then she went down. hb saw the slanted tummy he went "WOW"..
thks for the pictures of the playgym at OCC...looks nice and so cheap some more but right now Chelsea is sick :p....so have to wait till she's better bfor we can go there *haiz*

glad to see u in good spirits
BF is hard work hor but Alandria seems to be doing fine

actually for my #1, i never even packed my hospital bag! caught me by surprise but i was too tired after labour to care and it didn't seem to make much difference kekeke, maybe in the US, they provide all the things u need??....but this time round, I'll try to be better prepared anyway lah...
venus: oh.. Mt A ah?? hmm... wonder gleneagles sell or not...

everynite i keep open n close my hospital bag... n wonder what else to pack ah ?? hahaha ;p

then keep opening the cupboard n see the bb stuff.. and wonder wat else havent buy... ;p
u push b go upwards?...dun anyhow push..hee...

me too feel butt everywhere too..also slanted like mad....are all the mouse so active?...

really envy mummies who has given birth....i hoped n wished that within this week....or best tonite....n i haven full term...but i m just so uncomfy...nauseous whole day whole week...heavy with child...see food got to run....i have not been eating since morn.....cant even down water....got to force myself....

u seems to be enjoying bfding n motherhood...not easy n u are managing well....great job...
me too...i keep looking at my bag...n dunno what to pack...like nothing much..cos all are provided by hospital...n my bag is big...so mebe keep thinking what to put in to fill the bag...
petrina...normally they dun give more den 4 bottles..unless u encounter a easy going nurse like wat my mum did...she can take 10 - 15 FM from tat nurse..i saluate her man
mummynorman: cause can't walk... now my whole back is in pain... sit also pain, lie down also pain.. when i need to go toilet, bobian, have to push him upwards for awhile. he'll drop back to position after awhile..
mouse runs very fast ma... by nature... hehe..

diana: i think dun sell. kiddy palace sells by pack i think. cause my fren told me to get frm there. i consider first. i may use cling wrap n rubber band. then ziplock it. cause i dunno how many caps to buy...

venus: 80cents ex hor... if got 10 bottles then $8 liao... chey.. 4bottles... last 1 day niah.. haha...
i dunno charge or not leh.. tats y i asking ard here... hehe. if no charge then i will ask 2 bottles frm every nurse.. haha... different shift nurses... then accumulate.. hehe..
No.. they dun charge.. u can request from them. Just tell them to give u some to take back. They will one. Anyway is the company sponsor ma.. not hospital.. i think.
Hi Pet, please update for me. BB's weight 2.4kg at 35th week. My weight gain is 11kg.

Gynae said my bb is engaged already but that doesn't mean will deliver soon. No wonder i always feel sharp pain at lower tummy everyday now.
<font color="aa00aa">kea,
u can get pureen pad at CK store. $6.95 per pax. cheap...but i din use pureen pad used my own overnite menses pad.
no need to bring the breast pump they will provide if necessary.

hv u pack hosp bag liao?

i also missed my bb kicking n moving while in my womb...hee...

today as usual when to visited my bb, she's keep moving n while me n my MIL touching her...so cute.
but still cant survive without the oxygen tube. pray hard she will be strong n recover soon.</font>
hi everyone, today finally have time to sit in front of the laptop. will update later. Now super tited as was in hospital for half a day. My two oldest ones r in special ward and putting on weight. Youngest one is still in NICU as she is struggling to feed. Her gut was so stressed that it bled. I can't stop crying when i think about it. I must work very hard to produce milk for her.

Anyway, would really like to know who else has popped?
Received sms from abc.

Her gynae told her she will give birth within 48hr. Prob tonite or tmr morning admit when contraction. Alreadi 2-3cm dilation. bb very low. can feel bb head.
meaning she cant take in any milk?
Pls take care of yourself in order to tk care of them. I believe everything will be fine. U rest more before updating us. confinement period v.impt for u.
babe dude, emily and crystal popped.
babe dude and crystal same date as you and emily on 11th feb.
I used norm heavy/nite use pads during confinement and I find it good enough lor... Just bot a few packet of sofy nite pad with wings (35cm) fr Watson. $2.95 for 8 pcs.
Good to hear from babe_dude, Kais, and bbfion..

Kais and bbfion esp, take care! Actually, I feel abit the'heart ache' when you two talked about your babies who are still in NICU. Anyhow, they are survivors and with the love from their mummies and love ones they will do well. It's just a matter of time that before they are ready to be on their own.

ABC, take care!! Wah, my prediction is correct. :p I tot u will be next .. haha.. Good luck! No EPI right?!!! WOOHOO!
Melissa, what kinda arrangement if any do you have to make with HR / boss about maternity leave?

I also bought the sofy nite pad which cotton - seems longer than those maternity pads, and furthermore has wings.

Yasmin for your case, it's better to monitor closely. mmh, talking abt excessive movements from bb. how much is considered as excessive? My bb has been moving non-stop for the last 30 mins, like doing aerobic or dancing!
