(2008/03) March 2008

Thanks for the link.
It's useful!!
Hehehe.. i've been thinking of ways to store the BM.. Then i think ya hor! u should know alot info :p Thats why ask u.. Seems like i got the correct person.. ehehe..

the way to defroze or heat up i could think off is to unscotchtape the milk, put in a container to be standing....and defrost....or put in the warmer to heat up....so as not to have leak milk...
Thawing frozen milk
I used to freeze this way too, no problem at all. Saves me lots of space in the freezer. When you need to thaw, just leave it in a cup overnight in the fridge, the frozen ebm will be thawed the next day. Pour out thawed milk into milk bottle and re-heat using warmer/hot water, simple!

Sanitary pads
NTUC is selling Kotex Maxi with wings at $4.86 for 20 pcs. I paid $2 for it at those "karung guni" shops.
Melissa, Petrina,
Not upset lah. First thought that come to my mind, healthy then can work meh. Agree that most important is enjoy work and not need to work, mentality right then won't feel unhappy lor. I'm generally quite optimistic. Anyway, he never say "ku ming", just "zuo dao lao"

Thanks, mummy norman, another vote for Shi En.
over the night? wont it get contaminated? hahaha i know nothing about BF-ing.. :p Still need to know how to frost.. can store up to how long.. everything!!

So for our 1st mth, we let them latch on directly right? dun introduce bottle? How about feeding water use syringe?
Yes, leaving my kids with my inlaws this afternoon as I need my rest.. no energy to cook lunch for them plus all the washing up. Yday, when I was bringing the bamboo out, I almost dropped the bamboo downstairs as the wind blew. After that, experienced lower back ache, was so worried I'll go into labour!

It's normal to shed some weight in last trimester. I think I may lose more weight with all those puking now :-(
you will be fine after you deliver la. Dun wori so much now. Jus let the bb come naturally ok? Take care.
No, you leave the frozen milk in the fridge to thaw overnight, so it won't get contaminated. For freshly expressed bm, you may leave it in the fridge for 48 hours (some mothers I know store for up to 4 days and the milk is still ok).
Hi Petrina,

Went for checkup on Sat. BB's weight is 2.8kg @36 weeks. Mama gained 13kg :-| ... Princess' name would be NICOLE. Would be planning for c-sect on March 1st. Can u update for me ? Thanks !!
Oh!! i thought thaw outside fridge for overnight. haha thats why thinking wont it get contaminated loL!..
Thks for the info.
but frozen milk can be stored up to 1 mth is it?
diana, noted..

reena: wah, so dangerous... better rest liao... bamboo drop is small issue. ltr knock on ppl downstairs then cham... or u go into labour...
normal to lose weight? i tot most mummies gain super lots weight during the last trimester... haha.
You also going for c-sec huh? Epi or GA? Now wondering if c-sec will affect BF? Cos not sure if got strength to latch on on 1st day or should i rest and try on 2nd day.
Hi Fei, Yupz.. me bo bian cos low lying placenta hv to go for c-sect ah... would op for Epi cos wanna see my princess right away and the papa can be present too. If GA, the papa can't be present.

Many of my friends who went thru c-sect told me they can BF right away leh.. Maybe also depends on how's individual recovery from the op ?

I would hope I can BF as soon as possible...

BTW, I also heard we are not allowed food at least 12hours after op ??? And also no ffod 6hrs b4 the op ???
mine case is breech baby. wow, you very brave leh, dare to watch huh? i most likely go GA, scared of blood and don't want to accidentally "transfer" my anxiety to my girl. think my imagination will go wild when i smell the blood or hear any sound even if i don't actually see due to the curtain screens ....

i am from april thread
can i know where is this shi fu located... thinking of getting him to name my girl after i pop...
Fei: i think so... cause emily did mention tat her milk flow abit slower.. as compared to babedude who did natural..
so far our list, only kais, emily, annie, strawberry did c-sec. but feedback came frm emily only. so no guarantees abt slower milkflow..
but i think u shld try as soon as u can. cause the colostrum is very nutritious..

diana: so u r gg for c-sec wif epi... so u can also c wat's gg on.. hehe.. nice
Post natal massage
Anyone started their post natal massage already? I'm actually interested in Kate's recommendation but the massage lady doesn't speak English so I'm abit concern... Anyone tried Liyun's recommendations?

May I know this massage lady's name and contact no please?

Postnatal Massage (By Cost)
Description Cost Session/Length Contact Price/Hour
10 Sessions Indon Lady $500.00 1.5hr / 90 min KateChow (katechow) $33.33/hour
7 Days Postnatal Package $490.00 2 hr / 120 min Liyun (pinniet) $35.00/hour
7 Sessions Jamu Wrap $450.00 1.5hr / 90 min Adeline | Princess Kim & Kath (madeleine) $42.86/hour
7 Sessions Chinese Lady $400.00 1+ hr Kell (closetdoor) $57.14/hour
7 Sessions $320.00 ? abc (abcdisney) $46/day
Postnatal Massage $50.00 1+ hr clover (julyclover) $50/day
actually don't think much about milk flow. breastfeeding is a natural process and the production will kick in when the baby sensed that the placenta is out of the body already. so it really doesn't matter how you deliver. it's mind over matter. trust me. if there's anything that make it not work - that's stress and unnecessary worries.

jia you. i believe anyone can breastfeed just like anyone can be a mom.
I don't know leh... I lose weight for all my 3 preg in 3rd tri, so I say it's normal lor... kekeke

Now don't dare to bring bamboo out leow.. but see the hot sun, so wasted not to bring out leh..argh!!!!
Fei/Petrina: Me brave ah ?? errr... i hope so ah.. :-| cos wanna see my princess & also want her papa to be present, so this is the best choice lor. Furthermore, my gynae also suggest epi to GA.

Am so excited..... now still at work.. coming week wanna ask gynae give me HL. So can spend some ALONE time b4 I pop.
If you back face the waterloo guanyin temple, it's the last old man on the right most corner. Just 1 umbrella shelter under the sun (not the one under the builing). I paid $46 but Petrina paid $36. I think my extra $10 is for choosing a good date for c-sec or maybe he give me 2 names instead of just 1. He will tell you how much after the session.
It's because placenta out, then body knows to produce milk huh? I thought it is due to the labour process like the contractions etc. if c-sec no contractions, then naturally milk comes slower. will keep telling myself to try try try loh.
Cheer up
I'm sure it'll get better once you deliver.

Shi En is a nice name. If ur gal is petite, it's ok la
cuter, as long as it's not a petite boy can already.

Postnatal Massage (By Cost)
Description Cost Session/Length Contact Price/Hour
10 Sessions Indon Lady $500.00 1.5hr / 90 min KateChow (katechow) $33.33/hour
7 Days Postnatal Package $490.00 2 hr / 120 min Liyun (pinniet) $35.00/hour
7 Sessions Jamu Wrap $450.00 1.5hr / 90 min Adeline | Princess Kim & Kath (madeleine) $42.86/hour
7 Sessions Chinese Lady $400.00 1+ hr Kell (closetdoor) $57.14/hour
7 Sessions $320.00 ? abc (abcdisney) $46/day
Postnatal Massage $50.00 1+ hr clover (julyclover) $50/day
$70 per session. 2 hrs. Only need to confirm after delivery (Yasmin)
i think like wat the rest of the mom say, when wan to thaw, place the packet into a cup and then thaw. When thaw it means leaving it in the fridge, nt the freezer, the night before. By the next day it will be liquid (thaw). Wat my fren did was she will pump a few times in the day, place the milk in the fridge, then accumulate the day's supply until at night then placed all in the freezer.

For me i got this milk tray where i can put them into cube (per cube is 1 oz). This help me to save breastmilk as sometimes one pack may b too much for the bb then waste lor. Eg if bb is taking only 4 oz, we may overstore into the milkbag (say milkbag may hv 6 oz instead, thus waste 2 oz). By putting into milk tray i jus take 4 cube to defroze will do....
Just came back from gynae's. Good news is my little one is engaged
. Dr said he's quite 'in' so no chance of coming out. My pelvic bone x ray came out well too, so I got chance of natural birth (mum had narrow pelvic bone). Glucose test cleared so now waiting to deliver

Worrying news is that my boy got his umblical chord near his neck. Did a CTG and found heart beat is sound but I need to monitor his movements. Extreme little or extreme lot need to see Dr already. If the chord stays there, might need to be induced on 1st week of Mar. So worried for my little one. Hope he doesn't strangle himself
Yasmin, why extreme lotsa movement also worrying?

yesterday very funny. my girl very very active leh, when her daddy sing to her, she keep nodding her head... like heading football like that, first time heading non-stop almost like 20-30 times in 15 min. i tell hubby stop singing, my pee coming out already...
Bcos the chord quite near his neck. So if he moves wildly for a long period of time, he might be getting strangled or struggling with the chord

Really hope nothing like that happens
Choy lah *touch wood* hope it doesn't happen to you. No matter what, follow your instinct. My gynae said those chord problems really depends on luck. You have no control over it. Anyway the chord is thick almost like your water pipe so it's usually unlikely that it will strangle the baby unless its' really bad luck. Have faith. So when u did your CTG, did u find out if you have any contraction?

Nothing to do with contractions. Milk productions is all about hormones. Read this fact:

"Once you expel your hormone-producing placenta, the oestrogen and progesterone levels in your body suddenly drop. At the same time, the level of the hormone prolactin rises. This pituitary gland hormone signals your body to make lots of milk to nourish your baby."

So see, I was right, doesn't matter if u c-sect or natural, as long as placenta is out, you will produce breast milk. The flow depends on how strong your baby suck it out. Some baby like to snack and some babies suck a lot of milk. That one we can discuss after delivery. It's going to be fun.
Mummy norman
Seeing my gynae next week. She's closely monitoring me. Said that she'll induce me if situation gets worrying. She said 1st wk of march which would be my 37th week.

Thanks. They nvr mention my contractions but I'm quite sure I have la. haha! the way my boy grills me...I saw peaks on both the graphs. 1 of it is for contractions right?
Yasmin, oic. so you should see gynae more often to double check then and also for peace of mind right?

Melissa, this is reassuring news. ok, will continue to brain wash myself positively.

MTB, bye bye for now. going for hi-tea with friends =P

I also had C-sect with epi for my #1 & #2 after failed induction. Was able to bf immediately after I was bk in the ward. But dunno why I find my #1 c-sect much more painful than #2. I used e side-lying position for #1 cos I got difficulty sitting up. Too painful! But turning fr left one side to the other side when changing breast also very painful lor... For #2 I was able to used diff positions (football hold, cradle hold, side-lying)

Hopefully this time will be able to do it too :D
reena: ya.. i think i too aunty liao.. c sun die die muz bring bamboo out.. now i put lighter clothes on it.. use more bamboos.. bobian.. if not kenna exerted then how...

my massage lady cost alittle over. but she speaks eng. home visit or salon visit. up to u. different cost though.. i'm doing salon visit. she did my prenatal aches.. not too bad. timing abit stretchy.. will continue OT if i still ache..

melissa: yes, i agree.. hb yest ask me buy a small can of FM.. i told him i wan TBF. then he said his collys told him shld have 1 small can to stand by.

opinion? shld i buy? or wait..
Hello... all mummies..

I am doing ok.. BB is also doing ok.. except for her occasional bad temper!! ESP at nite.. gosh..

My BB got birthcert already!! She is like the no. 4043 babies in singapore since jan! Wow...

Started to breast feed my bb.. she is quite ok with latching on my breast... and seem to be gentle too! so.. no experience of sore nipples.. YET! hahaha.... But abit stressful, coz i kinda of feed on demand..sometimes i just wonder if there are milk coming out of my nipples.. but if bb sucks satisfyingly ..shld be ok right?

Hospital bag..

PPLE.. start packing ur bags!! and.. experience is i dun like kotex pad..coz of the loop..luckily i have my own pureen brand..so much longer larger and can hold more blood!! :p

Bring at least 3-4 small towels and a small container.. to massage ur boobs for milk flow and clean bb after feeding.. or burb bb after every feed.. hospital dun seem to have it woh..

Nailcutter!!! remember to cut ur beautiful long nails k!! Esp ADELINE!! hahahaha

Hmm.. wats more.. shld be all bah.. feel free to msg me k.. i dun online as often..due to BB loh.. but on and off will come in and take a peek!! :p

Take care pple... and try to enjoy the last few wks of the pregnancy.. i kinda miss bb kicking me liao ... although she still kicks now..when she is out here! hahahaha
i got a qn, i was shifting my threadmill to make way for playpen... suddenly lower back ache n V part got lumpy feel... is it my bb on my V part? i juz finished shifting bal furniture n mopping up area... sitting down now.
is it BH? or bb engaging? i'm only in my 35wk... btw...
could be engaged. during my 33rd week, i felt a sharp pain in mid abdomen and after that got feeling at V part. Thought he was engaged and today confirmed he is! So urs might be too, since we're same timing
