(2008/01) Jan 2008 MTBs

Hello mummies,

Can I check with you all..
Anyone got the gate to prevent yr kids to enter the kitchen? Need to drill hole inorder to install the gate?

YES I KNOW i saw u everything ROYAL.
so irritating lor!!
i need cream and sugar, tomato, pasta, beef... !!!! but i hv nothing much to trade for what i need. sux!!
i think different family different thinking. a lot of factors like time, $$, and who takes care of your #2 or #3...
i think 3yr gap is good enuff for me...1-2yr too rush and #1 will not be old enough to understand the new inclusion; 4-5yr too far, when they grow up got age gap cannot relate to one another
just my personal preference
normal procedure is bb to remain in icu for 4hrs for observation, if everything ok, they'll lower the icu level. when i delivered my girl, there was another mother who delivered her girl at 35wks, 1.95kg...bb had breathing probs too but in the end she only discharge one day later than my girl..so tell yr sis and mum dun worry too much ok?

my girl could not fit into nb clothes, she was like swimming in them, shirt like dress like that..but i still just wear nb clothes for her cos 1st month she was swaddled in blanket so didn't really matter if the clothes were too big for her.
the only thing i bought was preemie bonnets from kiddy palace, but those i gave away already to another mummy with preemie bb...
the nb clothes i still have if you want...they're just those buy from market 3 for $10 type...got short sleeve, long sleeve and long pants...
some gates need to drill. i hv the wooden one fr ikea and husband had to drill. but he says it's sturdier so let him do the work lor. he fixed it up several years back when #1 was crawling.

some gates work by suction. they hv auto swing shut feature.
oh yes, do encourage yr sis to bf, really does help the bb strengthen and fatten up...my girl still small sized lah..but very healthy lor...
but must be prepared hor...small bb usually got a lot of feeding probs also...they dun drink much so much feed more frequently...they may not be able to latch properly also cos they sucking not very good..
you mean those 3 for $10 type can fit for preemies?
if so, then no need to get from you coz im sure my sis have a lot of those
my sis and i 4yrs difference. she took good care of me growing up. same sch, always watching out for me.

my kids 2.5yr diffrnce, sometimes gorgor will say "tobey is so cute", sometimes he will say "i dowan tobey already". u say leh.
Thanks for the info.. tat means there's 2 types of gate.. one need to drill, another no need to drill?
I need to get the one tat dun need any drilling one.. cos cannot drill anything in the house at the moment.
Dear Mummies,
I'd looking for "mother and baby" magazine May2008 issue. Suddenly see my baby's photo on that issue, so wanna keep a copy for him.

I've called MediaCorp hotline, they dun hv also. If anyone have, can call me @ 98295218. I wanna buy.. Thank you !
yup those can fit...they'll still be big but not so bad until falling off the shoulder lah...and it's good cos shirt can use as dress no need to wear pants..haha
dun spend extra on preemie clothes lah...they outgrow very fast
for her #1, she say no milk then stopped at 2 months or so...bullshit lor coz its all about demand and supply
me and my elder sis were moo moo cows but my younger sis didnt bother. she didnt catch the "i-wanna-bf-my-bb!!" virus leh
my younger sis and i 3yr different, i didnt lookout for her when i was young!
isaac so cute. but at least he is honest and innocent. kids cannot make up their mind so nevermind lar...

i remembered someone say got splash park? around where? got places to eat that can cater to kids our age? die die must bring home-cooked food?

no nid to bring home-cooked food. ah meng restuarant got sell chicken porridge at a HIGH PRICE nia haha

unless u wana feed him with KFC? :p
mylvera, what can we adults eat in the zoo then, apart from kfc and ah meng restaurant?
ok nevermind, i go to the website to take a look. else, go bird park. but hor, sengkang to jurong very stupid leh...muahahahah
mylvera i slack oso hahaha I have been blogging my back dated blog .... and playing games on FB since i step into ofc hahahah cos I holiday mood le!

I think it depends on the children themselves, and how the parents are prepared for it. For my own, me and my elder brother 2+ years gap, we are very good friend since young. Me and my young sister 3+ year gap, fight and quarrel throughout our life which makes us very close actually. Me and my young brother 8+ years gap, he is always my little brother, and we are very close too. All 4 of us are very close to each other regardless of the age gap.
Hi mummies,
This morning that my boy did a Q&A with me, haha ;) I juz "bo liao" & asked him in the car "Where are we going, boy?". He really surprised me & replied instantly "Ah ma". He knew that we are heading to ah ma hse!! And next, he pointed to the door & said "open". Heehee..but we are not there yet, didn't open the car door for him. Hmm, suddenly feel that my boy has grown up!!

Go zoo lah, more fun. Bird park a bit boring (for me at least). Esp if your son likes to play with water, certainly ZOO, the BigSplash waterplay area is new and nice!!! Food wise, zoo and bird park are the same lor, over-priced...... Bring your own lunch lor.
Wendy, shuo lai hua chang. Was planning to Rom in Dec 04, renovate flat then customary in 18 Jun 05 (2nd dating anniversary date). Who knows ILs went to ask for auspicious dates and the shifu told them the whole of 2005 after CNY (ie. Year of Rooster) is no good cos it's 'mang2 nian2' aka blind year. Weddings that happen in that year will not be good.

So ILs believe him, came back and tell my hubby that we MUST customary before CNY lor. So rushed, my mum also upset, she wanted me to delay 1 whole year and wait till 2006 and marry then. She said rush until like that to get married before CNY, wait people think I shot gun. But I don't like the idea of leaving my flat empty for more than 1 year plus I'm also not very young when I got married mah so accommodate ILs and rush lor. The contractor doing my flat also heart attack must hand over the flat back to me in 3 weeks. :p

Oh ya, my mini Takahi slow cooker can only on or off, no auto or keep warm function one leh. Hiaz. I must wake up and cook at 6am if I want it to be ready by 8am. Duh... :p

QQ, that's good. Anyway, just be more careful and kiasu there lor. Have a good trip.

Steph, don't be sad. I also buy Goldlion for my hubby. My first bd present to him was a Goldlion leather wallet and key pouch set. Since Jan 04, more than 5 years and he's still using and never spoil. Want to buy new one for him also cannot. Goldlion like my hubby leh, not the most sexy brand around, maybe some find it a bit ah pek, but trustworthy and reliable. Definitely a keeper. hehehe.

Icy, guys are all like that. My hubby also told me "this one like that, you still want to have another one ah?". Then I told him if want to give birth, must have 2 (cos I don't want RaeAnne to be only child). If wait too long, I don't want because
1a) I'm not getting any younger. If I wait and I end up not conceiving like my friend who has been trying for more than 5 years to have her no. 2. Her no. 1 is now in Primary 3. Went through so many rounds of IVF also never succeed.
1b) Plus if after 35, baby normal of course happy, but if bb is not normal and I'll have to face the emotional decision of what to do after that. I'll feel very guilty and definitely regret why I didn't have the baby earlier instead of ending up with high risk pregnancy.
2) If wait for too long, I'll be 'nua' to start all over again, the BF, night duties, not being able to travel/go shopping etc, no social life etc. Plus the overall down time will be longer, like Wendy mentioned.
3) If I wait too long, afraid RaeAnne will not be able to adjust having a sibiling cos she is too used to being the queen of the house and won't want to share. I know of a 5 year old boy who tells everyone he meets that his 'mei mei' is for sale, and he'll quote the highest price to different pp so that the aunty or uncle will take his mei mei away. :p

Eh, you ALWAYS back-dated your blog one mah. It really amazed me how could you remember what you have done in the past few weeks so well? You have super brain or what?
wow u going japan holiday tmr? have a safe & enjoyable trip!

ur sis delivered at KK or private hospital? from what i know, bb in nicu a bit difficult to latch them but can diligently pump it out and send it to nicu to feed bb. my hubby SIL gave birth to her #1 @ 1.8kg and stayed in nicu for 3-4 wks but gradually the weight picked up quite well leh.

must keep leaving restaurant city on all time? i just started playing it & trying to figure out how to play with the game.... any more tips?

re: durian feast
so sad i can only "smell" durians & cannot eat cos i need to keep my #2 small until i deliver in few wks time... last sat checkup my #2 is estimated 2.5kg @ 35wks. gynae say must control my diet with no durian, red meat & milk else another big bb like my #1 & i can forget abt trying natural delivery liao.
ok ok noted
bring own lunch? maybe make some sandwiches for me and my hb but my hb likes to eat constantly sure complain not filling at all and proceed to troop into the kopi kiosk or restaurant to buy some stuff to eat again. hahahaaa
if we really go to the zoo, maybe wake up early to make porridge first...
kitsune & mylvera
I also got married in 2005 leh. Heard abt this tale that Yr 2005 is not a good year too. But we approached a master to select date for customary & he also gave us a nice date which is "Labour Day"!! And i strike 4D many times that year leh ;)

When is your due date?

Dun tink too much on the #1 & #2 age gap. Juz "try naturally", sometimes the more u want, the longer it takes to conceive. Another Kam here to encourage mummy to have #2 & #3, haha ^.^

if yr hb is keen in paying $8.90 for chicken rice or nasi bryani .. by all means lor haah after eating will feel that he is very FULL liao.

i din even approach anyone. we simply chose a date whereby 2 of us can make it n tt's the day lor. we dun even bother to ask ard (esp the parents) if they can accept the date bor haha end up my customary date very easy to rem .. 2345 haha
mylvera, JanBB, ya lor, when hubby told me I also told him, surely there must be SOME DATE in 2005 that was suitable for us? But what to do, my ILs very straight one, shifu say no good then they ask us to totally avoid lor. But well, my MIL strike toto and 4d shortly after we got married so the dates they chose must be GOOD FOR THEM lor.

Until now, I joke with my hubby that we must renew our wedding vows so that I can choose new wedding date myself. Then our kids can be flower gals/boy. ;P
23 apr 05? so cute 2345 ;)
mine is 010505 & think i bot 0105 or 0501 & i strike!!! hohoho... so your wedding anniversary juz over last mth ah... go go buy 2345!!!

I also joked with my hubby when i passed by bridal shop that we shld "RETAKE" our wedding photoshoot cos' the wedding gowns now are so much nicer than last time. Kekeke ;)

when i joked with hb to retake photos.. he will reply me "now u so fat. take liao nice meh? tat time thinner, prettier." faint leh ..
den when i ask for bigger carat, he will say "aiyah.. now yr fingers slightly swollen cos of preg. aft delivery will slim down again. den dun nid this bigger carat liao. y waste $?" i give up! MEN! haha

**shake hand**


Ya, though we are members of the zoo now, and don't have to pay for the entrance fee, but hor, with lunch, drink, rides, photos, etc, ended still have to spend quite some money everytime we went there :)

Cook something easy in the morning. Don't have to be porridge all the time mah. Last week I boiled some sweet potato and brought to the zoo. My boy loves it more than his usual porridge, also something different for the outing. Think of something that can be prepared and cooked within 30min or less. Bring some fruits and biscuits also.
Haha, JanBB, ya lor, nowadays when I see Bridal magazine, still got the urge to buy and 'beow' the wedding gowns lar. Cos when I was getting married, everything was so rushed that I didn't enjoy the process, working lar (hubby teacher so day time not free to make decision one). Everyone was calling me, and I was trying to settle 2 receptions (ROM plus customary), choose bridal salon, rent wedding car, choose wedding flowers, look for photographer/videographer plus 1st & 2nd appt at HDB, house renovation, choosing tiles, toilet stuff, shop for furniture, shop for electrical appliances etc.
Hi Kam,

I undertand how you feel. Cos My Elias also has very bad break out of ezemma. Like yours plus his back has many many one dot dot in a whole family range. QUite jialat. My ped gave Fucicort and Elmoet b4.. I use not more then 2 days cos its steriod based cream so not recommened for child too young.. So I actually change all his prodcut to organic ones, including jar food and biscuits .. Cut on eggs too.. Dr say Elias need more organic/hypoallergic stuff due to his ezemma and heat rash skin.

Again, it may be inheritary cos I myself has childhood ezemma and asmatha. SO need take extra care of ELias cos people say ezeema and allergy must take care properly or can lead to asmatha. Esp I myself has child hood asmatha Now cleared.. Luckily.

So maybe you can try some organic stuff as it helps Elias a lot. ANd of cos hygine and extra cleaniness is very important too for ezemma child.. he needs a dust free enviroment.

Having a ezemma child is really expensive to maintian as you know la organic stuff really pretty ex but since its effective we dun mind lor.. Even food intake very important.

Mylvera, just realised I also got the Whiskers wood map piece liao. So, can move out of harbour now is it? I never make white cheddar leh, so now no need to make it liao is it?

Thanks for sharing. My PD said Hao Re condition is still not that bad. So I will do what he recommended, and see how it goes. Will try organic if needs be. These 2 days seems to be improved a lot, as in he didn't scratch that much and sleeps very well at night.

How's Elias now? Clear off the rashes already? Yes, my PD said if family members have asthma then child will have higher chance of having eczema.

Saw your photos in malacca. Nice break for you eh, without bringing Elias with you :)
You hubby so naughty. U muz ask him that if your #3 is also BOY!!! Hit jackpot got prize or not, haha?? Any big diamond ring to reward you, heehee ;)

Pauline & mylvera,
After we deliver, we muz go & take photoshoot ourselves W/O them BUT hor muz motivate each other to slim down first ; )
re: durian

I did ask my gynae about it for my #1, since both of us didnt gain much weight. He told me that weight will all go to me and hard to lose, not much impact on baby, in other words, dont even think about trying. So I never once I hear all the weight will go to me. But I still eat, but not big feast though.

icy, me and my sis, big gap 6 years. so basically nothing much to talk about since, I primary school she kindy, then I sec she primary. Only recent years, we became very close, so kinda regret missing out all those years that we could have each other for company, but the thing is really nothing to share and talk about lo, since our gap is so big. But now we are like best of friends. So thats why I always feel gap not too big would be better. When I was growing up before my sis came along, really quite lonely, no one to play with, then talk also talk to myself, then go playground, genna bully by those with siblings. But really, jus take things naturally else too stress also no good for u

u can go back to the town but not to moutain or woods.


asked him liao. he say duno. hope for gal n dun wana speculate the gender.
thanks for the suggestion. porridge can cook within 30mins, for me. maybe corning ware is really a good porridge cooker? hoho
maybe i should make healthy sandwiches for all of us. my boy doesnt mind sandwiches

yup, thats why later i go to kkh, must 'brainwash' my sis to pump diligently liao. i brought an avent manual pump of mine over so that she can get started, no more weak excuses hurhur...
Kam no choice i too busy le hahahah if you read my blog u know ..... mother's day I gotta go 4 places leh damn tiring .....
JanBB, hahaha, idea man, I like! If hubby not keen, then I'll take photo with my little gal dressed up as flower gal. But I think I need more photoshop work liao, saggy boobs and fine lines. You think the wedding salon will entertain us 'siao char bo' or not? :p

Hehe, mylvera, you reminded me, must start hinting to my hubby for my push present too. But I'll wait until know the gender first.

I don't like to stay in harbour leh, the mice always steal my cheese, somemore not just 1 piece. :/


My SIL is also expecting her #3, due in Oct. Same as you, her #1 and #2 are boys, and they are 3 years apart. Strangely, they both don't "click" at all, both of them have totally different characters. #1 refused to play with #2, and vise versa. #1 often said he doesn't like didi. #2 also bo chap type, very quiet, don't like to interact with poeple, enclose to his own world, now >2 years old already, still doesn't want to speak a single word (only says mama and baba rarely). #1 really doesn't like his didi, but he loves Hao Re, so it's more like #2 problem. Now #1 knows my SIL is expecting, so he WARNS his mum - mummy, I definitely don't want a didi, you must give me a meimei, okay!. My SIL super stress! At least you don't have this set of problems with your 2 boys.
