(2008/01) Jan 2008 MTBs

yah, the ducts blocked liao so pump oso no milk come out. must press on your own liao since you confined at home. last time got nurse press for me, the whole breasts turned into a commonwealth, few lumps joined together to form 1 lump aka my breast....and all the way into the armpit...keep pressing, the ducts will be unblocked.

try taking a hot shower and at the same time massage while splashing the hot water on yr breasts. it helps to clear the lumps too.
still the best is to ask yr hb to help you massage it out.

I can totally understand your worry and anxiety. Had that before and even went to KK but no used. Nurse put cabbage, massage and pump but still cannot. Last resort, I fetch my boy fm nanny place and latch him on and that totally clear the lump.

Now your problem is that you cant latch cos of HFMD. Is there way that you can latch and then bring then go? put on glove, mouth cover and long sleeve?
<font color="ff0000">Dumex All-in-One samples</font>
can you help me request for Dumex All-In-One samples (and/or step 3)? I wanna give my elder try cos she a fussy eater. Let me know after you received the samples. Tks so much! Tel: 1800-265-3188.
thanks shannonbaby, i did it too. when shower its gets better after that its come back again.

serene, can't bring bb back home. my parents don't allow even if i cover up myself.

mylvera, hubby cannot take leave today.
not yet. haven tried all-in-one. but i wanted to give her drink cos she is such a fussy eater. mealtimes is always a war.
Hi mummies,
Heard some mil complaints again...haha.

My mil also asked my hubby whether I can handle my boy alone. I told my boy "grandma worried you'll get tortured by me"....hahaha.

I had some appointments and errands to run yesterday and today so he went over to my in-laws place. Yesterday when we went to pick him up, my in-laws complain that his routine has gone haywire and he keeps asking them to carry and wants to go outside. I told them his routine is the same as his weekends routine and he has always liked to be carried. They say last time not like that one...duh! They used to tell us all the time that my boy likes to be carried and always asking them to carry...but now they say a different thing? Seems to me that they're hinting that I'm not doing a good job? Anyway, I told them he's a toddler now and it's oly natural for him to start demanding for things. Aiya, I tell myself nevermind but will expect more of those "comments" in future. Guess they've forgotten that I AM HIS MUMMY and they are only the grandparents.
Decided not to buy the pigeon instant food since you find it too salty. Will just bring some nestle oats with prune cereal (sample pack from PD
) and bring more cheerios in case really can't find suitable food for him.
I read your blog and I also find my boy super sticky this 2 weeks. His separation anxiety have returned and he needs to see us otherwise he starts crying. Not sure if it's due to him being sick last week but he started to demand for us to stay in the room with him when he goes to sleep. We used to leave him to sleep alone in the room and he was fine with it but since last week, he would smile and wave goodnight but will start crying when we leave the room. So one of us has to stay in the room with him. We just lie down on our bed in the dark and he will fall asleep on his own in his cot...dunno what's wrong. But I can feel the sharp edges of his molars so could be teething???? He also wakes up in the middle of the night crying for the past week. Really not sure if it's blocked nose, teething, nightmare, separation anxiety or whatever...
my boy also....wants me to carry all the time

carry him on bed, he wants get down the bed, touch ground, cry and want back to bed

like cannot make up his mind

yvonne, you can tell your MIL that kids treat different ppl different treatment..REALLY!!!
Nowadays I adopt the "don't say anything" attitude...haha. I just let them say what they want and if I really cannot help it, then I make my comments...hahaha.

Anyway, they keep saying don't need to bring my boy for lessons since he cannot even talk. Kept complaining that my hubby's cousin brings her daughter for right-brain and left-brain classes, etc etc. Well, I don't care...will still enrol my boy in JG or Bibinogs after I attend the trial class. My hubby say they are from a different generation so they don't understand our parenting methods. Fine lor.
yvonne, my #1 also the same, middle of the night cry like mad, struggling and rolling all over... dunno what happen. my hubby everytime see liao buay tahan will grab him, hold him tight and ask him to keep quiet and stop it. i see liao very heartpain. so i will scatch my boy from him.

I think for Hao Re, the uncomfortable/pain due to teething has over, for now. A few teeth have sprouted, but I still didn't manage to see how many exactly. I also don't know what is happening, and the funny thing is, he only sticks on me, not his daddy. Yesterday I decided to cook dinner (too sick of outside food), hubby worked late, intially he was ok playing in the living room, but only for few minutes, then he moved his toy one by one to the kitchen, and sat right next to where I stood and continued to play his toys. Making me felt guilty for not accompanying him to play but chose to cook instead :-(

His night time routine now is - reach home about 6.30-7pm, play and have snack (fruits/biscuits/bread/yogurt/etc) till 8.50pm, then watch tv (have to be exactly 8.50pm cos he loves the mickey mouse club house ending part, ie, the dancing part) and then the little brown bear short story, then last milk feed at about 9.15-9.30pm, then straight away sleep. I either carry him to sleep, or put him on the bed to sleep, either way work, but it's me who really like to carry him to sleep. Now sleep through again since still co-sleep with us, no waking up at all for me, if he wakes up, just pass him his sippy mug, he drinks some water, then continue to sleep. Hubby often didn't even notice our boy wake up during the night (duh, typical husband :))
His lower gums are still very swollen but he refuse to let me see or touch his gums so very difficult to apply the teething gel. I know the molars can cause alot of discomfort and pain but not sure if it's continuous leh.
my bou definitely teething left bottom gum molar coming...quite swollen...right upper molar one came out

yvonne, your boy also like mine, not talking yet
My boy can only say mama, mum mum and papa. He said bye bye once when we kept repeating and asking him to say it. He managed to say it very clearly but didn't want to say it anymore. I guess he can say things but he's not confident.
my boy can tok a bit nia
take, na (take in mandarin), mum-mum, papa, mama, milk (not very clear), walk (not very clear)
but he understands a lot of words, just cannot express himself. if he cant, he will hold my hand, pull me to the spot, and point, and say "take", "na" or try to tell me what he wants

I find this useful, to share with you - Hao Re knew how to say mama and papa since few months back, but he seldom called us. Only recently, rather than asking or waiting for him to call, I would say - "ma" than open my mouth as if waiting to complete the word, then my boy happily and quickly say "mama". Same as "baba". He can speak a few other words also :)
Johanna can say "cheese" now. Hehehe. Everytime I give her cheese, she will say "cheese" and come to get her cheese.

She also can call me "mum, mum", grandma "mama", daddy 'dada or dad dad or daddy and few other words.
So far, these are what my girl can do.

1. Mostly baby talk. Yeyeyeyeye.... (cannot understand a single word).
2. Call mama and papa but only when she feels like it.
3. Say "Ah mum" when she means "I want".
4. Say "mum mum" when sees milk.
5. Say "bird bird" when sees birds.
6. say "Mao Mao" when sees cat.
7. Raise both hands up and say "bao bao" when she wants to be carried.
8. Points to the places she wants to go or things she wants to take.
9. Say "who who (in chinese)" when hears door opens.
That day I have sat down on the sofa and then only realised the remote control was on the tv console. Too lazy to get up, so asked Hao Re to get for me, and he actually understood and got it for me :) Same for his toys, he knows which toy to bring for me when I ask him, like ball, block, bear, etc. At school, whenever he sees me appears on the doorstep, he will guai guai pcik up the toys from the floor and put them back onto the shelves and ask us to clap for him! If he doens't, either me or the teacher will ask him to do so. Reckon he can help me when I have my baby girl, don't you think so :)

Your Hao Re is soo guai. Will definitely be a good gor gor loh.

All the toddlers at this age are soooo cute. Really a very fun stage at this time.
vernon also will give me thing when i ask him to. eg. he is holding to my hand mask, i will say give mama.. den he will pass to me and say na. if he will his biscuit, he will take the container ande pass to me and say na.
hai, my breast is too painful for to wait for my hubby to be back end up i have to call latcation consultant for home visit. she will be here in hour an hour time. hopefully i'll feel better.
Joyce, who did you call for LC home visit? Wanted to tell you if you kenna blocked ducts cannot keep pumping every hour cos it'll stimulate supply and cause body to produce more milk. If the duct is blocked, more milk will cause it to be more engorged and painful. I try massaging myself all the time when I got blocked duct but it's true, can't do it myself cos can't bear the pain. That's why I'm such good friend with KK LC, Yen Ping now. Saw her more than 10 times since I delivered my gal. Faint! Her technique is different though, she says don't use hot towel to massage because hot towel will only stimulate more milk and end up even harder to clear the blockage. Instead, check which part of the areola is blocked then massage hard to clear the passage to the blocked duct, must see the corresponding duct shoot milk then considered cleared. Don't be angry at your mum lar, old people don't know such things one, they see you suffer then ask you to stop bf lor. last time, they also give FM, seldome give BM. As long as you feel that BM is beneficial to your baby then just ignore all the wet blankets lor. If not, end up you feel even more frustrated yourself. :p

This morning, finally went for my first appt with Dr Jocelyn Wong, TMC today. Must say she is very nice and patient dr, very reassuring with my questions. Saw bb's heart beat today, CRL is 10.5mm. EDD on ultrasound is 8 Dec but Dr Wong said she'll keep to 10 Dec since that's the date according to my LMP.

Wendy, I asked her and 1) yes, she still remembers you and 2) your record is broken. She delivered a 4.5kg baby, natural delivery somemore. And 3) I checked for you and MMMPlus pills and tincture are both in stock cos I bought Elancyl stretchmark cream from the pharmacy cos half price.

But arghh, I still cannot make up my mind whether to switch to TMC though dr Wong very nice because 1) I don't have good vibes when walking around TMC maybe because it's cramped and not much shops. Very boring when waiting for appt. Or maybe I'm too used to KK liao, kept going there for LC visits so the place machiam like second home to me. Thinking of going for TMC hosp tour before I make up my mind 2) Transport wise, really can't stand the Thomson exit from PIE, I took a cab there this morning and the cab spent more than 10mins just trying to exit. And it was 10am, not peak hour somemore. Can't imagine if I rushing for delivery how? 3) Anyone knows how much TMC LC charge for clinic consultation vs home visit cos I always kenna blocked ducts type. I know my KK LC so well but I know she gives priority to KK patients. Some pte hospital patients always try to book her cos KK cheaper I think ($55 per visit). If I switch to TMC, afraid I'll spend an even bigger bomb there visiting LCs. :p
pauline, i call up baby breeze LC, Zara. she help and advice me a lot. wow my homevisit charge cost double of urs.

feel so depressed, even my sis also ask me to stop bf. and if i want to continue its better to wait for 1 more week after i recover. by then i think my boy will refuse my nipple liao. am i really have to stop bf?
Joyce, did you manage to ask your LC if you need to stop latching during this period? For me, when I realised I got HFMD (from my cousin's kid), my gal already catch from me liao. So no point trying to separate us. But even then, she can't latch because of all the ulcers in her mouth painful mah. Yes, I did kenna blocked duct during that time. Cannot see my LC somemore cos HFMD, she discourage me from going to hospital. So, I had to wait until infectious period was over which was 1 week plus so can only keep massaging at home, by the time I see LC, my right boob supply dropped cos partially blocked for so long. Don't worry, just pump and maintain supply for your boy. My gal ah, after 1 week of not latching, I latched her when she blur blur half asleep at night and she automatically remember how to suckle but of course she was a bit tentative at first cos she still got 'yin1 ying3' of the pain of her ulcers during latching previously. Then next day, suckle like normal liao cos she realised no pain liao.
u also got hfmd. if ur gal didn't got it u will still bf her? oh my LC know that i got hfmd she just wear mask and glove. oh u mean its take 1 week to recover? y my dr said 10days? can the virus pass through bm?
blessedbaby, you can try Tangs beauty place, jurlique counter, ask them if possible to give u some sample to try or maybe apply on the spot on the wrist? Else tomo luxasia the coy that brings the brand in having sale at Toa Payoh sports complex I think
yah TMC sucks in terms of location and traffic, but i just love their suites and rooms. Dunno leh, funny, u dont feel good vibes, hehe, cos when me and hubby go for tour, we immediately love the place. Even the delivery suite, but hor, too bad, didnt get to use cos have to csect. I like the place so much that if got #2, i'd even consider going back Sg to deliver at TMC cos heard soooo much horror stories of HK hospitals (except for Matilda which is at The Peak!). But if i deliver in Sg, aiyoh, again, confinement alone in Sg without hubby??? Hehe, think so much and i'm not even preggie yet! ROFL

<font color="ff0000"><font size="+2">Mei</font></font>
<font color="ff0000">Alamak, i oredi posted about the tshirt leh. U missed my post lah..no wonder nvr respond! I called on the day itself liao, they said XS (for 1-2yr old) is OOS and they dunno when will replenish. Left only S, which they dont recommend cos it's American size, definitely too big for ur #2. BUT if u want, i can still buy for u, but i gotta call them to reserve. Erm, that was like 1 week ago...also dunno whether they got OOS by now... :p Let me know again ok!</font>
oh zara is a lovely lady. yah, pte LC standard charge $100 for each home visit but response time is usually faster lor.
if possible u can also go and see her, babybreeze located at novena square mah, near near

anyway, hang in there and keep perservering on breastfeeding ok? alot of older generation dunno abt the benefits of BM, during their time only poor ppl give BM cos no $$ to buy FM, the more well off will give FM. so for them it's like a status symbol
having said that, if u really feel u cannot then dun get too upset if you have to give up ok, u have already done a very good job providing what u can for yr boy... dun stress over it too much, cos stress will affect supply also and will affect yr boy too...happy mummy = happy baby

as for whether yr boy will forget yr nipple. LC will tell u that u can always learn to relatch yr boy, i spoke to one LC who told me she even taught a one yr old boy to relearn to latch...so dun worry just concentrate on getting better!!

wah. haha. this time i no miss. cos it's bold and in red. haha.

yes pls. size S is ok. can wear longer. can help again? tks so much. email me ok. in case i miss again.
