(2008/01) Jan 2008 MTBs


go Post Office. cheaper and can go thro western union too. or they have their own CASH HOME service. service charge is S$10.
Hi, godsent, hehe got a very faint second line when I tested on 30 Mar. Still early stage, coming to 6 weeks. So never officially announce lar. ;)

Luckily, I decided not to put RaeAnne at LNT, I think I got to start her on playgroup early to get her used to it before the arrival of no. 2 in Dec.

Hehe, Mylvera, so I can see the animals but skip the monkeys then ok liao. True lar, mine also like monkey, gal gal but trying to climb everywhere. When she is too short and cannot reach eg. coffee table, she'll drag the footstool and climb on footstool first then continue to climb onto the coffee table. Faint! :p
means i go to post office, western union counter?
okie... i will go this sat. what information do we need to provide and bring? Work permit?

i also hoping to put Javier into playgroup in August like tat. I am waiting for a CC to open in May to call me. on their waiting list now
Jess, I took all the application forms from Elfa CC but haven't fill up and submit yet. Because haven;t confirm want to hire maid or not, I scared if hire maid plus start playgroup, very siong for hubby. Wanted to start her in 2010 (save $400 x 4 months) but hubby say no need, start her early. I'm the one who's indecisive lar. :p

erm.. if u go see pig, does tat means #2 eat alot? if see lion, #2 very fierce? haha think tat's wat those ppl meant so cannot go zoo haha

there is a counter for sending $$ back. u nid their work permit n she has to b there too cos she nids to sign. u nid the bank account number too.
mylvera, I want to see pig leh cos pig eat and sleep a lot. Was hoping my gal will be like that since she's a piggy and MIl said hubby was like that when he was young but I got no such luck lor. She's a monkey disguised as a pig. Hee.
i understand ur concern. me also worry about finances especially when nw we are having retrenchment. tats y i also holding back. got to take a step at a time. at least we still have time to be indecisive for awhile

wat bank account number? i giving her cash to send back lei....
no no i cannot be in refresher club coz i very busy busy. this morning i was logged in from home. at 3am and 7am. i was refreshing but not much use hahahaha.
bye bye i'm closing this page coz i hv TONS of work PLUS a migraine (from yesterday afternoon's heat!!) PLUS a stupid ulcer under my tongue.

hey, your MMP keep until u're preg with #3 then pass to me la. i still hv a few drops left, and i also can steal some fr my colleague.
i am going for my long holidays again next week.

mylvera & jess: we can pay maid' levy from cpf account. Forgot to tell you all. ;-)

Tongtong: if I could make it, I will. Btw, i have been weaning my girl off for night feed 3 days ago. ;-) Make it slowly, I also dont want her to have unnecessary stress.
i also tinking of sendin my girl to the cc downstairs my area...after subsidy is abt $325. but it is closed door classroom environment, meaning the 18-24mths kids are out in a room, do u tink it is gd? my friend says open classroom better?
wah, so i am right. my memory not so bad afterall... heeheee...

okie. so i better ask her to call home tonite to check first.

Levy Concession

You can apply for a levy concession for up to two FDWs if you satisfy the following conditions A, B, C or D:

Condition A

(i) The employer or spouse has a child who is a Singapore Citizen below 12 years old living with him/her; or

(ii) The employer or spouse has a grandchild who is a Singapore Citizen below 12 years old living with him/her.
Condition B

(i) The employer or co-residing spouse is a Singapore Citizen aged 65 years old and above; or

(ii) The employer or spouse is a Singapore Citizen and the other party is a Singapore Permanent Resident aged 65 years old or above, both of whom live at the same registered address as in the Identity Card (NRIC).

Condition C

(i) The employer or spouse has a parent, parent-in-law, grandparent or grandparent-in-law who is a Singapore Citizen aged 65 years old or above, living with him/her at the same registered address as in the NRIC; or

(ii) The employer or spouse is a Singapore Citizen and has a parent, parent-in-law, grandparent or grandparent-in-law who is a Singapore Permanent Resident aged 65 years old or above, living with him/her at the same registered address as in the NRIC.

Condition D

From 15 September 2007, the FDW levy concession will be extended to FDW's employers with disability or who have family members with disability and require a full-time caregiver's assistance in Activities of Daily Living.

For more information on the eligibility criteria and application procedures, please visit the Disability Portal .
Hi mummies,

so long didnt log in. But I just need a space to vent my fustration.
I think I had a super bad luck for the mth of April. Last week I was admitted to hospital for drips for 2 days due to severe ms vomitting. Out of hospital, forced to bed rest for the rest of the week.
then this week monday, my FIL brought my gal to senior citizen fitness corner to play with the equipment and accidentally hurt her first toes. brought her to KKH A&E as its late evening already, took x-ray and turn out that her toe is fractured!! Nw her right leg is in cast and cannot walk or stand, crying n crying non stop and it may take up to one month to recover! This fri still need to see the bone specialist to access how to cure it. The worse is i think she caught a flu at KKH A&E while waiting and now sneezing away.

I feel so heart pain and angry with FIL, why play with senior citizen corner fitness equipment when there is a playground nearby. Somemore pull and bang the equipment thus, causing the toe to fracture. Lucky thing is her toe is caught between a rubber and metal piece and she is wearing her shoes, else i think her whole toe will be crushed.
I am so tired handling a non-stop crying n whining baby and at a same time battling the bad ms. Nw my gal needs to be carried all the time as the moment we put her down, she wants to walk.

anyone at home to help u carry yr gal? u nid some help now. take care. tell yr hb n ask for help now.

btw, how bad was yr MS vomitting? my gynae refuse to do anything to me even tho i hv not been having dinner for weeks! n fr 6pm - 6am cant even take a single drop of water.

Poor thing! Take good care of yourself, and ask for help whenever you can. Hope your gal recover soon, really poor thing, ya, can understand how angry you would be with your FIL.
Poor shannonbaby, you must be feeling so frustrated and 'xin tong' for your gal. I would be too. Hope the bones heal on their own. Hugz...
kam, you never consider bbsitter meh?

pauline, they said dont see animal, scared bb will born like the animal ..

shannonbaby, aiyo!!! hope ur gal will recover very soon! i know it really hurts! and u take care too .
Hi mommies,

Just wondering how many of you actually hit your babies?

I don't. But my MIL has been hitting my gal - smack her on the calf like 3-4 times at one go (till can see red finger marks), or she will 'Tiak' her on her hands or use the fork to poke her. I see already very xin tong for my gal and hope my MIL will stop doing it. Complain to my hubby and he says i give in too much to our gal.

The latest example happenned last nite. My gal loves looking a planes, so whenever one flies past my house, she hears the sounds and will keep gesturing for you to carry her out to see it. So it happenned during dinner, while she was in the high chair. My hubby say don't carry her out so she started crying real bad and kept trying to climb out of the high chiar. My mother in law then took her out and away into her room, and told her you can come out but you cannot cry and we will not go see the plane. When she continued crying for the planes, my MIL started smacking her. Once she starts crying again, she smacked her. But I can't do anything. Just quietly finish my dinner and quickly go 'save' my gal.

I myself don't think it warrants the smacking for her actions and I don't think my baby understands why she is getting hit. I'm I being too soft-hearted? Is this the way to discipline our child? Hiaz... Things like these makes me wish I am living on our own...

Sorry for the long post.
shannonbaby, you take good care.....second pregnancy is usually tougher especially when we meed to take care of number 1 at same time

if its me...i will also be mad with FIL....but mayb he feel even worse cos he is the cause of it

my ms is really bad - as in everything that goes in come out 100%, be it food or water. I particulary sit inside the toilet from week 8 to week 9 cos i can vomit every 10 to 15 min. i survive on plain porridge and dry biscuits but those also come out. then weight keep dropping, thus my gynae insist I stay in the hospital to have drip.
Did u try anti-vomit medication? i tried but no help. currently, my ms is better, as in only vomit a few times a day compare to staying in the toilet.
why u didnt eat anything from 6pm to 6am? my mum told me to just eat, then vomit. at least something goes in.
precious baby, i will tell my MIL that if my gal is naughty, tell me and i will 'teach' myself.

I dun like the smacking and especially fork poking thingy that she is doing

c'mon lor....her way is out dated liao la
precious baby,

my MIL shoot my #1 with rubber band n my hb follow suit till i complain! den she proceed with hitting my son with a long wooden chopstick which she used as a cane!

i ate but everything will come out fr 6pm - 6am even water. absolutely no food at all. went to see gynae but he say bb ok so dun bother with the mummy haha
thanks for yr concern mummies.

Nw my FIL n MIL are helping me to carry my gal during the day time and attending to her together with my maid cos i need to go back to work after 2 weeks hospitalisation leave. I am lucky that my maid really love my gal and take good care of her. MIL offered to help me look after her at nite, but i decided to do it myself as my gal will keep crying of pain esp when she turn or hit her leg against the wall. worried that my MIL can't handle her at nite.

FIL offered to pay for her medical bills, but i refuse to take. He says he will only bring her to the playground next time, but never even say sorry about it lor. Anyway, i had already barred him from bringing my gal out of the house.
how come you all allow MIL to treat our babies like that

i cant take it leh....anyway, she also wont do that cos they are his bao beis....and she will also scared i angry

i will beat and punished my sons myself and she will heart pain and wanna rescue them
precious baby,

usually when my gal is naughty, my hubby n i will hit her hand one time and tell what she did wrong, esp nw that she can understand. but these days, she will hit us back, thinking tat we are playing with her. All becos, my FIL will for nothing ask my gal to put her hand out for him to hit. Then after that, he will put his hand out and ask my gal to hit back.

personally, i dont like the cane method and smacking of face etc. esp nw that they can understand right n wrong.

i guess cos i am dehyrated thus required drips ba. sign include my urine is brown in colour constantly. my gynae gives me anti-vomit medication and vitamin B6 (know for anti-vomit but not a medicine).

I got my MIL to keep an eye for me. keke.
I usually send my gal n maid to my IL's house unless my grandma or my dad is at my home to jaga my maid. Then my MIL n maid will report to me when my gal does or goes for the day. Everyday, my maid need to answer my questions like what time she sleep, sleep until what time, milk time, meal times (whether got finish or not), what does my gal do for the day (like read books, play with ye ye n nai nai, go ntuc with yeye or playground and the timing). Then i will ask my MIL the same qns and see whether tally or not. keke. if my gal is at my home for the day, then my grandma will be my spy for the day.

Yes, when Hao Re was born, we were chosing between nanny and infant care. But my mum strongly against nanny, she said if the nanny is not recommended by friends, then cannot trust. We don't have many friends who can recommend nanny. So we drop the idea. Went to this infant care, like the school environment and the teachers, so decided on the centre lor.

There are pros and cons to send our kids to nanny or infant care. But personally I still prefer infant care. If not for the cost, I wouldn't have a second thought.

Now, waiting the hear from a friend. She sent her 2 kids to this nanny (very near my house also), and she is very sastified with the nanny, and highly recommend this nanny. But this nanny quite popular one leh, and she insists to only take care of 1 kid at any 1 time. Only if the timing is right..... see if I am lucky enough or not lor.
Pauline, I can understand how you feel. It sucks man. But well after that we will have another darling
. Thats keeps me motivated.

mylvera, thats what I do now as well, kiss mei mei, love mei mei, you must share with mei mei. The thing is, she is so curious about my tum tum, that now she will go lift everyone's shirt and touch.

shannonbaby, you must take care of yourself as well k

Mummies, got a question to ask, which my gf who is due this week ask me. I dont know how to answer her. She says her collegue who just delivered her third baby, everytime request her gynae to sew her up tighter below so that her sex life will not be affected. So my gf ask me, can make such request? Anyway sew tighter will make difference one ma?
precious moments
I think v bad leh, they so young already start smacking them. sometimes i hit my son's hands lightly. But not until red lah! NOw your mil hit liao, tell you ah, read 4 years old, she prob using cane and belt liao. By then the kids are harder to control. oso if she hit so often, your child go to sch might hit pple to get her way, cos tats how Ah ma taught her!

Hahah... so cute, can sew up tighter one ah? I din think abt tat? But tat time I no need stitches... imagine I told gynae, pls stitch up a little anyway! HOho...

i got to know it aft she used it for quite some time. den i saw it with my eyes ..but i was told that i cannot tell my MIL off cos she will cry n run away den i hv a prob. cos no one to help jagar my maid n sons!
i thought usually grandparents 'bu she de" hit their grandchildren one?? my dad will rescue my gal, everytime when she get scolding or time out from us.

I think this recommended Nanny is not bad. She is committed to look after the kid and not just for the pay. At least you know that she is giving full attention to your baby.

I don't believe in discipling young toddler by smacking. In fact, my hubby doesn't allow me to even beat my son lightly. But I guess in your case (and same as mylvera), it's difficult, cos MIL is the main carer. If I were in your position, I won't say anything to MIL, but to talk to hubby, if hubby agrees with your way and not MIL, then hubby should be the one who talks to MIL. But if hubby agrees MIL's way, then too bad for you, you either have to accept it or let someone else take care of your kids.


Hahahaha........interesting questions! But no, I don't think it's true. As what I understand, there is really nothing to do with how the sewing is done, it cannot be sewed tighter/higher, that doesn't make sense. What has changed after delivery is our muscle down there. After delivering the baby, our muscle got loosen and so not that "tight" for the sexual pleasure. It's just like an elastic band being stretched out and lost its elasticity. The only thing that may help to "tighten" the muscle is through pelvic exercise? maybe.
