(2008/01) Jan 2008 MTBs

Hi all,

Was very busy with my new house as hubby went biz trip for most of this month. We're going to join him when he stopover in Hong Kong next week. A bit nervous as i'll be travelling with my girl alone. Hope i can make it through! Any mummies has experience flying with baby? Do we check in the pram or can we bring on board?

Thanks for organising the trial, don't worry about the cancellation.. you've been great! Anyway, we'll be signing up my girl for the class at Marden's Swim school as their term starts earlier then Aquaducks. (Aquaducks starts new term in Sept if i'm not wrong but Marden's swimschool starts in July)

So many of you started feeding cereals, me have not but started giving my girl fruit juice, she seems to enjoy it a lot..hehe
Violetice, voted for baby Ian! He's very photogenic in that pix, stand good chance of winning!!

<font color="0000ff">Neckfloat:</font>
I will update on the status of neckfloat by tmr cos my hubby still busy with his work &amp; he promised me to search for it tonite ;)

<font color="aa00aa">Bumper playmat</font>
I saw many placing order for "yellow bear" @ $119. Is it after or before discount price?

<font color="0077aa">Gymboree</font>
Blessedbaby - I'm interested to go but this sat going to bring my boy for his 3rd injection. Can share with us (mayb pix) after your class oki? Will love to find out more

Thanks for the neck float update.

Btw, where are you working? Near town? Thought meet you for lunch.

For Bumper Mat ~ Anyone knows the diff between LG Prime and Parklon? Heard LG is better.
janbb, 119 is before the 20% discount.

violetice, i jus mailed Alien to check the diff betw LG Prime and Parklon. yes the LG is better quality and texture of the surface is different too.
my office is near harbourfront/vivo. Are you working nearby? If so, we can meet for lunch ;)

Thanks!! Wow is very cheap which mean paying only $95.20 only. Very good buy. Got pic to see how "yellow bear" playmat look like??
hi babe,
its like that one....kids take abt two weeks to adapt to cc.

My boy took abt a month. I understand your stress cos i was even more stressed up during that period as my number 2 is not drinking from bottle and number 1 not adapting to cc and i just returned to work.

It will soon be over....i went to pray....so you might wanna try praying too.

U take care too.
Day: July's Sat / Sun
Venue: City area (Suntec / Orchard)
Time: Btwn 1400 - 1600 hrs

1. sg_audrey &amp; Tristan, Sat/Sun ok.
2. lyn78 &amp; Rayden sat/ sun ok.
3. bbdear &amp; wei yu sat/sun ok.
4. blessed serene &amp; benjamin, sat ok
5. angelsky &amp; gwyneth, everyday also okay
6. kitsune &amp; family, Sat ok. Sun not ok.
7. yen2007 &amp; Celleste &amp; Hubby, Sat/Sun ok. (Prefer at condo's function room)
hello Jan mummies, i am from Feb thread. Am forming a grp to attend the trial class for kindermusik "Village".

PLease PM me if you are interested. Cheers.

We can share the costs as the organiser's child is actually free. first come first serve.

Date :Sunday 4 pm – 6 Jul 2008
Max: 12 children
Fee:S$23.40 including GST (if we split the cost among 12 mummies for 11 pax, otherwise min 10 pax and 1 pax is $25.50)
Kindermusik “Village” - newborn to 18 months

1) Qingling
2) Qingling's fren A
3) Qingling's fren B
4) Qingling's fren C
5) Qingling's fren D

My office is located at Old Toh Tuck.
However, sometimes I can go Vivo for appt and can meet you for lunch. I like the Carl's Jr there!
<font color="ff0000">help help!</font>
me helping a friend to buy the equipment to listen/record baby's heartbeat. anyone knows which brand good?
Janbb: my hb saw e neckfloat in beijing shopping mall is RMB80 so he didnt buy.. i told him if above rmb50 then forget it. whrs ur hb now?
taipei sellin e float too.

Blessesbaby: i'm keen on Gymboree class.. wat time is e class?

Old Toh Tuck is near where, heehee, me very poor sense of direction one ; )
Oki, if u happen to come vivo, msg my hp, we go there for lunch. Superdog is also very nice!!
<font color="aa00aa">Gymboree Play &amp; Music Trial</font>
ok! let's do a trial for gymboree. shall we do a trial at Harbourfront? Which age group? Level 1 (0-6m) or Level 2 (6-10m)?
<font color="aa00aa">Gymboree Play &amp; Music Trial</font>
01. steph77 - harbourfront ok, Level 2(6-10m) propose End July/Early Aug wkends
My hubby is at Shanghai now. He will look around later at nite. So ex ah, rmb80 is S$16 rite (divide by 5 rite?).

<font color="aa00aa">Mummies that have placed order for neckfloat, shld we make it a point that if neckfloat is selling less than S$10 then we buy oki? If more than S$10, don't worth it rite? Any objections?</font>

Mei, your friend is in which part of china? If Shanghai, mayb can ask him give you the street name so that I can ask my hubby go there later?

Gymboree Trial
01. steph77 - harbourfront ok, Level 2(6-10m) propose End July/Early Aug wkends
02. Janbb - Level 2 (6-10m)
Aiyo all the cards here i don't have

<font color="ff0000">Mothercare Membership Privileges</font>
For VIP/GOLD membership(present membership card):
Gymboree Play &amp; Music
Promotion Period: 1 June 08 to 31 July 08
Special Privileges :
10% off on any of 6 programmes (Learning continuum, Music, Arts, Global Kids, Yoga Fun/Mommy&amp;Baby and Fitness Fun) for 12 classes
Outlet : Only at HarbourFront Centre, 1 Maritime Square #03-60/61/62 (Access from lift lobby D at HarbourFront Centre)

<font color="ff0000">OCBC Platinum MasterCard</font>
Gymboree First trial lesson at S$20 (U.P. S$34)
Serangoon Garden Village, 9 Portchester Ave, #03-02, Tel: 6383 4662
Tanglin Mall, #02-17/18, Tel: 6735 5290
Parkway Centre, #02-02/03, Tel: 6440 6306
Harbourfront Centre, #03-60/61/62, Tel: 6271 1545
Offer valid until 31 Dec 2008.
Terms &amp; Conditions
- Valid for New Families and One per family
- For children below 5 years old
- Each child must accompany by one adult at all times while in the centre
- Please call for availability of classes
Hi JanBB,

I have no objections. By the way, a normal donut float already cost about $11 so I don't mind to pay abit more, say $15 since not easy to find in S'pore leh.
Hi mummies,

one of my friend would like to sell her baby swimming set. She bought it 300RMB, and let it go 40S$. only used twice. Who is interested?
It contains neck float, bath tube , temperature measure and a VCD instruction.
Lynn / Janbb:

If in Beijing, maybe got to try those pasar malam type of places like Xiu Shui Jie. Mall should be more expensive. Can also ask their Chinese counterparts.

Not sure about Shanghai though.
Day: July's Sat / Sun
Venue: City area (Suntec / Orchard)
Time: Btwn 1400 - 1600 hrs

1. sg_audrey &amp; Tristan, Sat/Sun ok.
2. lyn78 &amp; Rayden sat/ sun ok.
3. bbdear &amp; wei yu sat/sun ok.
4. blessed serene &amp; benjamin, sat ok
5. angelsky &amp; gwyneth, everyday also okay
6. kitsune &amp; family, Sat ok. Sun not ok.
7. yen2007 &amp; Celleste &amp; Hubby, Sat/Sun ok. (Prefer at condo's function room)
8. Babe &amp; family, weekends
Gymboree Play &amp; Music Trial
01. steph77 - harbourfront ok, Level 2(6-10m) propose End July/Early Aug wkends
02. Babe

I've got robinsons ocbc platinum card. Does that count for the promotion?
Hi, remember one mommy saying her bb had cough and delayed seeing doc. I thought mine was just normal cough and will go away but went to see pd after 4-5days. This is a new pd coz the usual one I go to fully booked. She said he's developing early bronchilitis and used nebulizer on him. He wasn't coughing persistently but when he coughed it's like old man's cough. Is my PD overreacting? So young use nebuliser lehz..and see him cry so heartpain.
Mei, mine still bad. Didn't have good night sleep and crying so much I scolded her. Her daddy also cannot take it, tell her if cont cry she's going to stay outside the rm. Only then she quiet down. Aiya, I really dunno if I had been too harsh. I know she's scare and insecure but what can I do? ARghhhhh....then today her behaviour change, see teacher asked her carry immediately and say go playgrd. Say bye bye to us only when asked to.
Gymboree Play &amp; Music Trial
01. steph77 - harbourfront ok, Level 2(6-10m) propose End July/Early Aug wkends
02. Babe
03. Lynn- level 2 (6-10m)
<font color="aa00aa">Gymboree Play &amp; Music Trial </font>
01. steph77 - harbourfront ok, Level 2(6-10m) propose End July/Early Aug wkends
02. Janbb - Level 2 (6-10m)
03. babyship
04. lyn78 - level 2 (6-10m)
05. mei - level 2 (6-10m)
hi mummies!

Neck float:
if anybody kw e location selling e float in shanghai, let mi kw.. i got a frz staying there, i can ask her to help us buy, she coming back sin end july.

janbb: yep! S$16 ... so my hb didnt buy lor, told him above rmb50 =(sin10)then forget it. if ur hb manage to buy and too bulky to bring all back, u can leave some at my frz place she can help to bring bac end july my frz stays at hua san condo.(provided mummies can wait)
Gymboree Play &amp; Music Trial
01. steph77 - harbourfront ok, Level 2(6-10m) propose End July/Early Aug wkends
02. Janbb - Level 2 (6-10m)
03. babyship
04. lyn78 - level 2 (6-10m)
05. mei - level 2 (6-10m)
06. angelsky

It was my son. He wasn't coughing very bad either. I only brought him to see PD after 3 days developing cough. My PD also gave him nebulizer. My son used the nebulizer for 5 days (4 times a day). He still coughed after stopped using nebulizer. He only fully recovered 1 week after. I brought him to see his PD for review, but long queue on Saturday so didn't get to see. Like what you described, my son didn't cough a lot, but when he coughed, he was like an old man's cough, like something blocking his throat, and he was trying hard to cough it out.

My personal view is that the PD is playing safe. They would want to prevent a young baby developing from mild cough to bronchithis. And I agree on that. I rather prevent my baby from developing worse, so I let him use the nebulizer and took medicine prescribed. It's true young baby has very narrow airway and very easily get imflammation and subsequently gone worse.

Prevention is better than cure!

Need not worry to much. Just keep close monitoring. Give him a bit of water from time to time helps too.
Gymboree Play &amp; Music Trial
01. steph77 - harbourfront ok, Level 2(6-10m) propose End July/Early Aug wkends
02. Janbb - Level 2 (6-10m)
03. babyship
04. lyn78 - level 2 (6-10m)
05. mei - level 2 (6-10m)
06. angelsky
07. mom2nat -level2 (6-10m)
Gymboree Play &amp; Music Trial
01. steph77 - harbourfront ok, Level 2(6-10m) propose End July/Early Aug wkends
02. Janbb - Level 2 (6-10m)
03. babyship
04. lyn78 - level 2 (6-10m)
05. mei - level 2 (6-10m)
06. angelsky
07. gintonic (6-10m)
Day: July's Sat / Sun
Venue: City area (Suntec / Orchard)
Time: Btwn 1400 - 1600 hrs

1. sg_audrey &amp; Tristan, Sat/Sun ok.
2. lyn78 &amp; Rayden sat/ sun ok.
3. bbdear &amp; wei yu sat/sun ok.
4. blessed serene &amp; benjamin, sat ok
5. angelsky &amp; gwyneth, everyday also okay
6. kitsune &amp; family, Sat ok. Sun not ok.
7. yen2007 &amp; Celleste &amp; Hubby, Sat/Sun ok. (Prefer at condo's function room)
8. Babe &amp; family, weekends
9. babyshannon &amp; Shayne, weekends ok
for gymboree, do we have to sign up for the membership? i think i read somewhere that got free trial if we sign up for the membership. then we can arrange for play date (as in play with the equipments in the gymboree for one hr each time) for our babies together too once we are members.
Anyone know abt this?
Gymboree Play &amp; Music Trial
01. steph77 - harbourfront ok, Level 2(6-10m) propose End July/Early Aug wkends
02. Janbb - Level 2 (6-10m)
03. babyship
04. lyn78 - level 2 (6-10m)
05. mei - level 2 (6-10m)
06. angelsky
07. gintonic (6-10m)
08. Jacelyn (6-10m)

Whn going to make the order?? So price confirm b4 the 20% discount right?? May wanna order as well!!

Saw it selling at rivervale plz! But din check the price for it, was in a rush though. Maybe u all wanna check out the price there??


Anyone has experience false mealses? Javin had viral fever since sat morning till monday. Then he had some rashes behind his ears and mouth. This morning all over his body and face already. PD said he had false mealses due to the viral fever! No medication was prescribed at all. Told me it will disappear by itself! mummies do you all knw roughly how long it will take to subside? So worried cos his milk intake also reduces alot....
