(2008/01) Jan 2008 MTBs

Violetlce, my gynae also took a vagina swab for me to check for the Strep B thing. Im really praying that I don't have it. But I guess, even if have, also bo pian. Just have to trust that things will work out fine. As the article that Steph showed mentions...mother will be given antibiotics jab before delivery. THink baby after born will also be given some antibiotics.

Re: Breastfeeding topic
Seems like quite a lot of talk about bf so far. After attending antenatal class at Mt. A recently, I also quite concerned whether how much milk i can produce leh...my size also not big. I know I keep hearing or reading that size does not matter, but is it really?? I mean, if you cup size not that big, it just means less storage only is it? But still will have milk if relaxed and positive??

<font color="aa00aa">zhao mummies!!
how u feeling? any plans for xmas celebration before u pop?

me gg avent showrm either 21/22/29nov. any mummy wanna tomp-pang me buy anything for her? PM me then i can pass to u on 12-12 gathering.</font>
Yes, tat yellow-gold crystalised thingy is colostrum. #1 I got since 7 months preg. This time ard not really yet. I used to find it stuck to my bra and PJs.

I realised not all SG gynaes do the Strep B test. But from wat I read, it is impt leh, cos if one is infected (20% of women), and bb has vaginal birth, bb might get infected and complications. Anyway it is just a swab, if have, then they give you anti biotics b4 birth lor.

haha... one night I oso slept thru then slept on the side, my hands/shoulders pressing tog. End up I jumped up of bed when I realise I din wake up to pump. And my milk overflow onto my bed and bolster!!! Wat a mess.

how's your cramps? Isit stomach ache need to poo poo? Cos recently I realise when I get tummyache, the pain hor, different from last time, maybe stomach big liao, the pain seems to be everywhere.

Lucky you prick 2 times only liao. Prob not tat serious, mainly to monitor. Be good, dun anyhow eat for now lor, or else GD can lead to real D after preg. I hate to control food, but if you tink for bb and for you and gg to be over soon... not so bad lor.

I got flat nipples, so latching was so difficult. It oso doesn't help with my mom asking, bb crying isit not enough milk! *sigh*
Oh, after I stop bf, my breasts became smaller, can't fill up the cups! but put on weight then go back to original size liao. But saggy lor. My sil say she wanna try slimfit breast lifting thing, I say try liao tell me good or not. haha...

Heee... this time ard, you more pro liao, so sure can bf better!
Thanks alot, he's always not the gan chiong type.. maybe there's gd and bad abt not gan chiong doctors bah. So when will be yr next checkup? 2 or 3 wks later?
Morning ladies,

I will try to scan the book this weekend and email to u..

No prob. Will bring along a copy for u too in the coming gathering. U going for the gathering too rite?
Dont worry abt not able to produce enough milk. Always bear in mind, dd=ss. Size really really doesnt matter. Small boobs doesnt mean lesser milk duct. Its the duct that is producing the milk. Bigger boobs juz more fats content only.

After bf, my cup size also smaller and sag. They juz look funny. Small and yet saggy. Haha....SlimFit? Got chance tell you in pte abt it. Ask ur sil dont waste $$$.

Having lotsa supply also got problem. Hai~ Eg, milk flow too fast, bb choke. BB dont latch, milk "spraying" everywhere. Very messy. Need to clean up the mess and bb crying away. Really "pek chek".
Morning all,
Is the Strep B test compulsory? At which week does the doc test us or do we ask for it?

The Pigeon 82 pcs baby wipes costs $3.40 ea. But I bought the 6 pack x 82pcs in a multi-purpose bag, which costs $18.85 during Taka Baby Fair.
Valencia, thankful for abundance. Never really had this spray thing. LC said my milk ducts abit croaked so milk easily jam inside. Really by hardwork then manage to fully latch her for 4 mths. After that go back work, think my breast dun like the pump and dun really get much so had to partial till 11mths decide to stop coz too tired at work. During confinement, did u pump after bf ur son? If so, have to keep washing and sterilising the pump izzit? or u juz pump and throw away those little excesses?
Cloth diapers:
Does anybody know how much are the squarish cloth diapers (traditional type you have to fold) being sold?

Trying to compare against the pre-folds sold at bumwear...
Hi all

Re breasfeeding
Heard we need to start massaging our breast and nipples in preapration for BF. Any paritcular cream to buy to help bf in future.. ANy thing to share? Like cream or tips to massage??

Re baby bonus.
Heard we can claim up to $3K for first child. How do we go abt this? Upon registering at the hospital then or?

Icy & Luvv,
My hubby's the traveling type too. We are posted to Beijing but we've come back last week to attend a friend's wedding... now he's traveling again

But his bosses are good, let him station in Singapore by December as my EDD is 29Jan...

I am staying at my parents' place till end Dec, when my tenant moves out... So still have company at home la... and bird's nest and chicken soup too :p
<font color="0077aa">Fern,

u going to SCGS this evening 7pm for the Doctot's Talk ? U driving or taking cab? Is there any nearby place or the school canteen/cafe so we could have dinner first? Any idea?</font>
She say $188 for 6 sessions v cheap, then my hb tell her, go consult a doc, they will tell you if these are gimmicks and how the science of our body works, then you know if these places got use or not. My hb say ah, only way is breast lift thru plastic surgeon lah.

steph / fern
Why you gg scgs? Are you girls alumni there?

I dunno isit compulsory, but it is done ard 36 weeks i think. To me hor, if you read on the risk factors, I rather it be compulsory.
Pigmit, the talk is 2 hours from 7-9pm.
Mom2nat, we're going to SCGS for TMC's Parentcraft doctor's talk. Any one else going too?
I guess i will be asking my doc for the strep b test just to be safe.

My friend just told me that there's a pasar malam in jurong, somewhere near NTU, which sells buttoned-down dress PJs for $6. Those staying in the west could pop down to chk it out.
Re: Braxton Hicks = hardening of the uterus

Anyone experiencing or felt a tightening or hardening at the front of the abdomen or one side of the tummy? I felt it increase in frequency nowadays beginning 30wks. After a full meal, i oso feel bb pressing against my diaphragm, sometimes making breathing difficult. Somehow...i got a feeling that bb might arrive earlier than EDD. I can feel more obvious bb movements & stronger kicks too. Is this a normal sign?

<font color="0077aa">heehee Mom2nat, nope...we r not SCGS girls alumni. We r there for last pre-natal class (doc's talk)

shooting_star, i will be gg this evening
see ya!</font>
<font color="0077aa"> i bought a rabbit brand nursing bra for $12.90. Front flap/opening exposing the nipple area, cotton material, comfy & cheap lol
gd anot not sure cos must try then know...keke</font>
my next appt will be 3 wks later.

the contractions u exp is normal I think cos I also exp the same thing ! everytime i sit down or lie down sure breathless for a while.
Hey ! where u get the nursing bra ? cheap leh ! from those shops in jurong again ah ?
HI Steph,
Me not sure whats there to eat there... I be eating at home first..and taking a cab now as I dun drive lah...

YOu better take something light b4 coming lor.... Me dun with flu.. hope be better later so can concentrate at talk lor.. hope got goody bag or some freebies to perk me up.... afterall, its the last antental session lor.. hahaha

Fleece causes allergy according to some pple.. think better get cottony stuff for bb lor... even I have allergy from it. I bought b4 but gtg keep it till bb grows ollder or give away lor.

I got a comfortor set for bb... so he can use that.. like blanket... or swaddle bb should be a better alternative. Think young bb need to be swaddeled to keep warm lor...
I nv pump to stimulate. Only pump when my boy suckle one side and snooze. Pump a bit so it will not engorge but nv empty the breast. Yes, I do freeze it but subsequently discard them cos realise got excess milk. Dont want to feed the frozen one.

Yeah, I also think that only surgery can fix the problem.

Personally find that the Mothercare one is really comfy. BUT, really ex also. No idea how much they are selling rite now. But during my time, which was 3 yrs back, its at $49.90 each.

Any idea can we still drive till delivery? Juz trigger my tot as juz now while I was driving, BH struck me. Really v uncomfy.
valencia...Im still driving to work too! Haha..I also wonder whether should stop by a certain time, but if I stop, then coming to work a bit tiring..coz have to walk quite a bit to my office from bus stop.

I also going for the talk later at SCGS
. I think should be able to park at the car park in the school ba? Else where else to park.
hi all

my nipples also same like yours, got brown dry flakes coming off..hubby was also alarmed intially tot why my nipple peeling! hahahah.

Re : breast massage
how do we massage it? Circular or upward motion? Any reference?

U good leh...still got milk spray...me really dunno which category i am in...got milk or not...sigh.

Re: BM supply
My fren told me not to worry, not true small breast = less milk. She said all her small breast group of frens got lots of milk, but on the contrary, the buxomy one no milk...so we'll jus have to see if we are lucky or not lo.

Re: nursing Bra
Hey, anyone knows which brand of nursing bra got padding? I find all the nursing bras (incl Mothercare which is supposedly very comfy) doesnt come with padding. Find it a hassle cos my nipples have grown so much, so paiseh and uncomfortable wearing these nursing bras out...still can see nipple. Or are we supp to wear them with the breast pads to prevent leakage? Heard from Mrs Wong when we're BF-ing, shudnt wear wired bras but all non-wired ones are not padded!

Re: Storage of BM
The fridge in my HK apartment comes along with the apt so it's really small...think i may need to buy an extra fridge/freezer to store any breast milk supplies i have...cos put the food inside, no space liao....do u gals think i shud go for a mini fridge or straight away opt for freezer?

Re : Breastfeeding
Latching on the baby directly to the breast is also diff from pumping out and feeding baby BM via bottle rite? Will pumping out using breast pump also can create the demand vs supply for BM that our brain needs to comprehend?
<font color="ff0000">beansprout pillow</font>
k, as promised. my fren emailed me the pic for the sample casing with name. name sew by hand.

PM me know if you still keen to place order in case i missed out your post. If you wish to place order from the BeanSprout BP, feel free to do so. It's ok. - )
<font color="0077aa">hehe chaye, clever la...ya i got the nursing bra (non wired & non-padded) from mama shops in Jurong. The nursing bra look quite similiar like Spring Maternity design. If i am bless with Gushing BM & successful TBF then i might consider invest in a good/more ex nursing bra else normal cheap & comfy nursing bra will do lol

can wear maternity bra, most come with padded support (Try Perfect Mum). The nursing bra is mostly non-padded, for insertion of disposable breast pads.

<font color="ff6000">Re:Driving till delivery
hey talking abt this...can we NOT BUCKLE the seatbelt since now in 3rd tri ? Tummy big, V uncomfy. Izit legal ?</font>
I saw at centrepoint mothercare last week, some of their nursing bra got padding. Nice colour, pinkish maroon. Got padding or not hor, you oso need to put disposible paddings or washable ones. Tats why most bras no padding.

How can dun buckle?? I still drive leh, so sure need to buckle up.
Re: nursing bra
yup yup my frd oso recommend Mothercare nursing bras *2006/7 award winning*(offering drop-cups, extra-soft elastic, easier fastening and wider sides, back & straps).
*Anyone who has collected the Baby Journey from national library, inside there is discount coupon from Mothercare, can use them to buy nursing bra lol

Then my frd bluff me lol...she say it is legal not to buckle up wor!
Hi deerdeer,

I think it is by law to have a carseat if u r ferrying the baby around.

To all,

thanks for the nursing bras recomendation.
Nursing bra still find M&S best but very ex. So if u have fren travelling to UK, can ask them buy coz alot cheaper even with the exchange rate.

Cheap cheap nursing bra can be bought from John Little or Robinsons at $9.90. The brand is eternity or something but don't expect too much.
Dear all.
i had a bad fall on 2-Nov-2007. due to a old uncle abt 50yrs old, push me.. (dunno if he is purposely or accidently; make me fall) Until now my tummy always pain.. want to doc adrian, he give me mc and medicine. i scare bb might come out in DECEMBER if contraction didnt stop.

If u gal want to buy pigeon wipes u all can find me at a cheaper rate. Btw regarding the gathering can someone update me by sms.. lately very busy in work so MIA ...
mrs piggy...

i oso almost kenna kick by a mad old woman near my workplace. she juz walk up to me & shout to me in hokkien "i give u 1 kick ah!"... then out comes her leg. lucky i siam in time. if not sure kenna big time. since then i'm always weary of ppl ard me. try to walk as far away frm them as possible. u'll nvr noe who's gonna do wat next lor. so scary...
