(2008/01) Jan 2008 MTBs

<font color="ff6000">babe,
u've got mail, i PM-ed u (",)
btw, to re-confirm...the s/s dress PJs are knee length/level, u okay with it?</font>

Hmmm... frankly hor, I think you bf first, see how's your ss. Cos not everyone successful in bf or like it. NO point buy all the pumps, fridge, bags blah blah then realise dun wan to bf. It is being practical. Initially your ss oso wont be much, dun think can freeze. Maybe after confinement ss increase then buy more oso nto late. Just my humble opinion lah.
LIke my fren tell me Avent bottles best, help me buy a whole set, small to big, teats oso so much. End up my girl din like it!!! No I have abt 10 avent bottles, and other brands another 8 to 10, cos I gotta try all kinds to find one she likes! Fainted hor.
same comments as mom2nat. Since u already hv some, just use those first. When running out then replenish.

chey, that time i was also using Ameda pump, then i transferred the ebm into Avent bottles ma. Up to u la, whatever that works.

your friend help u to buy or give u as a gift?
Randall also using NUK. Reason being, I simply love the cute cartoons. LOL~. And my cousin told me she got no problem intro bottle to her kids using NUK. Bought so many bottles when I was preg. So, with so many bottles, die die also wont change the teats. Anyway, he was ok so long I am out of the house. So in order for him to get use to teat, I damn poor thing. Damn tired also need to get out of the house. Hang ard shopping mall that have nursing facility so that I can pump outside.

Guess thats what our milk is made up of. What bottle also the same.
Help me to buy, cos tat time I was not in singapore, so she said Avent is the best. So i say ok lor. End up ah, "the best" is in my storeroom for 3 yrs liao!

I oso tried to get out of the house so Nat can drink form bottle, but work for a while only. Nat was drinking so little, can be 350ml a day in total for a 5 month old. Each time 50ml kind, force until I sian ah. Pacifier oso another thing tat I have tonnes, end up she decided her thumb nicer! I think with those trial and error we really have a lot of redundant things in our store. haha...
yeah i was pumping about 1 litre a day as well. my boy was quite a big eater so it was ok lor. in the end, i still had excess frozen milk so donated it away. not wasted mah
your idea to pump the other breast after bb latch on the other side is a good idea! this way it will make sure both boobs produce almost equal amt of milk rite? otherwise will be 1 big 1 small? seems like most bb only take 1 boob at 1 time. hardly hear of any going for both sides in 1 feeding...

i chilled my EBM in glass bottles and also got the 3 layers of oil, foremilk and hindmilk. i normally will shake the bottle until all mixed together then trf to the milkbag. dont want to wate the oil part lah cos i think that part is also nutritious! all the omega oil blah blah thing :p yeah i had to express every 3 hrs in the beginning to establish the supply - just like how you would have to latch bb on every 3 hrs lor. same thing

yah my suggestion same as the other mommies here. try out BFing first and if u need more supplies, get it later on. same for the bottles. dont buy too many at one time cos every bb is different and u just hv to find out what he/she likes through trial and error. my biggest mistake was buying the bottles and teats in bulk - i wasted couple of hundred dollars! attached below a photo of all the stuff that my boy didnt like and i had to give away in the end! oh and for diapers, also pls dont buy in bulk until u know which brand suits your bb best cos all got different type of cutting even tho the size is the same.

about medela pump in style
i have this particular model and it is not noisy at all. i can pump in the same room as bb when he is sleeping (and he is a light sleeper!). so i guess it depends on which medela model u buy. some might be noisier than the others.

about graco playards
i got my graco pack and play fr the bb hypermart (or was it bb kingdom?) in kaki bukit. their price is reasonable so can go there and check it out. but that was last year lah - dunno if they still have or not.

wah have to get out of the house else bb wont drink?!? sounds quite jia lat leh .. guess their sense of smell is really too acute!

hee.. no need take photo lah. but i doubt my juggling skills are as good as yours!
<font color="0077aa">Mom2nat, wendyg & michelle,
okie dokie, noted yr valuable feedbacks & thks 4 sharing yr experience!
Wow michelle, power seah...so many teats & bottles yr bb own! yr boy very cute le, how many months is he now?</font>
he was only 3-4 mths old in that photo. now he's oredi 13 mths

braxton hicks
anyone experiencing this yet? i think mine is starting to come liao ...
re: BH
yeah, i notice maybe once in few days.. most times when i'm walking. i think i still walk quite fast for a 8m preggie, only when i get up, sit down etc i gotto do it slow-mo to avoid cramps.
Makes me think i'll deliver in mid-dec when i'm 37wk.. hahaha.
Re: braxton hicks
I think I'm experiencing more of these contractions nowadays...one second my tummy is soft but the next second it turns into a solid hard "ball". My hubby is also surprised at the speed these "contractions" come and go...it's not painful but rather uncomfortable.
Re: braxton hicks
How does it feel.. something like tummy tighten up and numb?

my tummy alwways tight tight, i wonde4r if i ate too much. :p
my fren also telling me about braxton hicks. But since me first time mommy, dunno wats the signs like....so, when tummy hardened ball, dats braxton hicks? Me scared preemie leh. My fren went to her gynae and was given 1week mc and medication to prevent premature labour. Will braxton actually trigger labour? I'm very worried cos seems like my baby is very very low-positioned...can feel her.
yeah i think i'm waking much faster now than with my 1st born! somehow feel less clumsy than before hee. 37 wks is ok rite? i think that's considered full term oredi

icy, mylife
yup BH is like the tummy hardening. not painful one. i dont think it signals impending labour, just getting ready. but anyway talk to your gynae about it at the next visit just to get reassurance
yes 37wk is full term. my #1 was induced at 37.5wk.

some bb girls born with little hair... wait a while la.
Don't make me jealous! Mine's a baby boy although I really wanted to have a girl to start with. I'm not even excited when i walk into the stores becos all the stuff they have for boys are so boring!!
yah hor.. i never thought of that. better dont buy 1st. but cant blame me lah. cos #1 was boy no chance to buy all these things mah ;)

i know wat u mean! every time i walk into those bb store, 80% of the stuff are for girls :p boy section only like 20% so pathetic! anyway try for #2 see get girl or not lor haha
Your boy so cute! My girl oso using tat NUK premium bottles, I like it cos easier to put in milk powder. The normal bottles, aiyo, always have powder spill here and there.

re: Braxton Hicks
Yes, like tightening of the stomach. Some pple get it, some dun. Now I get it abt 3 times a day or so. Feels v tight and uncomfortable. But not pain. WHen it is labour you know cos the pain ah, how you change position oso won't go away and v intense.
Thanks for the BH explanation. Have sent an email to my gynae to ask as well. Anyway, hehe...i'm like u...expecting a girl...and everytime go into any babies shops, cant resist going in to look see. Dat time went to Sanrio Puroland in Japan, i also bought the hairclips, rubber bands of Little Twin Stars (my fav character!) Muahahahaha.

Here in HK more siao ok. People here indulged in buying branded clothes for their kids so much so, branded boutiques have their own flagship babies stores here like Elle, Ralph Lauren Polo, Dior, ferragamo, etc...to us, back in Sg, we deemed Ck, Dkny Kids, or Osh Kosh as branded liao...here like mad one...but i must admit the rompers, jumpers, and newborn attire from Dior and Ralph Lauren is REALLY REALLY cute esp for girls!!! Esp now is winter, so they're also selling those cute winter jackets for babies....retailing at HKD360...about SGD66...si beh expensive leh...hubby was balking at how siao HK people are... kekeke
err...i mean the rompers retailing at HD360..not the jackets. hehe. but when they go on sale, it's really worth it wor....they will slash price to like 50% sale. Even Zara here also got babies and kids dept! Very nice!!!
<font color="0000ff">Interested mummies,</font>

I have a Medela Mini Electric Pump (single). It can run on electricity but the battery part is not sensitive anymore. Willing to let go below S$100. Price is negotiable. Kindly PM me as I seldom come in here. Thanks
can i chk with u gals on pediatrician issues? Immediately after our baby is born, will we be "assigned" to one in the hospital we deliver in? I'm delivering in TMC, so am thinking before i move my baby to HK, the first month vaccination and all those, do we have to look for a PD ourselves? Thanks!
yes that's the practice at TMC. The PD that u're assigned to will chk bb for jaundice, administer the first jab etc.
After discharged, u can choose to go back to the same PD @ TMC, but if u prefer u can also look for a PD near your home. Alternatively, consider Polyclinic or GP.
Hi Michelle and other MTBs,

Braxton Hicks - the hardening of the tummy... I always tot it's due to bb stretching inside ur womb! heehee... sometimes it's on the rite side of my tummy, sometimes on my left side.. I just talk to bb to relax herself, "so" my tummy to relax her and after a while, it's back to original.. so BH is an indication of tummy getting ready for labour??? Not bb stretching, adjusting herself?? I oso dunno leh cos first time mum.. keke...

anyways, i wanna post my tum tum pix to join the club too... jus taken yday..

Thks QQ, I diligently apply the stretchmark cream after I bathed. But my mom gave birth to 3kids and I don't c any bad stretchmark ard her tummy. I hope I'll be like her...
Hi mummies

i have a Avent manual pump and only used for 1week. I'd like to let go as my milk ss is very low and given up for BF due to some personal reason. The UP is $99 , pls kindly PM me for those who is interested, price is negotiable.

i'm not tall, abt 1.6m and perhaps i would consider myself fleshy, before pregnant i'm abt 48kg... i do get comments dat i don't look like 7mths preggie but u nvr know... the tummy may jus decide to balloon up once u hit 8mths to full term... but i hope my gal would be kinder towards me and don't made my tum tum grow too big cos i feel quite clumpsy now... i wonder if any other MTBs feel the same...sometimes when i eat, i get some stains on my tops which nvr happened to me before...
wah babe...yah..your tum-tum looks quite big hor!
but can tell your butt not big at all...so envious! hehe

Agree with wendy, godsent one is very compact! Some more got tattoo...havoc leh!

Wendy..thanks for the PD explanation.
Hi All,
Can I check with you... just wondering what to expect from taking care of a newborn... Starting to worry now... For the first one month, we engaged a confinment auntie so need not worry. Besides this I have engaged a Filiipino maid and also have a mil staying with us. But once confinemnt aunties goes back, the baby is sleeping with us in the MBR instead.... although he has his own room to sleep in future when its older. For all mum already.. so newborn are best to sleep with us rite instead by temselves hor? SO that if anything they need at least we are close to them hor? I read abt my cases abt SIDS and I really worry now lor.. Baby sleeping with us means we have to stay awake all the time or what? Just wana get myself mentally prepared lor... DO give me yr advises
mylife, butts will be big mehz?

Thot tummy is abit big...not as compact as no.1. Now 31+ weeks but when I went for studioshoot just last week, the photographer said tum abit small. Shld wait till 33 wks min for shoot...anyway will wait for the shots to come out.

Wendy, selling my uno coz gotten a medela swing and another old avent manual pump. Actually like the uno more but think need to save some money and juz keep to one.
When bb sleep of cos you sleep!! If bb sleep you watch, then bb wake up, can't be watching you sleep right? Initially he prob sleep and wake up at odd hours, ard 3 mths old, most pple will start to tune their bb to suit our timing.

Depends you wan to follow Singaporean way or Western way. Singaporean way, baby sleeps with us, bb cry, we attend. Western way, baby might sleep in the same room for 3 mths and out they go. Bb cry, bb will learn to soothe himself. Oso, depends on the character of your child, and how "worried" kind you are.

It is idealistic to say, we wan bb in another room, cry himself to sleep blah blah... end up your bb super stubborn, then you see who can last longer lor. For me, my girl slept in my room, now still here! Can't get her out liao. PD advised me to put her in another room at 6 mths. I was not getting good sleep, cos my girl light sleeper, put her down, she cry, wan me to carry. PD say I put her in her bed, in another room, say "go to sleep", if in the middle of the night she cry, go to her say " shut up". Well, din work for me. PD ask if I wan to be the boss or my girl. End up she is the boss lor. By 1 yr old he told me, too late liao. I am at the back and call of my girl now, in the middle of the night she will "mommy, mommy" and I have to go to her mattress. Heee... at first tot I can be close to her, attend to her needs, soon I became a slave. But well, if you get bb like my newphews then v good, anywhere oso sleep, change into PJ oso dun wake up.

If you worried bb in another room, you can put a baby monitor to hear his cries. For SIDS, get safer mattress, dun put blanket on his bed, or too much stuffed toys. YOu cant' be watching him sleep all the time, or having someone watch over him.

Maybe you learn from the confinement lady. Dun just let her do everything, you dun learn, when she leave, good luck liao. Oos get your maid to learn. This time ard, I am gg to let the CL and maid and bb sleep tog, so tat when the CL wake up, my maid is "trained" to wake up and attend to bb. Cos my maid is the kind ah, thunderstorm oso dunno.
Hi, mummies. Went for OGTT today, not as bad as I thought though the drink was really sweet. Went to OIO maternity shop to kill time, ended up buying 1 working dress, 1 working skirt and panties cos there was a sale. Thought of seeing Dr S F Loh (since he was on duty) just to check the weight of my baby since I'm idling at The Private Suite anyway. But he refused. According to the nurse, he didn't want to cause any misunderstanding with my gynae, Dr Judy Wong. Wonder why since I don't have a package with Judy Wong and I have no intention to change gynae. It's just that it's Sat and Judy is not working. Plus any gynae can do a scan right as long as patient is willing to pay. Hmmm... :?

Received my bumper mat today. It's really soft though only 11mm. Set up a little cosy corner for BB, it'll look nicer once I set up the cot but people say put in the cot only after BB is born so I'll wait. Won't collect dust this way also.

Hi Jan Mum, I'm from Oct Mum. I have buy extra packets of herbs (about 15pkts) for bathing. I'm not sure any one interested. Selling at $1.50/pkt.
Interested Mum pls call me at 92789982.

me too 1st time mommy and frankly i have EXACTLY the same anxieties and worries as you...dunno if we can cope and the shud dos, must dos, don't dos, etc. I guess we have to play by ear bah.

the way u put it very cute "PD ask if I wan to be the boss or my girl. End up she is the boss lor" Haha....i think many of our generation mommies are like this...cant help it...i also dare not say wat type of mommy i will be becos we dunno wat type of babies we'll be having. Like a chinese saying, "needle not poking our flesh, we wont feel pain"...wait until it's our own baby wailing his/her heart out, sure feel heart pain. I also chuckle at the way u describe your maid "thunderstorm oso dunno" kekekeke.

Actually talk about SID cases, what exactly IS a "safer mattress"?? Heard so many types, foam la, foam-like la...cause rashes la, too hot la...*confused* And when exactly is a SAFE time to start giving baby the pillow and bolster? ie...when is a baby OUT of danger of SID?

Why put cot in only after BB is born? What is the pantang leh? Care to share?
