(2008/01) Jan 2008 MTBs

Kam, yes, you are right. I've finally fulfilled my obligation, haha, told hubby feel bad cos she was never featured in magazines or baby contests cos we too lazy. She'll be featured again in March issue cos they spelt her name wrongly in the Feb issue. :p Here's the link for mummies who are keen on this free online Motherhood magazine esp those preggie now cos they have a feature story on ox babies. ;), http://bluetoad.com/publication/?m=4318&l=1

Cheryl, yup, just try measuring using from milk bottles like wendy said.

Congrats! Jacelyn.

Steph, WA, 200ml combined!?! I never even got that lor but at least still managed to BF for 1 year though supply not enough when she was about 5 months old. Jia you jia you! Today, my breasts soft soft liao, think it's time for me to make way for the next wave of BF mummies, those with no. 2. Hope to catch some baby dust too. haha.
Make sure baby not jaundiced since he's a preemie, they tend to be very sleepy.

SAHM mum, pixie agree with you. My problem is meals cos I got no time to cook and eat cos me alone at home. So end up always got to pack RaeAnne off to Ils place so that I can get my lunch. Today, she took FM in bottle by me for the first time but end up don't want to eat porridge cos she drank too much FM in order to sleep. End up I cook spagetti for myself with some pasta sauce and eat my lunch. Gave her a few strands of spagettie and let her have a few bites of my carrot slices which I mix into the sauce. This morning, I gave her some bread and she even try to feed me cos she'll push my hand with food towards my mouth and smile when I eat, I 'gan dong' until want to cry lor. Haha.
Actually I think working part time will be ideal so yesterday I went to the nearby primary school to register for relief teaching positions but the clerk very bo chap. Probably got a lot of applicants, probably no hope liao. But I don't mind, if don't have, then I'll continue to work my way towards being a full time SAHM lor. Hee. ;)

tks for the link!
huh pump then latch then dun nid to sleep at nite loh
hubby tried to exercise his arms & legs but he got angry & cried instead. Talk to him loudly...errr my MIL is the expert..hehe but he is most alert *eyes big big* after 10pm. MIL say try not to talk to him at nite cos it's sleeping time otherwise he will want someone to talk to him...makes it a bad habit then die liow.
Today i tried to increase the feed from 30ml to 40ml, he will sure have left over 10ml then have to throw away my BM...waste leh but dunno how to make him drink more leh...headache ah!

Wow!! u are one of the lucky ones who got those hdb 'private' houses!! Always love driving by those. I'm at Jalan Tenteram, blk 18.
Joyce also live around here, Jalan Rajah if I remember correctly. Think my girl needs some peer interaction now.

totally agree with mylife that not necessarily SAHM = lock in four walls with baby. I'm always out with my girl and I enjoy spending time with her although sometimes she drives me up the wall. Actually it really is easier now that they're older, i can leave her to play by herself, I can cook my own lunch and even take up baking again. I can even leave her alone with hb for 2-3 hrs while I go do my own stuff. The first 12 months were the worst lah, like super glue cannot do anything.
discard 10ml nvrmind, u hv more than enuf to discard. When Tobey was a baby, i told my mum to prepare more ebm for him than he drinks, rather than risk underfeeding him hahaha.

i meant day time latch then pump. Night time u can do whatever u want, i'm not asking what u do. hahaha.
At night don't talk... feed him in dim light, avoid eye contact. Just feed then sleep. So that baby gets the idea it's not playtime.

baby still small, tummy still small, can't take in much at 1 feed.... dun stress ok
Great to hear that your milkflow is so powerful!! Yez was still thinking to msg u & see how u are doing ;) Is Zander also staying with you? Take good care & update us when free ;)

Haha, u are so cute, used my "gan gan lai" to shoot me, OUCH!! To be frank, I'm really scare & "Bu Gan Lai" to join your SAHM club yet. Still waiting for a strong PULL factor to join your club.
Hope u also gan gan lai try #2 soon..heehee..let's see who is first to make the move ;p
HI Kam/Kitsune,

So interesting that your babes are on the motherhood on line mag. ANy freebies? How can I let Elias participate in that hu? Let me know ok?

Hehe! Thanks a millioN!
Hey Mummies,

Can I check whats the procedure to do up a passport for our babes huh?

Just a tot, what kind Ic pic we need take for them since so hard to capture a nice smiling face of them?

Hope to hear from you soon?

fern, i remember someone posted something here n i just emailed my gal's photo. If u subscribe to the online mag, can see the email address. The editor's name is elaine lau. As for photo, just need white background n baby face, can't remember the resolution liao.
Burmese Domestic Helper
My MIL had one who couldn't speak English. Really depends, their education level seems quite extreme. For almost 6 months, it was really finger pointing, ask her sugar, gave me bowl. etc etc. Then MIL found out one fine day, her room was smelly and there were bed bugs. Had to employ pest controller to clean up her room.. After that incident, somehow improved. Now she can give me the correct things.

However, My hubby's friend has one who can tutor his son's schoolwork (very rare).

My advice is must be patient.
Icy, yes I signed up and that was why I recommended u gals to try out. Heehee..quite fun hor...

Wonder if I shld get one..so tired at work n come home have to manage the kids and think of laundry I feel so sian..

Yes, feels like being one when at work feel so frustrated and drained. Feel like taking a break...

Congrats all mommies with no.2...steady steady...
Congrats to all mummies that're preggy with #2.

you have such a good supply of bm, i'm constantly reminding myself to revert my inverted nipples before i start planning for #2 so that i will be able to latch on..haha

re: maids

If u are not happy with this maid, I would advice u to change. We shouldn't be paying for unhappiness. I had a very bad experience with my 1st maid and I fell out with my ILs and hb cos of her too. I was being labelled as "bomb" cos I would explode any time, any day. Y was tat so?? cos of this maid tat creates politics in my hse. She knows I always give face to my ILs so she would sa-ka them till they love her more den they love me. when they not ard, she would refuse to do work or even order me to do her work for her. in front of my hb, she would act too. I ever heard her bringing my #1 into the room n kept telling him "mummy no good". after numerous quarrels with my hb, I finally made him realised that this maid CMI(Cannot Make It). When she realised my hb oso saw thro her, she became bolder. REFUSE TO WORK till my MIL brot her to METRO for shopping during WORKING HRS and can cook my dinner at 3pm (never bother to HEAT UP) cos she wana go shopping tat day. Den, she REFUSE TO WORK again when my hb had no time to send the items she bot to her sister. Only started working when my hb sent the items. Finished my food (esp sweet stuff) at a fast speed (eg, 1 bottle of 500g peanut butter within 1 week) and complained abt toothache and REFUSED TO WORK again till we bring her to dentist. I brot her to dentist and was told that she had 2 decayed tooth. Dentist asked me if I wana let him extract the decayed tooth, I replied him "no nid. ask her to go back Indo to extract cos I had terminated her permit this morning" haha

er..STRICTLY NO HP for them .. cos they will only talk n talk there n wun work.

the above are some of the pek chek situation I encountered. I would strongly urge you to listen to your heart. There are some good n hardworking maids out there. Never be afraid to change!

Aiyoh, I am no expert lah. Only joined 2 contests so far mah :) All that I knew of already closed for submission.

Wendyg posted one which will be at Expo end of Feb/March. The submission for baby contest already closed on the 15th Feb. Think should have some on-the-day contest.

There is one at http://grinweiv.com/index.php?option=com_facileforms&Itemid=37, but also close liao. Results will be out soon.

You missed the boats this time round :)


Ya, I realised they mis-spelled RaeAnne's name. Good that they agreed to re-featured here again. You can save the magazine in PDF format and keep, can show RaeAnne when she grows up :)

How do you know Hao Re's cc is very good??? It's the Children Network Centre at CCK. Depending on how do you judge a cc is good or not. Some parents didn't like it and withdrew they kids before. I like it because I can feel that the teachers are genuinely loving my kid, and that's most important to me, at this stage (infant care).
aiyo, my heartfelt sympathy to u for your horrigible encounter with ex-maid.

my observation..
there's a bunch of filipino/ indo maids always gathering to chitchat in the evenings abt 6.30pm, at my void deck. They're supposed to bring their charges for evening walk, or supervise the kids @ playground, but when they gather to chitchat, the old folk will just sit in the wheelchair, the baby just sit in the pram & look around, the dogs just walk around the group or sit down due to boredom.
They whip out their handphones during chitchat also. I guess that's how they co-ordinate their time to meet downstairs?

At my church kids Sunday service also.. some parents leave the maids in the classroom with their kids, supposedly the maid hv to encourage the child to participate, & for them to learn some songs so that they can re-inforce learning at home. No lor, they gather in a corner of the room to talk. Some less sociable kids would cling on to their maid & dowan to participate in the class. So they also become observers.. Wasting time, taking up space!!!
ya, much as i would like to send her off, i also have to make plans for Javier first. otherwise no one take care of him.
headache. feel so tired...
Went to see doctor again for my gastric. Cos my stomach is also painful. Told gynea i am pregnant. He did a scan (v-scan and adominal) but couldn't see anything. He say is too early to detect anything. Ask me to go back again. Does anyone here have the same experience?
Good morning mummies.....

U mean just pour hot water, then the porridge can cook on its own?? What are such pots call?? Didnt know got such a thing...:p

u are thinking of bringing ur children on a trip..what food will you be preparing for #2 to eat overseas...???
hmm. haven decided where though. but think i will just bring milk and instant brown rice. then whatevr we eat can give her some. oh and yes, some heinz fruit juice.
Dun worri, as i mentioned earlier, my gynae also can't detect the sac in my tum tum cos is too early. So he gave me a blood test. From the test, they can confirm the pregnancy & determine the no. of wks based on our hormones level. How cum your gynae did not ask u to do blood test? So did he advise when u can go back back a scan? Btw, did your pregnancy test kit show a very faint +ve sign? If so, it really show is very early stage. Mine was very faint & i even bot another one to re-confirm b4 visiting gynae.
U can try Nestle. Stage 1 is brown rice. U can even find diff flavour like porridge with ikan bilis, multigrain with berries...etc all in diff stage. Anyway, our babies already above 1yo. So u can choose stage 1-4 of the Nestle Product. Is very convenient. Juz add water cos' the cereal comes with milk in it. Jayden likes it so much ;)
go Ang Mo & walk along the baby food shelf. They've got Heinz cereal, jar food, some baby biscuit variety etc.

The line is faint.... Nothing is seen wor. I am afraid that it is an adnormal pregnancy!!! He ask me to go back in 2 weeks time if still cannot see anything then do blood test. He also say maybe the kit got error. But how can it be? 2 test kits shows +ve if got error? Maybe i should buy 1 more kit to do at the end of the week.
morning mummies

yvonne, thanks for the concern. hmmm my boy no more fever. so end of round 3. hope no round 4, else i will go a&e. no chance to bring Xandall to see the same PD yest coz he slept for 4 hrs staright during the daytime, couldnt even wake him up for lunch...

thanks wendy, steph for the sms....checking up on xandall. didnt know you all mummies so kind hearted *touched*

hey steph, wanted to apologise that my hb came back late. made your hb waited. i know your hb oso wanna fly back to JW to see you and Rayden, and Zander...
btw, can you pm me your email address, i send you the writeup for the milkbag. and when you got time, you call me, i tell u how to make full use of the bag since you moo moo a lot of milk. each bag costs 40cents, not that cheap. so must know all the tips and tricks, it will save you lots of time and spills...

jacelyn, your gastric sounds bad. take care yah?

babe, i oso felt very tired when i need to cope with bb and housework...hire a part time cleaner like i do. i think ahcapp oso did the same...too much housework lah, same as you, think of laundry then very sianz liao. u want contacts, pm me hokays

no mood to work today!!
coz now she wants to spend time with her kids coz she dun like her work mah. So when the kids drive her crazy, she will want to go back to work again.
<font size="+1">paging for pixie</font>
ah alamak! i just realised that i haven pay u the money for the mittens. gg to trf payment to u now. sorry for the long wait.
only 50cents, nevermind lah

i oso forgot i havent pay my fren for the steamboat she organized during CNY. i owe even longer muahahahah
i also dun feel like working. hahaha...
last nite Javier woke up at 2.30am to drink milk. end up he cannot get back to slp so keep asking me to wake up and play with him. faintz..... i am like a panda now

i mailed out yesterday leh. wanted to do so on monday but was bz rushing here and there, paiseh ah

i mailed yesterday morning, u should get it today. else, complain to singpost that they did not deliver (no pun intended) as promised. heehee
