(2008/01) Jan 2008 MTBs

Kam, I have whatsapp but it's linked to my work hp. :p just downloaded line.

Today, didn't get to go to popular cos i went down to expo cos need to get travel insurance at natas. Shun Bian pop by babycare to get pull up diapers for RL.
Line very hot now....Kam is tucking her kids to bed but not sure she Zzzzz already or not. PM your numbers i add u
i went babyfair today too, so crowded and lots of Q. Bought my carseat, pillow/bolster for #2 and milk bottles for #3 then rush back to fetch #1 from sch.
I went to j pt branch. U can try clementi branch too ;) I have download the pix n content in LINE apps. Close to 20 mummies are in that chat group. Join us if u know any of our hp no.
Luvv, oh I bought a babysafe kids pillow case n 2 bottles of pureen kids detergent too. Wanted to browse at the fair somemore but can't cos rushing back to cook dinner n pick the gals from cc.
All the mummies chatting at live instead? Too fast, can't keep up with messages there.

Janbb, I went to popular Tampines but they don't stock the scholastic series of books you mentioned. They do have the EPH 'Highly used Chinese words' assessment book but it is meant for 5-7 years old. I browsed through and think even the flashcards (each character has more than 8 or 10 strokes) will be too cheem for RaeAnne at this point so didn't buy it yet.
ya the msgs move very fast..we jump in and out like hopping on to the train and leave when we need to..haha
Have u decided which Sch to send ur gal??
I am battling to put Elliot in cc or kindy. Kindy's curriculum better. Hb say put cc then send for outside classes. So poor thing!! Sigh... Prob put in cc, then c how
Luvv, for Elfa, where my gal's attend cc, I bring them between 830-9am (earliest is 7am) then bring them back between 5-6pm (latest time is 7pm). Lessons/enrichment usually start at 930am n end at 5pm.

Mom2nat, which kindy r u looking at? My nearby kindy only pcf leh, cheap but basic. :p
If kindy I will put back at Bethesda pasir ris.

The cc I saw Star learners. At simei and pasir ris park. Quite basic. Non zircon, but seems hot during nap times. Elliot improved in mandarin at mind champs, so go new sch dun have a Chinese tar always attached, dunno will improve or not. Hb told him throw something, 丢掉, Elliot replied 扔掉. Better than us.
Thanks for ur info. Really peifu on ur home teaching. Must learn more from u...

Mummies pls add me 98737495 to the chat list. I have whatsapp but dun any of the mummies contact!
Mom2nat, Oic. I guess the kindy quite established so curriculum better. Are the Fees high? yup, RA's Chinese is better than us too. I think the Chinese teacher does help but tonight, she just told me her form teacher (from PRC) is going back to china n she asked me to go n teach at her school. Faint! ;p
Pris (mon2nat right?)

My gal is in Bethesda AMK. By the way, how to pronounce Bethesda?! Haha.. when pple ask me whch kindy my gal is in, I always say "church kindergarten" coz I don't know how to pronounce! Lol..
Mcfluffy, does the Bethesda kindy have enrichment? Cos I know St James church kindy has. I wonder if church kindys r cheap n good if they include enrichment like cc.
Bethesda Pasir Ris my gal went for 4 yrs. now, the timing is 3.5 hr. if u want everyday enrichment, u can add 3.5hr, includes lunch. Otherwise can ala carte. If everyday, the child go from 8-2pm or 9-3pm depending on session. Enrichment includes gym, speech n drama, Chinese, John lAnger(think out of box), art & cooking. In between have national geographic. Fees abt $1600 a term, 10 wks. If no enrichment abt $700+ a term. Sounds good hor?? I like leh. No govt subsidy

I find kindy the kids more nurtured. Cc more custodial. Kindy prog better, that's their selling pt. but depends on teacher hor.

Star learners in simei $935, Pasir Ris $800, b4 subsidy.

Mindchamps now $1280, April onwards$1500 per month!! B4 subsidy.

"ber- dares-ter". Is the amk one gd?
That means your girl thinks highly of you. Two days ago, Zach asked me when would I be going back to work after I scolded him...he Buay ta Han already..
Mom2nat, so if include enrichment for 7 hr prog, it will be $640 for 4 weeks right? Elfa charges similar For full day, $670 for sahm, but working mums pay only $520. But got flexibility to put them there from 7am-7pm lar, sat also can put them there for half day. Think end up also the same in expenses... :p
Blackbatz, no lar, cos she whine n whine about dun want me to work as usual so I asked her is it ok if mummy becomes a teacher n teach pri school? She said no. Asked her what if I go teach at her cc then she can see me in school, she said YES. anyway, i clarified with the school today, the Chinese teacher is only going for 2 weeks holiday in china lar. Keke.
It sounds like Pasir Ris one is better. but also more expensive?

Currently, my gal is in Nursery. She attends 3hrs daily but has no enrichment.

Enrichment starts fr K1 onwards. I THINK they have computer lessons, phonics, art, cooking as enrichment. Very normal sounding enrichment. Didn't really bother to find out what enrichment coz my priority is for her to LIKE school and go to school happy. I'm happy enough there's going to be enrichment. Heard can either opt in or out so when time comes and the enrichment is not bad, I'll just opt her in. Easier to hve enrichment under one roof. Very sian to go for enrichment during weekends.. haha.. I'm so lazy!
I think my gal will love to have cooking as enrichment lor. She loves to pretend to cook. This morning, she told me so proudly that she knows how to wash the dishes, she helps FIl to rinse the plates.
can pay by cda.
Nat's ambition is to be a housewife!!!! LOL

The enrichment was a new thing, called VISTA. Computer prog integrated into the normal classtime liao. Yah, I oso wan my girl to enjoy sch, but happy they started that long hours, so I happily put her lor.

6 hours. Abt $600 a month. Yes, not much diff from cc if you take enrichement. But prog better. transistion and meal times, prob 1 -1.5 hours out of the 6 hours. But cc is a lot of eating, bathing, sleeping...

The cooking and art I think is alternate weeks. Was done by the principal! Now I dunno.. hee...
Don't laugh hor, my ambition was also to become housewife! LOL. Inspired by my mum...so it means Nat also very impressed with you.

Wah, cc fees really no joke hor. I'm only paying $490 per term (12 weeks) for B's church kindy which is 3 hrs daily. They have enrichment classes like English and chinese speech & drama, Art, and Taekwondo. All optional so just need to pay for whatever you sign up.
LoL!! really ah? I never tot of being one! I still get the goosebumps when pple ask if I am a housewife!

Maybe Nat thinks I am playing toys and computer at home all day! I dun do housework, so maybe she got the wrong impression of housewife. Each time my hb takes out the vacuum cleaner, we all go "again??" .... lol... so bad hor, is daddy vacuum weekly.

Bethesda's fees a bit higher than other church kindy ard here I think. It is ard $700+ per term, including gst and material fees.

Their art and craft v nice! The VISTA is the enrichment prog


Go to photogallery, food for my tummy, can see Nat in pink chewing something! LOL now then i realise
The website is so informative!!! Bethesda Amk so..... Simple and has not been updated since like 2 yrs ago. Duh...

I would gladly enrol my girl at pasir ris Bethesda too after seeing the website!!
Tat website's photo oso 2-3 yrs ago!!! My girl in P2 liao! Lol...
Dun say liao... makes me wonder if shd put Elliot back there or to another childcare! Sob sob...
While typing, my bb crying, refuse to nap, make us all v tired leh.
Mom2nat, oic, yup, true, CC got a lot of time taken for bathtime, bedtime, teeth brushing time. But I like it that they have BF, lunch and tea breaks plus fruits at each meal, more meals to fatten them up. If they are at home on weekends, they always end up with just milk for BF, or brunch before we rush for music class or swimming. Very bad. :p

I don't have a good kindy equivalent nearby, only PCF. But I am not as hardworking as JanBB to coach them everyday 2 hrs for their studies lor. There is a KiddyArk nearby which my neighbours tell me linked to Bethesda Bedok church but it is also a CC. Looks like my CC is still good for now, at least it's cheaper than most and Chinese curriculum is good. :p

Grumpus, I find that in LINE, everyone is talking at the same time, and sometimes messages run so fast that nobody is answering. keke.
Wow.. I was clearing my email inbox (one that I rarely check) and saw an email about you guys going for duck tour! That was in 2010!
Hello, mcfluffy! When I go into LINE eg last night or this morning, it is always when pp have left. I got no luck there leh. :p

How come today u can shake leg? No lessons meh?
Exam period now.. Supposed to have but somebody made some mistake in timetabling so I get t shake leg now. Once in my 8 years of work that I am soo free. Haha...

LINE is seriously draining iphone battery... Need to preserve batt life for the whole day today so I shall just stay here and greet everyone
Exams every term... 4 major exams every year. ;)

Hehe.. keep on staring at iphone screen is no good. :p Must act busy (by chattng on pc). lolz.. just kidding
hihi, coming in say hello to everyone! very busy lately w 2 sick ones at home n at wrk, fighting battle everyday, esp so now my boss officially wrk fr home n i mus cover her. so good, she onli need come inoffice 2 days a week, n still draw a 5digit paycheque!
Tat 2010 email was quite hilarious. I was oso clearing inbox then saw it, tot is recent, so happily reply! LOL!! I dun mind gg duck tour though.

Are you in Line?

Everyday I am rushing Nat in the afternoons, v poor thing. Sigh.... HOw you entertain #2? Today all at home, Elliot seems to be awake from nap liao. I am tempted to bring Nat to the clubhouse's reading room to do work, but I am afraid she distracted there or always wan to go there then can do work.

If you are thinking kindy cheaper than CC, not really cos CC you get $300 subsidy. Oso unless you dun take the enrichments. CC all day... aiya, your cc is good, dun change, dun itchy backside! I wan to find cc for Elliot oso difficult.

Btw, the good church kindy in Tamp I heard is Holy Trinity.
blackbatz, oic, nowadays primary schools really change quite a lot, got a lot of flexibility. Some start school later, some pri 1 n 2 no exams, some got CA and SA, some only SA. I am so lost. kekeke.

Mom2nat, ya lor, I am lucky, my CC considered cheap and good liao. somemore, walking distance from home. But still trying to find out if I can save $1000 every month lor. 2 in CC for another 3-4 yrs, very siong leh esp when my income not regular... But if send to PCF and ask my MIL to bring home everyday, then I won't see my kids till 930pm at night cos they eat late and shower late over there. Conclusion, unless get maid again, if not, got to stick with CC. :p
mom2nat, no line, myiphone onli got fb . kekke, my hb no time to download prog for me, v busy w work n hse reno.

kitsune, i agree, 2 kids in cc also nt cheap. nex yr when my maid contract up, i guess i may still continue to hire maid, coz else 2 kids fall sick, i dun hav anyone to help at home-also jialet!

anyone here keen to do business? sometimes, i juz feel like doing some biz instead of getting employed!
Assign written work to the elder one while I go through work with #2. Zachary will also want me to sit by his side. Sometimes, he will wait till I am done with the elder brother, then he gets his time and attention.

P1 no exams or CA. They only have bite size assessment throughout the year. Then in P2, continue to have bite size assessment but they will sit for the end of year exam (meaning only 1 exam during their lower primary days. Come p3, depending on the school that they are in, some have CAs and SAs while others only have SAs. It all depends on the school philosophy.
